"competetive ladder" is lol-worthy. Bye d2r

the bots are rampant and nothing (can be?) has been done to quell this issue. There is no rush for xp, as tens of thousands of botting characters made it to 99 in the first 2 weeks. It’s completely killed my drive to play this game. What is the point of “competitive” ladder if it’s just a bot-off every 3 months? **** it. I’m out.


POD ladder starts on the 24th so you might consider playing that instead. The only downside is worse graphic.

Do we still lose everything after a season end ?

No, it will be converted to non-ladder

The funny thing is, that even IF and that’s a big IF, they would implement Path of Exile’s SSF (Solo Self Found = no trading no grouping well there is no grouping anyway besides leeching), which would hurt JSP and those other trash scam sites Blizzard is incompetent/not able too remove (do anything at all). We’d still have the “we hear you and we don’t care” botting problem though, which (aswell as the “FRESH LADDER START” which is as fresh as a 500 years old rotten cheese with all this FraudGold) makes the word “COMPETITIVE” vanish completly. It’s actually pretty much the same scenario as someone would go out and say “I am gonna be a rank 1 necromancer in Diablo Immoral”, well I’d say "you can if you’re unemployeed (streamer even better getting paid to be unemployeed) and a rich brat, which gets so much money stuffed in his :hole: , he’s starting to spend it on mobile games to out :whale: the “competition”.


it all seems to come down to the fact that the Blizzard business model is $$$$$ > user experience. It didn’t always seem to be this way. When they got rid of the auction house i played d3 for 5000+ hours and had a great time doing it.

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Ok how about me vs you? What level did you reach? I only 93.4

yes… people who think “competitive ladder” has ever been, or will ever be a thing are indeed “Lol worthy”.


I thought it was teamwork people had the issue with, not botting.

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Bots getting to 99 first, it’s been that way for 20 years.

Blizzard still can’t get chat lobby functionality back to 2003 quality.

Blizzard was mortally wounded in 2008 and had their last gasp with Legion in 2016. We all hoped for the impossible, but here we are with rampant bots and broken game lobbies.

The corpse of Blizzard is starting to decompose and stink with the release of Immortal.


Its not much of a competition which is ironic to those who may take it literally.

The people who helped Llama and Teo actually botted on the side, while always hopping into a new game with one of their main account characters to provide the /8 Players exp/loot. That is what people had the issue with.


All ARPGs have botters dude. Get over it. Blizz has always been doing something about it just like how law enforcement has always tried to get rid of criminals but unfortunately there will always be those types of people out there. It is life. Just enjoy what is in front of you and not let other people ruin your experience. As far as the ladder, unless you had your own dedicated ladder group, you were never going to get to 99 before thousands of legit players who have all the time in the world let alone all the botters out there…

Yeah as long as you don’t have 1000s of people botting and supporting you with items + /8 exp/loot it’s pointless, hell even SoloSelfFound is with all the botters.

Thats OG D2, did not happen that way with D2R. Atleast for the first 2 anyways.

But guess what, during this ladder most getting to 99 asap were not botting. Just very organized groups especially wirh streamers, no more realm down/temp ban with making too many games like in classic d2 and lots of nerds who don’t mind playing a video game non-stop for a week or two.

It would have taken just as quick whether or not they botted. Also do you have a source for this?

Proof? Source?

It’s really disgusting how jealous you guys are. If somebody has more items or is faster leveling then it’s always bots for you.

None of you child minded folks were even close to competing anyway. You didn’t gather people to speedrun to 99. You didn’t set World Records in beating the game. You guys are just trashing other peoples achievements because you are lazy and can’t do it yourself.

Shame on you guys.


So I am guessing nobody here has a lvl 94? I win then.

100% this. Its jealous people. They are bad, so they think. all must be bad. or use bots.