Could we please get rid of immunes?

Seems like you don’t understand the concept of “planing ahead” and “adjusting to goals”. Why would I play a single element when I want to kill every single mob in the game? For farming purposes, this is the most inefficient way and when playing through the game and questing, you don’t need a max out synergy single element build.

So basically, you want them to fix a game mechanic that is only a problem for noobs and low IQ people, because everyone else can plan around that.

They even gave you 3 free respecs for your play through journey.


I dont know why I bother responding, people like you, the OP (probably same person) just dont get it. Just because you think its a mistake, a bad mechanic, broken, stupid, ect DOES NOT MEAN IT IS. Only you think that.
News Flash junior, not all games have to change for your preference.

Been there, got the tshirt. Every character is playable, every skill combo is playable. Some may take longer and require much more strategy and skill than others, but you can still do it.
Making every skill more balanced to be able to do it just as efficient, that is a different topic called skill balancing and its being beaten to death as well, and being responded to by Blizzard.

I just wanted to say, you are welcome for sunder charms :slight_smile:


I agree, i’ve played for 20 years and immunities should be removed, anyone should be able to farm anywhere regardless of their build, games should be about fun not being forced to play something just because it’s the only viable build for your class to utilize in order to magic find.

Don’t even talk about sunder charms, a -70 to -90% resistance penalty makes it not even worth having which is why I use mercs with Infinity which doesn’t even really have a good enough radius of effect especially when the merc runs off and the immune monsters gain back their immunity.


Old thread, but I like this topic so ahh what the hell.

  1. An immune monster here or there is okay IMO… but the way immunities were handed out like under the chair gifts on an episode of Oprah Winfrey… entire acts are ruined for certain characters. (Act 3 hell as a lightning character is a total skip)
    The game is better off without these.

  2. Why dont we make it so all of sanctuary’s creatures play with the same rulebook? I can’t be immune, so they shouldn’t be either, barring some exception.
    All monster res should be capped at 75 just like us humans, barring certain circumstances such as spawning as “lightning enchanted”, in which case it caps at 95%.
    95% is also the highest a player can go, with specialized gear.

  3. Blanket immunities would have been fun, pre synergies… but now the game punishes you harshly for spending points outside of you main skill and its synergies. Immunities go against the grain of the games character progression.

^ if these ideas were applied, the game would feel more cohesive and logical, would be more enjoyable, and we could just get rid of sunder charms all together.

Also… as a progressing character, a pack of creatures who are 75% immune to your damage are still going to put up a BIG fight… but… at least it’s winnable if you’re determined.

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The problem with capping everything to 95 if Enchanted is ignoring a massive Elephant in the room: Cold Mastery. A fully equipped Cold Sorceress can achieve a Cold Mastery of roughly level 37. That’s -200 Cold Resistance that works at 100% Effectiveness. Meaning every single damn Monster in the game would be -100 Cold Resistance or take double damage from her without even needing Conviction or Lower Resistance curse. Then there’s self-wielding Infinity Nova Sorceress who can achieve -170 to Enemy Lightning Resistance with a perfect Infinity + Griffons(w/ 5/5 Light Facet). VMagi w/ another 5/5 can bump it to -175 or basically -100 against everything 75 Resistance or below.

Unless you grant a new bonus to Enchanted Monsters in the form of Elemental Absorption(which makes them heal when they take that elemental damage), fully equipped Sorceress can simply obliterate any monster in the game. Classic Diablo at least limits the scope in power by not having Runes(Runewords), Jewels and Exceptional/Elite Uniques. All of what I listed contains all the power creep that we enjoy today. You call it lazy design to make Monsters immune and it may very well be, but it was a band-aid solution to their decision to add all this power creep in the first place.

To fix it, you’d have to do major and I mean major rebalancing of Uniques, Runes/Runewords and Jewels to nerf the living hell out of Caster builds. Sunder Charms were a bad idea and they still are a bad idea.

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Easy solution, whether the cap is 75, 85 or 95, when a monster is at the cap, they follow the same rules of 1/5 effectiveness that they usually do when they’re immune.

They could even retain the tag “immune to xyz”. Just change it to “resistant to xyz”
A monster would display that tag when it’s at its personal cap, usually 75 but sometimes up to 95.

Really, at worst the immune monsters are only affected by 25% at the most.
With these endgame characters you’re talking about, they stomp everything into powder regardless, so I’m not concerned about them, this would change nothing for them, but would make a world of difference for progressing characters to be able to enjoy all of the acts in the game.

Shame on you.

Go play Diablo 4.

Sunder charms seemed like the easiest thing to implement so I assume that is why that was chosen. I have no problem giving up my cold res in order to be able to kill cold immunes. The problem now is that infinity is practically the only RW people use with mercs. There is nothing really that comes close. Would be nice to see them add something else that competes.

My biggest issue with the game is that there are no viable alternatives to many items, and if there are, they are few and far between. Would like to see some items get a rework in a patch.

