Congratulations everyone, we will have a new team working on the game

CMA has approved Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard so we can at least look forward to the current team no longer being responsible for the game going forwards.

Whether that’s a good or bad thing is undecided but quite frankly, I don’t think it could be worse :slight_smile:
brilliant news all around.

Bye Blizzard/Activision, you will NOT be missed.


You clearly don’t understand how acquisitions work.

The only level that will get some immediate changes are the suits, with a guaranteed boot out the door for Bobby Kotick. The people that update our games will still be there.

Any staffing changes for studios may or may not come at a later date.


It’s the suits that make the decisions though. Presumably the game was built how the suits wanted it, not how the devs wanted it. Don’t the devs just build what they’re told to build?

I kinda compare it to that recent LTT controversy where their own staff said they never finished up with a video and felt they’d done a good job or were ever happy with it, purely because they were never given enough time to deliver a quality job. It’s not because they’re lousy at their job, it’s 'cause their job was dictated by the higher ups.

So perhaps with new higher ups the devs will have more freedom and input into the end result of the game? Fingers crossed, at least.


It’s literally just a change of management on an immediate note, starting with the one that led them to this change… I wonder why he led them there??? If the entire boardroom is replaced, will it be replaced by one better, another just like it, or worse? It’s a gamble.

The best frame of mind the player can prepare themselves for the immediate and potential longer term are no differences in the way they things have been going. Microsoft will likely just come in and :eye: :ear: :nose: around for a bit, see how things are being ran.

The current staff is good.

Runewords 2.4 were ok
New areas at level 85 were very good for the game.
Sunders charms solved one problem and created another, but the end result is positive.
Next hit delay was very good.
Mosaic was a complete disaster.

Just reduce the power of the mosaic and things will get back on track.

The current staff is creditable, even though the mosaic has not been revised and nothing has been done for season 5, which is a big mistake. Now you think that the acquisition of a company changes everything overnight?


LOL this current dev team is out of touch it’s silly. you must be one of them or something to be saying such things. or trolling i dunno, you can’t be serious.


Is it though? Let’s be honest, surely it can’t get much worse. :smile:
The only way left is up!


I dunno… Microsoft owns Minecraft… :thinking:



Lol thinking this hypothetical “new team” will listen to anything us mere mortals have to say. I forgot how much copium was on these forums its a staggering amount. Buckle up and temper your expectations with reality.


Noone here has actually suggested that. How about you Just shut your cake hole and stop perpetuating the rage bait.


Lol all I need is the ladder reset switch to get hit by the janitor once every 3-4 months. I’ll believe in this new dev team the op talks about when I see it. Considering the skeleton crew we have on it currently I remain skeptical.

True but they probably decide how many people is working on which game right? So it might help to d2r, if they care of course.


Don’t hold your breath.


Well, yeah. If they want to and have the means… They can run the company/franchise however they want.

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I think you are the one that’s out of touch. The current team has been doing great work and the game has been in the best state ever.


Pay no attention to BadHabits, probably best to click his profile and just ignore him. He probably forgot to take his meds again… He has these raging forum fits on a regular basis.


right, that’s why i refuse to play it, because i enjoy all the changes.

since it’s obvious you’re new here and haven’t read my posts…

the majority of diablo 2 players aren’t even playing the game. this game might not be 100% dead yet but it’s about as popular as LoD already. shouldn’t have gone this way.

keep living in denial. lol.

If it is like any other platform they own, it is going to be pay-to-play ladder seasons. Mgmt will push for changes, but not for free.

Let’s just hope they don’t charge for ladder with no changes.

It will take about 9 months to acquire (if another regulator does not object the deal after the UK green light) and possibly another 12-18 months to have a stable team in place. During those 12-18 months new management will look at how to transfer its approach/sales funnel to the acquired company and indeed, were going to be called "legacy" at some point. Good news is D4 revamp or D5 will be a product of a new team (I say "good" because it cant get worse as current ones left no room to fall further).

100% ^^^^ here, when Mojang ran Minecraft it was sooooooo good, Microsoft ownership has not been kind to Minecraft at all. Would you like bamboo? Doesnt do anything but yeah, pandas and bamboo? Want tons of lag for no reason? How about some servers to hold your worlds? We have some extra ones from 1987.

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