Dear D2R Developers, we will RESPECT you if

Devs - Best option to make 2 versions of characters in D2R one with all 1.14 clod but new graphics - like pre version with server - so no sharedstash,quickcast,gold autopickup etc. No future support. And of course D2R new era with all cool QoL and core changes . Let make this happen and just end discussions. So purist get what they want;)Each New posts with cries (changes) about “ClassicD2R” version just move to bin. Simple and Pure like they love.Thank you in advance.

How is that much different to how things previously worked where Diablo spawned with 7 players in the game was repeatedly killed by a charged strike zon that spends 10 seconds in each game doing nothing but that?

I’ll definitely check if this is true next ladder season. From what I’ve heard though, it’s not that quick. Super curious now.

TZ’s are good, they offer a new route to gain EXP other than the endless baal laughs.

Charms are not necessary, they take away players creativity to make builds to play certain zones that they prefer.

TZ in their current form. is just a bad move, it’s boring, not thought out, and adds server stress they could diminish if the terror zone moved in game.

to the people who think this is a good idea. think about the larger picture for a second. it’s not about you trying to hit lvl 90. the TZs are not there for that. hell 80% of you aren’t even going to use TZs properly…

I don’t mind the new terror zones. The only disappointing thing is that usually patches have more content than just TZ’s and new charms. It would have been nice to see some new game changing uniques that would give users some new variants to builds. 2.4 was great.

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Meh dont use them. Or dont enable terror zones. I for one love it. Being able to level in so many other areas has been awesome. I dont see what the big deal is.