Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

We could add cold damage or freezing target, but was thinking what could we do to make it feel unique. I was thinking of the expression, “Run Like the Wind.” What if we added a huge boost to FRW as shown below?..

2H Damage: (215-254) To (296-349)
Req Level: 68
Req Strength: 225
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
50% Chance of Crushing Blow
+60% Increased Attack Speed
33% CtC Lvl 22 Twister On Striking
+50% Damage to Undead

  • Buffs:
    • Add +60% Faster Run/Walk
    • Add 6% CtC Lvl 44 Hurricane On Striking
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Just found The Hand of Broc. I was thinking instead of adding ED to the glove, it would be more helpful to have a small bonus to -target defense for early AR issues to help melee…

The Hand of Broc
Defense: 14
Req Level: 5
3% Mana stolen per hit
3% Life stolen per hit
+10-20% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
+20 to Mana
Poison Resist +10%

  • Buffs:
    • Add -10-20% Target Defense

Also, we haven’t talked about Skewer of Krintiz. I think sword could be improved by adding +VIT (w/ +STR and +DEX) and buff flat damage as shown below…

Skewer of Krintiz
1H Damage: 7 To 19
Req Level: 10
Req Strength: 25
Req Dexterity: 25
+50% Enhanced Damage
Adds 3-7 Damage
Ignore Target’s Defense
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+10 To Dexterity
+10 To Strength

  • Buffs:
    • Add +10 To Vitality
    • Change Damage to 10-15

We haven’t discussed Rakescar either. This axe is pretty terrible. To strengthen flavor of poison, what about adding CtC Poison Explosion upon kill, making axe unique…

1H Damage: (17-25) To (31-45)
Req Level: 27
Req Strength: 67
+75-150% Enhanced Damage
+38 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
30% Increased Attack Speed
+50 To Attack Rating
Poison Resist +50%

  • Buffs:
    • Add 15% CtC Lvl 9 Poison Explosion When You Kill An Enemy

For Deathspade, adding DS seems fitting…

1H Damage: 14 To (17-18)
Req Level: 9
Req Strength: 32
+60-70% Enhanced Damage
+8 To Minimum Damage
15% Bonus to Attack Rating
Hit Blinds Target
+4 Mana After Each Kill

  • Buffs:
    • Add 15% Chance Of Deadly Strike

Going back to Axe of Fechmar, instead of adding CtC Frost Nova, I think it’s more useful to have Frozen Armor as o-skill…

Axe of Fechmar
2H Damage: (10-11) To (22-24)
Req Level: 8
Req Strength: 35
+70-90% Enhanced Damage
Freezes Target +3
Cold Resist +50%
+2 To Light Radius

  • Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Frozen Armor
    • Add 10-15 Cold Damage

Also, I think Culwen’s Point should have chance to roll +2 to Skills as follows…

Culwen’s Point
1H Damage: 13-36
Req Level: 29
Req Strength: 71
Req Dexterity: 45
+70-80% Enhanced Damage
+1 To All Skills
Poison Length Reduced By 50%
20% Increased Attack Speed
20% Faster Hit Recovery
+60 to Attack Rating

  • Buffs:
    • Change All Skills to +1-2
    • Change AR to +60-120
    • Change E. Damage to 80-100%

Lastly, to fit namesake, Undead Crown should have raise skeleton and skeleton mastery as o-skills so all classes benefit…

Undead Crown
Defense: 99-113
Req Level: 29
Req Strength: 55
+30-60% Enhanced Defense
+50% Damage Vs. Undead
+50-100 Attack Rating Vs. Undead
Half Freeze Duration
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
Poison Resist +50%
+40 Defense
+3 To Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)

  • Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Raise Skeleton Warrior
    • Remove (Necromancer Only) from Skeleton Mastery
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Ok start with Windhammer. I´m not sure if we have weapons with FRW, so that would be certainly a nice, interesting and unique twist. So I like that! But it still would not cut if for me especially regarding the super high strength req. (what should stay on a heavy hammer like this).

