Congratulations everyone, we will have a new team working on the game

They dont get rid of the teams, although people will probably quit. I worked at a company called Verant for awhile, we made old game called Everquest. We got bought by Sony and aside from more agressive deadlines and more focus on profit over quality, not much changed. Same people doing the new harder work. Later after I was long gone Sony dumped the whole place when it wasnt producing the profit it expected. Microsoft is a massive company with lots of shareholders, they wont care about the game like you imply, they will care about profits.

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op is a bit of a eager beaver. but once the deal officially goes through, there is a good chance to see things change. guaranteed? no. good changes? who knows. microsoft does have a bit of a rep of letting developers have a little more control over their game than most, but all in all its just another corporation.

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D2 is a classic, and they can’t really make big changes to it without risking their entire diablo fan base. That’s what Sequels and Spin offs are for.

Diablo 4 on the other hand, is more of a social sciences experiment. They took aspects of many successful games, broken them down into their components, found the worst ways to put them together, then relied on marketing.

A multiplayer heavily focused on loot? - Restrict trade.

An RPG where one needs to dedicate effort to progression? - Neuter progression.

Players flock to high density dungeons? - Reduce over all mob density.

Players like runes and runewords and gems rarely get used outside crafting? - Cut runewords and make gems the only thing they can use.

Players like math, finding secrets, new builds, ways to min max? - Constantly change the combat systems, and removing builds that people love. Make a bunch of sub optimal stats, nerf the useful ones, and overall make a lot of what used to be used in theory crafting redundant.

When you put it all together, what you get is a progression system who’s intricacy lies in lack of clarity in information as opposed to intellectual intensity (which damage modifiers are multiplicative or additive?), where instead of putting effort to get stronger, you’re scrambling to do everything you can to reduce the loss of power on level up (level 1 carries are op). A game where they supposedly try to encourage group play, while removing the rewarding aspects of it. A combat system designed around shredding countless monsters, stifled by cooldowns and crowd control. ETC ETC.

It’s no surprise that they have a big list of supposed changes for D4 around the same time as microsoft aquisition. Hopefully they can learn from D2 LOD / D2R, and their competitors at Path of Exile (Cough, Condor Games, AKA Blizzard North), and instead of trying to help their player base go outside, lure them in and trap them through vices as all successful companies do.

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A lot of the changes were good but the sunder charms were sloppy, some bug fixes were not done correctly, and then mosaic… just nope! Then D2R got thrown in maintenance mode and season 3 of D2R cut short the moment D4 stole the main stage light.

Remembering that we paid full price for this remaster and build diversity that was promised still left unfinished, I think we deserve more.


Some builds and items were way overturned, and other various aspects bugged. The nerfs to those actually make sense. Not really sure what the complaint is here?

Uh, microsoft buying out Blizzard means nothing for the dev teams behind specific games, at least not in the near term. It does however mean that the business end of the company is likely to change substantially, which will hopefully lead to fewer stupid (insert silly word of your choice here) decisions, like, for example, the ghosting and defunding of the Warcraft III dev team which led to one of Blizzard’s most ridiculous failiures of something that should have been a super easy win, and the MULTIPLE changes in dev team for D2R.

Hopefully it means the classic game projects will get more funding and thus more of what people want from them. But stuff like that isn’t going to happen overnight.

riiiight, let’s not pay attention to one of the only people who lives in reality on this forum. crazy …

Oh hey, an alt account of BadHabits, so eager to join the ignore list.

Bye now!

you’re the one who’s on my ignore list, just not on this profile, you think i WANT to talk to you? you’re insane. you’re so cringe your profile is hidden but yup… you’re totally a sane person. ROFL.

seek help.

One of the biggest forum trolls doesn’t want to talk to me, I’m touched…

Got any more alts you want to make known?

still replying to me instead of blocking? standard… you are blocked now tho. no idea what you’ve said. bye bye. (actually)


what could you possibly have to say again, after knowingly being blocked? i don’t understand …

Click “View 1 Hidden Reply” to find out, which we both know you already did.

Pretty sure they confirmed that scumbag is staying through acquisition in some form. He’s like a cockroach, nothing can kill him :frowning:

As long as he isn’t making the decisions, that’s what is important. I hope they put him on :poop: detail… Put him behind a mop until he quits.

I’m not sure that’s exactly how it works my man.

So it’s been terrible since September 2014? That’s when Microsoft officially acquired Mojang. Autocorrect edit

Bruh…Blizzard name will not Change the team won’t Change unless they shuffle some folks around which will happen but no one will be leaving anytime soon.

Of course the team is going to change… there is currently no team on D2. Microsoft are buying games and IPs, so of course they will take a little pride in the franchise.

Activision gave up long ago. This last season before their buyout was two fingers up at the community. They are going down in a bad way looking at the state of D4. I think within days of MS getting power they’ll get rid of a ton of useless staff and put their own directors in charge.

Heres hoping at least!

Activision own the IPS for the games I love, but the way they’ve managed them has been nothing short of terrible.

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