D2R Season 5 Announce info

More rune words like Mosaic please

Just no
Thats a big no


After d4 being bad game, just more of d3, im in wait for it too!

You know what would be really cool? If Whirlwind barbs also procā€™d Phoenix Strike charges. That would be amazing if you had an 8-player game where everyone used that build.

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Maybe for first time a new class? Add a new difficulty ?
Increase level of classes from 99 to 150 to enter this difficulty or something like thisā€¦ interestingā€¦ newā€¦ hyping ā€¦

I think if they raise the level cap maybe even skill level cap, we definitely need floating damage numbers


So your game is boring because YOU are a boring person. I donā€™t careā€¦ Do the same over and over and then complain it is boring. Nice! Good one! Amazing! ROFL!

I would not expect that much from Blizzard these days.


sorry for my english first of all(spaniard here), i hope they put currency stash or gem/runes/key etc. stack. maybe some new runewords for new builds. about the loot filter, i played the season 3 with loot filter with other account obv and i didnt get ban, but they could put it as a internal option. or simply and easily let us play project diablo 2 with d2r graphics, because they looks like dont want improve the game

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Some say 10th of Aug is coming big news? :slight_smile:

LOL u sure? Coz all I need is life tap wand or vamp gloves, treachery, black, spirit pala shield, maybe gface and thatā€™s not possible on day 3 to you? Here is how goesā€¦
Start sorc, complete campaign in 6-8 hours, farm keys and chaos, maybe some cows and meph, if tanky, or if no base drops (1-2 hours, if not lucky), start pala, get lvl 76 (2-3 hours or even faster) . Actually that is slow. If party and/or if trading = waaay faster.


Probably not.

True, especially if the is sorc to tp you to the first three then help with meph skelies cause they are more dangerous than him, unless he decides to crit slap you in the face.

We demand a date ! :scream:


D3 PTR patch notes are out, maybe weā€™ll hear something about the D2R patch notes soon. Minor spoiler:

D3 PTR Patch Notes (SSF Mode)

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Was gonna mention this, seems unlikely for them to run a D2R PTR at the same time as a D3 PTR, or at all for that matter. :laughing:

Probably patch notes in late August then patch/reset in early September.

No, Patch Notes (if any) can be only in September, and ladder can come in October earliest.
They (Blizzard) announce that we will NOT GET Seasons start overlapping in D2, D3 and D4.
We Got Season 1 in D4, next is Season 29 in D3, and, after that coming Ladder 5 in D2R.

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Nobody cares about overlapping.
D4 is a terrible game and I would never play D2 and 3 at the same time.

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SSF has been on D2R since the launch. Itā€™s called Offline mode. Thereā€™s no bots spamming you or horrible lag spikes either.

No, its not. No ladder. Itā€™s just offline mode. SSF needs leaderboard ;>


TZ / trading , and some rout of farming. Very fun to me because the hunting runes and loot .

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Exactly! People just like to argue because they like to be right.

If he was right there wouldnā€™t be solo self found leaderboards in other games and guess what. There are.

If enough people flood their Twitter posts (comically, politely trolling) asking about a start date, I bet theyā€™d finally give us something.