Decoy "dying in one hit" bug explained, courtesy of Bonesy

Bonesy from D2R-Modding wrote this up after he did some research on why Decoy isn’t working properly after patch 2.7 and asked me to share it here.

I’ll put Bonesy’s post in this quotation box to distinguish it from my own text:

[BUG] Decoy
There are several issues with Decoy using the latest client files. I would personally consider this a high priority issue, as it greatly impacts the useability of the skill.

Issues (3):

  • Decoy’s HP values will range from feeling “indestructible” to “dying in 1-hit” depending on gameplay time.
  • Decoy’s level scaling formulas do not apply; level 1 and 20 produce the same stat Decoy
  • Decoy’s “Inherit Player HP%” subfunction (calc3) calculates incorrectly

How to Reproduce:

  • Summon the decoy repeatedly, or use any skills in between decoy summonings; i.e. playing the game.

Issue 1:

  • Skill Bonuses for the Decoy apply and “stack” after every skill cast , resulting in ever-increasing/overflowing HP and Resistance values.

    This will cause Decoy to feel either indestructible or die in 1-hit depending on the levels and clicks involved (Overflow/Rollover).

Issue 2:

  • The skillcalc reference lvl used in the calc1 and aurastate1-4 columns does not register for this skill, so level scaling is disabled as the value returned is always 1.

    This means level 20 Decoy is no different than level 1 Decoy. (Can manually fix by using skill('Dopplezon'.lvl) instead of lvl for the calc columns)

Issue 3:

  • Function 15’s subfunction to inherit a portion of player’s life (calc3 entry) uses the player’s current life value instead of base life value.

    This will allow it to gain quadruple benefits from certain skills such as Battle Orders (or similar skills).

    Since Decoy inherits hp based on the current hp of player instead of the base, buffing yourself and then the summon will cause both to apply and result in stupidly high values when considering skill levels of Decoy and buffs.

Final Thoughts: This “stacking” behavior occurs until a new game has been created and seems to be directly tied to the skill function (function 15).

Please take this information into consideration and provide a fix for these issues in the next update.

For some context here’s some of the threads reporting this bug when it was initially discovered shortly after patch 2.7 released on May 5th 2023:

This thread was created May 10th 2023:
Bug where high level decoys are killed by a single blow - Bug Report - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (

This one was created May 31st 2023:
Decoy is broken - Bug Report - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (

There were also a few Reddit posts made regarding this bug, I’m too lazy to search for them but they exist.


just so people know, ‘every skill cast’ pertains to any skill, not just decoy


This is still currently bugged as of patch 2.7.4, would be nice to get this fixed especially for HC players.


Blizzard, this is more important than that weird aura bug.


Any updates on this?

Nope, still broken and will likely remain so for the foreseeable future. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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yep, confirmed still broken 1/25/25