Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

As discussed in the Piety - Shield Runeword for Iron Wolves

here you go again (from post 1204).

CtC lvl 5-10 Frost Novo when struck would fit nicely as well?

I’ve always thought the Redeemer was a budget Grief for Smiters. I think to keep this scepter unique, I would significantly buff DtD (even higher than Djinn Slayer) to make this really stand out and fitting for “Redeemer,” while also giving it the RIP mod. This would not be OP as it doesn’t have CB, DS, etc., but don’t want to add those as it would make it too similar with other scepters.

The Redeemer
Mighty Scepter
1H Damage: (140-160) To (182-208)
Req Level: 72
Req Strength: 50
Req Dexterity: 26
+250-300% Enhanced Damage
Damage +60-120
+50% Damage to Undead
+200-250% Damage To Demons
+2 To Paladin Skills
-33% Target Defense
+2-4 To Redemption (Paladin Only)
+2-4 To Holy Bolt (Paladin Only)
+3 To Light Radius
Requirements -60%

  • Buffs:
    • Add Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
    • Change D. To Demons to +350-400%

To summarize, top 3 DtD items would then be:

  1. The Redeemer, Lvl 72, DtD +350-400%
  2. Djinn Slayer, Lvl 65, DtD +300-350%
  3. Laying of Hands, Lvl 63, DtD +350%

The top 3 are across many item types of scepter, sword, and gloves.

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Your proposal on Energy is intriguing but does it factor in base stats along with stats provided by gear or charms(Torch+Anni)? If we look at base stats, this is what each class would have:

Amazon: 15 x .30 = 4.5 second reduction
Assassin: 25 x .30 = 7.5 second reduction
Barbarian: 10 x .30 = 3 second reduction
Necromancer: 25 x .30 = 7.5 second reduction
Sorceress: 35 x .30 = 10.5 second reduction
Paladin: 15 x .30 = 4.5 second reduction
Druid: 20 x .30 = 6 second reduction

Tack on Torch + Anni and you’d add upwards of 12 seconds. BotD cuts 9 seconds for any character that uses it… 18 for Barbarians that dual-wield. Then from that it can be reduced further with %Mana Regeneration.

Take a Sorceress with perfect Torch&Anni, that would cut ~22 seconds to 98. From that they have Level 17 Insight(700% Mana Regeneration) or cutting that by a factor of 8: 98/8 = ~12.25 seconds. That’s not much of a time savings compared to what we have right now… 120/8 = 15 seconds.

My idea back in the day was to place an Energy requirement to even use skills(meaning you had to plop Stat points into Energy to even use them and hence you couldn’t outright ignore the stat). I just couldn’t create something that was fair and reasonable.


Well thematic, but that would not be enough. DtD is off-weapon ED so not contributing to all other ED-effects. If you using a might merc and zeal your are allready almost at a 1000%ED. Those 150% on top doesn´t cut it really. Base dmg is too low, to slow…
That would make it better of course but still useless. Or am I missing something here?

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True. Instead of buffing DtD, we could add bonus to Zeal, and make it a budget option for Zeolot. Still think RIP mod feels thematic for this mighty scepter. These changes would put us at the attribute limit. :man_shrugging:

The Redeemer
Mighty Scepter
1H Damage: (140-160) To (182-208)
Req Level: 72
Req Strength: 50
Req Dexterity: 26
+250-300% Enhanced Damage
Damage +60-120
+50% Damage to Undead
+200-250% Damage To Demons
+2 To Paladin Skills
-33% Target Defense
+2-4 To Redemption (Paladin Only)
+2-4 To Holy Bolt (Paladin Only)
+3 To Light Radius
Requirements -60%

  • Buffs:
    • Add +2-4 To Zeal (Paladin Only)
    • Add Slain Monsters Rest in Peace

thanks for the kind words

So this is where we disagree on everything. When we’re talking about properties for rares, we’re also talking about magical properties and properties that drop from
2) Reduced restrictions on weapon types for crafting
3) Addition of +2 to tab skills and +1 class skill to helmets and chests, it does not need to be the same as level 20 and 40 class items.
4) Disable all charged properties from the gloves
5) Control by max level of weapon properties.

Releasing indestructibles for rares or letting gems have 10% FCR and taking this as an example, I consider discussing these points of properties valid and necessary, but they are small quality of life, considering that a good part of the game is dead due to being poorly designed and not improved in 20 years.

