Death to Immunities, Long Live Super resistant monsters!

Sorc cold mastery does not care about 95% resistance. with enough skills you can steamroll the entire game with one hand behind your back.

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its funny when ignorant people reply with so much certitude…

the cap is 95… not the total resistance…

it would take you a fully decked cold sorc to just reach that 95 max resist with lvl 47cold mastery(-250) against a monster with 140 cold resist. Most cold immune monsters have betwen 130-160 cold resist

I’ll pass on continuing the whole scenario over Single Immunities as to whether or not that’s part of the game and should continue or not is beside the point other than despite Trolls claiming otherwise immunities did not exist before “patch 1.10 Feb 22, 2021 — As I recall it, immunities was introduced with patch 1.10. I prior patches you could build a character with only one type of damage, and still …” However I took no side on the original discussion other than to quote what I just posted. Now as to what I’m on about today fine leave single monster immunities as is…What does need to be :poop: canned is double and triple monster immunities and anyone calling for that to stay and continue is just Trolling


Then you have two types of dmg that as equally useless since they hit so softly.

there are no immune bosses. so nothing hinders your progress.

I tell you a little secret: it is possible to clear the whole game with every Character. But only when you understand the game and the mechanic. But there are players that have immunity’s too. Immunity’s to learn how a game works.

I would like to test that !

Immunities where there to make players use dual element builds. No it’s not a wall, unless you show up with your 1 skill Javazon or your 1 button Blizzard build.

Yes that is correct. It was at the time there was only 1 guy working on Diablo 2, and he made many mistakes. He clearly thought players would find interesting choice in balancing skills, but greedy players just put all their points in 1 skill.

A „paywall“? Lol, how so?

Immunities were introduced in 1.07. I’ve always considered immunities artificial difficulty. Make them take next to no damage but don’t completely block progression. Yes, there are ways to get around it but I still think properly balancing everything so they’re not needed is better. Though at this point, just leave it as is. Every balance patch Blizzard ever did except 1.09 just made the game worse.


The more I read your threads OP the more I think you dn’t really like this game.

Don’t get me wrong, that’s totally fine not to liek D2 but damn, if we follow your threads it will clearly change to another game entirely, wouldn’t it be easier to play another game at that point?

If everything in the game needs to be changed, changing game is probably preferable…


I’m becoming immune to these threads.


with 20% extra life? xd

If you want to play a straight Cold sorc, you should be able to play a straight cold sorc, and have an option to deal with immunities in gearing or in the cold tree (Cold mastery, or FrostFire Bolt-type spell).

This is all about the fantasy of being a elemental damage specialist, but being unable to do so because Infinity is tremendously expensive, Cold mastery is broken, and there are no gearing options to break immunities, like Rainbow Facets (Which are also broken).

Yeah, it’s the equivalent of resistance that they don’t use

Got 50resistance overcapped… get 50% life to compensate

immunity system as always there to challenge us, you dont liek it? theres poe and d3 or world of diablo aka d4

Ah another great well though argument from a Diablo Bigot

“I think this is aspect of the whole is flawed and could be improved”

“Oh you hate the whole then! Go back to your country!”

“But I’ve been there since forever, before your people”

First of all… you can play a pure cold sorc.
But you have to either deal with the immunes or simply switch to a physical class.

Sorc is allready a powerfull char but that doesnt mean she has no flaws.
Shes good at boss killing and teleporting around the map.

So it shouldnt be that big of a deal to simply avoid immunes.

Trust me… i played bowazon as my first character without any decent gear and compared to my sorc it was painful playing through hell.

meanwhile she is way stronger but there is still content i couldnt do properly because of bowazon flaws.

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Why are you talking about the Sorc…

I’m talking about immunities and why they are bad in general