Grief equivelant for mid level and opens up alot of potential builds. Requiring hrs isnt alwas necessary, look at Spirit.
The runes for Spirit are super cheap, but the base requirements force you into using a 4 socket Monarch, which requires 156 strength and can’t be found until part way through hell. Even then, people have still been saying Spirit is overpowered.
I say its just right for casters that is but its high time to let other builds shine such as immolition arrow, dragon tail, and vengence to name a few. Would make a sick kicker or a great frenzy barb. Also makes act 3 fire merc very viable. We need items like this to support under used skills.
I don’t think Spirit in itself is a badly designed runeword, but it’s more a reflection of the lack of other good caster shields available in the game. But, it is cheap, and if it required a high rune or two to make, then I think that will be well and truly balanced.
The only reason why Spirit was made using cheap runes is because it was originally a Ladder-only runeword and can be made in swords, so it helped out in game progression early in the ladder season. As Spirit is no longer a Ladder-only runeword, it currently stands as being overpowered for the runes required.
Edit: I’ve made a couple of suggestions to change Spirit here:
The current runeword in question though creates an item that is far better than any other option out there for physical based fire builds or even non-sorc based fire caster builds such as an Armageddon Druid, and is even a huge buff to the Necro’s corpse explosion.
As much as fire builds can still use a buff, this should be addressed by making more targeted skill balance changes rather than making overpowered runewords, as this will result in “all fire builds MUST use this runeword to be viable” situation as well as potentially buffing things by accident that don’t need to be buffed.
Making overpowered runewords are also much harder to correct later on as it’s less damaging and awkward to do skill balance changes than to delete runewords that have come into existence, and have already been made by everyone, but then are no longer able to be made because of a correction.
This is awesome. The decrepify idea is top tier. Let’s do it.
Either the skills need reworked, or we need drastic items to support them, pretty simple. Elemental damage can be easily countered PvP, it wont be that useful for clearing hell as it is because of immunities, but it will help. Lastly, i could see Rune Words as I mentioned implemented in a patch with revamped monsters with extreme stats such as perhaps a new difficulty to help tie in with diablo 3. Normal, Nightmare, Hell, Torment! Additionally, all skills technically max out at level 99 but we cannot ever come close to that so I think its time to allow for a way to achieve much higher skill levels. It is irritating that we do not have skills that properly support a lot of builds and we are stuck with cookie cutter templates. Lastly, Auras can technically be far above level 99 but I wouldn’t want to see them too high without rework anyway. It would be nice to fully utilize a characters abilities, not only a fraction.
Patch 2.4 made a decent attempt at creating more practical options for diversified builds. We’re seeing a lot more fire druids, fire sorcs, bowazons and spearazons than before.
I’m looking forward to seeing what comes in 2.5 with further buffs to underused builds, and I still forecast some light nerfs coming for Hammerdins, Blizzard sorcs, Javazons, etc.
I hope so but still the fact is there are plenty of under used skills due to bad gear and or bad skill synergies. My hypothetical Warriors Light Brand could solve alot of current problems like low throw damage for barb, Vengeance, and greatly support melee in general without the need for Grief, but it would stack with it. EBOTD or EDC may be the better option decked out with this setup.
I’m not too familiar with those specific builds, but I think I agree with your overall sentiment.
Warrior’s Light Brand in an armour would vastly overshadow the best in slot bowazon option for 4x +18 damage rare (yellow) jewels in a jeweller’s armour, the jewels which together would cost 200+ Jah runes in a trading economy… for something that’s equivalent to 2 Lo runes to make.
That same runeword in bows would outperform both Windforce and Faith - the top 2 bows in the game - by a longshot, which a perfect Faith (2/15 roll in a 3/15/3 GMB base) costs ~50 Jah runes in a trading economy.
This would kill end-game itemisation.
Shadow of Doubt
4 socket body Armor Ber + Um + Vex + Ber
+240% Enhanced Defense
+40% Faster Run/Walk
+(0.5 per Character Level) 0.5-49.5% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level)
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
+15% To Maximum Fire Resist
+Damage Reduced By 30%
+All Resistances +55-70% (varies)
+2-3 To Shadow Disciplines Skills (Assassin Only) (varies)
+20% Chance To Cast Level 10 Life Tap On Striking
2 socket wand Cham + Ber
+2 To Necromancer Skill Levels (Necromancer Only)
+30% Faster Cast Rate
+20% Chance of Crushing Blow
-30% To Enemy fire Resistance
-20% To Enemy cold Resistance
+Regenerate Mana 15%
+15% Chance To Cast level 15 Chilling Armor
+Increase Maximum Mana 15%
+Freeze Target +3
Just give breath of dying +1+20 to teleport
Salty Armor of the Wahh
25% Chance to stop dclone from spawning
+20% bonus trading points when completing a trade
+100 to the economy
+1 Teleport
+1 Warmth (For the ladies)
Allows Teleport in town
Cannot be hostiled or hostile other players
+50 to server stability
Provides ability to stack runes and gems
Indestructible - On Mondays / Wednesdays / Fridays
Ethereal - Sundays / Wednesdays
4 sockets shield Ist + Lum + Um + Ist
+140-170% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+30% Faster Cast Rate
+Cannot Be Frozen
-15% To Enemy Fire Resistance
+0.625-61.875 To Mana (Based On Character Level)
+75% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+10 To Energy
+All Resistances +45
+230 Defense Vs. Missile
4 sockets body armor - Lem + Pul + Lem + Fal
+190-220% Enhanced defense (varies)
+1 all skills levels
+30% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+Maximum Mana 10%
+All Resistances +35
+Cold Resist 40%
+450% Extra Gold From Monsters
+15 To Strength
+100% Damage To Undead
+25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
When looking at the Runewords page on Maxroll gg there are quite a lot of runewords that have the following hint
We don’t recommend building this Runeword. There are stronger or more cost-effective Runewords and none of our build guides use this one.
My recommendation would be to review and improve these runewords, or remove, before adding new ones.
Runeword: Change
2 sockets body
Ohm Zod
can be socketed in magic, rare, Unique, set, normal
- 0.1% enhanced damage per remaining stamina
skills cost stamina instead of mana, 300% Increased mana cost
Stamina bonus comes from Str instead of Vitality
CHAM CHAM CHAM - helm only.
1% chance to cast level 1 frost nova on successful melee hit.
30% chance of casting level 1 frost nova when hit.
50% CR
Why this? Becasue socketed helms already come with +skills on. Anything more eats up Arreats and all the other uniques in the game.
Resists and CBF are required for all characters. and that Frost Nova might jsut give you the opportunbity you need to escape. Likely more popular on HC than SC.
How come its called Hunger?
3 Socket Clubs/Hammers/Maces Mal + Um + Shael
+170-200% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+15-25% Chance Of Crushing Blow (varies)
+25% Chance of Open Wounds
Prevent Monster Heal
11% Life Stolen Per Hit
+10% Chance To Cast Level 6 Lower Resist On Striking
Good runewords after (black runeword ) good for ( Nightmare Act1-5)
Big O
4 socket body armors
Zod Jah Jah Jah
Immune to physical damage
+100-500 vitality (varies)
Wearer transforms into the Big-O mech
20% chance to summon Dorothy when hit
100% chance to laugh out loud on attack
Jokers Helm
High rune High rune High rune
1-30 IAS
1-30 FRW
1-30 All res.
1-30 FHR
1-30 str
1-30 dex