Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

This just shows you how OP Enigma is when all these buffs are still not enough. I agree lowering level more, so dropped to 75. I removed Eth and bumped Enhanced Defense. Lastly, instead of +2 skills like Enigma, I added 2 OS. As a side note, we could maybe add Damage to Undead instead of 2 OS as it is more thematic, but you guys decide which buff is more appropiate…

Tyrael’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: None
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+50-100% Damage To Demons
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+20-30 To Strength
All Resist +20-30
Cannot Be Frozen
Requirements -100%
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 50% Chance To Cast Level 20 Fist of the Heavens When You Kill An Enemy
    • Add +1 To Teleport
    • Add 2 Open Sockets
    • Change FRW from 20% to 45%
    • Change Required Level from 84 to 75
    • Change Enhanced Defense from 120-150% to 200-250%
    • Change Damage To Demons from 50-100% to 300-350%

two is one more than what is already possible so it doesnt make that difference
but lets see how better a 4os TyM would be for some elemental specs

dps oriented firedruid: 24% more dps
dps oriented blizzsorce Vs baal : loses 10% dps
dps oriented blizzsorce Vs coldI : gains 7% dps
self-infinity nova sorce: loses the 105@fcr
dmg oriented metorball sorce: +2% ball dps/meteor -11% dps
poisonecro: +20% Pnova dps (no LR)

  • this table shows the difference betwen 0 Vs 4 more OS, the diference is even lower on 1 Vs 4
  • none of the above can beat blessed hammer dps even with 4 more sockets, with exception of meteor but it already beat hammers
  • melee is in so bad shape that adding them to this table would be nothing but mockery

that said, 4 OS is good but it wont double anyone’s dps…far from that

i dont see pvp as a problem
they already have self made rules excluding many things, TyM could be just one more if they feel like it

the problem is that jah+Lo takes roughly 3k travincal runs
finding a TyM still takes about 65k pit runs
so its clear to me that the item’s rarity is it’s own counterwheight

CE doesnt scale up
its crap for anything but @p1 and is extremely dependent on merc, even at p1 Pnova is much better and able to retain all minions

my logic is simple
TyM is iconic, its the rarest and makes total sense to be the best for everybody when compared to any other option

I like that a lot. Done for me…

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Make Tyreals harder to find and add a bunch of auras. Just silly amounts of damage.

i can go with that
my only complain is that RIP is only really useful against nihla
keeping RIP makes it bad for barbs, summonecros and trapsins

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To switch gears, I wanted to talk about a few maces. First Baranar’s Star. I think our buff is good, but doesn’t go far enough. As this is an elemental weapon, what about adding 15% CtC Level 1 LR On Striking and could help mitigate higher monster resist in hell?..

Baranar’s Star
Devil Star
One-Hand Damage: 129 To 159
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 153
Required Dexterity: 44
+200% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage to Undead
Adds 1-200 Fire Damage
Adds 1-200 Lightning Damage
Adds 1-200 Cold Damage, Duration 0-7 sec.
50% Increased Attack Speed
200% Bonus To Attack Rating
+15 To Dexterity
+15 To Strength

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 15% CtC Level 1 Lower Resist On Striking
    • Change Fire/Lightning/Cold Damage from 1-200 to 1-400

Next Bloodrise, and we dont have in OP. I think bonus to Sacrifice should be o-skill. To strengthen blood theme, lets double OW…

Morning Star
One-Hand Damage: 15 To 35
Required Level: 15
Required Strength: 36
+120% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage To Undead
+25% Chance Of Open Wounds
10% Increased Attack Speed
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
50% bonus to Attack Rating
+3 To Sacrifice (Paladin Only)
+2 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Remove (Paladin Only) from Sacrifice
    • Change Open Wounds from 25% to 50%

Last Stone Crusher. I think we talked about this before, but can’t find discussion. Anyways, as it has high STR req., I think they should’ve gone farther with -target defense (like 50% off) since mace users don’t tend to spec much into DEX and need more help hitting monsters. Lastly, it’s a decent weapon for being heavy and slow, and think it could use -enemy physical resist for a thematic change…

Stone Crusher
Legendary Mallet
One-Hand Damage: (190-210) To (231-256)
Required Level: 68
Required Strength: 189
+280-320% Enhanced Damage
Damage +10-30
+50% Damage to Undead
-25% Target Defense
+40% Chance of Crushing Blow
-100 To Monster Defense Per Hit
+20-30 To Strength

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add -10-15% to Enemy Physical Resist
    • Change Target Defense from -25% to -50%

This could probably be said for most melee weapons as well. If everyone agrees melee is weak compared to casters, I’m sure most melee uniques could use significant boosts like your Stone Crusher buffs without risk of power creep.