So went to maxroll an tried do approximate three possible chars (all lvl 90). A Druid with max synergies, a sorc with cold masteries and a ww barb. All with Enigma, 2 SoJ, Arach, LoH and Aldurs and on swap a Zerker Grief (+375 dmg/35 IAS) with a spirit as comparison. And finally 10x3 FRW sc (for half the FRW).

Druid: +3 Element and +30 strength tiara and amulett, 10 skillers with 6 strength. So I only put 26 into strength, just to make the min at this point (will be ideal gear to not put everything into strength).

First Hurrican. I put 20 hardpoints into hurrican and the synergies (“only” lvl 41 hurricane with this setup possible, but that would be kind of close enough I guess). With this setup it has 3050 DPS. Three lvl more would bring it to something like 3,300 DPS.

Dmg with 180ED and an Ohm would be 254-349, with max ED of 230 and Ohm, 292-402, and if you make it eth just for simulating my higher ED proposal with an Ohm that would be 437-604. The later one would result in only 600 dps with a basic attack (Grief/Spirit only 166 DPS).

So removed the 20 hardpoints from hurricane end invest the now 38 points into shape shifiting with now changing the skillers to 10+shape/6strength and Jalals and Maras. We need now around +60 into strength. 20 Point into fury (now 41) and 8 points into Werewolf and Lycanthropie. Resulting in 22.900 DPS (if you shift stats points it doesn´t make too much of a difference).

The mediocre Grief/Spirit combo does with the same setup 29.700 DPS. Eth upped zoded Ribcracker does 26,700.

So for this, it eally needs the ED to be viable with the alternatives. Only FRW and Hurricane won´t be enough imho. But with the ED it would be at least an option and could be obtained easier than an upped eth ribcracker.

Sorc: Long story short, less than 2k dmg from Hurrican and with this weapon nothing to deal with. Slow (11 frames) and only 5-6k dmg (even with G-Face and Highlords).

Barb: With G-Face, Highlords, Combat/Strength skillers a dual Grief Zerker Axe with maxed Axe masteries has with WW around 58k dps. The Windhammer only 24.4k dps. Dual eBotD CB with 375% ED spits 32k dps around. Hurrican less than 2k dps since no masteries.

So bottom line even with the higher ED and an Ohm it doesn´t compete with all three chars! So it would even need more. Maybe 2 OS could do the trick to be at least viable if you found a really good roll. :man_shrugging:

  • Buffs:
    • Add +60% Faster Run/Walk
    • Add 6% CtC Lvl 44 Hurricane On Striking
    • Change ED from +180%-230% to +230-280%
    • Add 2 OS

Have to reply on the rest on the weekend!


What if we added 3 OS, but leave ED alone? This would allow up to 3 Ohms, or if you found Eth version, you could put Zod in it…

2H Damage: (215-254) To (296-349)
Req Level: 68
Req Strength: 225
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
50% Chance of Crushing Blow
+60% Increased Attack Speed
33% CtC Lvl 22 Twister On Striking
+50% Damage to Undead

  • Buffs:
    • Add 3 Open Sockets
    • Add +60% Faster Run/Walk
    • Add 6% CtC Lvl 44 Hurricane On Striking

I didn’t like this at first…. My mind quickly
went to a place where every character is running around with a skeleton army lol.

But, the more I realized that this is a really great find for early/mid game characters, and would never be seriously used by end game characters, the more I’m like wow,… what a COOL treasure this would be to come across.
Unique items should be just that. Unique. Offering something nothing else does.

The theme of it too…. :+1: it all fits

EDIT: BUT, with enough +skills, you might be able to make a fun and niche “dark sorceress” or something that actually has some hell viable skeletons, built around this one item.


Well said, that’s the goal for improving uniques. There’s so much potential to improve the flavor, theme and power of uniques, I just hope the devs consider it for a future Season.


