D2R keeps crashing on pc for no reason> Fix your game Blizzard

I have played this game since launch on a crap box pc and it ran fine and finally got an upgrade and decided to redownload again. the game runs perfectly smooth on semi high settings then the game crashes at random times with no reason why it crashed online and offline. I have tried EVERYTHING including making sure my OS is up to date my drivers are up to date I have scanned and repaired files and the works I usually do when dealing this this. I want to enjoy this game but I cant when this game crashes randomly and cant play my characters I worked on grinding. Fix your game blizzard this is ruining my drive to support Diablo as a long time fan.

Set your vfx quality and lighting settings to low.

I’m getting this as well lately. Also on a newer computer (a few months old). I never really had any problems with D2R that I remember noticeably, but now it’s crashing/freezing up constantly whether I’m doing anything in the game or not. Also repaired and reinstalled, updated gfx driver, etc. It runs fine and everything on high graphics minus the random crashes/freezing, would be kind of dumb to have to lower the settings just to play the game, on a new comp. But I’ll try that out and see if it helps.

Edit: It did its random crash just now, so I restarted and lowered those setting to low, it crashed again within 30 seconds. And then started crashing every time anything graphics intensive was happening. Did another fresh install, turned all the settings back up, and capped the framerate (started at 60 and went up to 150) and it seems stable for the moment. At least I wasn’t able to reproduce the crashing without error msg. Still getting the random crashes with error msg all the time now.

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Don’t think this will fix everything.
My PC can run it 4k high graphics fine, but sometimes crashes even if I’m just am idle in character select screen, in fact most crashes happen when doing nothing or something simple like placing things into my stash, hardly ever when killing things.
And ofcourse I already tried tuning down graphics or going to 2k or even 1080, crashing even seemed to happen more often at 2k then 4k.

Tried limiting frames through your GPU settings?
Didn’t fix my issues, but reduced the number of crashes by a huge amount.
Somehow the game sometimes frames seemed to spiral out of control until the systeem just crashed (I think the crash is actually a safety measure to prevent system damage).
As far as I understood people actually had their GPU’s fried by D2r.

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i do this using RTSS (Rivatuner). i cap the game at 60 in there as well as through the Nvidia Control Panel. i play at 2k with a 2060 and 9600k and haven’t experienced a single crash. luck of the draw it seems…

ive I9 12k , Radeon 6900 XT and DDR5 at 5600 MHZ , it crashes sometimes , problem is/was , wrong Voltag of RAM. Just try XMP if older RAM , if not do it manually from 1.2 to 1.5 and higher slowly (if bios says RED dont go higher)

Curiously enough, the only consistent crashes I’ve experienced, were while power shopping Drognan, running in and out of town. Though I haven’t done that since 2.4.

I feel like it’s a CPU issue, or possibly RAM. My old rig crashed occasionally. I replaced the RAM and CPU while everything else was the same and it never crashed again.

I built my new PC in January. I also had lots of crashes and it turned out my PC case had negative air flow, that means heat builds up, thus the components cannot cool themselves. My 3070 overheated to 81-85 °C even though I undervolted it to run on lower temperatures, and I still got black screen / freeze. Then I put 2 extra fans to the top of my case, and everything started working properly. GPU temp remained about 65-74 °C and the whole inner temprature inside the case lowered by a lot. So, maybe that is the case, however this should happen in other games as well, especially in GPU-heavy titles. And no, DLSS does not help in this case, especially when vsync is turned off.

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My game is also crashing consistently. I have a Ryzen 5 and a 1050 Ti with a clean driver install. Reinstalled the game, ran repair, tried on lower settings. Game crashes every time I step foot in the canyon of the magi.

I’ll try limiting the frame rate to 60 next but this probably shouldn’t be needed.

Edit: capped the framerate to 60 and it still crashed within 30s. Something is very wrong.

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8GB RAM? You meet (surpass) the minimum specs… hmmm. Are you playing online or offline? Quick search showed up firewall/antivirus COULD be an issue but I personally don’t think so… any overlays active? GeForce, Discord? another that popped in my search that I don’t quite believe is the problem but we are turning over every rock we can to get you going!!

I have no issues with my machine. My CPU is 6 years old and I have a budget NVIDIA card. The game used to stutter like D3. I think they might use same engine but that’s been fixed for a while now. It’s probably your machine. Are you sure something isn’t overheating, or you have the latest video drivers? Laptops are notorious for not having adequate cooling. Regarding D2 vs D2R, you need to consider that the engines are completely different. D2R is a completely 3D game engine whereas D2 was running DirectX with a little bit of Glide 3D effects like lighting. Glide was the 3DFX graphics API. Completely different hardware requirements.

Yeah, and my perfectly tanky strong hardcore sorcs have all died to these crashes that seem to turn off my defenses that otherwise wouldn’t allow me to die in most situations. This game is assassinating my HC chars.

I honestly don’t get what you’re crying about. I get a spec to 80-90+, gear it up, and then the game takes it from me through no fault of my own xD

Blizzard how is this still happening?

I’m on a 12th gen 12-core i7, 3080ti 16gb, 64gb ram. Drivers and system up-to-date always. My pc isn’t buckling to d2r.

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I can assure you as somebody that monitors my temps and performance my laptop has excellent cooling and is not overheating. I bought it because of its cooling, actually.

…and?? Yeah, they updated the game. Looks great, doesn’t play great. It’s still broken years after release. I still laugh at the added loading screens that didn’t exist in OG D2!

The point being made here is that they released a polished broken turd. Running on different code is a nonissue here. Blizzard had higher standards and capability in the D2 era, and for D2R they’re not operating at that same level despite being way more successful at this point in the span of the company.

Neerrrrp it happens to a lot of us. The hardcore community knows all too well because we die from it. I guess we all have malfunctioning CPU’s!

It doesn’t sound like a hardware issue then. It sounds like you just don’t understand software engineering. I tried to explain it to you but you rejected my explanation. Expecting D2R to run the same as D2 is like expecting Wolfenstein 3D to run the same as Return to Castle Wolfenstein or Wolfenstein New Order. It’s apples and oranges. They were all designed to run on different hardware and OS. I guess just play a different game.

Code and architectual-wise the game is the same as before, but VV added an additional 3D rendering layer on top of the original rendering, this is why you can switch back to the old 2D rendering by just pressing a button.
The new 3D renderer can stress the GPU if vsync is turned off, this is why turning it on is the very first thing everyone recommends regardless of hardware.
I also use MSI Afterburner with the RivaTuner to display hardware info, mainly CPU/GPU usage, temperature, RAM usage and such.
Solving each and every case can sometimes be frustrating, because of the difference in hardware, drivers and user settings, but I am sure if you post all the details of how you experience crashes, what hardware, which part of the game, etc…then there will be people here who will be able to help you. Roasting Blizzard / VV will not really help in this case.

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If you run with vsync off, you have to really have very finely tuned hardware. The size of power supply can become an issue. I run with an 850W 80 Plus Gold power supply. Anyone who doesn’t want to deal with this should be playing console.

i mean, with the updated graphics we’re sort of forced the longer loading… one reason i am wanted to go back to LoD fully… it’s just smoother.

Install D2R onto SSD. Then its almost as quick as before.

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