D2R season 5, when where, why, what?

Yeah, this is about where I am too. Highly doubtful they’d run a quick ptr in the middle of next week before D3 resets. I’m actually contemplating playing PD2 to keep me occupied until D4 reset next month. Been looking through their wiki, and it’s a shame it has many features asked for here; buff timers, ghost loot drops spawning to nearest tile, Cain move, etc. I just hate having to finagle with the graphics mods to make it look decent on a modern monitor after D2R.

To me buffing uniques would be something that so easy to implement but it would be highly appreciated by everyone.

Even an intern could calculate some stuff and then it is just changing numbers.

We do not know that. For all we know they are working frantically behind the scenes on Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.0 - new maps, new quests, new skill trees etc

And they are holding until D4 matures enough so as not to dilute the playerbase too much.


Still no Reset and Patch update today? :confused:

Was really hoping for it since the reset is coming closer and closer.

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I was afraid of this, but think you’re spot on. As there is no patch news today, PTR is extremely unlikely this round. I hope we’re both wrong though.

I dunno, they might not view PTR for this game as a high priority anymore since the last time they had one, they listened to player feedback and we wound up with the version of Mosiac we all complain about today.

the blind faith some people still have for Blizzard is astounding

Give me a break, I did say “maybe”, it was tongue in cheek :slight_smile:

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I agree with Tron in most things here. You can never fully separate economies without strict trade control mechanics, which would be very hard to do in a game that grew its own in-game currency in items and runes, and in a game that has such unique item mechanics.

I would never say ladder resets are meaningless, in fact, the first month of ladder is the most meaningful time, because even the bots take time to get items, and people paying other currencies like FG or real money have to pay very high prices in early ladder, making the economy very fair to start with. It does very quickly go down hill though. If they banned bots and banned characters with trading patterns that show outside trading after about a month, the economy would be normal for a bit longer.

And yes to any reading I did imply that FG is as bad as money for the game, because it is. You are trading non-ladder items or using currency from a previous ladder for current ladder items, that behavior would be called cheating in any competitive platform.


Thats how democracy works
Ornrather does not :d