Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

As amulet already have +2 all skills, to keep with cleric theme, what if we added bonus to combat skills (paladin only), which pairs nicely with DtD, DtU and defensive auras?..

Seraph’s Hymn
Req Level: 65
+2 To All Skills
+1-2 To Defensive Auras (Paladin Only)
+20-50% Damage To Demons
+150-250 To Attack Rating Against Demons
+20-50% Damage To Undead
+150-250 To Attack Rating Against Undead
+2 To Light Radius

  • Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Combat Skills (Paladin Only)
    • Change D. To Demons to +100-150%
    • Change D. To Undead to +100-150%

Agreed, would like to test in PTR. :grinning:

I think those runeword ideas are very interesting, but want to avoid adding new items to this thread and it detracts from buffing uniques.

Interesting. I like your idea for magic boots. Would you be able to provide a very short summary of what you would like to change?

Agree, so we save that for the next thread along with my proposal of 3 OS 2H caster staffs in the 3X lvl area between Leaf and Memory :slight_smile:

Changing the lvl 57 “of transport” suffix from 30% frw and ED (depending on the base around 80-90% ED) to 50% FRW and higher ED (existing min - here e.g. 80 - to “old max value” x 1.5 => old 90% > ne 135%) on every boot with that suffix.

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Agreed. The developers could make a general change to buff a few magic affixes (shown below). This should not be gamebreaking as it only improves magic items. The only one that is questionable is buffing the Jeweler’s affix. What do you think?

Magic Affixes Current Improved Spawn On
Acceleration 40% Faster Run/Walk 50% Faster Run/Walk Magic Boot
Transportation 30% Faster Run/Walk, 80-90% Slower Stamina Drain 40% Faster Run/Walk, 80-120% Slower Stamina Drain Magic Boot
Butchery 21-40 Max Damage 21-50 Max Damage Magic Weapon
Evisceration 41-63 Max Damage 51-75 Max Damage Magic Weapon
Weird 301-450 Attack Rating 301-500 Attack Rating Magic Weapon
Revivification 11-15 Replenish Life 11-25 Replenish Life Magic Amulet, Circlet, Scepter
Fortuitous 11-15% Magic Find 11-25% Magic Find Magic Amulet, Circlet, Ring
Luck 26-35% Magic Find 26-45% Magic Find Magic Amulet, Circlet, Boot
Chromatic 21-30% All Resist 21-35% All Resist Magic Amulet, Circlet, Shield
Jeweler’s Add 4 Sockets Add 4-5 Sockets Magic Armor, Weapon, Shield

Hey Charles, thanks for the table. But I´s lacking some important information. Most important the lvl req. and what could roll on the second affix.

So I go through by topic/class/affix.


I proposed to increase the 50% FRW on the “Transportation” affix and not on the “Accelareation”. The first one has a higher lvl req. of 57. Acceleration “only” has 43. Stamina drain doesn´t matter at all (and I´m not sure how 120% slower stamina drain would work :slight_smile:.

Both are suffixes and the only other prefix what can roll would be “godly” with ED (+101-200%) at lvl 38.

So I would not thouch Acceleration with already okayisch +40% FRW for lvl 42 (if SSF). But would only change the higher lvl 57 “Transportation” from 30 to 50% (stamina doesn matter anyhow so if 60% or 100% slower doesn´t make a difference, if stamina doesn´t get new puporse as suggested in the “class skill changes” thread). We could increas the godly affix (magic and rares) from 101-200% to 101-300% but I guess thats not worth the effort. So would not touch it at all.

This only will work in my oppinion on very very few weapons at best. I would adjust this specificially with the elite Winged Knife (lvl 57) in mind for Barbs. This is the only fast base (-20) and I see little to no chance of the others beeing useable at all (same for all other weapons - as far as I can keep everything in my little head :slight_smile:).

