Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Thanks for the kind words

Control by max affix level is one of the most relevant points in updating the magic prefix and sulfix tables.

Level of Affix Number of affixes
1-30 538
31-60 239
61+ 39

These are the statistics on affix levels and from them it is easy to intuit that this list must be highly underestimated.

There are only 21 affix controlled by max level, which is very few.

I will not discuss these changes at this time, even though I have nothing against them, I believe that it is necessary to consolidate a macro view of what needs to be done.

In addition to the obvious max level group, I consider other macro points to be considered.

  1. What to do with the relationship of Helms and Chests Vs Runewords
    and Helms vs Circlets?

Rare helmets and chests are simply useless from level 17 with steath and other runewords onwards.

Rare and magical helmets are of no use to circlets.
I already explained here, circlets are second amulets and rare helms are only good for sale if you want to farm some gold. Do players want to look at and make helms or is the game ok in its current base?

  1. What to do with the Gloves. The best and most desired affix are at maximum level 43, while attributes that can make craft gloves reach req level 99 are useless, what to do with them?

  2. What to do with the various affixes present in the table but disabled?

  3. Is the premise that maximum affixes will normally just be magic something the developers want to maintain?

  4. what other properties can appear for magic and rares?

There are many difficult questions, I’m going to start expressing my ideas on these macro points, but for now I need the opinion of other players.

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To further improve itemization, the developers should expand jewel affixes in order to allow for more customization of socketed items as follows:

New Jewel Affixes

Jewel Affixes Category Attribute Jewel Quality
Adept Prefix +1 To Random Skill (Class Only) Magic Jewel
Mortal Strike Prefix +5-10% Deadly Strike Rare Jewel
Trample Prefix +5-10% Crushing Blow Rare Jewel
Deep Wounds Prefix +10-15% Open Wounds Rare Jewel
Ensnare Prefix +10-15% Slows Target Rare Jewel
Reconstruct Suffix Repairs 1 Durability Every 45 Seconds Rare Jewel
Nimble Suffix +10-15% Faster Run/Walk Rare Jewel
Parry Suffix +3-5% Increased Blocking Rare Jewel
Resilience Suffix +3-5% Physical Damage Reduction Rare Jewel
Practitioner Suffix +5-10% Faster Cast Rate Magic Jewel
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Blizzard hire this man, legendary feedback

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" New Crafting Themes

As there are seven types of gems (Amethyst, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, and Skull) and only four crafting themes (Blood, Caster, Hitpower, and Safety), the developers should consider adding additional themes to the game (few examples):

  • Fighter - Diamond. New theme around crafting for IAS, AR, FRW, etc.
  • Treasure - Topaz. New theme around crafting for Magic Find, Gold Find, etc."

Yes, we do have three new crafting themes listed in OP and slightly different as Fighter, Fortune, and Occult. It would be fun to craft wands w/ charges and throwing weapons. You can also craft bows/xbows w/ revised safety theme and claws with revised blood theme.

New Crafting Themes

Theme Gem Weapon Restrictions Pre-Set Mods
Fighter Diamond Bladed & Throwing Weapons Vitality, Enhanced Damage, Increased Attack Speed, Deadly Strike, Ignore Target Defense, Faster Run/Walk, Piercing Attack, Replenish Quantity, Stamina, Poison Damage, Poison Resist, Burst of Speed Charges
Fortune Topaz Daggers Light Radius, Enhanced Damage, Attack Rating, Extra Gold From Monsters, Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items, Reduce All Vendor Prices, Find Item Charges
Occult Skull Wands Curse Duration Reduction, Mana, Mana Per Kill, Magic Damage Reduced, Magic Resist, Charges: Teleport, Energy Shield, Enchant, Revive, Terror, Dim Vision, Attract, Inner Sight, Spirit of Barbs

—[ PHASE 1 ]—


Change chance to hit formula to use skill level too, wich would make it consistent:

chage from this
Chance To Hit = 200% * {AR / (AR + DR)} * {Alvl / (Alvl + Dlvl)}

to this
Chance To Hit = 200% * {AR / (AR + DR)} * {Alvl + Slvl / (Alvl + Dlvl)}

AR = Attacker’s Attack Rating
DR = Defender’s Defense rating
Slvl = Skill Level
Alvl = Attacker’s level
Dlvl = Defender’s level


Hmm, that’s an interesting change. Without doing all the math, do you have a simple chart you can share to show the relative impact? I’m too lazy to chart a graph in excel. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Can we please increase the charges of TP from 40 to lets say 80 at least to not be super annoying and a real alternative for heaving Enigma. Really would like to see more then Tyraels with TP as an o-skill. But that´s not capable of winning a majority for Wizzy I guess.

