Can we get a date for this event anytime soon so we can get our plans together?
Currency tab, stackables… please… anything…
A hello from one of the blizz folks would be nice.
Probably. They closed Season 4 thread and did it unstick.
There are going to be more seasons?
Rework pvp immunity a bit… ty ty!
of course, what a question…
im expecting higher numbers in online compare to S4
Why? Coz they fixed, changed and announced what? Nothing? Coz D4 disappointed ones would want to check D2R?
Yes. My d4 group has all recently come back to D2r.
And what do you do? 200 Diablo+Baals per day and 20 ubers per day? Coz that get boring on day 3.
No. We are playing casually. Still in act 1. No trading with any other player outside of our friend group. No jsp. So far we are having a lot of fun. I’m sorry you don’t have any friends to have fun playing games with but you won’t bring me down. Gl bye
Edit: I meant still in normal.
Seasons: of course.
Patches with fixes: possible.
Content patches: no idea, but YEARS in legacy D2 with no content patches (1.10: 2003; 1.11: 2005; 1.13: 2010) speak for themselves…
Unless you cheat (or no-life and are extremely lucky), you won’t have gear for ubers on day 3.
you know there’s budget smiter builds that are extremely easy to manage day 3 … you don’t need exile. you don’t need grief. you don’t need… most things lol… ubers are so easy with a pala.
its better than running 1 dungeon which is same over and over again. i prefer killing baal 3000 times and still have fun
Honestly man I will not be too surprised if Season 5 does not start until End of September, reason is would be the last ladder of the year, would have the holiday season to not worry much about it and give those people on holiday breaks a ladder to play.
So If I am betting (which I’m not) My money would be last week of September early October before we even see Ladder season 5. I am also thinking with D4 in a bad place and all hands on deck there not be surprised if Season 5 is a no content ladder as they want us to go play D4 so they can make money.
For me D4 would have to be given an offline mode and trade system before I even considered playing that dumpster fire again.
More rune words like Mosaic please
Either Stash stackable gems/runes/essences/tokens/keys or a loot filter will be enough to get me back to this game. Either of those changes would be a HUGE quality of life improvement.
Pez said: “Will be more mindful and reiterate that in the future for new seasons.”
So, they will announce is soon enough I guess. It should be 4 months. So I hope we hear in the following 1 to 2 weeks about it from Pez.
Agreed, stackable gems, potions, runes, tokens, keys, essences are a quality of life issue.
hope to see this finally comes live… also why not act 6…
Act 6 will never happen.
Also there are so many other issues.