D2R is still alive

How can we get the message across that D2R is WAY more entertaining and playable than D4? I bought D4 around a month ago and ground for a week or so, and then I gave up on the game.

I’ve read through a few topics about the possible changes about D2R and wonder if it’s really that hard to make the changes. Business is business - launching a new franchise should be more profitable than making changes in an old game cause.
So why don’t blizzard just make a game marrying the itemisation and playability of D2R and the graphics of d4 (or any others with similar graphics)? I’m satisfied with the graphics of D2R but if more beautiful graphics can draw more potential players, just do it. Isn’t it another way to make as much as money they want too? At the same time, they can please their Diablo fans too.

I wonder if it is possible to sign a petition for that? Lol
Honestly the D2R community have got all the ideas about how they make the game better and blizzard just need some developers to make that happen.

It’s really a shame there’s so much potential in D2R and seeing how they launch a ‘dry’ season 5 is really disappointing. Adding more features like rare charms, more unique items and runewords are intriguing enough already. Or they can just let a group of techy D2R fanatics to update D2R like project d2.


It won’t work, because they want more people to:

D2:R doesn’t make Blizzard money anymore. The people that were interested in the game have already bought it. To continue working on the game is them working for free. They’d rather work on something that is making them money.

Besides, Diablo 2 has been “done” for quite some time. It’s already a good game as it is, I mean come on, they wouldn’t have remastered it otherwise… Sure it has it’s fair share of problems (and still does), but what game doesn’t?

Be honest, would you want to work for free?


I won’t work for free for sure, so I have a wishful thought that there will be a game marrying the playability of D2R and more beautiful graphics. And I’ll definitely buy that game too. XD

Maybe I’m too old to realise the style of D2R is not welcomed by the younger players’ market.

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I mean Tech it is still alive but
seems to be on life support
the bots basicly ruin alot of things hardcore
seasons are basicly done in the first 3 days of launch as its super easy with some builds to just get and do ubers on day 1 of release
some builds/items are just super massively op like mosiac for example roflmao needed nerf long ago

i would argue even if you added like a AH to help trade out that didnt involve RL Money or other such things that D2R is realy not a great ARPG for this day and age, its got issues and a number of massive balance problems
still play coz of Nos but man its a game that did not age well at all it aged badly and kinda got hurt by a terrible balance team and what knock.

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Being a D, D2, D3, D2R and D4 player. I quit D2R pretty quickly as its grind style of play just does not appeal in 2023. I guess i expected not just upgraded graphics, but an upgraded playstyle. D4 unfortunately was more like D2 in its drops rates and grind rates, and you see what happened there. So D2R has no hope unless they were to give your average player a real chance to make a good runeword one day.


Diablo 2 resurrected is a remaster, hope? for wath? the game is like it is.

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Like many others, (s)he bought the game expecting it to evolve into something different, something like what a modern game is like. You know, games that hold your hand, and are over before you have a chance to really get into them. Games that you play once, then you never look back. These people likely don’t understand the idea of what “remastering” is, and thus fail to see why Blizzard is trying to keep the game as similar to the original game as possible.

Because of the comment about creating a “good runeword one day”, you can tell (s)he’s one of those who wants a mega increase in drop rates, and thus doesn’t understand that low drop rates is a big part of what makes Diablo 2 such a good game.

The fact is, Diablo 2 is a loot grind game… If that doesn’t appeal to you, move along, move along.



I actually think the graphics of D2:R are better, especially for what the game is, and is much more pleasing to me. They are incredibly sharp, camera distance and angle, totally bring in the real Diablo atmosphere, and the enemies look waaaaay better. I don’t think D4’s is as hyped as everyone makes the graphics out to be, there’s quite a bit that feels “meh”. On the other hand, D2:R is incredibly gorgeous, and perfectly remastered from a visual standpoint. It actually completely exceeded my expectations. I would rather D4 to have been built more similar to D2:R on the visual front, well, actually the itemization front as well. I wanted to like that game, and I still wish it was something good… but I just feel totally thrashed by my experience with it.