Lvl 61 “Grandmaster’s” +251-300 to Attack Rating and 151-200% Enhanced Damage

All other prefixes including “cruel” (201-300% ED) and the +3 to each barb skill trees would not be enough to be viable with the only two available suffixes. It needs to compete with an badly rolled non (eth) Warshrike at least!

So would not thouch “Butchery” (will allways be irrelevant). But would increase “Evisceration” to 41-100 (at min!). And “Grandmaster’s” to 251-400 AR and 151-300% ED.
Combined with our propossed base changes (which increases the uniques as well). We could see something around the below.

Todays Winged Knife (max rolled, 200 ED, 63 max dmg) would have a base throw dmg of 69-180. New version could roll to:

Base dmg: 23 - 39 we proposed to improve elite base dmg between 25% and 50%. So that could be 34 - 58 (new base). The 300% ED from “new” “Grandmasters” would result in a dmg of 136 - 232. Evisceration would add +100 max dmg.

So 136-332 dmg (if I´m right for a non eth perfect one).

But without any goodies the uniques offer (no additional IAS, now CtC static, no leech and cant be eth except for one time use :slight_smile: ) and needs to roll allways goodly at least.

Might be enough to not only use Warshrike/Lacerator but combine it or use it in SSF or PVP (if you find several eth ones).

Doesn´t make any difference for any situation. So no opinion about that.

Sure, why not. Could help +3 Ammy and Circlets in some niche PvM cases and maybe for PvP. But still 25 is not crazy. That would only be 2.5 life/second.

Thats the prefix, so why not. :+1: But at the end there will be no suffix creating any usefull item (only a pure +60% MF Ammy or +50% Ring :man_shrugging:). If you change the suffix (26-35 on Circlets and Ammy and 16-25 on rings) that would be more usefull tbh.

There we have it. To quickly writing :slight_smile:
So we could see +70% MF Ammy and Circlets (without anything else). So a 3 PTopaz helmet woud be replaced with this +70% MF 2 OS magic circlet. Why not…

5 OS on Shields? And what would you be aiming for on weapons? 5 OS “Jewelers” whatever of the Ages? Or with max dmg? Not sure what that should be any good for, considered the very limited possible suffixes to pair with :man_shrugging: Pls help me! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the feedback and added level to the table. I removed Acceleration and Butchery and then added Grandmaster’s, Pestilent, and Celestial to list. For Evisceration, I increased to 80 to be consistent with other suffixes in table and should be enough with general changes. Lastly, removed Jeweler’s as that might be too big of a change…

Magic Affixes Current Improved Spawn On (Level)
Weird 301-450 Attack Rating 301-500 Attack Rating Magic Weapon (37)
Evisceration 41-63 Max Damage 41-80 Max Damage Magic Weapon (45)
Pestilent 275 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds 350 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds Magic Weapon (50)
Celestial 300-400 AR vs. Demons, 201-300% D vs. Demons 300-450 AR vs. Demons, 201-350% D vs. Demons Magic Weapon (55)
Grandmaster’s 251-300 AR, 151-200% ED 251-500 AR, 151-300% ED Magic Weapon (69)
Transportation 30% Faster Run/Walk, 80-90% Slower Stamina Drain 50% Faster Run/Walk Magic Boot (65)
Fortuitous 11-15% Magic Find 11-25% Magic Find Magic Amulet, Circlet, Ring (12)
Luck 26-35% Magic Find 26-45% Magic Find Magic Amulet, Circlet, Boot (26)
Revivification 11-15 Replenish Life 11-25 Replenish Life Magic Amulet, Circlet, Scepter (38)
Chromatic 21-30% All Resist 21-35% All Resist Magic Amulet, Circlet, Shield (55)
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Good now. But still 120% slower stamina drain???

I just found one of these end re-checked with our current proposal. And was wondering what kind of build whould use this at lvl 41 and for how long.