Man, my sincere condolence! Hope youre doing well!

I think magic and rare items are lost for mid- and end-game. And honestly I´m good with that (just wanted to add some spices). But really I don´t need to see every item beeing able to roll goodly. They are good for early playthroughs and later you switch to uniques and RW with some exceptions like 6/40 javelins etc.

I guess we really should focus on uniques. With boots beeing able to spawn with 50 FRW I just wanted to bring some exitement to those and stard IDing them again. But honestly nobody needs that. And to balance that out would be another 24 months of discussion without any chance seeing this happen… so why do we just leave it there :man_shrugging:

Charles, thats super crazy OP! Or not? Griswold’s Legacy has 13 OS. How would that look like? +100% CB AND 100% DS AND 100% FRW AND FCR? :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Then you need another difficulty level since nothing challanges you at all…

+1 Random skills on magic jewels could be somthing I could support, but does it help the long list of OPs uniques? FCR on magic jewels as well. Could see that (but certainly not 5-10%, maybe 1-3%). Beeing able to achieve one more BP filling your slots with magic 3%FRC/15%@ res magic jewels instead of facets.

But 10% DS, CB and 15% Open Wounds and FRW? 1-3% maybe. But still. Does it help uniques?
Repairs, Blocking, Slows and Physical Damage Reduction I wouldn´t mind!

The problem with that would be, that we would need to rework the whole list of already made and intensively discussed propsals to serveral items. We added AR-buffs a lot to overcome this issue. The idea is great tbh! But with high skill levels you tend to allways hit. That makes the mechanic kind of useless even without AR gear :slight_smile:
Maybe if you lower the 200% to 150% or so. But that would be alot of QA-testing. Pretty sure we will not see that unfortunately! But a great idea! :+1: :slight_smile:

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I think I can meet you in the middle and change to 60 charges for the next update. :stuck_out_tongue:

These changes do allow for more customization of socketed items, including uniques. I do agree with you and toned down the values as you mentioned. Updated chart.

Also, these new magic jewels would be equivalent to finding 15IAS/40ED. It’s rarer than Ber/Jah rune and pretty expensive. It used to be about 2-5 high runes, not sure in today’s market. So finding magic jewel w/ DS, CB, FCR, +1 Skill would be very hard.

New Jewel Affixes

Jewel Affixes Category Attribute Jewel Quality
Adept Prefix +1 To Random Skill (Class Only) Magic Jewel
Lethal Prefix +3-5% Deadly Strike Magic Jewel
Trample Prefix +3-5% Crushing Blow Magic Jewel
Onyx Prefix +11-15% Resist Magic Magic Jewel
Obsidian Prefix +5-10% Resist Magic Rare Jewel
Lacerate Prefix +5-10% Open Wounds Rare Jewel
Ensnare Prefix +5-10% Slows Target Rare Jewel
Reconstruct Suffix Repairs 1 Durability Every 45 Seconds Rare Jewel
Puncture Suffix -50 To Monster Defense Per Hit Rare Jewel
Nimble Suffix +10-15% Faster Run/Walk Rare Jewel
Exorcism Suffix +5-10 Life After Each Demon Kill Rare Jewel
Parry Suffix +5-10% Increased Blocking Rare Jewel
Resilience Suffix +3-5% Physical Damage Reduction Magic Jewel
Practitioner Suffix +3-5% Faster Cast Rate Magic Jewel
Expertise Suffix +3-5% To Experience Gained Magic Jewel
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So thats a new Phase IV then (after buffing uniques at least)? :slight_smile:

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I was thinking last thing in Phase 2, right after crafting. Expanding jewels could be done before sets/RWs in Phase 3…

—[ PHASE 2 ]—


I dont have a chart, but, using this as a base:

Normal chance to hit Baal Hell (without any buffs or debuffs) is 62,8%


Including whirlwind skill levels goes to 88,5%


This gives skill levels a higher importance on non spell casting builds, and help mitigate the absurd rating problem the game has.

