Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

I can see you’ve put a lot of effort into this and although I disagree with some of your suggestions, as stated above, it looks like there aren’t going to be putting effort into improving things for d2r. They’re still pushing resources into d4, unfortunately and treating d2r as “maintenance mode” at best.

I would like to be wrong on this one, but I don’t think there are any developers assigned to d2r.

Many people in the community have been asking for simple changes for years (for example, for a simple/reliable way of spawning dclone, now that people no longer have hundreds of duped sojs; there are many other requests, but this one would be EASY to implement). I have yet to see any of those simple changes implemented, so what you’re asking for (uniques and runeword changes) seems at best…wishful thinking.

FWIW, I hope you get SOME of the things you’re asking for. Best of luck with that.

As for me, I guess I still have to be grateful that we at least got newer graphics and a semi-working It’s something.


Agreed and updated!

It’s unfortunate with D4 revenue they don’t hire a couple of devs to work on D2R for a couple of Seasons and then properly retire into maintenence mode like D3. Anyways, I’m taking a break and enjoying Baldur’s Gate 3.


Any ideas about a 3 OS mid-lvl 2H staff?

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Something with at least

  • 4 all skills
  • 50-70 FCR
  • 110 FHR
  • +44 Vit
  • Mana +178 224

Compensating for at least this of the two spirits, this is the minimum of the attributes, but if we offer anything better than that they will accuse me of wanting to make a new mosaic.

Sorry I’m out of ideas at the moment

Anything better than Spirits would indeed be power creep.
But what about something different? In particular, more offensive than dual Spirit setup?

Take away the FHR. IMO it doesn’t fit the staff, and even Obsession has only slightly more than half of Spirits’ FHR.
Since Mang Song’s Lesson already has -enemy ele res affixes, what about adding + ele skill damage affixes?

Also, don’t forget that for all classes except Paladin a staff would have an implicit benefit of not spending tons of stat points into strength.

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Gents. That would be far too much imho! I would aim for something between Leaf and Memory (lvl 37!!!).

Something only viable further if you would find a staff with not only one good +3 staff mod, but maybe +3/3/3. For everything else it should serve only as a decent mid-lvl temp!

Keep in mind that we should not undermine our efforts to make all those early to mid-lvl uniques viable!

What’s your opinion about my thoughts?

Compare it best with a White Wand for necros I would say :man_shrugging:

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Maybe instead of a staff, it would be pretty cool to see a new 3OS runeword for Sorceress Orbs, centered around Cold Theme (name could be Winter’s Embrace).

On another note, as unique two-handed axes have been in such a bad place for decades, I was thinking we should make one “godly” and seems fitting it should go to Messerschmidt’s Reaver, the unique champion axe that prince Aidan used to slay Diablo in classic Diablo. So, I would like to propose the following…

Messerschmidt’s Reaver
Champion Axe
2H Damage: 177 To (283-514)
Req Level: 70
Req Strength: 167
Req Dexterity: 59
+200% Enhanced Damage
+2-247 Max Damage (2.5 Per Clvl)
Adds 20-240 Fire Damage
100% Bonus To Attack Rating
+15 To All Attributes

  • Buffs:
    • Add Damage +250-350
    • Add +50% Increased Attack Speed
    • Add +50% Chance Of Open Wounds
    • Change Fire Damage to +250-450
    • Change E. Damage to +350%
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Crazy imho. 350 Damage and 350 ED? I mean I could/should be on par with a new Cranium Basher or a eBotD Thunder Maul. But that might be too much or not? IAS and OW would be nice. Fire damage as well!

Well 3 OS in a Orb (new mechanic) and spirit would be even better than Hoto, etc.
Would render several improved Uniques useless again (Echutas etc. etc.). I think Orbs would be quickly to fast OP.

But 2H staffs with 3 OS…with (!) good staff mods… would have some room.

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True, but why not? 2H axes are in a really sad state currently and think we could have one “godly” one with crazy stats… Grief +damage, IAS, OW, big ED and fire damage to boot. That’s what makes MFing so much fun, plus its a nostalgic item from classic Diablo. I’d love to see Messerschmidt’s Reaver give Grief a run for its money. :crazy_face:

Agree with you, just seems silly there is no dedicated RW’s for Sorceress Orbs.


I agree with your goal on a 2H MR! But let me run some calculations tomorrow (busy today). I’m kind a not like adding significant +dmg to weapons since it’s not showing on the screen like with Grief I assume.

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Then LCS should be fixed. Such bugs should not impede improving the game balance.

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hi charlesjt longtime no talk post 1218 1693 ect…

i think he are close of season 6 maybe just f+6 my name to remember what he talk about before

i will just say what i say most of the time on this forum ( i told you )

so what is your final judgement ?