D2:R… This is my all time favorite game, and the launch of D2:R just blew my mind. It felt exactly how my mind imagined it when I was young, and I don’t know how it was possible they nailed it that good.


would argue runewords are bad for the game, 1.09 was a decent balance 1.10 just made runewords OP and made uniques and such bad
they need to find a way to nerf alot of runewords
and upgrade alot of uniques to get a decent / good balance between the 2 once again
Which would you rather have?
Nigma or tryal might or w.e you spell it?
odds are its nigma
whats that one runeword that gives BOS again? I 4get all i know is it gives +1k health and what knock and i dont even remeber the other BS it gives coz that ability alone is OP to have just swap it basicly


Well the game was touted as a live service, as oxymoronic as that is with the term remaster. People probably expected the game to live up to some imaginary modern standard in regards to constant new updates and content. Despite even heavily monetized games showing the opposite.


There’s only so much that can be done to a “remaster” of a game before what defines it as a “remaster” of the original game ceases to exist. To the ultra-purist, that definition was blown out of the water when the game was released.

Besides, it wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard has doused a product in snake oil to fuel hype/sales.

All that needs to happen is open the game up to mods like d2. Stuff like project diablo adds and changes the game. Many d2 fans know what could be changed or how to change up the game without breaking what d2 is.
All the stuff like loot filters, charm space, end game maps … it can all be done in mods

Mods give you new crazy stuff and base d2r remains unchanged. Blizzard is never ever going to make major changes themselves. No money in it

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Thumb up for you bro
That’s what I’m talking about as we all know what makes d2t better

Speaking of bots, is it really that hard to get rid of those bots? I’m not techy at all, so I’m clueless about the difficulty. Or is Blizzard too lazy to do that?

Personally I don’t really care much about the graphics of a game. Plus D2R’s graphics is good enough already. Of course, the prettier, the better. What really retains the players is the playability of that game - constant updates with well-balanced items and a organised PvP system.

D2R will only have one more chance to get mainstream again and it will be once it gets put on gamepass.
Sadly in the current year people are not so keep on trying old games once they skipped them, not to mention loot arpg are already a niche genre with tons of competition.
Blizz is sure to double and triple down on their last release (understandably) rather than put any effort into a project that was only done to generate hype for d4.

That wave has long passed…

Wakeboarding is all that is left.


renaming an alive game “resurrected” is stupid and insulting, almost as stupid as the grandma trump azon selection screen.

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If you want the business to invest in d2r, we as a community need to stop spending time playing other Blizzard games and just play d2r. This goes for streamers as well. This will encourge the business to invest in D2r.

Sadly, the nature of this business is with attention to viewership and new shiny titles will often get more attention than quality experiences.

As i said before. I am done with all future diablo franchises, unless its a direct sequel to d2r or remake, im wont be interested.

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well yes because why on earth would anyone recommend it in the state its in?

if blizzard actually tried to improve player experience rather than sell site and botter experience… they might be able to sell copies to actual people and not botters.


sure it’s “alive” in the fact that, you can still play it, and there’s a few other people playing it.

but it the grand scheme of things. this game is at it’s lowest point in history. this dev team has truly run it into the ground, with a smile on their face. telling us “this is what you wanted isn’t it”?

You do realize the only thing they can do to reduce/eliminate the sell site/botters in this game are:

1: Trade restrictions like Diablo 3, where you can only trade items with those who were in the game when the item dropped for a limited time. This will nip the RMT sales in the bud big time.
2: Increase of the drop rates to offset the trade restrictions. This will reduce the player incentive to run bots for personal gain.

These two changes would of course undermine what has made players return to Diablo 2 for all of these years… The item hunt, and the ability to freely trade items. To some, this may be acceptable… To others, it’s a no-win scenario, it’s too late for this big of a change to a fundamental aspect of the game.