At Level 99, same conditions, base chance to hit is 72,3%

With ww skill levels goes to 95%

about this in fact there is not many changes that really adresses the problem, because the worst facotr is always lvl difference, and the problem with ar is not high level with every good equipmento in the game, at that moment you will basically always hit anything but ubers, its during the first 80 levels of non twinked characters, wich would make much more sense and give skills a lot more importance. today, because it gives so litle, its usually use the skill points in other stuff, with the changes it would use in many cool new ways.

I think maybe a better approach is to perform a pass balance on Strength, Dexterity, and Energy. They could double ED for 2H-weapons on Str, they could buff AR for 1H-weapons and significantly buff AR for 2H-weapons, and Energy now reduces the 120 second duration to fully replenish mana pool as follows…

Improve Attributes

Attribute Current Improved
Strength +1% ED / point +1% ED / point (1H), +2% ED / point (2H)
Dexterity +5 AR / point +10 AR / point (1H), +20 AR / point (2H)
Vitality No changes No changes
Energy Mana pool fully replenishes in 120 sec -0.30 sec / point (reduce duration)

I know we buffed the elite Spirit Ward shield w/ magic resist, but would also like to see an exceptional item with this stat as well. With the similiar name, instead of adding CtC Static to Spirit Shroud (which we already added to Wisp Projector), I would like to propose the following below. I also think +magic resist pairs nicely with MDR already on armor…

The Spirit Shroud
Ghost Armor
Defense: 295
Req Level: 28
Req Strength: 38
Durability: 20
+150% Enhanced Defense
Cannot Be Frozen
+1 To All Skills
Replenish Life +10
Magic Damage Reduced By 7-11

  • Buffs:
    • Add +10-15% To Magic Resistance
    • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate

One more item I wanted to discuss. Adding DS to Toothrow seems unimaginative. To keep with the namesake, I think it would be thematic to add CtC Teeth…

Sharktooth Armor
Defense: 713-888
Req Level: 48
Req Strength: 103
+160-220% Enhanced Defense
+40-60 Defense
+40% Chance of Open Wounds
Fire Resist +15%
+10 Strength
Attacker Takes Damage of 20-40

  • Buffs:
    • Add 20% CtC Level 15 Teeth When Struck
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Appreciate your modest answer to my (maybe somewhat exaggerated) post! I really like your thread and I think some of it will be used because it is realistic.


I updated OP based on previous discussion:


Steel Carapace
Shadow Plate
Defense: 1618-1785
Req Level: 66
Req Strength: 230
+190-220% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana 10-15%
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
Cold Resist +40-60%
Damage Reduced By 9-14
Repairs 1 Durability in 20 Seconds
8% CtC Lvl 6 Iron Maiden When Struck

  • Buffs:
    • Add 2 Open Sockets
    • Add Attacker Takes Damage Of 600
    • Remove Regenerate Mana 10-15%
    • Change Damage Reduced By 19-24
    • Change Iron Maiden Lvl to 13 and Cast to 33%

Duriel’s Shell
Defense: (528-650) - (610-732)
Req Level: 41
Req Strength: 65
+160-200% Enhanced Defense
1-123 Defense
1-99 To Life
Fire Resist +20%
Lightning Resist +20%
Poison Resist +20%
Cold Resist +50%
Cannot be Frozen
+15 To Strength

  • Buffs:
    • Add Freezes Target +5

Sharktooth Armor
Defense: 713-888
Req Level: 48
Req Strength: 103
+160-220% Enhanced Defense
+40-60 Defense
+40% Chance of Open Wounds
Fire Resist +15%
+10 Strength
Attacker Takes Damage of 20-40

  • Buffs:
    • Add 20% CtC Level 15 Teeth When Struck

The Spirit Shroud
Ghost Armor
Defense: 295
Req Level: 28
Req Strength: 38
Durability: 20
+150% Enhanced Defense
Cannot Be Frozen
+1 To All Skills
Replenish Life +10
Magic Damage Reduced By 7-11

