Connection error caused loss of item

Hello, I am absolutely panicking right now. I was just playing last night with my friend in D2R. I moved some Full Rejuvs from my Cube to my stash and then I repaired my Enigma with a Ral rune in my Cube, re equipped it, and went to the Black Marsh. We hit a lag spike, got the connection error message, and now, my Enigma is missing and the Full Rejuvs are back in my inventory. I know you do not restore dropped or deleted items, but this is neither. I was teleporting in the Marsh, so I know it was equipped. It took so long for me to finally make it… I can’t have lost it. I also cannot send a support ticket. I get an error message on 3 different browsers and my phone.

That is very unfortunate.
I avoid putting any valuable items in cube since I heard they can disappear if you get disconnectd.

I’m afraid the item is gone forever, only thing that could get it back is rolling back you character, and they will never do that as it could be abused for duping items

There is literally no reason they can’t roll back my character as I immediately stopped playing after, and have only been on to check if it’s there a few times. No trading or new items since.

Yea well that’s a matter of your opinion. The fact is they’re not rolling your character back for you and sadly your enigma is gone bro.

Sucks but that’s the reality.

Have you checked your internet connection and tried again?

they do not replace lost items. doesn’t matter whos fault it is.


you could try to place items into the empty spots or try to refresh the empty slots. I hear there’s issues with missing graphics but the item is actually there.

they mentioned somthin about this as a fix last update however

Well, I’d rather hear from them personally. Losing items that are obtained legitimately from farming and trading and are not easily replaceable is just such a horrible feeling. I’m not going to go buy another one on the secondary market, nor do I have a massive stream audience to just give me whatever I need. It’s complete bs to just assume that people will be okay with mistakes the devs make and not expect some sort of resolution. It’s unacceptable.

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I do feel for you. That’s very unfortunate. You’re making me worried now about transferring items into my cube! They do not restore items.

You know I had the power go out one day and lost a drop.


You’ll be waiting indefinitely. There are no in-game logs to track events like that. For all Blizz knows you gave the item to a friend and then claimed it lost. Not saying you did, but they have no way of knowing that.

Sorry for your loss, may the RNG Gods smile upon you.

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or never had the item in the first place, and wants a kind player to pickup the tab ^.^

You just never know.
Even with logs, players will try that kinda thing… and then they get mad when they get banned for it…

#why we can’t have nice things

Issues like this are a big confirmation that D2 is a single player game with added multiplayer. Actually online games from the era Everquest, WoW, etc. all have the ability to restore items (and do within reason) when legitimately lost due to server issues.

If your not playing D2 offline you can just be completely screwed by Battlenet. It’s a shame.

welcome to d2 :slight_smile:

yeah, at the time it was marketed as a big deal to be online, when in actuality it feels like it was tacked on.

This is why players say it’s a single player game with online elements. Not sure who’s going around claiming that it’s an MMO.

and, yes we understand that the game was literally designed to be played online - because of how you need to setup the game engine…But they just copy pasted a single player game idea over that framework. they didn’t have many other mmo’s to reference at the time.

the main attraction for d2 at the time, was the wide open maps when compared to d1. in d1 all your fighting is in narrow caves… d2 was all about those wide open maps.

nowadays folks dont even consider that as a big deal

I have screenshots and videos with the item and I have video of when I discovered it was missing. Also, I have discord conversations from when i first made it… like… it would be pretty hard to have all of that if I’m faking.

the most you can do with it is make a video on youtube I guess.

there’s no place for you to send them that kind of evidence.
as they don’t replace items.

Eventually you may see a VIP reply to this if they are feeling extra nice but they have no obligation to inform you as it’s listed in the fine print somewhere. ^.^

No it isn’t. It is listed that they cannot restore items you drop or delete. I did neither. It’s entirely their fault.

MVP isn’t an employee.

But given there is no item restoration service, no item restoration ticketing. And no way to even request an item restoration. I agree with them that it’s not going to happen, even if it should.

dude, those are almost all player error… I lost a chest armor I was wearing and playing on a OP character who hadn’t died in ages…

not sure why it’s always hard to communicate this part.

time to move on to the next step in the 5 stages of grief:

  • denial
  • anger
  • bargaining
  • depression
  • acceptance
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