Sorry gents, been busy the past days. So now I try to reply and have some items i would like to discuss further with you :slight_smile:

But first…

As much as you obviously like to enjoy the “I told you so” we like the discussion. :slight_smile:
Even if it will most probably not be heard. At least we deliverd some good advice and enjoyed the journey…
And maybe some day…someone will pick that up.

So some quick ones at the beginning.

Would you mind if we remove the PDmg on this one (we focussed the Viperfork around poison)? Instead I would add -25% Targets Defense (so it works on bossed as well). Found several and still not sure why an how I would use that (even if it´s close). Maybe 2 additional OS could change that.

I like the current proposal but would like to tweak it a bit since I think it is not enough to make me wanting to use it. For the lvl 43 req. the lvl 3 Frozen Orb (most probably without any synergies or -res) would be nothing like a nice fireworks.
Lvl 3 has a dmg output of 61-67. I would assume that even with the increased CtC of 15% a lvl 15 Frozen Orb would not be crazy. The basic dmg ot this little boy is just very shy. Increased frozen orb might help to use it at least in a SSF. Otherwise I would lower lvl req. to 38 (Dacian Falx starts at 25, but that would be too low).

Same with Ghostflame. Big lvl req. of 66. ITD and ML would not be enough to give it a try (for ML the base dmg is not really good as well). Not sure wich char would use that. A poison dagger Necro would most probably use something else like Fleshripper or Blackbogs. The increased magic dmg to 300 would help, but is not crazy at all. The base dmg is to low imho for lvl 66+.
What would you say if we lower the lvl req. to 60 and increase the magic dmg further to 500. I could also see us adding a low (like 2%) CtC lvl 20 Spirit of the Barbs when struck. That would fit the theme nicely. Would not work as a prebuff and only for melee chars. But the package could be enough to make it beeing used in early hell. Still wont be end game viable, what would be fine for me.

Now to the big boy:

First it is not a really rare item (with 100 MF, Baal has a 1:1700 chance to drop). The +15 all attributes are nice, but not crazy for endgame (eBotD has +30). Bonus to AR is important. 50% OW would be great. If it will be strong enough mayber Ubers-viable. With 50% IAS on the weapon you would need to add 33% more to hit the second/11 FPA BP. At WW only 13 is needed for the highest 5 FPA BP. Both good! Increase fire dmg is a nice to have imho. But 250-450 is not small either.

Assuming a lvl 90 Barb. Base Champion Axe has a min dmg of 59. With 350% ED that would be 266. Max base dmg is 94 (350% ED > 423). So we have a base dmg of 266-423 (with the Max dmg per lvl that would be +225 at lvl 90). So 266-648.

Even if MR has no real utility affixes (no LL, no procs) and high strength req. If we add 350 flat dmg that would be super strong with 616-998. If it is eth or Ohmed on top, that might be too much. After all bonuses applied (Axe Masterie etc.) that would be a super high output dmg and although 2H it would be really fast.

I would leave a roll for ED (since not too rare to support the hunt) and if flat dmg added would limit that to +100. If higher, IAS needs to be limited to 20% imho.

So this would have my approval (could be increased later anyway if PTR shows, that it would not be enough).

  • Buffs:
    • Add Damage +60-100
    • Add +50% Increased Attack Speed
    • Add +50% Chance Of Open Wounds
    • Change Fire Damage to +250-450
    • Change E. Damage to +250% - +350%

Last one.

My goal would be to fill the gap between Leaf (lvl 19, 2 OS) and Memory (lvl 37, 4 OS) with a cold theme option and for 3 OS. Only mid-game viable and end game only I you really found this crazy +3/3/3 base with the GG staff mods. So dual spirit is not the competiton here.

I like the idea to add some elemental dmg. So starting with this I make a specific proposal with the early runes needed to keep lvl req in the early 30th:

This is my proposal.

Cold Breeze


Req level: 35 (with the IO)
3 socket Staves

  • +3 to Cold Skills (Sorceress Only)
  • +20% Faster Cast Rate
  • +10 Vita (IO)
  • +4 Mana after Each Kill (2xTIR)
  • +2-5% To Cold Skill Damage (Nightwings starts at +8%, Death’s Fathom at +15%)
  • +50 Mana
  • +33% Chance to Cast lvl 5 Frost Nova when struck

Assuming that you use a decent base with good staff mods, that would likely have something like +2-3 Blizzard and/or Cold Mastery on top (and maybe Warmth, Enchant, Static, Thunderstorm etc. etc.).

So anything more would be to strong and rival other mid-lvl options like our buffed Chromatic Ire or Skull Collector. So we migh even tune down FCR and Mana even further?
But we would have created a use-case for nice 3 OS 2H staves?


This thread has become a meme.