At first glance +50ED and 2 OS seems the same like 3 OS (you would need to go OHMs and LOs here allways). So versatiliy vs. costs tbh (3 HR are more expensive than 2 with given ED). I think you would not dump any 15/3X jewels here. For the etheral version 3 OS would be super good of course. So I´m not sure. But tend to take the 3 OS. But even a good rolled non eth one would have a hard time outside of SSF I guess.

Like Runemaster it migth simply take too much to make it even remotely viable. Two Ohms and Lo are basicially a Sur and therewith a Grief.

The perfect ethereal version would have a base dmg of 115-159 with 230 ED on the weapon and 2 Ohms (third OS would need a Zod) you end up with 494-687 (avg. 590). The worst rolled grief in a Zerker axe with a spirit would reach the 5 IAS BP and has almost double dps than a perfect rolled WH on a ww barb. And it´s not even a dedicated boss killer with the high CB due to the lack of any AR, -TD etc.

It´s like a non ethereal perfect Tomb Reaver with 2 OS. Nice to look at, but nowhere near usable for a 2H weapon.

So no, still 3 OS wouldn´t help to make it decent unfortunately. Even equiped with Grief-worth HRs it is simply not good enough. I think it needs at least 50ED on top (eth. 552-763 dmg, avg 657 with double ohm) to make it a choice because you like the FRW, the constant hurricane and the high CB. Better would be+70% ED on top tbh. :man_shrugging:

Agree, good!

Good and now viable I guess. ML is a waste, but this version could be usefull for 30 minutes of playthrough now :slight_smile: But not sure if I would bother the devs with this stuff…

Fits, but as well, do we want to invest time in this? Would still run a Zypher-bow :man_shrugging:

Why not…

Here I´m not really agreeing. I think Frost Nova is the bette choice due to a good CC. Frozen Armor as an o-skill just creates another pre-buff item…

Would not help to compete with spirit imho. Would rather lower the lvl req. a lot from 29 to 20-23 (so before spirit)? So it would be an early source of +1 all skills (would helps a lot, and I might keep one in my stash). Spirit really ruins half of the itmens. So anyoing really.

This one i really like and would put on the OP! This is a nice new twist and fully agree with Evocarius that it would not cause any problems! Interesting mid-game option :+1: :+1: :+1:

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This is a great list, and it definitely seems to balance a lot of changes.

I am curious on people perspectives of the POD/PD2 corruption approach to provide balance and more depth of itemization without the need to rebalance/gently nerf some of the overpowered runewords.

To me, one of the things I reminisce on was the diversity of itemization in the (albeit limited scope) Pre-LOD and Pre-1.09 patches, where the magic/rare/uniques reigned as the most sought after items. I dreamed as a boy to finally get a WF for my zon, or GF for my barb. Since then, a lot of the non-runeword items have lost their magic, and I definitely agree that a rebalance needs to occur.

While its probably unlikely to occur anytime soon, I do think that TZ implementation is already a gateway to future endgame content. We have TZ-specific items already, and long term I think many players would appreciate more end-game content triggered from TZ farming. Two examples of TZ unique items which could diversify itemization and more challenging end game would be chance to drop a “map” which allow Uber-like portals (Dungeons) to generate with harder monsters, more exp and rewards, as well as a item which can be used to craft stronger attributes onto magic/set/unique/rare items.

This is in many ways identical to the way PD2 or POD did it, but I would argue is the best way to ensure balance with minimal developer effort. Specifically, I find this approach the best for a few reasons…

  1. Improved Diversification of non-runewords: If “Corruptions” have a chance to add a new modifier to a unique (fixed # of added sockets, FRW, Res, +1 skills) or turn it into a rare, it allows a buff of the unique/set while also providing un-modified unique/set/non-runeword item more economic value. In most modern D2/D2R patches, I have no desire to accumulate set sanders boots, LOH gloves, more than the # I need for my toons, mainly because they become worthless unless early ladder. With players demanding many copies to get their desired mod, it creates more value to items that aren’t GG in the first place (the above example was for PD2, where LLD players sought after sanders boots with CBF mod on them). I imagine similar results would ensue for a lot of “worthless” items, which could be worth much more if they get a 2OS slam.

