Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

I went ahead and changed title to “Community Feedback for Improving Itemization.” This better reflects the intent of this thread as an archive of community feedback rather than Seasonal updates.


I did not answer for anyone, just repley on a comment! Anyhow. Still not sure whats you point is. But any traffic here is good traffic :slight_smile:

That will do the trick imho! :+1:

Did I recall that right and the flat dmg of Bash doesn´t work (bug)? If so the +10 flat dmg and +95%Ed would not be to crazy unless flat dmg is patched in the future. The dmg is not crazy right now and the hughe boost to bash would help. Still not sure if that is enough, but would provide at least a possible use-case for bash.

What about increasing the LAEK further to +10? The dmg of this 2H weapon is not crazy so some more utility could help to make people try it at least?

Since you did not reply on this one, I assume you would support his gap filler Charles?

If so, I would like to ask you to add this at Phase 3 with a new point “4 ADD SELECTED RUNEWORD TO FILL SPECIFIC GAPS”.

Plz add you proposal für “Piety” as well! For everybody who did not follow this discussion. Plz have a look here:

[Piety - Shield Runeword for Iron Wolves]

Not enough time today. But would like to talk about set items again. We decided to make it easy for the devs and only add set bonuses so far (except for Heaven’s Brethren - since it would not work otherwise). But since the devs are not catching our low hanging fruits. I would like to discusse 4-5 well selected cases to increase variety and make very few itemems more interesting. Especially Credendum and Wilhelm’s Pride for belts, Magnus’ Skin on gloves, Rite of Passage on boots (maybe Cow King’s Hooves as well, since they are super rare), Naj’s Circlet, Sander’s Paragon (cool looking), M’avina’s True Sight, Ondal’s Almighty on helms. And some items on the Heaven’s Brethren (since even with the propsed changes using this othern then for style reasons is hard to justify).

My goal would not to create new meta items but create some usecases for the selected items (since I have the feeling that they should be okay enough to have a stand alone use case). More to this in two days hopefully :slight_smile: Have a good week gents!

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I believe you’re correct Bash is bugged and flat damage doesnt work (someone may have to confirm). I like your idea to increase LAEK, how about make it a range of +5-10…

Bloodtree Stump
2H Damage: 148-249
Req Level: 48
Req Strength: 124
+180-220% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage To Undead
50% Chance Of Crushing Blow
All Resistances +20
+25 To Strength
+2 To Masteries (Barbarian Only)
+3 To Mace Mastery (Barbarian Only)

  • Buffs:
    • Add +10 To Bash (Barbarian Only)
    • Add +5-10 Life After Each Kill

I really like the RW discussion, but as we have SO much stuff proposed, it may detract from our goal of buffing uniques. :man_shrugging:

Sounds good, looking forward to what you come up with. Would also enjoy other people weighing in as well. :+1:

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Who are you fear to detract? The devs are not listening here for now. And we have an already long and comprehensive list. Adding 2 new items at the very end doesn´t change anything. We all agreed not to go wild with RW nor that we really need several new RWs to enrich the game. But those two items just fill gabs for selective niche cases and would enrich build diversity. I only see one more item to be added in the future and that would be youre aforementioned 2 OS Orbs with good staff mods in a mid-lvl RW. The rest would be all covered by now and we can focus on existing items.

So I urge you just to edit your second post accordingly and bring those two up. :two_hearts:

To make it easy for you… :slight_smile:

—[ PHASE 3 ]—

We propose to introduce some selected and not overpowerd new runewords to fill specific gaps. The first one is to utilize 3OS 2H-staffs with a mid-lvl RW to utilize good bases with a number of usefull and high rolled staff mods. The second is a shield specifically designed to improve viablily of the now not used Act 3 Iron Wolves Mercenaries. The new shield option “Piety” could also be implemented as a new unique shield as an alternative.

Btw. I still think the -50 mana penaltiy on Piety could be -100 as well. :slight_smile:
But that´s details.

But please, please, please. Add those two! :+1:

Why not. Go for it. Or maybe 7-12? :thinking: Unless they fix Bash that would be still a hard one at lvl 48+. But could work. PTR will tell…

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You convinced me. I’ll go ahead and update second post to include new RWs in the next big update (several uniques need updating).

