D2 is Dead, Long Live D3

except melee… 20202020

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Sorry, you’re right. I’ll be back to farming cows, pindle, shenk and eldritch with my javazon until two BER runes pop up so I can make an Infinity and FINALLY be able to farm in the 95% of the game that’s left.


No need to balance pvm. I’ve been 1 shoting everything for 20+ years. I’ll continue to one shot everything. At least now I can one shot everything with any toon build.

You’ll stop yourself when you stop logging in the next day after that becomes boring and you realize there’s no gear you’re actually hunting for.

If actually being able to play through all content and terror zones with a character is “boring”, I don’t know what to tell you man :man_shrugging:


Yes surely running content over and over again with the build of your choice will captivate for years while not actually needing anything that drops; beyond stat sticks.

That’s called Diablo 3. Go that way.

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Chasing for two BER runes and a Griffon’s sure is “captivating”.

And yes, running “content” will be very engaging because it will be 100% of that content, and not 5% like it is now (8% actually, I forgot Arcane Sanctuary).

By the way, this is “Diablo 2 Resurrected”. You can go back to Classic LoD if you like


Oh wow. Someone that plays one char and only one char, seemingly incapable of making other chars or trying other zones/builds is all for this change. What a shocker. >.>


20 characters req.

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They’re so focused on that instant gratification, they don’t even hear the smart loot and greater rifts heading our way. Yet they all inexplicably claim to hate D3. I don’t get it. At all. >.>


I will play with other builds and have fun with them, but now I’m not as forced to do so as I was before.

The “nerf everything” crowd always cries that nerfs will “help build diversity” and that “Diablo 2 has always been a game about choice”. Well now the Sunder Charms will give you a new optional mechanic for endgame builds and that’s somehow a bad thing. All of these things just give players more options and a bit more freedom in the endgame. NOBODY is forcing it on you. If you want to spend the next season farming the pits without terror zones, you can and it’s great if you have fun that way, But I really appreciate having more ways to play a game that I’ve been playing for 20+ years.

This is not Diablo 3, calm down .


Dear OP:

Thanks for sharing your opinion.

I disagree.

Have a nice day.


Yup totally agreed on your statement. As much as I like changes to the game where needed, the new Unique gcs is not 1 of them. We did not need any of this extra charms to break immunities. Maybe -enemy resist should work like normal even on immunes. Just buff up certain monster’s resist far past 100% to ensure the balance fits well. Changes like that should have been considered before charms that break immunity.


People keep saying they didnt exist until LoD as if LoD came out yesterday. 20 fkn years ago bro.


there is just too much drama


RIP Ladder. All hail the almighty ES Blizz Sorc. The one and only perfect build that can farm everything in the entire game for the price of time and low runes.

There was always a reason to transition out of Blizz.

Now there IS NOT

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this charm release today and the ptr character have very poor option gear to test everthing properly this is just so bad , the day this patch will be release player will steamroll the game in 1 click oh boy this will not be funny

This is great, I like it!


Buddy have you tried the PTR?

I’ll give you an example. I reset the fire sorc to Hydra Sorc and headed to Chaos. Those that were immune are still not dying. The Hydra were still healing them.

Fireball did some damage but it still takes some time.

I’ve been playing since 2005 and I enjoy all these changes. If you’re such a purist that this is an issue… go back to the old servers.

Since the beginning its ALWAYS the same set up. The same gear, the same heros, the same ones that get used over others.

They make it where the lesser use builds have a chance but nothing will beat the OG farmers, rushers, etc.

Get a grip.