D2 Resurrected RW auras sound bug

bump because finding jahs are hard. I want my damn dreams working as intended

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It’s still happening, no mention of it as far as I can see from blizzard or any popular streamers. Even saw an online D2R character on youtube from mrllama going over the double dream paladin build and his dreams appeared to work fine, but this bug definitely is still happening on my sorc.

correct, visual, audibly, and functionally the auras are cycling on and off. just made a hybrid auradin utilizing 2 dreams, hoj, and dragon armor, his charge dmg goes from 12k to 2k every 2 or so seconds.

I was wondering why monsters were becoming immune then non-immune even though I had conviction up the whole time. Can also confirm this is happening with my Paladin with 2x Dream, Act 2 Merc, Conviction on right click skill, etc.

I have noticed this too and it seems to be particularly prominent when moving in and out of various menus of NPCs and their shops in town.