D2 Resurrected RW auras sound bug

I’ve recorded this video because I noticed when using RuneWords such as Doom or Phoenix and auras that come with those weapons and get applied to you, are constantly disappearing and reappearing like it’s “refreshing” itself, similar to when you lose range of the aura provided by your mercenary and then get in the range again and aura gets applied to you again.

This would not be an issue if it was only visual, but the sound that comes when switching to those auras becomes quite annoying really fast.

Is this something that is working as intended? Cause i don’t believe it is.


I’ve noticed that too. A friend of mine even turns his sound effects off when we’re in a party because of the frequent noise. On the same note, the sound effect seems to trigger every time you do something in the stash, too.

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exact same issue with Dream runewords (helmet and shield)
holy shock keeps refreshing… with very annoying noise All the time (even when alt/tab afk with sound on background)


Exactly. I don’t want to be forced to turn down the volume, as I actually enjoy the music and sound effects of the game. It’s ok to turn on music player in the background once in a while, but it’s not ok when that becomes the only option to “solve this issue.”

It’s worse than that from what I can tell the aura is actually cycling on and off. My barb is using Insight and the Meditation aura will just deactivate randomly and leave me high and dry with no mana until it feels like coming back on. I’ll have to look closer but I’m pretty sure the visual display is up the whole time, you just hear it cycle on and off frequently and you lose the mana regen.

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If that is the case you are right, it’s definitely worse! :rage:

Many people have reported issues at least with Inisght/Meditation where they notice the mana regen not working, like trying to do lots of teleports, etc.

I’m using it on a Barb to feed WW with no mana leach yet, and it working properly probably doesn’t fully sustain WW anyway, so it might make me jump to the conclusion that it’s not working, however I’ve watched the mana orb regen only at the normal rate sometimes, and see the noticeable difference of the Meditation rate, and hear the sound cycling on and off, so that coupled with other people reporting issues makes me think there’s some sort of bug going on.

I’m hoping the devs will have the bandwidth to get to some of these other gameplay bugs soon, but understand that getting everyone able to play stably and consistently has to be their top priority. It would be nice to have a bit more CM feedback saying these bugs have been acknowledged/recorded though, and real patch notes that give specific bugs addressed. Hopefully we get to that point once the Realms are stable.

It would be easy to see on the character screen with a dual Dream setup. If the auras cycle on and off, the damage should follow that pattern, albeit with some delay.

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Great point! I made a video showing the advanced stats screen with the Mana regen cycling on and off while wearing Insight in town.

It’s still processing, but located here: https://youtu.be/sl6E1BnKA4g

This insight is in a Partizan and I pretty handlily exceed the 113/67 STR/DEX requirements, but I guess I could look through all gear and verify bonus from items/charms still has it above the requirements.

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Nice! Point proven! Now let’s hope they fix it eventually, because it has many gameplay implications (on the aforementioned dual Dream setup, for example).

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OMG this is maddening!! Just started using an Edge bow w/ thorns aura. The constant sound is driving me nuts! I’d turn off sound effects, but there are lots of other things I still need to hear…

Same problem here! VERY annoying. Any chance the dev team will handle this problem?

Same problem, but I have to mention that this is not just a sound bug. I use dual dream with my sorc and I am pretty sure the dmg drops dramatically when the aura is off (5K vs 50K). I have been checking the character page vs. the dmg I do against monsters. I am sure this is not just a display problem or a sound bug. The aura is actually OFF repeatedly.

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Correct, see my post above with Insight’s Meditation aura. You can watch the Mana Regen bonus drop on and off while sitting in town with no other buffs active. Really hope they get stability fixes in place soon so they can fix this bug!

I can confirm this … terrible bug … worn insight meditation aura is up maybe only 50% of the time because of this… works on the merc fine, but worn on the character it doesn’t. Not just a visual thing, the mana regen is affected.

Really looking forward to upgrading my Insight Partizan to Obedience so I can stick it on the merc until I get something better for him and at least get the full benefit. Now I’d only Hell countess would drop runes above Amn for me… :thinking:

Would be nice if they simply add an aura volume slider. The Edge rune word was, as I seen mentioned, maddening. However constantly hearing my merc aura proccing on every one of my wandering skeletons is equally maddening.

Bumping to bring more attention to this as I personally am still encountering this as of 11/06/21

Another bump. Listening to Holy Shock refreshing everytime i breathe is a thousand times worth than Thorns, but that’s not the point being made here, and I’m slowly getting ptsd from just having made one Dream. That’s the exact opposite of my excitement and fear of using the wrong runes, when making it yesterday.

Please do something about this.

This is because the auras from items are not working as intended. This is a bug. I had to brick 2 jah runes to find this out though…