Congratulations everyone, we will have a new team working on the game

How much money does D2r create? It will be the exact same skeleton crew. Wake up, These are not companies that care about games. Just margins proven blatantly over and over.

To be fair, continued attention to games in their catalogue make newer games more attractive to purchase when they come out. Not that I will be purchasing any more new Blizzard games, but the theory is sound from a business standpoint. It’s not like it would cost a lot of money to tweak this game’s qol. And it would generate a lot of free publicity for the company.

Mike Ybarra (President of Blizzard) & Rod Fergusson (Senior VP Blizzard) and may others that came over with them are all ex Microsoft employees… Kinda makes ya think if this wasnt all planned way before a purchase of Activision-Blizzard lol

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I think VV did a splendid job with this game. Not sure what difference you think, the MS ownership will bring though.

Blizz has a habit of using a sledge hammer to make adjustments. Obviously balance is needed, but a lot of times they take things way too far.

Sometimes, sure, but there’s examples of where the nerfs didn’t go far enough and they had to nerf again (Twisting Blades). To this day, Twisting Blades (with Bladedancer’s) is still a bit overtuned and Bladedancer’s + Poison Imbuement is still bugged (doing close to 3x the intended poisoning damage).

The game is also new and they mentioned that balance will be a continuous journey because it’s impossible to get perfectly correct in 1, 2 or even 10 patches.

Maybe Microsoft just wanted to fire them again?

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Perhaps BING chatGPT could farm for you while you`re enjoying a beer on the porch :smiley:

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