How do you know bots are not there also?
only clueless idiots don’t realize EVERY SINGLE arpg/mmo has rampant botting. type any game you like into google with “bot” next to and you’ll get dozens of search results…
For the “proof?!?!? Source?!?!?!?” s I watched Llama for 1h seeing the same 7 people jumping from game to game with him to give him perma /8 then a guy leaves, comes back 3 mins later drops tons of loot for him legit
, but yeah go ahead ride the streamer
s I hopey they see this !!!
If we are talking about the legitimacy of the race to 99, the answer is SSF mode
If we are talking about the boringness of the late 90s grind, the answer is “Convergeance of Evils”
Again, anybody have a higher toon than me??? I’ll be 94 soon I’m grinding hard today
It is true, D2R ladder is already dead after just a bit more than a month. Unfortunately. However, the true fans will continue playing, yet we should not expect many more changes. It is how it is, and the money made for the resurrected version is very likely not enough for Blizzard to invest in this game much more.
I never aimed for level 99, in all those years never made it, except offline. Never found this jah, ber high runes, except offline, because of the static map of LK and cubing. So what I do is, I play around a bit, when I have time and am in the mood. Fortunately the addictiveness of the game is gone though…
Nobody I guess
Cuz there is no such thing as toon in D2
I have reached 99 once and im pretty sure it was via cows patch 0.8 or 0.9 , (it was when the Charsi dupe happened, or around that time lol so funny) basically like many things in D2 other alternatives are needed.
I’m not saying players 8 online because its stupid ,but maybe new areas , more mobs give exp , lvl 95+ zones, idk but something would be nice, a change would be great. Be awesome if the Devs chatted about this if its on the table or not.
So you have no proof and just state random false accusations like always. You haven’t changed in the past few months.
It’s really sad.
Contact me when you get your first legit 99 char on bnet
I know you sure as hell don’t ya noob forum warrior self-hired volunteer pretend blizzard dev. What great change are we going to make to the game today Mr pretend blizzard dev?
Bots have always been an issue but streamers like Lame-a and debumski are quickly ruining games. Now that we have a combination of both, every new game that comes out is going to be a mess , especially anything with the word competitive in it.
Congrats, I cannot imagine getting to 94 that quick… I have 2 characters in non-ladder, one is barely over 95, the other is almost 92… and that has taken me 9 months.
go hardcore, only 17 99s here
What exactly in you’re opinion have they done to ruin the game? Or is it because they are a streamer? The hate is real.
There are not even a hundred 99’s on scl so no idea what the hell this guy is on about.
So much blatant bullshiz on this forum.

What exactly in you’re opinion have they done to ruin the game? Or is it because they are a streamer? The hate is real.
Streamers usually go to great extremes to generate or keep their viewers, while not really caring about the health of (online) games. They’re not even original anymore, everyone is just a copycat of each other, desperately trying to get some free money without moving their a…ses from their couch. And don’t talk about female streamers because that’s just another level of ultimate low, and you know why.
People that did YT or live streams before the whole monetization thing were genuine.
I think Blizzard should reconsider displaying competitive Ladder play as a marketable feature because current players know the truth. False advertisement is no joke.
So they have done nothing , thought so.
OP is like level 91 probs