  2. Less overhead for changes: Since the changes are only adding a few new items, dropped in TZs, which can have the chance to add new modifiers on Sets/Uniques, it seems like less of a logistical hurdle to unique/set item attribute changes.

  3. Potential for more ladder hype: If (I don’t know which side I am on here) the new corruption modfiers or endgame maps could only be found in TZs on ladder, but used on non-ladder, it could provide longstanding demand for staying on-ladder for farming

To me, the thing I would like clarity on for the Buffs/Nerfs you suggested are these considerations (apologies if I missed them)

  1. Would Buffs only occur for newly generated items?

  2. Would Nerfs only occur for newly generated items?

  3. Depending on #1 and #2, do we anticipate being given enough time to respond accordingly? If Grief got nerfed only for new items, A ton of people would prob dump all their LO’s into 5OS weapons before the nerf. If it didn’t, a lot of players who spend ##HR to get that perfect grief would be unhappy


You mentioned Runemaster and had me thinking what if WH had same roll of 3-5 OS? If you found a 5 OS Eth version it would be a great find and highly customizable…

2H Damage: (215-254) To (296-349)
Req Level: 68
Req Strength: 225
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
50% Chance of Crushing Blow
+60% Increased Attack Speed
33% CtC Lvl 22 Twister On Striking
+50% Damage to Undead

  • Buffs:
    • Add 3-5 Open Sockets
    • Add +60% Faster Run/Walk
    • Add 6% CtC Lvl 44 Hurricane On Striking

Agreed, CtC Frost Nova is better. :slight_smile:

I really like your idea for lowering required level. How about lowering level by 10 and offers early source of +1 all skills?..

Culwen’s Point
1H Damage: 13-36
Req Level: 29
Req Strength: 71
Req Dexterity: 45
+70-80% Enhanced Damage
+1 To All Skills
Poison Length Reduced By 50%
20% Increased Attack Speed
20% Faster Hit Recovery
+60 to Attack Rating

  • Buffs:
    • Change AR to +60-100
    • Change Required Lvl to 19

Agreed, ML is a waste and proposed to remove it. For a sword that has “Skewer” in the name, it seems only fitting to add DS…

Skewer of Krintiz
1H Damage: 7 To 19
Req Level: 10
Req Strength: 25
Req Dexterity: 25
+50% Enhanced Damage
Adds 3-7 Damage
Ignore Target’s Defense
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+10 To Dexterity
+10 To Strength

  • Buffs:
    • Add +10% Chance of Deadly Strike
    • Change Damage to 7-10
    • Remove 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit

The preface does briefly describe the roll-out plan for improving itemization and would take a phased approach. Overhauling uniques would be done in Phase 2 and prior to revising runewords, which would be done next Season in Phase 3. The goal with each phase would be to test updates via PTR and gather community feedback. People would be given ample time to respond accordingly.

That’s one approach the devs could take to improve itemization by adding the corruption system. However, this thread took a different approach to propose “tailor-made buffs” to improve the flavor and power of uniques.

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Just found Waterwalk and they seem rather lackluster. I think to make these boots unique, adding Avoid as o-skill to have chance to avoid missile attacks seems fitting and pairs nicely with Defense vs Missiles already on boots…

Defense: 112-124
Req Level: 32
Req Strength: 47
180%-210% Enhanced Defense
20% Faster Run/Walk
+100 Defense vs Missiles
+15 Dexterity
+5% Max Fire Resist
+50% Heal Stamina
+40 Max Stamina
+45-65 Life

  • Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Avoid

I haven´t player PD2 so far. So have to take some time to dig into your first half of the comment.