Agreed. :+1:

Let’s discuss your proposal for Cold Breeze and really like the idea of a new 3 OS 2H staff with an ice theme. First, with Frost Nova proccing, I think the name Frostbite is more fitting. I would bump cold damage up with higher level from Ist. I also think bonus to energy is more thematic than vitality for a staff along with MAEK and Mana as you suggested. But, I would bump up Mana so it can compete with Spirit. Lastly, I think staff should have magic find as follows…

Lum Tir Ist
Required Level: 51
33% CtC Lvl 10 Frost Nova When Struck
+3 To Cold Skills (Sorceress Only)
+20% Faster Cast Rate
+50-100 To Mana
+5-10% To Cold Skill Damage
+10 To Energy (Lum)
+2 To Mana After Each Kill (Tir)
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Ist)

Sounds good.

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No opinion on this one so why not! But then…

I see where your heading, but I guess there are several issues with your proposal. First we all agreed that we are “not really need new RWs”. I tried to make it viable, but only with good staff mods. Not usable with a naked 3 OS staff. So I proposed a mid lvl solution, only end game viable in certain circumstanced and only if you found that mighty 3 OS staff with 3 sick mods in the top range (3/3/3 or 3/3/2 with the right selections of skills). That this only works for sorcs and not for cold druids or any other char you figuered out yourself already. :slight_smile:

Exchanging the Io with an Ist and therewith raising lvl req. to 51 created much more competion and the need to be competitiv.

If we assume our proposals will be tranformed into reality that means the following:

At lvl 19 your can build a Leaf, at lvl 37 a Memory.

And as well a “new” Splendor (lvl 37) with +1 skill and 10% FCR. Combined with a “new” and nerfed Spirit sword (+1 skills and 15-25% FRC at lvl 25). So +2 to all skills and (25-35% FCR) at this level already.
You possibly get +6 (3+3) to your main cold skill, but lacks several of the goodies Spirit and Splendor offeres (massive FHR, faster Block, good MF and GF, Magic, Magic absorb, more mana etc.). 14 lvl before you can even dream about your “Frostbite”.

Only 4-5 lvl later you can switch to The Oculus (lvl 42) and a “new” Lidless Eye (lvl 41). Both really obtainable. +4-5 all skills, 50-60 FCR, as well +50% MF and all the goodies you know.

At lvl 48 you build a “new” spirit in a Hyperion or at lvl 54 in a usual Monarch. Even with spirit nerfed as proposes that would mean +4 all skills, and 45-55% FCR and all the stuff you know and love with this combo.

So, yes you would make it possible to utilize your goodly 3 OS staff, but too late to make it a decent option. Even with +3 Blizzard and maybe +3 Frozen Armor or +3 Frost Nova and Warmth as your staff mods. That would not be competetive imho.

If we buff it further to make it lvl 51+ viable in consideration with the alternatives we would need to create a powerfull RW again. And tha was what we said we don´t need.

That was the purpose why I choose an lvl 35 IO rune as the highes one. I would even gone lower than that but there is no real good choice to be added in a weapon for a sorc. Otherwise I would have aimed for something in the late 20ths range to begin with.

And adding MF offers the same then all the competition available. A “Doom” is not a competion.
But if we stay at a lvl 35 req. You could ad one point in cold mastery (makes it +4 and therewith -35% to enemy cold resist) and adding my proposes +2-5% to cold dmg would offer some benefits without beeing crazy but stays below Nigthwings and Death´s Fathom).

The whole concept would not create any issues. A good roll would be viable to beat the game but not crazy end game viable or simply too expensive for the given stats. An Ist is also not an easy to obtain rune with lvl 51 at a SSF game or without several days of trading. :man_shrugging:

PS: We should speak about “new” Lidless and “nerfed new” Spirit again afterwards. And I´ll prep my set proposals, but post it after we´re finshed the Frostbite discussion.

