Dear D2R Developers, we will RESPECT you if

Dear D2R Developers, we will RESPECT you if you simply admit you made a mistake, and scrap this charm thing, and rethink TZ’s.

Seriously, there is still time for redemption here. We don’t care if you messed up. Just don’t launch it live like this. Please…Nobody asked for this, and it’s not providing any form of additional enjoyment for almost anybody except the fringe minority, but it’s sure creating a LOT of pissed off people. I have never seen the forums up in arms so hard over a patch, and that says a lot considering how many patches for how many games you guys have done. Let that be your guide.


I miss the old :+1:/:-1: forums… Things were different back then.


They’re not gonna scrap anything, they’ve sunk too much time into this stuff to go back now. >.>

I do agree with your post though, I think they wasted a lot of time and effort on these… seemingly random “additions.” They should’ve focused more on QoL stuff that would have been loved by the entire playerbase instead of fracturing it.


Are Terror Zones perfect? Of course not, they still need some work.

But they are definitely better than endless Baal runs.


People are desperate


I guarantee that Blizzard North wouldn’t be getting this much flak had they released the same exact feature when the original game was receiving regular updates many years ago.

The big factor is the many years that passed where the game remained frozen in time, and some people are scared to be bumped out of their comfort zone they’ve become accustomed to, doing the same thing, over and over, ladder after ladder, year after year.


Unfortunately it is already live and nothing will probably change (even if) for next 4 months.

It’s weird how rushed Sunder Charm idea was. PTR got closed without taking any feedback into consideration while there’s time until ladder start. Still they can remove them by not bringing to non ladder and then introduce new changes to Immunities or it will revert to how it was because of all this controversy.

At least now I know how all PvPers here feel.

We all know it’s garbage, they just don’t care.


This. Exactly this…

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this is one of the worst weeks of diablo 2 for sure. it’s almost worse than i imagined. and i thought it was gonna be pretty bad. :frowning: a sad day for a diablo 2 lover.


This was probably 10000 x easier and cheaper for them to develop & implement than all the QoL stuff that this forum has been crying about. The folks running this show aren’t big d2r players so what do you expect when they just listen to clowns like mrllama. This is all being run with absolutely minimal development and money, all their good developers and their time is being invested in immortal and d4, their actual cash cows. Probably unpopular opinion but i would happily pay 5 to 15 bucks a month to allow blizz to properly update this game to where it needs to be…

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I agree that they’re better than endless baal runs, but they made 1-99 something that’s going to take days now instead of months. They’ve added an entirely new ridiculous dynamic that was a WAY overshot of what they were asked for. Like so far passed what was asked for that we can’t even see what we were asking for in this.

there’s a few people that are genuinely happy about it because they love being given hard things for nothing. 99 used to be SO hard to achieve on this game people talked about it all the time, now these people will finally be able to do it. that’s ALL they care about.

they will get 99 and not play anymore. game will be dead even faster.

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The first 99 this ladder took just shy of 12 days, which is quicker than what the first 99’s were in the original game, which was usually around 20 days. Terror Zones are estimated at roughly a 1.5X XP gain versus endless Baal runs. So with that figure, we’re probably looking at ~8 days for the first 99 in the next ladder.

Keep in mind, these people are running with a team of players… There is no way to accomplish 99 anywhere close to this timeframe without a team of players.


dude imagine blizzard north releasing Buggy mess as d2 now, they would be destroyed by haters :smiley:

Yeah, the game has bugs! All software has bugs! But, they are doing what they can to not only avoid creating more bugs, but also working to fix the numerous bugs the original game had for such a long time! So long in fact that we became so accustomed to them, that they became normal, some of them we even wanted to keep!

I am talking about original game, its was plagued by bugs. And yeah they still correting it 20+ years after :D, game play was good tho so they could get away with it.

I remember Fallout 2 to be extremely buggy also, but still one of the greatest game of all times.


Never played FO2, but I’ve played Fallout3, New Vegas and 4… Bunches of bugs… But they’re Bethesda games, so yeah, the code is literally written in “bug”. :laughing:

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Cant wait for bugs in starfield lol.

You should try Fallout 2 with restoration mod patch. Its amazing game, Fallout 3 is trash compared to that lol. Graphic is old but you will get used to it after while. If you try play uncensored version :D, you can do anything in that game lol, not like in Fallout 3 where kids are immortal :smiley:

Once in F2 I let kid outside of shop to steal my activated grenade and it ended up with half of town shooting at each other :smiley: as some people missed and hit others in friendly fire lmao.


Correct, but also incorrect. It’s a 50% experience gain overall, but IF players have 100% endless access to NOTHING but terror zones the ENTIRE time they level, it is a 400% increase. People will do this through means of multiboxing.

Someone can launch 8 clients, and sell someone endless access to terror zone filled games, ENDLESSLY, for a portion of their drops, or FG, or whatever.

Meaning it will take 3 days for your first 99 if people abuse this.