Hello everyone.
There is a pattern of behavior that turns d2R into the adjustment variable to optimize other games sales. I find the direction worrying.
Blizzard stated they sticked to 4 months. Why should D2R adjust to the d3 and other ladder schedules ? is d3 going to ajust to d2r’s 4 months schedule ?
D2R becoming an adjustment variable
The games are now used to lure people into seasons to boost other franchises sales. But it’s not d2r’s fault if d4 can’t keep players busy in other games long enough, for a new game like it was the case for d2.
D2R season3 has already been suddenly shortened to adapt to d4 release date and Season 4 length is again being the adjustment variable.
Already, TZ patch turned d2 into a short game with a cheesy lvl 99 making it less prestigious. The longer RPG grind aspect of d2 is harmed, becoming arcady for shorter sessions. This strategy turns games into copycats of Diablo franchises, where game identities become secondary.
D2R is a remaster. The way level scaling is originally designed is a core mechanic and deserves some respect -
As a collateral damage of this “standardization”, Hardcore mode is severely hit by the “1 server principle” with a 40s disconnection delay across all games. It does not fit d2’s game mechanics and the way it’s been played for 20 years with 8s.
To which extent will the potential next d2R patches be a way to boost the more expensive blizzard games ?
Fixing Cheats against population decline
I understand season length is bound to population decline, which is a domino effect of friends not connecting, others having reached goals too early, and people not playing the last weeks of the season.
But cheating is the problem that creates this overload of gear. And this bore and anger is the reason why the season is killed so early.
Shortening seasons every time people lose interest or new cheats are released can’t be an answer.
Instead, a patch targeting boting/mh would make gearing challenging again, and the grind longer. I invite Blizzard to CHANGE the way the server feeds the client player to build the map.
- Simply explained : Do not send the client the entire map seed but only the closest tiles (within 5 yards range of the character for example), only for multiplayer. Use a new map seed for every zone.
- Sure boters would focus on static maps like pindle but it make make them less efficient, more predictable and still prevent a large amount of non legitimate gear to be dropped.
- Players would then not use map hack, or with very limited working range
Yes it would cost human resources, but this is how it should have been done in the first place. Tell your financial division if a bot requires 5 more times to check the map, they will buy 5 times more cd keys). In a better place, friends will call friends to buy the game again.
Anyway do you also see a pattern of behavior ?
I’ll be interested to read reactions, even if most players don’t use the forums as their season playground like some here.
Thanks for the read.