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Good point. In keeping with the cold theme, instead of Ist we could have a Thul, which will have required level of 37, which is same as Memory as you pointed out. I know cold damage is not ideal for staff, but sometimes flavor is more important. Lastly, since level 37, we should bump down Mana to +50 as you previously suggested…

Lum Tir Thul
Required Level: 37
33% CtC Lvl 10 Frost Nova When Struck
+3 To Cold Skills (Sorceress Only)
+20% Faster Cast Rate
+50 To Mana
+5-10% To Cold Skill Damage
+10 To Energy (Lum)
+2 To Mana After Each Kill (Tir)
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage for 3 seconds (Thul)

Sold! Put it up pls :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I would like to see a new endgame RW that would be exclusive for 2H axes, hammers, polearms as these weapons continue to struggle to be viable. The name “Madness” comes from the unfinished runewords list. The primary theme is centered around proccing corpse explosion upon kill (gives melee much needed AoE), massive strength bonus, PDR and all resist, and finally boss-killer stats such as CB, OW and Slows Target…

Sur - Um - Ber - Um - Ohm - Eth
Two-Handed Axes, Hammers, Polearms
Required Level: 63
15% CtC Lvl 25 Corpse Explosion When You Kill An Enemy
+60% Increased Attack Speed
+400-450% Enhanced Damage (Ohm)
20% Chance of Crushing Blow (Ber)
50% Chance of Open Wounds (Um + Um)
Physical Damage Reduced by 10-15%
Add Strength +0-74 (0.75 Per Clvl)
-25% Target Defense (Eth)
All Resistances +15
Slows Target by 30%
Hit Blinds Target (Sur)

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Please make it non-class-specific, like on the Leaf. There are few non-sorc cold skills, but still such a staff could be useful, even if on switch only (for Hurricane or Decrepify).


Sounds good to me, we’ll make the change.

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Last runeword I would propose is helm runeword to help melee overcome lack of AR for late normal to early nightmare. The name “Starlight” comes from unfinished runewords list and offers Inner Sight as o-skill as it illuminates foes to lower their defense. It also has bonus to replenish life, DR, MDR, damage goes to mana and light radius for flavor…

Sol Ith El
Required Level: 27
+5 To Inner Sight
Replenish Life +5
+15 Defense (El)
Damage Reduced By 7 (Sol)
Magic Damage Reduced By 3-5
15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana (Ith)
+1 To Light Radius (El)

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I would like to revisit Azurewrath and would like this sword to be MORE godly. First, we suggested -100% req. is perfect to match Tyrael’s Might. I would like to add Reduced Curse Duration of 25%, so if its dual wielded, its capped at 50%. Also, this sword should have Life After Each Demon Kill. In addition, buff magic and cold damage, all skills, and lastly reduce Required Lvl to 75…

1H Damage: (102-114) To (115-129)
Req Level: 85
Req Strength: 25
Req Dexterity: 136
+230-270% Enhanced Damage
+30% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 250-500 Magic Damage
Adds 250-500 Cold Damage
+1 To All Skills
+5-10 To All Attributes
Level 10-13 Sanctuary Aura When Equipped
+3 To Light Radius

  • Buffs:
    • Add Requirements -100%
    • Add 25% Reduced Curse Duration
    • Add +10-15 Life After Each Demon Kill
    • Change Magic Damage to 500-1000
    • Change Cold Damage to 500-1000
    • Change All Skills to +2
    • Change Required Lvl to 75

Hello gents, been busy over the past days. So sorry for my late reply :slight_smile:

Interesting idea and no cooler name available! :slight_smile: Although we said we don´t need many new crazy RW tbh. But anyway before discussing the RW itself, lets talk about the usecase and the gaps it should fill. And very importantly, what does this mean to our buffs of the uniqes and other RW? I have the feeling, that this would make a lot of proposal irrelevant again.

Even if it is expensive in terms of the used runes, with the current economy it is not super hard to obtain if you allow yourself trading.

With 6 OS we are talking about 2H Champion Axe and Glorious Axe. And for Hammers Thunder Maul and Ogre Maul (both above 220 strength req) as well as GT and GP (if so, that would be a new option for Act 2 Mercs and only for Act 2 Mercs). I guess our expanded Scourge from 5 to 6 OS would not be considered really.
There are no interesting staff mods on all of those what would make a RW really hard desirable because you found a really nice base. The above are kind of common and Lazurk will provide the needed 6 OS allways.