I have somehow the feeling, that this is not really a weapon for active attacking? The dex req. is kind a high for lvl 41, but does not have any AR bonus oder minus attack defense or whatever you need to actually hit stuff. Light res will be around 40-50 (so not too bad torwards the end of NM). The dmg itesel might be ok until the late 40th? But was thinking about what would be if this would remain CtC when struck (but maybe higher levels of static) and increase ATD along with maybe +5% increased lightning dmg?

And while talkig about magic items before. Is our common view still, that large charms should not be touched? If not I would renew my proposal from april.
The thing about large charms…

I picked up probably 1000. LCs ad not a singel one I would used longer then mid hell (mainly AR/DMG LC roll kind ok, but none really interesting). Have found several 20/10-11 SC on the other hand…

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Agreed, I think this dagger would be better suited for lightning based characters. As we already added Static Field to Wisp Projector, I would like to suggest we buff level of Charged Bolt, along w/ adding bonus to lightning skill damage (as you mentioned) and add -enemy lightning resist…

1H Damage: 47 To 90
Req Level: 41
Req Strength: 47
Req Dexterity: 97
+150% Enhanced Damage
Adds 1-120 Lightning Damage
25% CtC Lvl 3 Charged Bolt When Struck
Lightning Resist 1-99%
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 20

  • Buffs:
    • Add +5-10% To Lightning Skill Damage
    • Add -5-10% To Enemy Lightning Resist
    • Change Charged Bolt Lvl to 5-10

As we’re already discussing magic affixes, we can definitely discuss charms in general.

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Lvl 5-10 CB is definitely not really strong. But -10/+10 would be (and you could add a facet - 3/3 or so here). Then it would be really viable if not strong. Not Crescent Moon strong, but strong. Maybe we limit light res/dmg to 5-8 each an boost Charged Bolt to 10-15? Would keep a uniqe twist to it in contrast to other -res options for light casters.

So again, what do you think about my old post?

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Sounds good, here you go…

1H Damage: 47 To 90
Req Level: 41
Req Strength: 47
Req Dexterity: 97
+150% Enhanced Damage
Adds 1-120 Lightning Damage
25% CtC Lvl 3 Charged Bolt When Struck
Lightning Resist 1-99%
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 20

  • Buffs:
    • Add +5-7% To Lightning Skill Damage
    • Add -5-7% To Enemy Lightning Resist
    • Change Charged Bolt Lvl to 10-15

Agree. Large charms are inferior in every way to small/grand charms combinations. I really would like to see something given to large charms to make them special. For example, the developers could add new LC prefixes as follows:

Large Charm - New Prefixes Attribute
Primal Flame +1-3% Fire Skill Damage
Primal Frost +1-3% Cold Skill Damage
Primal Spark +1-3% Lightning Skill Damage
Primal Toxin +1-3% Poison Skill Damage
Primal Magic +1-3% Magic Skill Damage
Primal Earth +1-3% Physical Skill Damage

Uhh. Sounds interesting. But imagine 20 of these in your inventory? New meta super expensive stuff :man_shrugging: That would be a drastic change and not sure if casters really need more to excel? That should be a new Uberdiablo style event thing and you can have only one in your inventory at the end.

I was thinking more of a „make it worth to pick it up“ approach. Changing and extending the upper rolls a bit here and there :slight_smile:

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Agreed, too big of a change. I think the main problem with large charms is they provide less value per slot compared to small charms. To illustrate, if you look at the “Shocking” Prefix:

Large Charm

  • Shocking: 1-90 Lightning Damage
  • 45 avg. damage / 2 slots = 22.5

Small Charm

  • Shocking: 1-71 Lightning Damage
  • 35.5 avg. damage / 1 slot = 35.5

As you can see, value of LC “per slot” is 22.5 / 35.5 = 0.63 (1.00 normalized). To simplify, let us round to 0.70. To add more value to LCs, the devs could buff Prefix values by 15-20% (slightly less than SC). While this may sound strange since LC, on average, will be worse than SC, in some instances they will be better.