I have a Blizz Sorc and even with a cold sunder, maxed out cold mastery it’s a CHORE to kill the cold immunes, their resistance is still so ridiculously high that if it weren’t for my mercenary I would have to completely avoid them, not to mention all of the unique packs that are cold immunes i’m having to full rejuv him 4-5 times since he’s basically doing all the work.

This is with like +7 or +8 to my cold skills and a sunder, it’s ridiculous, might as well make a damn Infinity at this point on top of using the Sunder, ridiculous!!!

D2R damage immunities, the many synergies, teleport for all and chunk rune words.
The current transition from Nightmare to Hell is poorly solved and drives you to buy runes to get rid of the mobs’ immunities through rune words or corresponding items, which you can only get when you are already good at Hell.
That is a contradiction.
New rune words that can be assembled late in Nightmare, solid and easy to do, or a few set expansions that noticeably break immunities would make sense.
But as always, this drives this spiral instead of keeping the game interesting on its own merits.
But there’s probably nothing more to expect with D2 anyway.

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if you got the possibility, go for DOOM RW.
If you only have the money for infinity OR doom, go with doom.

And if you got money left over, then look for a Nightwing and add a cold facet.

CM only works at 1/5 vs. sundered, doom and facet work at 100%.

I have these things, but they aren’t good options while MFing, this is the problem.

Sure BiS max damage gear will kill enemies easily but not if you’re running high MF gear, the trade off between high MF or decent damage means you need to choose one or the other because it isn’t possible to have both.

Meanwhile on my lightning sorc in full 400+ MF I can do 23k damage lightning.

This is why I think Blizz should just change Cold Mastery to increase damage like the other trees.

Also, i’m using a Cold Sunder, I don’t know if you read that, and it is a chore to kill Cold Immunes due to doing probably 3-5% of the damage it should be doing.

I read about your sunder, yeah. That’s why I suggested Doom. Because it will increase your kill speed far far more than your maxed out CM. If you’re not using sunder, than CM will be enough.
I’s suggest to use doom instead of Occy (you lose 50/80%MF, but gain a boatload of killspeed) - as you said yourself, you want to find the right point between kill speed and MF% and imo losing 74%MF while gaining 50+% minus cold resist is worth the tradeoff. Remember that MF has diminishing returns and that runes aren’t affected by MF at all.

I agree with you regarding CM and said so in another thread.

When having access to highend gear, the self-wield infinity nova sorc will outperform any other sorc build.
But before you get to the point that you can run said build, the doom BlizzOrb is quite strong. One RW and the rest can go to MF. You don’t even need the Nightwing, a Shako will do. The loss in kill speed is there, but not THAT extreme.

Doom is essentially the cold version of deaths web.

The first 100 points are the most valuable in MF, then ease of killing monsters becomes the most important thing. Remember that the most valuable items (runeword items, sadly) don’t require MF at all.

Plus if you wear doom, you can swap night wings out for shako with a Ptopaz and get all your MF back, if you really wanted it.

As someone who primarily MFs 95% of their play time, sacrificing any MF is a massive loss, I understand runes aren’t effected by anything other than player count, that’s why I farm Hell Cows for runes as there are no immunes, but that is not the place to MF either.

I did mention earlier I have the gear you’re talking about, but that it kills MF, I would rather cut 300 or 400 runs out by stacking MF.

Also i’m on HC so running Nova is a death sentence waiting to happen.

The real issue is that Sunders are a poor resolution to immunes, as almost everyone is still forced to run a merc with Infinity unless you’re Fire or Lightning with 25k damage attacks.

None of this addresses how hard Cold sorceress was nerfed and this is precisely what needs to be addressed.

Nobody should need BiS gear just to kill effectively, and they certainly shouldn’t need BiS to have decent clear speed.

If I lose Tal Rasha’s helm I lose 65% MF, sure I can have a Shako and that solves that but using Doom instead of Ali Baba with two Ists and I lose 150% MF, that’s not insignificant, also nobody should be using Oculus on Hardcore or they’re just asking to die.

Not to mention to survive in HC you need Mana Shield requiring dual SOJ and Frostburns cutting 100% MF out on top of losing 150% MF if I use Doom and another 75% if I lose Tal Rasha or Shako for Nightwing.

Not to mention, some people just like playing certain specs, we should be able to effectively farm in any build, not be forced to be infinity nova sorceresses because it’s the only viable option.

I had previously missed that info. Obviously, that changes a few things.

absolutely! Very poor.

Absolutely again!
When using endgame gear, even with CM at 100%, the cold sorc was still outperformed by the lightning tree. Unfortunately, there were quite a few very vocal math-dyslexia, facts and figures-averse crybabies who cried for a nerf of CM. And those sissies at Blizzard caved in.

don’t. as I wrote before, NOT using Nightwing is quite fine.

oh, that is crystal clear. I had missed that part of the info, my bad!

see above. :wink:

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Kinda agree. Instead of immune. Make it highly resistant
Cap the resist to 99 and stack 300 over it. So no amount of conviction lower resist will pierce it. As for sunder. It reduces the target resist from 99 to 95.

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thats what i did to my mod and its incredibly more enjoyable