To the above. If you ask me, I would be happy if the would “adjust” old itmens as well. However thats would be a ton of work to implement (what if, then and if old was perfect then new one should role perfect on this stat as well etc.). So I guess we will not see that. The removeall of KB on the BK set swords showed it. There is just a new and an old version.

For all the lackluster items, that would not be a problem since nobody keeps them anyway. For some it would be nice to see at least the easy changes (when we only add somethin for eg.). So I traded a Tyraels long ago and would be happy if it would transform in our proposed new variant. But unlikely. But if thats the tradeoff, then I happily take it! For no 3 we only have a few real neerfs on the few RW. So I would hope, that the would communicate that they only “adjust” those, but not how. But anyways this is only a problem NL.

So no perfect solution possible, but the tradeoff would be fine if thats expands the build veriety greatly.

In contrast to RM this would be a very viable option. Even a non eth one (Hel, Gul, Lo, 2xOhm or some of your mediocre 15/2X jewels would be great here, without making it absurdly expensive). So I´m in! :slight_smile:

19 would be super good. Would support that!

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I think Waterwalks are not super great, but would use it SSF any time. They are not bad either. Could support adding +avoid, but don´t think it is really necessary.

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I updated OP based on previous discussion:


Defense: 1514-1722
Req Level: 65
Req Strength: 174
+170-200% Enhanced Defense
+100-150 Defense
+40-50 To Strength
Damage Reduced By 15-25%

  • Buffs:
    • Add +15% Chance Of Crushing Blow
    • Add Fire Resistance +30-50%
    • Change Strength to +80-100
    • Change E. Defense to +200-250%

Undead Crown
Defense: 99-113
Req Level: 29
Req Strength: 55
+30-60% Enhanced Defense
+50% Damage Vs. Undead
+50-100 Attack Rating Vs. Undead
Half Freeze Duration
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
Poison Resist +50%
+40 Defense
+3 To Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)

  • Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Raise Skeleton Warrior
    • Remove (Necromancer Only) from Skeleton Mastery

The Hand of Broc
Defense: 14
Req Level: 5
3% Mana stolen per hit
3% Life stolen per hit
+10-20% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
+20 to Mana
Poison Resist +10%

  • Buffs:
    • Add -10-20% Target Defense

The Redeemer
Mighty Scepter
1H Damage: (140-160) To (182-208)
Req Level: 72
Req Strength: 50
Req Dexterity: 26
+250-300% Enhanced Damage
Damage +60-120
+50% Damage to Undead
+200-250% Damage To Demons
+2 To Paladin Skills
-33% Target Defense
+2-4 To Redemption (Paladin Only)
+2-4 To Holy Bolt (Paladin Only)
+3 To Light Radius
Requirements -60%

  • Buffs:
    • Add +2-4 To Zeal (Paladin Only)
    • Change D. To Demons to +250-300%

2H Damage: (215-254) To (296-349)
Req Level: 68
Req Strength: 225
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
50% Chance of Crushing Blow
+60% Increased Attack Speed
33% CtC Lvl 22 Twister On Striking
+50% Damage to Undead

  • Buffs:
    • Add 3-5 Open Sockets
    • Add +60% Faster Run/Walk
    • Add 6% CtC Lvl 44 Hurricane On Striking

Culwen’s Point
1H Damage: 13-36
Req Level: 29
Req Strength: 71
Req Dexterity: 45
+70-80% Enhanced Damage
+1 To All Skills
Poison Length Reduced By 50%
20% Increased Attack Speed
20% Faster Hit Recovery
+60 to Attack Rating

  • Buffs:
    • Change AR to +60-100
    • Change Required Lvl to 19

Skewer of Krintiz
1H Damage: 7 To 19
Req Level: 10
Req Strength: 25
Req Dexterity: 25
+50% Enhanced Damage
Adds 3-7 Damage
Ignore Target’s Defense
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+10 To Dexterity
+10 To Strength

  • Buffs:
    • Add +10% Chance of Deadly Strike
    • Change Damage to 7-10
    • Remove 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit

Would it even work? Don’t the other classes that Amazon miss those animations? According to the Amazon Basin:

Only Amazon and Valkyrie may use this skill.