Like Endugu said, using the buffed Grandfather was the most fun hes had with it. Some of the melee weapons might be usable as is, but they shouldn’t be painfully boring to use.


All good. :+1:

Like the suggestions a lot!


I would like to take a look at two exceptional armors that could use a modest buff, namely Iron Pelt and The Spirit Shroud. For Iron Pelt, adding IS as an o-skill sounds thematic, along with Defense vs. Missiles and more ED. For The Spirit Shroud, it could use FCR to round out armor.

Iron Pelt
Trellised Armor
Defense: (234-528) - (311-605)
Required Level: 33
Required Strength: 61
+50-100% Enhanced Defense
+3-297 Defense (+3 Per Clvl)
Damage Reduced by 15-20
Magic Damage Reduced by 10-16
+25 To Life

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +6 To Iron Skin
    • Add +3-297 Defense vs. Missiles (+3 Per Clvl)
    • Change Enhanced Defense from 50-100% to 100-150%

The Spirit Shroud
Ghost Armor
Defense: 295
Required Level: 28
Required Strength: 38
Durability: 20
+150% Enhanced Defense
Cannot Be Frozen
+1 To All Skills
Replenish Life +10
Magic Damage Reduced By 7-11

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +20% Faster Cast Rate

That’s very good. We went from Diablo 1 where you could learn any skill to D2 where there are a lack of O-skills on many items (especially low level) and a bunch of useless charges.

If they made an SSF mode, finding items like your Iron Skin belt would be so rewarding.


That fits thematically very well for Iron Pelt! But at the end it’s just all defense buffs (what is for an melee build certainly not irrelevant).

It could be a decent merc armor. But lacks a source of life for that (relevant helmets are only beeing available later). So I would still preferre The Skin of the Flayed One with 5-7% LL over this I guess.

So I think some source of life would be awesome over here. Like on Hwanins partial 3p set bonus we might add life after kill here? Idk maybe 6-8? Enigma has 14.

Btw you missed to update Hwanins on the OP Charles! :slight_smile:

For the spirit shroud I allways thought it falls back too much to Stealth and Viper. Even with the FCR, Viper would be far better. I can’t check the drop chances right now. But we have to decide how that correlates. Viper is a too frequent find for beeing that strong imho. TSS is also very frequent I would assume. The 20 FCR (please not more) would help it a lot. I would also suggest adding some fun to it with 33% CtC Lvl 1-3 Static Field when struck and lower lvl req a tiny bit to 25 (closing a gap between stealth on lvl 17 to viper with 29)?

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Updated OP with below changes and moved improving sets to side discussion to focus on improving uniques…

Stone Crusher
Legendary Mallet
One-Hand Damage: (190-210) To (231-256)
Required Level: 68
Required Strength: 189
+280-320% Enhanced Damage
Damage +10-30
+50% Damage to Undead
-25% Target Defense
+40% Chance of Crushing Blow
-100 To Monster Defense Per Hit
+20-30 To Strength

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add -10-15% to Enemy Physical Resist
    • Change Target Defense from -25% to -50%

Baranar’s Star
Devil Star
One-Hand Damage: 129 To 159
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 153
Required Dexterity: 44
+200% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage to Undead
Adds 1-200 Fire Damage
Adds 1-200 Lightning Damage
Adds 1-200 Cold Damage, Duration 0-7 sec.
50% Increased Attack Speed
200% Bonus To Attack Rating
+15 To Dexterity
+15 To Strength

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 15% CtC Level 1 Lower Resist On Striking
    • Change Fire/Lightning/Cold Damage from 1-200 to 1-400

Morning Star
One-Hand Damage: 15 To 35
Required Level: 15
Required Strength: 36
+120% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage To Undead
+25% Chance Of Open Wounds
10% Increased Attack Speed
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
50% bonus to Attack Rating
+3 To Sacrifice (Paladin Only)
+2 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Remove (Paladin Only) from Sacrifice
    • Change Open Wounds from 25% to 50%

Iron Pelt
Trellised Armor
Defense: (234-528) - (311-605)
Required Level: 33
Required Strength: 61
+50-100% Enhanced Defense
+3-297 Defense (+3 Per Clvl)
Damage Reduced by 15-20
Magic Damage Reduced by 10-16
+25 To Life

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +6 To Iron Skin
    • Add +3-297 Defense vs. Missiles (+3 Per Clvl)
    • Change Enhanced Defense from 50-100% to 100-150%

The Spirit Shroud
Ghost Armor
Defense: 295
Required Level: 28
Required Strength: 38
Durability: 20
+150% Enhanced Defense
Cannot Be Frozen
+1 To All Skills
Replenish Life +10
Magic Damage Reduced By 7-11

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 33% CtC Lvl 3 Static Field When Struck
    • Add +15-20% Faster Cast Rate
    • Change Required Level from 28 to 23

This change was to strengthen defensive nature of armor and could offer another option for HC. I didn’t want to add LL as that would overlap too much with Skin of the Flayed One.