In addition to buffing Prefix values on LCs, they could also add two new Suffixes to help melee w/ new sources of crit and OW added, especially for druids and paladins…

Large Charm New Suffixes Attribute
Mortal Strike +1-2% Deadly Strike
Deep Wounds +3-5% Open Wounds

Recently found Warlord’s Trust. Instead of adding +10% PDR, I would rather add Ethereal for added damage and pairs nicely w/ repair durability…

Warlord’s Trust
Military Axe
2H Damage: 38 To 93
Req Level: 35
Req Strength: 73
+175% Enhanced Damage
Repairs 1 Durability In 4 Seconds
0-49 To Vitality
Replenish Life +20
All Resistances +10
+75 Defense

  • Buffs:
    • Add Ethereal
    • Change E. Damage to 175-225%

I know we removed Duriel’s Shell from list as it is already a solid option. But was thinking giving it +1 Holy Freeze as o-skill could be fun and feels thematic…

Duriel’s Shell
Defense: (528-650) - (610-732)
Req Level: 41
Req Strength: 65
+160-200% Enhanced Defense
1-123 Defense
1-99 To Life
Fire Resist +20%
Lightning Resist +20%
Poison Resist +20%
Cold Resist +50%
Cannot be Frozen
+15 To Strength

  • Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Holy Freeze
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Absolutely! Just realized that I screwed up the link to my post (#690 from April).

So again, pls have a look again here! I focussed on the most relevant affixes for end game use but without making it really OP (just worth to pick it up).

As a suffix. That might be ok. What lvl should they end up? 5% OW might be to much (4 would stack really good 20% already). New Uber mandatory gear for your smiter imho :slight_smile:
But 1-2 DS and 2-3 OW would be interesting. On the other hand that might counteract all buffs me made with OW to serveral items in the OP. So I´m not sure if OW is a really “smart” thing to do. DS sure, no problems here imho.

Sounds good. And will be strong mid game. Speed is already fine for lvl 35. So with you on this!

We removed it after serveral discussions and changes from the OP since it is already good, widely used and a frequent find. I would not mind buffing it a bit (but not really needed).
Holy Freeze would be very thematic on this tbh. But I fear it would cause serious problems in the merc business?
I would allways go with an Act 2 might/holy freeze merc then. No other options left. Act 1 cold rogue for CC? Out of the game. Act 3 Cold merc…as well.

So as much as I think that would suite the armor very well, as much I think it will harm the game with to many auras on your merc :man_shrugging:

How about “Freezes target” instead?


Chance of freeze / chill is ( 50 + (AttackerLevel + (B*4) - DefenderLevel) * 5 )%

B = item bonus (usually is 1). If you use freezing in ranged attack, then AL is decreasing by 6 and chance divides by 3. Duration = (chance - roll) * 2 + 25 frames, Duration ranges from 25 frames (1 second) to maximum of 250 frames (10 seconds).

+3 ist the max on Pride, Doom and HoJ. Nord’s Tenderizer and Frostwind have +4 (which is the current max I guess). So we could put +5 on Duriels (but your Horker won´t love it :slight_smile: ).

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To do this right, they would have to do a balance pass on all affixes that appear on charms. For example, Sanguinary appears on LC and GC. This may require a new thread to be honest. I think our discussion on Magic Affixes should be enough for now.

Another proposal devs can consider is changing Sunder Charms from GCs to LCs as game is already dominated by GCs and SCs.

Sounds good! :grinning:

Adding +5 Freezes Target on Duriel’s Shell would make it unique (highest in the game), is thematic, and avoids potential aura issues. What do other people think?..