Competition RW:
We are talking about BotD, Last Wish and our “new” Silence to a lesser extend.

Competition Uniques:
New Messerschmidt’s Reaver, Executioner’s Justice and for sure the new The Cranium Basher. Schaefer’s Hammer and maybe our new Earth Shifter. For sure the new Windhammer

Here are my thoughts. Firstly I think there is no need fo another good polearm or spear RW. EBotD is super strong and good already with tons of all the stuff you wish for youreself and your merc. BIS in a lot of cases. And already displacing too many uniques who can´t compete. So I would not like to see the RW to be made in polearms and spears. And I so we would need to talk about all the uniques again directly imho?

I do like the Idea to utilize non eth 2H axes though. Executioner’s Justice would have more dmg I suppose (with ne +75% DS on it and increased IAS). Messerschmidt’s Reaver has 50% OW as usp ans solves some of your AR issues. The Cranium Basher would play the 75% CB game here with its 3OS almost on par but needs more IAS on the gear.

Interim conclusion for me: Limit bases to 2H Axes and Hammers only tbh :man_student:

The 450% ED sound a lot and 60% IAS is good obviously, but I guess that would work to help those two underutilized bases and would not cut away too much from our proposals for uniques.

But now we need to talk about CE!

I think CE when you kill an enemy is interesting and thematic for a RW called “Madness” (like the name really). But 15% is really a lot and lvl 25 CE is absolutely to much. Everybody is talking about the CE necro beeing to crazy for a reason. Lvl 25 is already a hughe area and since the dmg doesn´t change with lvl I would really limit this to a smaller area (e.g. if you kill the first mob monster of Shenk, then the CE schould not encompass tha whole group). Lvl 8 is still 5 yards. More then enough imho.

So how about 5% CTC lvl 8 CE? This is more then anough and adds a lot of need areal dmg without outclassing so many alternatives.

I see you try to add areal dmg to a melee class. But let not gooing to crazy on this one!

I like that you did not add a ton of @ res and CBF and this kind of stuff. So using Madness would need you add CNB and LL somewhere elese. Goog balance point. Not sure if this one of a good rolled Death is better to some extend. But since your base choices for Death are limited they both could be within a close range with different twist.

:+1: :slight_smile:

Why not, but I can´s see why a dudu would like to use this over a spirit sword and one of the caster shields. But ok, thers no harm to this. :slight_smile:
But what do you say about the last proposal? Do you like this version?

Puh…I really don´t think that we need much more helmets in the game. With the uniques buffed we have a wide selections of very different helm options and when go through all of them again I think they are well balanced and with very unique use cases for most of them.

Anyway, I you plan this as an early game item 3 OS might be a problem. You need to find a suitable base early on. Not sure your you find 3 OS bases in Act 2 already?
Overall it is a little bit of Duskdeep, a little bit of Peasant Crown, a bit of Vampire Gaze.
I would say that it would rowing up with much of the not used helmet RW of Patch 2.6.

I would allways go for a Lore helmet instead. So nice idea, but not really need it in my huble opinion :man_shrugging:

I like your proposal. I think it is not to crazy. But if we add mighty RCD we should remove +5-10 To All Attributes since we added on top -100% req. That would be a good tradeoff. Since you now might dual wield it. Especially on your merc maybe? What do you say?

One last one for tonight, since I found a good rolled today:

I still have a hard time to imagine this ones usecase. To change the low raven charges with an o-skill is a usefull change and very thematic. But outside that, the weapon offers little to be excited. And you can not use it as a swap since the ravens disapear if you change (if I recall that correctly). IAS and MF are good. DMG is low on the base and there ist no upgrade, but it will be kind a fast.

I would change two point. We need to add some dmg somewhere and I would like to tweak the ravens further.
It sounds fair to lower the raven lvls when removing the charges and giving it the ability as an o-skill, but the ravens where to weak before already imho.