  • Buffs:
    • Add +10-15% To Magic Resistance
    • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate

Warlord’s Trust
Military Axe
2H Damage: 38 To 93
Req Level: 35
Req Strength: 73
+175% Enhanced Damage
Repairs 1 Durability In 4 Seconds
0-49 To Vitality
Replenish Life +20
All Resistances +10
+75 Defense

  • Buffs:
    • Add Ethereal
    • Change E. Damage to 175-225%

Bone Knife
1H Damage: 23 to 49
Req Level: 61
Req Strength: 38
Req Dexterity: 75
+2-198 To Mana
50% Faster Cast Rate
Regenerate Mana 15%
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
All Resistances +75

  • Buffs:
    • Add Level 3 Teleport (60 charges)
    • Increases All Chance To Cast Skills By +5-10%

1H Damage: 47 To 90
Req Level: 41
Req Strength: 47
Req Dexterity: 97
+150% Enhanced Damage
Adds 1-120 Lightning Damage
25% CtC Lvl 3 Charged Bolt When Struck
Lightning Resist 1-99%
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 20

  • Buffs:
    • Add +5-7% To Lightning Skill Damage
    • Add -5-7% To Enemy Lightning Resist
    • Change Charged Bolt Lvl to 10-15

Crusader Bow
2H Damage: 45 to (190-313)
Req Level: 69
Req Strength: 97
Req Dexterity: 122
+200% Enhanced Damage
+2-198% Enhanced Maximum Damage
+1 To Amazon Skills
+6-594 To Attack Rating
+25 To Dexterity
Ignores Target’s Defense

  • Buffs:
    • Add 1-2 Open Sockets
    • Add +33% Piercing Attack
    • Change +1 To Amazon Skills to +1 To All Skills

Rogue’s Bow
Composite Bow
2H Damage: 5 to 12
Req Level: 20
Req Strength: 25
Req Dexterity: 35
+40-60% Enhanced Damage
+100% Damage to Undead
+30% Deadly Strike
50% Increased Attack Speed
+60 to Attack Rating
All Resistances +10

  • Buffs:
    • Add +3-5 To Multiple Shot

Seraph’s Hymn
Req Level: 65
+2 To All Skills
+1-2 To Defensive Auras (Paladin Only)
+20-50% Damage To Demons
+150-250 To Attack Rating Against Demons
+20-50% Damage To Undead
+150-250 To Attack Rating Against Undead
+2 To Light Radius

  • Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Combat Skills (Paladin Only)
    • Change D. To Demons to +100-150%
    • Change D. To Undead to +100-150%


Spirit (Shield)
Tal Thul Ort Amn
+2 To All Skills
+25-35% Faster Cast Rate
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
+250 Defense vs. Missiles
+22 To Vitality
+89-112 To Mana
Cold Resist +35% (Thul)
Lightning Resist +35% (Ort)
Poison Resist +35% (Tal)
+3-8 Magic Absorb
Attacker Takes Damage of 14 (Amn)

  • Nerfs:
    • Change All Skills to +1
    • Change FCR to +15-25%
    • Change FHR to +25%
    • Change Mana to +59-82

Spirit (Sword)
Tal Thul Ort Amn
+2 To All Skills
+25-35% Faster Cast Rate
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage (Ort)
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage (Thul)
+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds (Tal)
7% Life Stolen Per Hit (Amn)
+250 Defense vs. Missiles
+22 To Vitality
+89-112 To Mana
+3-8 Magic Absorb

  • Nerfs:
    • Change All Skills to +1
    • Change FCR to +15-25%
    • Change FHR to +25%
    • Change Mana to +59-82

General Changes

Restrict Rare Affixes

To improve rare items, the developers should limit the most undesirable affixes to continue to spawn in normal and nightmare, but not hell. This can be done by setting affix max level to 66 as Blood Moor (H) has alvl of 67…