Duriel’s Shell
Defense: (528-650) - (610-732)
Req Level: 41
Req Strength: 65
+160-200% Enhanced Defense
1-123 Defense
1-99 To Life
Fire Resist +20%
Lightning Resist +20%
Poison Resist +20%
Cold Resist +50%
Cannot be Frozen
+15 To Strength

  • Buffs:
    • Add Freezes Target +5
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For Duriel’s Shell, it’s a great armor when Eth for equipping mercs, not to mention a good candidate to be upgraded to improve its defense. Instead of adding Freezes Target (which can be a negative for some characters), I think adding self repair would make the Eth version available for players as well (feels thematic for organic carapace to regenerate)…

Duriel’s Shell
Defense: (528-650) - (610-732)
Req Level: 41
Req Strength: 65
+160-200% Enhanced Defense
1-123 Defense
1-99 To Life
Fire Resist +20%
Lightning Resist +20%
Poison Resist +20%
Cold Resist +50%
Cannot be Frozen
+15 To Strength

  • Buffs:
    • Add Repairs 1 Durability Every 5 Seconds

I thought of an idea for Wizardspike, which feels fitting for namesake. What if we added unique way to buff charged skill levels while also adding free recharges all charged items that are equipped?

This would allow you to pair with Demon Limb for boosting level of Enchant, Corpsemourn for boosting level of Corpse Explosion, Gavel Of Pain for free recharges to Amplify Damage, Spellsteel for free recharges to Teleport as a few examples. This would open up so many new possibilities…

Bone Knife
1H Damage: 23 to 49
Req Level: 61
Req Strength: 38
Req Dexterity: 75
+2-198 To Mana
50% Faster Cast Rate
Regenerate Mana 15%
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
All Resistances +75

  • Buffs:
    • Add +3-5 To Charged Skill Levels
    • Recharges 1 Charge Every 30 Seconds To All Equipped Charged Items

While the idea behind Wizardspike is intriguing, how exactly would it work for Gavel of Pain when its a 2-H Weapon? You implying its effect works while it’s “equipped” on switch? Assuming I’m right and that it doesn’t(or shouldn’t), then Wizzy’s charged skill attribute would only impact Armor, Shields and Jewelry and I think rather than charged skills, I think increasing chance to cast proc % would go a LONG way in making Wizzy quite powerful. I mean if I could have a higher proc chance for say Fade on Treachery Armor or Spirit Ward Shield, that’d be well worth it no? Most Proc chances are so abysmally low that increasing them by like 20-30% would make Wizzy quite strong.

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Your right, Wizardspike shouldn’t apply benefit on switch, so couldn’t benefit charges on 2H Weapons. As you mentioned, most proc chances are abysmally low. I like your idea of an item increasing proc chance % and feels very fitting for Wizardspike (also makes item VERY unique). What do you think of below?..

Bone Knife
1H Damage: 23 to 49
Req Level: 61
Req Strength: 38
Req Dexterity: 75
+2-198 To Mana
50% Faster Cast Rate
Regenerate Mana 15%
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
All Resistances +75

  • Buffs:
    • Increases All Chance To Cast Skills By +10-15%

For Duriels. Add repairs would work and be nice. But honestly I like the added freze more. Brings something unique if you want some CC. If you don’t want that you have plenty good alternative options. And we have several high def amors proposed. So, not bad, but not my my first choice.

For Wizzy I strongly opt in for the former TP proposal. If we remove that it all comes back to enigma again. Could even see lvl req raised to 70 with that. Increased proc chances are an interesting but new concept. But Wizzy needs to remain as a TP alternative. Really! :slight_smile:

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You convinced me Freezes Target is the better choice and offers something unique. :+1:

Agree on Wizzy offering TP alternative, but why can’t we have both (should not be gamebreaking for level 61)…

Bone Knife
1H Damage: 23 to 49
Req Level: 61
Req Strength: 38
Req Dexterity: 75
+2-198 To Mana
50% Faster Cast Rate
Regenerate Mana 15%
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
All Resistances +75

  • Buffs:
    • Add Level 3 Teleport (40 charges)
    • Increases All Chance To Cast Skills By +10-15%
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First I want to apologize to everyone for my absence in the thread, unfortunately my mother passed away on 08/29 and I was very busy moving to my father’s house. Now on 11/01 he is gone too.

