D2R season 5, when where, why, what?

Probably won’t get any news until Thursday at the earliest, everyone at Blizz is probably getting reset for the week after Labor Day weekend.

Why even new seasons, just hotfix in new items and remove the joke that is Ladder altogether. So naive folks don’t get any wrong ideas of actually being able to compete there.

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This. With the P2W trade website ladder resets are meaningless for anyone but cheaters.

I think the right question would be when patch 2.8 comes out, because we’re already on the 6th and nothing, so apparently it won’t be out before the end of the month.
Because before the ladder always comes the patch.
And also what will be new for 2.8, if not significant changes.
You can be sure they’ll forget about this game and focus on Diablo 4. I think it’s very wrong that they don’t have a different team for each game.

We have 2 days left this week. Maybe Thursday or Friday patchnotes and Ladder 5 announcement are coming online.

In D3 same situation. No date when S29 starts(I’m 99% sure it will be on 15th).

The lack of communication makes people crazy really, since many years.

All, they care is D4 now to get most $$$ out of this boring game (Unfinish product, overpriced, aweful itemization etc.).

It’s just sad, that so many years of developement. All the good things from D2 & D3 should be in D4 from day one of release. But they always find excuses.

All in all, I still have hope that we get nice patches in the future in D2R.

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I don’t know about you, but im fed up with diablo 3, even more so now that they’ve already commented on the diablo 3 seasons, they said it wouldn’t have new and very different content, because from what blizzard has already hinted at, it’s the same team for the 3 games, which doesn’t allow them to focus on just one, I think Adam Fletcher’s team should focus on diablo 4, as they have an experience of creating content for casual players like WoW players. And bring in a new team or hire the team/company that reworked the graphics in diablo 2 resurrected to take care of the ladders.

Adam is just the lead Community Manager for the entire Diablo franchise, he is not a dev. His job is primarily gathering the data points from the community and it’s content creators from streams, Youtube content, forums, Reddit, and Social Media. Then that gets relayed to the devs, whom choose what to do with the information and relay back to him what to tell the community and when. There are other CMs like FilthieRich who seems to act as a sub for relaying info when Adam is indisposed.

As for the teams being the same, not really. Rob Gallerani (spelling) is the lead for D2R and it seems Matthew Cedarquist is the lead for Diablo 3, but Mathew also seems to work on D2R as well (he appeared during the Llama stream with Rob). There was also a Chris something that did a lot of the pre-release media interviews with Rob.

Probably most of the key devs were brought in to give a hand with D4, as they have more experience with spaghetti coding with VV teams having their hands in multiple remasters and rumors of lots of D3 coding inside of D4.

I understand my friend, sorry for my misinformation, I really didn’t know that, as you said, the directors were invited for Diablo 4, but at the same time after all these last statements from her, it has been implying that diablo 4 had only one team closed. But I really wanted them to give more clarification to the community, a lot of people are asking about d2r.
Because in the end, this fame of diablo 4 and at the same time the bad reputation after season 1, where many people say they did not like it, because D4 has little content, and they no longer see any reason to continue farming. This whole diablo 4 season 1 finale exodus, I believe, has revived diablo 2 and diablo 3, for the people who were really disappointed with Diablo 4. And I am one of those people, so I can speak with affirmation.

I’m a little confused about who you are referencing by her, but as I understand the hierarchy, Adam/Pez is lead franchise CM, FilthieRich is a general CM between the Diablo games, and this new girl Lyria or something is a new D4 specific CM. There may be other CMs for Diablo, whether general franchise or game specific, as I have seen postings in the past for hirings CMs working under Adam.

Rod Fergeson is the GM of all Diablo teams, Matthew directly posts in the D3 forums and has appeared with Rob on stream for D2R. Outside of that, little is known to us general players beyond the main players currently on D4, which would be Joe Shely and Joseph Piepora, as well as the lead Seasonal person (can’t remember name).