@Charles, no skill in jewelry. Simple that

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In addition to having magic jewels roll with FCR, I would like to see improving Magical and Rare Staves with two new suffixes “Wizard” and “Archwizard.” As you know, we already have 10% FCR with Apprentice affix and 20% FCR with Magus affix.

New Affixes Category Attribute Item
Practitioner Suffix 5% Faster Cast Rate Magic Jewel
Wizard Suffix 30% Faster Cast Rate Rare Staff
Archwizard Suffix 50% Faster Cast Rate Magic Staff

Agreed, did not propose skills in jewelry.

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I updated OP based on previous discussion:


Steel Carapace
Defense: 1618-1785
Req Level: 66
Req Strength: 230
+190-220% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana 10-15%
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
Cold Resist +40-60%
Damage Reduced By 9-14
Repairs 1 Durability in 20 Seconds
8% CtC Lvl 6 Iron Maiden When Struck

  • Buffs:
    • Add Lvl 5 Redemption Aura When Equipped
    • Add 2 Open Sockets
    • Remove Regenerate Mana 10-15%
    • Change Damage Reduced By 19-24
    • Change Iron Maiden Lvl to 13 and Cast to 33%

Veil of Steel
Defense: 396
Req Level: 73
Req Strength: 192
+60% Enhanced Defense
+140 To Defense
All Resistances +50
+15 To Strength
+15 To Vitality
-4 To Light Radius

  • Buffs:
    • Add +80-120% Enhanced Damage
    • Add +10-15% Increased Attack Speed
    • Change E. Defense to +160%
    • Change Required Lvl to 68

Nightwing’s Veil
Defense: 304-352
Req Level: 67
Req Strength: 96
+90-120% Enhanced Defense
+2 To All Skills
+8-15% To Cold Skill Damage
+10-20 To Dexterity
+5-9 Cold Absorb
Half Freeze Duration
Requirements -50%

  • Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Freezing Arrow

Djinn Slayer
1H Damage: (75-88) To (133-156)
Req Level: 65
Req Strength: 138
Req Dexterity: 95
+190-240% Enhanced Damage
+100-150% Damage To Demons
Adds 250-500 Fire Damage
3-6% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+3-7 Lightning Absorb
+200-300 To Attack Rating Against Demons
Socketed (1-2)

  • Buffs:
    • Add 250-500 Lightning Damage
    • Change D. To Demons to +300-350%

The Redeemer
Mighty Scepter
1H Damage: (140-160) To (182-208)
Req Level: 72
Req Strength: 50
Req Dexterity: 26
+250-300% Enhanced Damage
Damage +60-120
+50% Damage to Undead
+200-250% Damage To Demons
+2 To Paladin Skills
-33% Target Defense
+2-4 To Redemption (Paladin Only)
+2-4 To Holy Bolt (Paladin Only)
+3 To Light Radius
Requirements -60%

  • Buffs:
    • Add +2-4 To Zeal (Paladin Only)
    • Add Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
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I like the theme of having slain monsters RIP on a weapon called the redeemer, but it also gives redemption aura, which requires usable corpses, I think.
Seems like the item might be working against itself.


You’re right, that wouldn’t work. That’s why its important we need feedback. What about replacing Slain Monsters RIP with a modest buff to DtD as shown below?

The Redeemer
Mighty Scepter
1H Damage: (140-160) To (182-208)
Req Level: 72
Req Strength: 50
Req Dexterity: 26
+250-300% Enhanced Damage
Damage +60-120
+50% Damage to Undead
+200-250% Damage To Demons
+2 To Paladin Skills
-33% Target Defense
+2-4 To Redemption (Paladin Only)
+2-4 To Holy Bolt (Paladin Only)
+3 To Light Radius
Requirements -60%

  • Buffs:
    • Add +2-4 To Zeal (Paladin Only)
    • Change D. To Demons to +250-300%

Absolutely. Then we can still switch on redemption after a mob pack and raise up some souls.