Lvl 8 Ravens have the max no of 5 ravens but only 19 hits each with minimal dmg of 9-18 (lvl 6 is 7-14). Bot without synergies is ridiculously low. Duds are caped at +3 lvl so no harm here it made an o-skill. I would bump ravens to lvl 20 (31 hits, dmg 73-94 dmg and blinds on top). Ravens on its own wont be end game critial or viable at all imho.

On top I would lower the lvl req. to lvl 59 to match the base item (would love to go lower, but the base has 59).

Both it´s more flavour than helping really. So what do you think about adding low CtC a low lvl static or nova on striking? Or bumb up lightning dmg by a lot (now 1-305)?

How about:

  • Buffs:
    • Add +20 To Raven
    • Remove Lvl 8 Raven (15 charges)
    • Lower Req Level: 63 to 59
    • Add 5% CtC lvl 4 Static Field on striking or
    • Change 1-305 Lightning Damage to 1-600

I prepared a long post for some discussions around selected set items (not completely finished yet). But would first end those topics to not get confused more than needed :slight_smile:

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Agree completely about limiting bases to 2H Axes and Hammers. I think I went a little overboard lol and agree CE at 5% at Level 8 (radius 5 yards)…

Sur - Um - Ber - Um - Ohm - Eth
Two-Handed Axes, Hammers
Required Level: 63
5% CtC Lvl 8 Corpse Explosion When You Kill An Enemy
+60% Increased Attack Speed
+400-450% Enhanced Damage (Ohm)
20% Chance of Crushing Blow (Ber)
50% Chance of Open Wounds (Um + Um)
Physical Damage Reduced by 10-15%
Add Strength +0-74 (0.75 Per Clvl)
-25% Target Defense (Eth)
All Resistances +15
Slows Target by 30%
Hit Blinds Target (Sur)

Agreed, here is final version…

Lum Tir Thul
Required Level: 37
33% CtC Lvl 10 Frost Nova When Struck
+3 To Cold Skills
+20% Faster Cast Rate
+50 To Mana
+5-10% To Cold Skill Damage
+10 To Energy (Lum)
+2 To Mana After Each Kill (Tir)
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage for 3 seconds (Thul)

True, we can put the idea on the shelf.

I’m not sure about removing All Attributes from Azurewrath as that is part of the flavor. I would rather remove RCD and simply buff All Attributes as shown below…

1H Damage: (102-114) To (115-129)
Req Level: 85
Req Strength: 25
Req Dexterity: 136
+230-270% Enhanced Damage
+30% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 250-500 Magic Damage
Adds 250-500 Cold Damage
+1 To All Skills
+5-10 To All Attributes
Level 10-13 Sanctuary Aura When Equipped
+3 To Light Radius

  • Buffs:
    • Add Requirements -100%
    • Add +10-15 Life After Each Demon Kill
    • Change Magic Damage to 500-1000
    • Change Cold Damage to 500-1000
    • Change All Attributes to +10-15
    • Change All Skills to +2
    • Change Required Lvl to 75

I agree on further buffs to Cranebeak to make it viable. I would double the level of Raven and make it an o-skill, agree on lowering lvl req. and buff Lightning Damage…

1H Damage: (102-120) To (163-192)
Req Level: 63
Req Strength: 133
Req Dexterity: 54
+240-300% Enhanced Damage
+40% Increased Attack Speed
-25% Target Defense
Adds 1-305 Lightning Damage
20-50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level 8 Raven (15 charges)

  • Buffs:
    • Add +16 To Raven
    • Change Required Lvl to 58
    • Change Lightning Damage to 1-505
    • Remove Lvl 8 Raven (15 charges)
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Good! What do others think about it?

:+1: :+1: :+1:

No strong opinion here. I think the RCD would be really nice. But dual 2*25% is really strong (how about 10 or 15%). Maybe we get some other opinions? But I would be fine with both versions tbh. The former proposal is the important step, the rest is just the icing on the cake. :slight_smile:

Not sure if that is enough dmg wise. But I guess we would need to try that out for a mid-lvl weapon. Would like to test this on a ES Raven Sorc with Enchant and Light Mastery (banger with massive style points!) :slight_smile:

So, I guess we have no outstanding discussions at this point right? If so I would post my thoughts on sets later (not done yet).

