does nobody find his name ironic
I’d like to attach a screenshot. Shows 10/14 games to join on ladder right now are bot games sponsoring D2bitscom and d2honorcom. Would be easy to filter and ban but Blizzard does seem to do nothing about it. It won’t let me list their addresses here, but they can make games all day.
I not only fully geared my character, i also fully geared my wifes. Im sitting in full skill gcs, 5 res scs, anni, torch, enigma, near perfect beast, cta, 35 fcr spirit, arach, sojs, near perfect sunder, basically whatever you can imagine (im summon necro). This wasnt difficult to do. If youre not able to obtain even shako in 3 weeks, you are doing some wrong… and yes, i do not use D2JSP nor do i cheat. Understand what is the best common currency for trading, in the old game that was sojs. In this one its IST rune. Multi task as you play the game, each game you use to magic find, create a public trading X for X. Sell everything that you don’t need to strengthen your character (in my case both my necro and my wifes cold sorc). Stock pile currency to trade up. Not only am i sitting with my character fully geared and my wifes, but i have a full stash tab slowly filling with high runes. I found several but more were from trading. Lastly, understand magic find more in depth. I learned from youtube videos optimal points. 250-350 if youre looking for items to wear. I find 100-150 (which i personally use on necro) the best for finding runes and charms. Lastly, dont shift around to different characters. Play and focus on one per ladder season, unless what you intend to gear and play really sucks at PvE.
So? They cant even handle making season every 4 months and u ask for miracle
I’ve had the name imod since the 90s, like 10 years before an ipod was even a thing.
Dude, seriously.
One, I have used jsp for over 8 years and trade there a lot. I have never bought “coin”. I have donated a lot though. I don’t hoard fg. It is so easy to trade items for fg then fg for items, I mean really easy. You do NOT have to “buy” anything.
Two, as far as him being a liar for finding some items, I contest that. Now, whether he is or is not lying is one thing, but I know for a fact you can find items easily.
It is not hard to go from 1-80 in a short period of time, especially ay ladder start. Once in hell, everything gets easier. Hell Trav/Mephy/Andy/Tower/Shenk/ldritch/Mihlathak/Pits/Baal … you can easily get shako. You can get viper magi from Norm baal. As far as spirit is concerned, between hell cows/chaos sanctuary, finding a monarch shield or a 4os sword is cake. And the runes for spirirt [tal, thul, ort,amn], they are easily and quickly gotten from countess runs nightmare and hell. If you call that decked out, you don’;t know what decked out is.
Hell we are 3 months into a 4 month season and I was told you cannot cube a zod rune. I just finished cubing up to one yesterday.
It’s about playing the game properly, using character skills properly, planning, and repetitiveness.
Now are there botters, yes. Are there those that spend real money on items, yes. But you do NOT have to … I have proven that. Stop being jealous of people that put the time and effort into the game and play legit.
Hate the cheaters, but not those that play hard.
It hasn’t been 4 months yet dummy.
May 4th started new season, that means by sept 4th, it will have been 4 months.
You millennials are a piece of work.
While I do agree that attacking post counts can be fruitless, I also see it differently.
I have been playing a couple of decades and yet my post count is rather low for the time span. I post when I want. I do not spam the forums as is evident by seeing some posters post counts and knowing they haven’t been here near as long. Some people never post, some post when something gets their attention. And some others not only spam the forum [thinking their high post count makes them someone] but they also post with alt-accounts as well. Most of them are obvious and one is a known spammer and has numerous alts. No names need be mentioned, it is way too obvious. He is a legend in his own mind and thinks he can run the forums, he will never be all that he is in his own mind, that’s a fact.
Wow, you’ve used jsp for 8 years and have every item in the game on ladder. Shocker. The only way for jsp to make sense season after season is if your jsp coins also reset with the season. Without that, all of your wealth keeps accumulating season after season. Making the idea of seasons pointless.