Anyway, passive skills just give bonuses to the character. Why give those bonuses through an oskill instead of directly on an item? Bonuses from skills heavily depend on skill levels, making +All Skills bonus, already a meta stat valuable for all builds (especially, but not limited to, casters), even more fundamental.


Good point about the animations. Anyway, I agreed with Necromant that adding +Avoid to Waterwalks is unnecessary.

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AFAIK there are mods which found a way to use avoid on other classes (no animations are displayed - which is actually a buff itself), but this is a dirty workaround rather than a proper solution.


I’m thinking there should be atleast one amulet in the game that offers magic resist and thought The Eye of Etlich is a good candiate. In addition, add magic damage…

The Eye of Etlich
Req Level: 15
+1-5 To Light Radius
+1 To All Skills
3-7% Life Stolen Per Hit
Adds 1-5 Cold Damage, Duration 2-10 Secs
+10-40 Defense vs. Missiles

  • Buffs:
    • Add 1-5 Magic Damage
    • Add +5-10% To Magic Resist

For Dwarf Star, I thought it would be thematic to add attacker takes fire damage in addition to the proposed bonus to strength while removing max/heal stamina…

Dwarf Star
Req Level: 45
+40 to Life
+40 Maximum Stamina
Heal Stamina Plus 15%
Fire Absorb 15%
Magic Damage Reduced By 12-15
100% Extra Gold From Monsters

  • Buffs:
    • Add +10-15 To Strength
    • Add Attacker Takes Fire Damage Of 80
    • Remove +40 Maximum Stamina
    • Remove Heal Stamina Plus 15%

For Atma’s Scarab, instead of 20% AR, I think we should propose adding Hawkeye prefix to the amulet, thereby providing a flat bonus to AR that is based on clvl. This would be in addition to increasing amp proc chance…

Atma’s Scarab
Req Level: 60
5% CtC Lvl 2 Amplify Damage On Striking
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
+40 Poison Damage Over 4 seconds
Poison Resist +75%
+3 To Light Radius
Attacker Takes Damage of 5

  • Buffs:
    • Add +6-594 AR (6.0 Per Clvl)
    • Change Amplify Damage Cast to 10%
    • Remove 20% Bonus To Attack Rating

Lastly, the SOJ is already an amazing ring, but the lightning damage is silly and should be improved considering its lvl 29 item…

Stone of Jordan
Req Level: 29
+1 to All Skills
+25% Mana
+1-12 Lightning Damage
+20 Mana

  • Buffs:
    • Change Lightning Damage to +1-60

I would support a low level - magic resist amulett. Did you thought about lvl 25 “The Mahim-Oak Curio” as well? Would be a good candidate as well. No skills but res an attributes. Could see -15 magic res on this one. But both decent candidates!

Could see that. The strength is important to make it viable aside for horkers. But the fire dmg is fitting and beneficial at that lvl.!

Is this really better. Did you run some calculations?

I really don´t think that this piece needs any buffs and not sure if the devs should spend time on this (sure an easy fix). Althoug high light-dmg is surely more appropriate. Even if that is often only a caster ringer and melee would use BK in a lot of situations.

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Yes, raw AR is more beneficial than % AR as it’s magnified by skills, etc. Having % AR is ok, but is already supplied in large amounts by skills.

True, it’s already an amazing ring.

Agreed. I really like Attacker Takes Fire Damage on Dwarf Star, seems very thematic.

Yes I considered it, but thought +IAS was a better fit on The Mahim-Oak Curio.