D2R season 5, when where, why, what?

is or has there been any talks on a Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder reset for season 5???
or is this a forgotten game??

forgot. not even Blizzard janitor working on D2r at this point


its already been discussed, check general discussion.

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been discussed by whom? devs? I have read it but no one with any knowledge has insight. but thank you for a non-answer. very helpful indeed

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End of september. official news here , soon.

are you a dev? where did you see this info?

Dude, itā€™s already been posted here in the forums multiple times that our community manager answered Darkmaster on Twitter/X that the season will be near end of September with news coming soon. Iā€™ve also seen posts somewhere that the PTR client has been updated.

I expect that news will come tomorrow (Tuesday), PTR starting Thursday or Friday and lasting to Mon or Tues. D3ā€™s current Season ends this Sunday, itā€™s new one starting likely the 15th, with D2R starting 2 weeks later on the 29th.


Blizzard has said nothing. Everyone else is pulling numbers out of their rear.

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BlizzTrack reports no such update on the PTR client, I wouldnā€™t expect a PTR this time just like how last ladder didnā€™t have one.

Why are you making same topic again. You already asked this.

I dunno about Blizztrack, which does show an update on Aug 22 this year, but I was meaning the PTR selection on the launcher had some sort of update I read I believe somewhere on Reddit this morning. I looked at my launcher earlier and PTR realm had update required on it. Could just be though that since I never did the last ptr, it could be behind.

D2R is due for a runeword switch out though, so I do expect to see a short ptr.

Yea, people will continue to ask until a date is released. Especially since 4 months is almost up. Itā€™s a legit topic of discussion, and an eagerly anticipated time for ladder players. So YES the question will keep being asked until a REAL answer (Date) is given.


But spamming same topic is just dumbā€¦

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PezRadar clearly stated that on X.

What the hell is X lol?

Musk renamed Tweeter to ā€œXā€.

Musk is a noob.


Well thats lame lol :smiley: I guess he can rename himself to Mr.X too .)


Maybe heā€™ll introduce the electrified 6000 suX sooner or later. 8.2 miles per charge. :rofl:

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Heā€™s still transitioning to his supervillain alter-ego ā€˜Xā€™. Itā€™s been pretty bumpy so far.

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When is laddere reset