I do not have accumulated wealth … as I find stuff I trade it for fg … in turn trade the fg for items I need at the time … I am not looking for wealth on jsp, it means nothing to me, I am not that shallow … I simply trade what I find for what I need as I play …
I also do not have every item on the ladder, lol … am not a treasure hunter
Why should they reset for each season??? Just because you say so? LOL.
You could trade and get what you need as well … if you choose not to, then that’s your business …
Play your game and I’ll play mine, but dont try to be like loser lgbtxyzpdq+ and try to force your way of life onto me …
How I play does not interfere with your play, so get over it … you’re prolly one of those that I have given away stuff to when I find it …
Sorry for you. I would instantly delete D2R if I would ever use jsp and FG.
You do realize jsp is THE bot trade platform right? Part of the problem.
this is why I only play ssf with my brother, we’re still playing the game, it is so funny
Your problem is that, you’re playing online. D2 online is a traditional internet cesspit, that’s nothing new.
Play single player, it’s a whole different experience.
As single player is great, it cannot beat the fun you can have while playing with other people. As far as servers had plenty of bad over the years: hacks, cheaters, player killers, scammers, online is still better experience I think. Definitely for those who like to play with friends, meet new people or simply compete.
I actually do have several characters that I have played for years offline. I used to love posting in certain forums about their progress and even making their stories fun and comical.
Offline is a different world than the cesspool of ladder, I give you that …
The one thing truly missing from offline experience … TCP/IP, where I could paly with family and/or specific friends w/o dipping into that cesspool.
And, to think, they took that away from us with lies at the same time they took away the one thing that bound the community together, online chatrooms.
Here is how to fix cheating :
Currently your game client knows the entire map as soon as it enters the game online or offline.
The solution is not to send to the game client the entire map seed but only the closest tiles (within 5 yards range of the character for example), only for multiplayer. Use a new map seed for every zone.
Sure bots would focus on static maps like pindle but it still makes make them less efficient, more predictable and still prevents a large amount of non legitimate gear to be dropped.
—> Players would then not use map hack, or with limited working range
I originally posted this idea to drastically reduce the damage done by cheating, not only for a more pleasurable and fairer experience, but to stop the spiral of seasons getting shorter and shorter and people leaving the season very early. If that is your interest :
Back to topic, I am disappointed I have never seen anyone talk about this solution. It’s the obvious solution to design. Blizz likely preferred to save costs by simply using the legacy code of map generation. But this archaic technique does not take advantage of random map generation which is the best to combat cheaters as opposed to static maps.
The solution exists. It just needs a rework the way server transfer data. Ask for it.
I mean, yeah, Blizz probably makes a couple bucks here and there from botters buying new accounts, (though they also hack quite a few accounts…), but you’re talking about a pittance. They make a couple pennies from that, maybe.
But exactly how do people expect Blizz to prevent botters from buying new copies of the game on new bnet accounts?
Also, noticing this thread is over a year old…pretty sure there have been recent ban waves. Several, since this thread, it seems.
coupla ways to get them …
… crack down on vpn’s
… disable cd-keys of offenders, not done yet …
… w/o vpn’s, now you can block and lock down ip addresses …
- when enough have been blocked, you’ll see a pattern of where majority originate, then make a bigger decision …
if enough come from certain isp’s you can contact that isp and threaten to block the entire isp because of an offending ip address from their source and they’ll do the work for you …
… etc, etc, etc, etc …
obvious fixes, block ip addresses of spambots in chat, and spambots creating games with seller sites in the game name. A really simple look-see for about 2 secs could show this … right now, at this very moment, there are 16/38 games available in the pane I am looking at that are nothing more than advertising pay-for-items sites. That’s what, roughly 42% of games available to join that are just rmt sites advertisements??? And, that required an extremely finite amount of time to discover. Imagine if they actually put some effort into it!!!
and this is why we need to region lock asia, to at least contain the damage
I don’t understand what kind of fun this is of yours, of me causing an injury to my hand and finger, looking for items in MF and a bot destroying the value of what I found! I don’t understand your reasoning and the rest who think the same as you!
I no understand your broken english … please translate better …
better yet, go to your own server in your own language …
just go away …