I want to add, this is such a great list, and I hope it’s seen by Blizz staff at some point.
Sometimes when I’m playing through the campaign and find a unique that’s trash, I come here and check what it could have been haha


I do the same thing. I just found a Leviathan in Drifter Cavern, and wanted to revisit our proposal. As this armor is really green, I think we should double Strength so it would be like the Hulk and allows you to equip the heaviest weapons in the game, like a thunder maul. I think CtC hurricane is kinda cool, but doesnt feel fitting for this green armor. The crushing blow and fire resist are solid additions…

Defense: 1514-1722
Req Level: 65
Req Strength: 174
+170-200% Enhanced Defense
+100-150 Defense
+40-50 To Strength
Damage Reduced By 15-25%

  • Buffs:
    • Add +15% Chance Of Crushing Blow
    • Add Fire Resistance +30-50%
    • Change Strength to +80-100

I think CtC Hurricane When Struck is more fitting on Windhammer (make same proc % and lvl as Twister) and that’s all is really needed to be a solid weapon…

2H Damage: (215-254) To (296-349)
Req Level: 68
Req Strength: 225
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
50% Chance of Crushing Blow
+60% Increased Attack Speed
33% CtC Lvl 22 Twister On Striking
+50% Damage to Undead

  • Buffs:
    • Add 33% CtC Lvl 22 Hurricane When Struck

Really loved the idea to have hurrican on an armor, but tha´ll work too :slight_smile:
Windhammer as well :+1:


Slow missiles, Cyclone armor, Dim vision, Confuse and Weaken are spells that can easily be incorporated into those activated by struke in the rare list, instead of an endless number of skills with charges that no one uses, could be incorporated into helmets and chests.

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When I put the really green armor of Leviathan on, I makes you look like a mini-Hulk. It feels right and thematic that we make this the “Crazy Strength” armor. :stuck_out_tongue:

The only question is should Hurricane on Windhammer be On Striking or When Struck?

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Apologies if I’ve posted in this thread previously, but I don’t remember doing so. Incredible, the amount of depth you’ve given into thinking about this, and the considerations of changes you’d implement.

I wish you were on the dev team :frowning:


Thanks for the kind words. It’s really a community effort. If you have any ideas for improving uniques, share your ideas and we can discuss.

The main thing I try to do is strengthen the flavor of items while staying true to the original design.


Well with the Hurrican when struck I was envisioning some niche off-meta sick Wind-Demon-Machine hybrid sorcs to play. With a -15% req jewel, cold masteries. This version now would only serve melee chars with an ultra high demand of strength. And in this area you have plenty of alternatives to get what you need (not counting enigma). Supporting the Hulk-theme we might add Taunt or Battle Cry on striking as well? :slight_smile:

Looking on Windhammer again, I think the -20% req. should stay away (if you want to use this, then you should figure out how to get there with the high strength requirement). With the Leviathan you could end up with something around 250-270 strength (so no worries here), that would be a perfect match.

A 33% CtC Hurrican either on striking or when struck (for a melee char) would result in constantly recasting this 12 second hurrican (if not on a druid with max Cyclone Armor increasing the duration quickly torwards 1 minute). So that might be actually too much CtC and Hurrican will stay active forever recasting it every 2-3 seconds? Without synergies lvl 22 Hurricane is not to crazy at lvl 68+ so I would lower CtC but make Hurricane stronger. So I would go to when struck.

But honestly, would you use that? Is 60% IAS and 50% CB enough to make it with Hurrican really viable?

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We already added Taunt to Silks of the Victor. Going with hulk theme, we could also buff E. Defense?..

Defense: 1514-1722
Req Level: 65
Req Strength: 174
+170-200% Enhanced Defense
+100-150 Defense
+40-50 To Strength
Damage Reduced By 15-25%

  • Buffs:
    • Add +15% Chance Of Crushing Blow
    • Add Fire Resistance +30-50%
    • Change Strength to +80-100
    • Change E. Defense to +200-250%

Agreed about Hurricane, what about adding bonus to druid skills too?..

2H Damage: (215-254) To (296-349)
Req Level: 68
Req Strength: 225
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
50% Chance of Crushing Blow
+60% Increased Attack Speed
33% CtC Lvl 22 Twister On Striking
+50% Damage to Undead

  • Buffs:
    • Add +2-3 To Druid Skill Levels
    • Add 6% CtC Lvl 44 Hurricane When Struck

Nah…it should not be a druid weapon imho.
Would stick to the former improved ED (+230-280%). So upper dmg. should reach 400. But maybe we could also add some kind of freezing target or cold dmg? Anything that would mkake it viable for that high strength req?

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