Rare Affixes Category Max Level Attribute
Rugged Prefix 66 +5-10 Max Stamina
Chestnut Prefix 66 +10-15 Max Stamina
Maroon Prefix 66 +16-25 Max Stamina
Vigorous Prefix 66 +21-30 Max Stamina
Brown Prefix 66 Heal Stamina +10-15%
Tireless Prefix 66 Heal Stamina +10-50%
Blanched Prefix 66 +5-8 Defense
Eburine Prefix 66 +9-20 Defense
Bone Prefix 66 +21-40 Defense
Glimmering Prefix 66 +1 Light Radius
Glowing Prefix 66 +2 Light Radius
Bright Prefix 66 +1 Light Radius, +10 Attack Rating
Screaming Prefix 66 Hit Causes Monster to Flee 12-25%
Howling Prefix 66 Hit Causes Monster to Flee 18-50%
Wailing Prefix 66 Hit Causes Monsters to Flee 25-100%
Light Suffix 66 +1 Light Radius, +10-15 Attack Rating
Radiance Suffix 66 +3 Light Radius, +30 Attack Rating
Sun Suffix 66 +5 Light Radius, 5% Attack Rating
Thorns Suffix 66 Attacker Takes Damage 1-3
Malice Suffix 66 Attacker Takes Damage 1-5
Spikes Suffix 66 Attacker Takes Damage 4-6
Razors Suffix 66 Attacker Takes Damage 7-9
Thawing Suffix 66 Half Freeze Duration
Bear Suffix 66 Knockback

Improve Magic Affixes

Lastly, the developers should improve magic items by buffing a few magic-only affixes to improve their usefulness during the early to mid-game playthrough…

Magic Affixes Type Current Improved Magic Item (Lvl)
Weird Prefix +301-450 Attack Rating +301-500 Attack Rating Weapon (37)
Grandmaster Prefix +251-300 AR, 151-200% ED +251-400 AR, 151-300% ED Weapon (69)
Fortuitous Prefix +11-15% Magic Find +11-20% Magic Find Amulet, Circlet, Ring (12)
Chromatic Prefix +21-30% All Resist +21-35% All Resist Amulet, Circlet, Shield (55)
Evisceration Suffix +41-63 Max Damage +41-80 Max Damage Weapon (45)
Transportation Suffix +30% FRW, 80-90% SSD +50% FRW Boot (65)
Luck Suffix +26-35% Magic Find +26-40% Magic Find Amulet, Circlet, Boot (26)
Revivification Suffix +11-15 Replenish Life +11-25 Replenish Life Amulet, Circlet, Scepter (38)

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Going back to what Krassus suggested, I think idea of adding Redeption Aura to Steel Carapace Shadow Plate is very thematic. This along with keeping our original proposal of adding 2 OS and buffing Damage Reduced By X and Iron Maiden adds a unique flavor…

Steel Carapace
Defense: 1618-1785
Req Level: 66
Req Strength: 230
+190-220% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana 10-15%
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
Cold Resist +40-60%
Damage Reduced By 9-14
Repairs 1 Durability in 20 Seconds
8% CtC Lvl 6 Iron Maiden When Struck

  • Buffs:
    • Add Lvl 5 Redemption Aura When Equipped
    • Add 2 Open Sockets
    • Remove Regenerate Mana 10-15%
    • Change Damage Reduced By 19-24
    • Change Iron Maiden Lvl to 13 and Cast to 33%

As we moved Redemption Aura to Steel Carapace (more fitting on armor), I think we should instead add lightning damage to Djinn Slayer to make it a dual element weapon and pairs nicely with the lightning absorb already on sword. This along with our big buff to Damage to Demons should hold up quite well as an end-game weapon…

Djinn Slayer
1H Damage: (75-88) To (133-156)
Req Level: 65
Req Strength: 138
Req Dexterity: 95
+190-240% Enhanced Damage
+100-150% Damage To Demons
Adds 250-500 Fire Damage
3-6% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+3-7 Lightning Absorb
+200-300 To Attack Rating Against Demons
Socketed (1-2)

  • Buffs:
    • Add 250-500 Lightning Damage
    • Change D. To Demons to +300-350%

To switch gears, I would like to discuss a few helms. First, as Nightwing’s Veil (w/ 5/5 Cold Facet) is BiS for a Frostmaiden, I think our buff of adding minus enemy cold resist doesn’t move the needle in making this helm unique. I think a better buff is to add +3 To Freezing Arrow as an o-skill, and now we’ve opened up this skill to non-Amazon bow builds and pairs nicely with cold skill damage…