I like your idea of adding CtC static when struck along with lowering level req. I also made FCR bonus slightly worse at 15-20%.

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Not LL > LaK! :wink:

Do you think they overlap to much then? SotFO is clearly more offensive then Iron Pelt then ( the above is very defensive). For a melee char with no EOD LaK should not be as good as LL by a margin I guess?

For the spirit shroud. Lvl 23 is very early for +1 All skills? Not sure was the current lowest item is but would I’d rather go to 25 (even it’d this is all within 1h of play for the most).

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We already have 3 buffs for Iron Pelt, I just wanted to strengthen defensive stats, but not change theme or overlap with other armor.

Agreed. Lowered level to 25.

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Before we move on, some cleanup :slight_smile:

This last versions didn´t make it in the OP @CharlesJT. Would you be so kind? :slight_smile:

As well as:

We changed it to be a viable merc 2 budget budget set at least. Last state what should be in the OP was this from post #634

This also > see post 632

Same here

The Change to Grief doesn´t made it either (or did we decide not to nerf it - I personally would - even if melee is not as good as casters - as discussed in Post 1002

Changes on the mediocre +2 class skills RW armors in the last discussed change didn´t make it in the OP as well. Try to provide a complete overview what is missing (but search is not working as allways today). Or have a missed a discussion?

Same same:

Missing in the OP entirely:

Last version discussed to a final state:

We decided to keep - Gold find on Nadir:

  • Remove -33% Gold Find

Discussed was AR to 150 not 120 ( I know, I konw…picky :slight_smile: ).

Only 10% FCR not 15% CtC lvl 10 confuse for the low cost.

Some stuff missing in the OP:

Last but not least. We didn´t discusse on COH. Fine as it is and just not that frequently utilized or could it use some modest buff for the high given cost? My proposal beneath.

Thoughts on this? Have a good evening gents :slight_smile:

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I wanted to get your thoughts on a few uniques before we dive into side discussion. I found this green staff and don’t think our buff does anything. For a name like Serpent Lord, instead of adding +5-10% to Poison Skill Damage, it would be much more fun if we added Poison Creeper as o-skill as it feels more thematic while dropping level req. so it can be used for super early leveling?..

Serpent Lord
Long Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 2 to (10-11)
Required Level: 9
+30-40% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage To Undead
+12 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
100% Mana Stolen Per Hit
-50% Target Defense
+10 to Mana
Poison Resist +50%
-1 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Poison Creeper
    • Change Required Level from 9 to 4

For Venom Ward, this armor is specifically designed for Andariel, I think we need to drop level req. so you can use when you need it?..

Venom Ward
Breast Plate
Defense: 110-138
Required Level: 20
Required Strength: 30
+60-100% Enhanced Defense
+2 To Light Radius
15% To Max Poison Resist
Poison Resist +90%
Poison Length Reduced By 50%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Poison Skills
    • Change Required Level from 20 to 10
    • Change Poison Length Reduced from 50% to 75%

For Bloodmoon, to strengthen blood theme we should add life tap on striking while dropping level req. as this blade starts to struggle in hell?..

Elegant Blade
One-Hand Damage: (102-118) To (139-162)
Required Level: 61
Required Strength: 109
Required Dexterity: 122
+210-260% Enhanced Damage
10-15% Life Stolen Per Hit
+50% Chance of Open Wounds
+7-13 Life After Each Kill
Level 15 Blood Golem (9 charges)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 10% CtC Level 5 Life Tap On Striking
    • Add +30 Min Damage
    • Change Required Level from 61 to 56
    • Change Open Wounds from 50% to 75%

Last item is Doombringer. I think this sword would be really good if it had bonus to Berserk as when you use Berserk you lose all your defense and the added life along with weaken helps with survivibility?..

