Dear D2R Developers, we will RESPECT you if

Ahhhhh blowing up children with rockets.

Classic. :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

Doing a runthrough in Fo4 now as a stealth ninja blitz melee build. Not even 1/4 done and it’s already super cheesy. :stuck_out_tongue: The plan is to crank the difficulty though for more legendary enemies.

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Speak for yourself ReactionTime
I do respect them for the upcoming charm and TerrorZones


Why care so much about streamers and nolifers?

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you don’t know the slightest thing about respect


Please don’t speak for anybody except yourself.


Another day, another junk post by Reactiontime. /Shrug

You want my advice? Just start adding people with extensive histories of junk posts to ignore and just move on with your life

I do wish there would be a Terror Zone in each act instead of one per hour randomly in one of the five acts


there should be three connected zones terrorized.
right now multiplayer is a bit pointless. they clear out way too quickly.

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TZ is optional, Charm is optional, d2 mostly a solo game, don’t like don’t use it.


Agreed. The density and frequency aren’t there. Maybe Terror zones need to be reset on game creation. Maybe they need to to be two or three at a time.

They definitely need to be more dense, but like Blizzard said, Melee would need a buff. Splash damage would make sense. Long overdue.

True they spend the whole 5 minutes between shot number 12 and 13 working this out.
And of course 1 person programming it with a hangover, not sure how long this took, I mean the hangover was very distracting.

Respect takes a bit longer here, but it would surely make a start and would surprise the heck out of me as a bonus.

Typical woke attitude: Do it my way or I will F you to death

Like I said, the fringe minority do. You are a part of that category, as seen by the responses / likes in this thread. There’s all of 3 of you that are showing resistance here. There’s more than quadruple that in likes just on the original post alone.

Because they use cheesy tactics to achieve things that far more skilled players would do better and faster if they had access to the same resources, aka a field of other players bending over backwards for them with donations, game resources, etc.

Your opinion was already nulled on these forums for your troll gender posts. You’re done here.

I’m sorry, who the heck are you? You know me apparently, but nobody knows you…

Diablo is all about progression. When it speeds up progression it’s not optional. That’s like saying HELL is optional. We like the fastest XP, so we have to use hell mode. Consequently, since we like the fastest XP, people kind of have to use terror zones too.

What? I am like the most anti-woke person ever. This isn’t do it my way or F U, this is you done F’d up the whole game and went back on ur dev’s publicly published promise to not change the game in majorly fundamental ways. I would never have purchased it to begin with if they had not explicitly stated that they weren’t going to change fundamentals. It makes me wonder if litigation is possible at this point.


The nads on op are big. TZ are great and so are the charms.

I fail to see how the dev isn’t keeping D2 as it is. Unless you want to tell me that Blizzard North never update their game with patches?

Also if you are only representing yourself, please change the title from “we” to “I”, for “I” am not part of the group that hating the dev, you do not represent me.


Hate to break it to you but the patch is already live.

Honestly, none of this stuff seems to change much at all. D2 seems to be the same game it has been.

I see too many posts about the 0.001% of players that have this race to 99 experience. Most players enjoy the seasons and get characters around level 80-90 then take a break. I’ve played so much D2 in the past and have only managed to get like lvl 96 at my best. People are going to get bored eventually as usual and still not hit 99.

The only people up in arms are people like yourself pointlessly rushing to 99 to see your name on leaderboard that no one cares about.

You’ll learn to love it after you get the charm. Or feel free to not use it. All the changes from the patch are optional for you and don’t impact pvp.

Blizz should be ashamed at their 20 character max, just give us 50 and call it a day.


You can hit 99 in 3 days with terror zones.