Here’s what I came up with:
Zeal Paladin
Zeal Paladin with Upped E-Headstriker(Zod), HoZ(Um), Andy(30fr/15), AP Fort, Death Gloves/Belt, Gores, Dual Angelic Rings + Amulet, Torch/Anni, CTA/Spirit Switch. Hits 5/10 63IAS Zeal breakpoint.
Mercenary(A2 Might) with Reaper Toll, Andy(30 fr/15) and E-SA Fort
Target: Undead Zombie in Act 1
Raw DPS: 22k / 2 = 11k from 50% Physical Resistance
Fanaticism aura: 19.5k(39k with Decrepify curse), easily hits 4/8 or final Zeal breakpoint.
Concentration aura: 15.2k(30k with Decrepify)
Sanctuary aura: 38k and unaffected by Decrepify(since Sanctuary ignores resistance and any debuffs therein. At least that’s how Maxroll sees it so if the program is correct, then I was wrong on that part).
Swap Merc to A1 Faith
Raw DPS: 25k / 2 = 12.5k at 4/8 breakpoint(with level 15 Fanaticism and 65 IAS)
Might aura: 16k DPS(32k with Decrepify)
Concentration aura: 17.9k(~36k with Decrepify)
Sanctuary aura: 45.9k
Conclusion: A Sanctuary Paladin benefits from having an A1 Faith mercenary since he can hit the final Zeal breakpoint with 65 IAS. He also deals significantly more damage against ANY Undead opponent, regardless of what physical resistance that Undead opponent has(including 100% or Physical Immunity). Given the striking difference in DPS, particularly against Physical Immunes, adding this perk to Demons would basically turn them into Melee FoHdins.
Act 5 Barbarian
Act 5 Barbarian with two setups. First setup is dual Upped E-Headstrikers(40/15) with Andy(30fr/15) and E-SA Fort
Target: Undead Zombie in Act 1
Raw Frenzy Damage: 42k / 2 = 21k DPS(50% Physical Resistance)
Max Frenzy Damage(5+Stacks): 52k /2 = 26k DPS(50% Physical Resistance)
Swap Off-Hand to Lawbringer PB(grants level 18 Sanctuary aura)
Raw Frenzy Damage: 44k DPS
Max Frenzy Damage(5+Stacks): 55k DPS
Second Setup: Dual Grief PB(hit max Frenzy breakpoint)
Raw Frenzy Damage: 36k / 2 = 18k DPS(Seems rather low for Maxroll…)
Max Frenzy Damage(5+ Stacks): unchanged
Swap Off-Hand to Lawbringer(same Frenzy BP)
Raw Frenzy Damage: 37k
Conclusion: Against enemies that Sanctuary aura affects, Headstriker + Lawbringer does more DPS, particularly due to the higher base Attack Speed. Obviously against non-Undead, E-Headstrikers would dominate, particularly if you can apply Decrepify or Amplify Damage(aka Necromancer). Yet if you add Demons to the mix on Sanctuary aura… do you see my point?
The Grief output felt like it was severely misleading and probably because it doesn’t know how to calculate Grief’s +400 Damage. Outside of that apparent data error, Sanctuary aura affecting Demons would turn not just Zeal Paladins into destructive gods but also Act 5 Frenzy Mercenaries
TLDR: Sanctuary aura affecting Demons would NOT be in the best interest of Diablo 2. It’d make ~80% of the game way too easy.