For D3 and D2R, what you need to remember, is that these games only have a small team on them, as they fall at the moment more under a “Classic Games” categorization, and not in development or true live service titles.

With that said, I do express disappointment in where D2R landed this year, as Season 1 set an expectation of things to come, as did the Llama stream and all the leaked surveys pre-release, and the media interviews…then it just fell off. With D4, the big controversial statement from Rod has been about managing expectations. I think it got blown out of proportion and has been taken to be blaming of the players, but it’s realistically about communicating better about how feedback is being used and implemented, as well as time frames for those implementations.

I feel with D4, despite the bitter negativity from the community, has been communicated well enough since the first campfire chat. With D3, they already have out there the expectations that the Altar will go core (with some alterations) in Season 30 along with the recycled prior themes, which to me is pretty exciting, since I never played a D3 season before until this year with 28, and it’s neat that those themes that got hype the last couple of years, will not be one and done events.

With D2R though, the ball was dropped. Some things were addressed since Season 1, such as NHD being tweaked, 4 more character slots, etc but the other things like currency tab has been left hanging.

For D4 being disappointing, I think the biggest problem with D4 has been the attempt to appeal to hardcore D2 players as well as hardcore D3 players. The two clash too much, and that has affected the base game. I also think people had too high of expectations for Season 1. It launched very close to launch of the game (too early imo), and was developed in tandem with the game. During their blog on Seasons before launch, the expectation was clear that they were going with D3s style of Seasons, which was accomplished; they took a gameplay mechanic and gave it a storyline that actually took place in game as opposed to flavor text in the patch notes.

I hope there will be some new runewords and rework of some rarely used skills. Singer barb, double throw barb, zoo Druid, physical Javazon, zealot

Got it, thanks for explaining me better about their team.
About D4, my opinion the game was disappointing, I don’t like the type of game that limits you in gear to get to the endgame, usually the game that doesn’t prohibit me from doing the endgame without gear, I don’t like games that force me to take it a better gear to be able to survive in the endgame, like path of exile, which is possible to do every endgame of tabula rasa (one body armour for starter, which gives so much power) , of course it would hardly make ubers, but even d2r, you don’t need gear to farm in hell, and d3 too, they are very similar , after you get a better gear, it speeds up your farm, I like that!

Allowing trade in a competitive game will always mean P2W because the ladder season economy can’t be separated from other economies (non-ladder, real world economy, etc). There is nothing you can do to stop people from buying in-game items for external currency (real money, fg, etc…). Deleting a trade website would just move its trades elsewhere. Money isn’t the only currency connecting these economies: players with more time also have a huge advantage so ARPG - just like real life - is anything but fair.

PvP is unpopular in ARPGs. Most of us play D2 as a PvE looter without a competitive aspect so there is no “win” or “pay to win”. Unfortunately real money trading will always encourage botting and that speeds up the economic cycle of the season. Due to lack of time I played only two D2R seasons and the economy felt fresh only in the first 3-4 weeks. It was still fun to level up a few characters in an unsaturated and constantly changing economy.

where is this info again??? no one but you seems to know about it. im not talking about rumors. actual info from blizzard?

Joking? PezRadars tweet has been shared numerous times. Reset is end of September. More infos here soon. My best guess would be today.

I think you’re confusing Elon with Bill Gates - seeing as how Billy Boy is having fun dumping malaria ridden mosquitoes over people here in the US now… I bet you’re the type who got like the coof jab and it’s 10+ boosters huh?

This the dumbest take I’ve ever heard.

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I agree that it is a dumb take, because… Ladder reset is the only thing that freshens up the economy for a little while until it gets inflated from massive botting. Just as TRON explained. Imagine how lame the economy would be if it went on indefinitely.

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So…. If we do not hear today any patch news, imho there will not be a PTR.

I would really like to know what they are planning.

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Just because there is a new season doesn’t mean it has to bring new features.

There will be :wink:
That is kinda confirmed.