Nightwing’s Veil
Defense: 304-352
Req Level: 67
Req Strength: 96
+90-120% Enhanced Defense
+2 To All Skills
+8-15% To Cold Skill Damage
+10-20 To Dexterity
+5-9 Cold Absorb
Half Freeze Duration
Requirements -50%

  • Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Freezing Arrow

For Veil of Steel, I think this helm has steep competition versus Kira’s Guardian. To help distinguish this helm, I think it needs an important offensive stat like IAS as Enhanced Damage isn’t enough. I think we need to add +10-15% IAS as follows…

Veil of Steel
Defense: 396
Req Level: 73
Req Strength: 192
+60% Enhanced Defense
+140 To Defense
All Resistances +50
+15 To Strength
+15 To Vitality
-4 To Light Radius

  • Buffs:
    • Add +80-120% Enhanced Damage
    • Add +10-15% Increased Attack Speed
    • Change E. Defense to +160%
    • Change Required Lvl to 68

There are many base items in the game that have no unique versions, especially Elites. Instead of overhauling existing uniques, another cool idea is the devs could introduce new unique items from D1 to preserve lore and nostalgia. Here are a few D1 uniques that would be cool to see:


  • Aguinara’s Hatchet
  • Gibbous Moon
  • Shadowhawk
  • Hammer of Jholm
  • The Celestial Star
  • Bow of the Dead
  • Staff of Shadows


  • The Rainbow Cloak
  • Leather of Aut
  • Nightscape
  • Demonspike Coat
  • Overlord’s Helm
  • Fool’s Crest
  • Royal Circlet

Below is a list of base items with no unique versions, courtesy of TrangOul…

Base Items w/ No Unique Versions

Been a few days out of order. So now…

Thematic. Like that. Would not change a lot but doesn´t have to. What did we had before (can´t remember)?

Good! But not sure about “Wailling”. There might be some purpose (merc use maybe) where you might look for just that (Hit Causes Monsters to Flee 25-100%). So maybe only the two lesser variants Howling and Screaming? Same with Razors (Attacker Takes Damage 7-9). Maybe here as well only the 3 lesser variants?

Perfect. Would not make too much of a difference but would improve the game an not hurt anybody.

That would be ok and interesting! Like it. I guess it would not be uses on your merc due to the high strength requirement (230 -10 for eth and 2x Hell would result in 154 but with both OS occupied), so no worries here.

One more thing. I was following today a Reddit discussion about an almost perfect Redeemer and it´s possible use cases. And in fact there is barely any. So I would like to discussed this one since we haven´t so far in detail (Charles sugessted adding sanctuary a year ago but we didn´t took the discussion and I guess we have now plenty of sanctuary options added).

The Redeemer
Unique Mighty Scepter

One-Hand Damage: (140-160) To (182-208)
Required Level: 72
Required Strength: 50
Required Dexterity: 26
Durability: 50
Base Weapon Speed: [0] +250-300% Enhanced Damage
Damage +60-120
+50% Damage To Undead
+200-250% Damage To Demons
+2 To Paladin Skill Levels
-33% Target Defense
+2-4 To Redemption (Paladin Only)
+2-4 To Holy Bolt (Paladin Only)
+3 To Light Radius
Requirements -60%

I would not try to make it compete with Grief, BotD or any other high-end weapon for Ubers (Black is so cheap for the CB and even Heaven’s Light/Astreons have that). I lacks obviously IAS (on a already low base), CB and DS. So there are plenty of alternatives and I would not try to create another here for Ubers.

I has a relatively high lvl req. and I would keep that. But it has almost no strg/dex req. How could an viable variant look like and what builds would that support (even a non eth version)? The lvl 4 redemption aura is nice. The lazy approach could be to change Pally skills from 2 to 3 or even 3-4 and increase the Holy Bolt skills lvl from 2-4 to something more substanial (maybe even fixed to reduce on the relatively high amount of rolles)? So that might be an holy bolt build. Or adding a very low % of CtC a strong monster skill like Diablos Flame Circle (with lvl req of 72 you´re past that in most cases) or high lvl of Lightning Globes or Mephis Hellish Projectile?

Any ideas?

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