As for the discussion of afixes, it needs to be done.
If I were to start with one place, I would say that rare helmets and chests are simply no longer useless because they tend to be worth 35k gold at the seller.

Circlets that occupy the helm slot are a second amulet and can be rolled as such. Rare helms can’t even have +2 class skill.

I believe the discussion should start here.

Good to see you back, my friend. No apologies necessary and sorry for your loss.

We did discuss improving a handful of magic affixes to improve magic items only (table below). This pairs nicely with improving rare items by removing the most undesirable affixes in hell, such as light radius, heal stamina, etc. (already in OP) by setting max level to 66. Blood Moor (H) has area level 67.

Improve Magic Affixes

Magic Affixes Category Level Current Improved Magic Item
Weird Prefix 37 +301-450 AR +301-500 AR Weapon
Pestilent Prefix 50 275 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds 350 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds Weapon
Celestial Prefix 55 +300-400 AR vs Demons, 201-300% Damage to Demons +300-450 AR vs Demons, 201-350% Damage to Demons Weapon
Grandmaster’s Prefix 69 +251-300 AR, 151-200% Damage +251-500 AR, 151-300% Damage Weapon
Fortuitous Prefix 12 +11-15% Magic Find +11-25% Magic Find Amulet, Circlet, Ring
Chromatic Prefix 55 +21-30% All Resist +21-35% All Resist Amulet, Circlet, Shield
Evisceration Suffix 45 +41-63 Max Damage +41-80 Max Damage Weapon
Transportation Suffix 65 +30% FRW, 80-90% S. Stamina Drain +50% FRW Boot
Luck Suffix 26 +26-35% Magic Find +26-45% Magic Find Amulet, Circlet, Boot
Revivification Suffix 38 +11-15 Replenish Life +11-25 Replenish Life Amulet, Circlet, Scepter

Restrict Rare Affixes

Rare Affixes Category Max Level Attribute
Rugged Prefix 66 +5-10 Max Stamina
Chestnut Prefix 66 +10-15 Max Stamina
Maroon Prefix 66 +16-25 Max Stamina
Vigorous Prefix 66 +21-30 Max Stamina
Brown Prefix 66 Heal Stamina +10-15%
Tireless Prefix 66 Heal Stamina +10-50%
Blanched Prefix 66 +5-8 Defense
Eburine Prefix 66 +9-20 Defense
Bone Prefix 66 +21-40 Defense
Glimmering Prefix 66 +1 Light Radius
Glowing Prefix 66 +2 Light Radius
Bright Prefix 66 +1 Light Radius, +10 Attack Rating
Screaming Prefix 66 Hit Causes Monster to Flee 12-25%
Howling Prefix 66 Hit Causes Monster to Flee 18-50%
Light Suffix 66 +1 Light Radius, +10-15 Attack Rating
Radiance Suffix 66 +3 Light Radius, +30 Attack Rating
Sun Suffix 66 +5 Light Radius, 5% Attack Rating
Thorns Suffix 66 Attacker Takes Damage 1-3
Malice Suffix 66 Attacker Takes Damage 1-5
Spikes Suffix 66 Attacker Takes Damage 4-6
Razors Suffix 66 Attacker Takes Damage 7-9
Freedom Suffix 66 Requirements -15%
Ease Suffix 66 Requirements -20%
Simplicity Suffix 66 Requirements -30%
Thawing Suffix 66 Half Freeze Duration
Bear Suffix 66 Knockback

Note: For the most undesirable affixes on Rare Items, they will continue to spawn in normal and nightmare but not hell. Blood Moor (H) has area level of 67.

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