I like your idea about removing PDmg as it overlaps with Viperfork, add 1-2 OS, buff All Skills, but I would add -50% Target Defense and leave req. level unchanged as follows…

Arioc’s Needle
2H Damage: (98-115) To (333-392)
Req Level: 81
Req Strength: 155
Req Dexterity: 120
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
+50% Deadly Strike
+394 Poison Damage Over 10 Seconds
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+2-4 To All Skills
Ignore Target’s Defense

  • Buffs:
    • Add 1-2 Open Sockets
    • Add -50% Target Defense
    • Change All Skills to +3-5
    • Remove +394 Poison Damage Over 10 Seconds

Agreed, here you go…

Bing Sz Wang
1H Damage: (29-33) To (69-78)
2H Damage: (59-67) To (140-158)
Req Level: 43
Req Strength: 64
Req Dexterity: 14
+130-160% Enhanced Damage
Adds 50-140 Cold Damage
5% CtC Lvl 3 Frozen Orb On Striking
Freezes Target +2
Requirements -30%
+20 To Strength

  • Buffs:
    • Add +20% Increased Attack Speed
    • Change Required Lvl to 38
    • Change Frozen Orb Lvl to 9 and Cast to 15%

Why not go a little crazy here? Instead of IAS, how about drop req. level by 10 and then buff magic damage to 1000 as shown below…

1H Damage: (133-156) to (203-238)
Req Level: 66
Req Strength: 55
Req Dexterity: 57
+190-240% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target’s Defense
+108 Magic Damage
10-15% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+2 To Light Radius

  • Buffs:
    • Change Required Lvl to 56
    • Change Magic Damage to 1000

Sounds good to me, just tweak the flat damage ever so slightly…

Messerschmidt’s Reaver
Champion Axe
2H Damage: 177 To (283-514)
Req Level: 70
Req Strength: 167
Req Dexterity: 59
+200% Enhanced Damage
+2-247 Max Damage (2.5 Per Clvl)
Adds 20-240 Fire Damage
100% Bonus To Attack Rating
+15 To All Attributes

  • Buffs:
    • Add Damage +40-120
    • Add +50% Increased Attack Speed
    • Add +50% Chance Of Open Wounds
    • Change Fire Damage to +250-450
    • Change E. Damage to +250-350%

Agree, but would be the highest lvl req. item left if all others are reworked. And most propably you could not use it until you are at lvl 2 WSK to use it. But still, thats fine for me!


More unique. Why not :slight_smile: Could be swap for phys immunes then.

Why not. The relatively high number of rolls would be a counterweigth to the good drop rates. So agree!

What about the 3OS 2H Staff RW for Phase 3+?

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i`m a bit confuse not sure why you answer for someone else or maybe you are on your other account ?

my question is for CharlesJT

sorry my french and my slow understanding but i see any answer about is (I’m holding judgement until Season 6 )

Well, I’m not sure what you expect me to say other than I’m extremely dissappointed? You made your point. I just wish Blizzard would give us a few more Seasons before going into maintenance mode. With that said, I’m still having fun discussions with many members.

That may be true, I like to consider this thread an archive of community feedback. :slight_smile:


True. I think we should forgo adding 1-2 OS and instead lower the req. level by 5. In addition, instead of buffing all skills, I think adding self repair mod will make finding an Eth version exciting and usable…

Arioc’s Needle
2H Damage: (98-115) To (333-392)
Req Level: 81
Req Strength: 155
Req Dexterity: 120
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
+50% Deadly Strike
+394 Poison Damage Over 10 Seconds
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+2-4 To All Skills
Ignore Target’s Defense

  • Buffs:
    • Add -50% Target Defense
    • Add Repair 1 Durability in 5 Seconds
    • Change Required Lvl to 76
    • Remove +394 Poison Damage Over 10 Seconds

On another note, just found Bloodtree Stump. As Bash is never used, I was thinking it would be more fun if we added a big bonus to Bash to this War Club, which seems fitting for name. Also, to improve viability, I also think this item needs some form of life leech…

Bloodtree Stump
2H Damage: 148-249
Req Level: 48
Req Strength: 124
+180-220% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage To Undead
50% Chance Of Crushing Blow
All Resistances +20
+25 To Strength
+2 To Masteries (Barbarian Only)
+3 To Mace Mastery (Barbarian Only)

  • Buffs:
    • Add +10 To Bash (Barbarian Only)
    • Add +5 Life After Each Kill
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i just expect a honest answer, all respect :+1:,
something 95% of the user will find excuse and stay in deny

sadly from season 3 i realize change or not , Blizzard just dont have the talent and good staff too upgrade this game ,
also most user on this forum are not high level classic era player
mean most change advise give from the community are wrong and have nothing to do with the core gameplay of this game , before the pre lod patch diablo 2 classic is the best era to play this game, and the most balance gameplay, the game suppose too upgrade from this core and not flip up side down from a 190% and be something else out of control, sadly all hope is gone with no tcp ip