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Teaser: Will post my specific thoughts tomorrow. To leave space to discusse the above (if needed).

Ok, now let´s talk about a few set items again (big topic, I know). And yes we agreed not to go wild and initially don´t wanted to change set items itself and rather propose buffs for partial and full set bonuses to make the life of the devs easy. But since they are not listening on short notice, we could talk about a few changes for a long term improvement.


  1. Not intended to create new meta items, but make existing ones more usable. Standalone and within the set.
  2. Consider all proposals made so far for the set itself and rivalling uniques for that spot to be implemented (important!!!)
  3. Enable build variety and not just another variant for the same purpose (as a goal, as far as this is possible).
  4. Not changing already viable items. Yes, that means we keep Tal Rashas untouched, since it is already viable and most items have it´s uses. Difficult will be how to coop with mediocre ones (like Aldurs parts…… but let´s see).

Two types of items:

  • A) Items I would like to buff to make it usable as part of a mixed gear setup (like Trangs belt and gloves, G-Face, LoH etc.).
  • B) Items who will not be usable standalone but needs some love to improve the set (e.g Natalya’s Mark, several items of the Heaven’s Brethren Set)
    Furthermore I will not waste time on lower sets since it is most probably unlikely that you find those in a SSF situation and the set bonuses were good for low level in most cases imho. And most LLVL items are good enough to progress through the game.

Do you agree on those fundamentals so far?

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I agree it may not be enough to make Cranebeak viable, but had a few more thoughts. I think we should tone done Raven as an o-skill and make it a range as shown below. In addition, I think it feels natural that a big war spike should have Hit Blinds Target, which pairs nicely with Ravens. Instead of buffing Lightning Damage, I would rather make it more useable for treasure hunting, so lets give it a big boost to Magic Find, which also seems thematic for this item…

1H Damage: (102-120) To (163-192)
Req Level: 63
Req Strength: 133
Req Dexterity: 54
+240-300% Enhanced Damage
+40% Increased Attack Speed
-25% Target Defense
Adds 1-305 Lightning Damage
20-50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level 8 Raven (15 charges)

  • Buffs:
    • Add +8-12 To Raven
    • Add Hit Blinds Target
    • Change Magic Find to 50-80%
    • Change Required Lvl to 58
    • Remove Lvl 8 Raven (15 charges)

These fundamentals look solid, just need more time to digest information. :man_shrugging:

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That would be an option as well. But the problem remains. Not enough dmg on a weapon that we suppose to hit stuff. As a caster I have several better options with MF AND FCR! Weaken the Ravens doesn’t help here. Even fully synergized on a Dudu they are still weak and slow (I tried lvl 44 ravens, not really hektic gameplay tbh :slight_smile: ). I would consider lvl 16 as kind of super low and would expect something in the 20th to make a little effort at least (just check numbers on maxroll!). Even if you have +20 skills on your gear (what you can not reach with this weapon) the ravens would not be great. So either at least decent middle class ravens or you need something else (dmg) to be at least a lil attractive imho :man_shrugging:
Otherwise it remains a purely visual gimmick without a legit usecase…

And min lvl req needs to be 59 for this base if I’m right (58 should not work)?

It’s the same with every dmg charge on items. After they introduced synergies and increased monster strength most are weak, or purely pointless (except maybe Corpse Explosion). :man_shrugging:

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Good catch on req. lvl, it is 59. How about a static +20 to Raven and then add a modest 10% chance of CB along with buffing MF?..

1H Damage: (102-120) To (163-192)
Req Level: 63
Req Strength: 133
Req Dexterity: 54
+240-300% Enhanced Damage
+40% Increased Attack Speed
-25% Target Defense
Adds 1-305 Lightning Damage
20-50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level 8 Raven (15 charges)

  • Buffs:
    • Add +20 To Raven
    • Add +10% Chance Of Crushing Blow
    • Change Magic Find to 50-80%
    • Change Required Lvl to 59
    • Remove Lvl 8 Raven (15 charges)
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