Champion Sword
One-Hand Damage: (97-114) To (251-289)
Two-Hand Damage: (228-278) To (332-390)
Required Level: 69
Required Strength: 163
Required Dexterity: 103
+180-250% Enhanced Damage
Adds 30-100 Damage
8% Chance To Cast Level 3 Weaken On Striking
40% Bonus To Attack Rating
Increase Maximum Life 20%
5-7% Life Stolen Per Hit

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Berserk (Barbarian Only)
    • Add 30% Increased Attack Speed
    • Add 10% Reanimate As: Doom Knight
    • Change Indestructible to Repair 1 Durability in 10 Seconds

Now for the update to OP…

Skull Collector
Rune Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 24 to 58
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 25
+50% Damage To Undead
+20 To Mana After Each Kill
Increase Maximum Mana 20%
+1-99% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
+2 To All Skills

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +30% FCR
    • Remove +50% Damage To Undead
    • Change All Skills from +2 to +3
    • Change Magic Find from 1-99% (1.0% Per Clvl) to 1-148% (1.5% Per Clvl)

Now for the update to side discussion…

Hwanin’s Majesty

  • Add +50 To Life (2 Items)
  • Add +100 To Life (3 Items)
  • Add +100 To Attack Rating (2 Items)
  • Add +200 To Attack Rating (3 Items)
  • Add +7-10 Life After Each Kill (3 Items)
  • Add 1-250 Lightning Damage (Full Set)
  • Add +25% To Lightning Resist (Full Set)

Sander’s Folly

  • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate (2 Items)
  • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate (3 Items)
  • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate (Full Set)
  • Add +20 To Ice Bolt (2 Items)
  • Add +15 To Ice Blast (3 Items)
  • Add +10 To Glacial Spike (Full Set)
  • Add 20% Chance To Cast Level 5 Blizzard On Striking (Full Set)

Pul Ral Sol
5% To Cast Level 15 Blaze When Struck
5% To Cast Level 15 Fire Ball On Striking
+2 To Sorceress Skill Levels
+1 To Warmth
+30% Enhanced Defense
Fire Resist +30%
Damage Reduced By 7

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +15% Faster Cast Rate
    • Change Warmth from +1 to +3
    • Change Blaze Cast from 5% to 10%
    • Change Level 15 Fire Ball On Striking to Level 25 Hydra When Struck

Hel Lum Fal
+20% Enhanced Damage
Requirements -15%
+25 To Strength
+10 To Energy
+20 To Vitality
+15 To Dexterity
+50 To Life
All Resistances +30

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Enhanced Damage from 20% to 50%

Hel Amn Nef
3% To Cast Level 1 Howl When Struck
10% To Cast Level 1 Taunt On Striking
+2 To Barbarian Skill Levels
+30 Defense Vs. Missile
Replenish Life +10
Attacker Takes Damage of 14
Requirements -15%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Natural Resistance (Barbarian Only)
    • Add +10% Chance Of Crushing Blow
    • Add +20-40 Damage
    • Remove 3% CtC Level 1 Howl When Struck
    • Remove 10% CtC Level 1 Taunt On Striking

Nef Tir
+50% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
+30 Defense vs. Missile
Level 13 Cloak of Shadows (9 Charges)
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+5 To Strength
-33% Extra Gold From Monsters
-3 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +50 To Attack Rating
    • Change Cloak of Shadow Charges from 9 to 30

Ral Gul Eld
100% To Cast Level 5 Holy Bolt On Striking
+2 To Paladin Skill Levels
+50% Damage to Undead
+100-150 To Life
15% Slower Stamina Drain
+5% To Maximum Poison Resist
Fire Resist +30%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Zeal (Paladin Only)
    • Add +150 To Attack Rating
    • Change Fire Resist +30% to All Resist +30%

Nef Sol Ith
+75% Enhanced Defense
+30 Defense Vs. Missile
+10 To Energy
+10 To Vitality
15% Damage Goes To Mana
Magic Damage Reduced By 3
+33 To Mana
Damage Reduced By 7
+5 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate

Ort Mal Ith
5% To Cast Level 15 Cyclone Armor When Struck
5% To Cast Level 15 Twister On Striking
+2 To Druid Skills
+100-150 To Mana
Lightning Resist +30%
Magic Damage Reduced By 7
15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Hurricane (Druid Only)
    • Add +15-20% Faster Cast Rate
    • Add Cold Resist +30%
    • Change Cyclone Armor Cast from 5% to 15%
    • Change Level 15 Twister On Striking to Level 15 Thunderstorm When Struck

Someone pointed out nerf to Grief is not needed with all these changes and buffing Malice is not needed as it is already a solid choice.

After looking at Heaven’s Brethren again, I think the list looks kinda absurd with all those buffs. I think we should remove Prayer Aura and either CB or Life per hit?..

Heaven’s Brethren

  • Add +10 To Holy Shield (2 Items)
  • Add +10% Life Stolen Per Hit (2 Items)
  • Add 20% Crushing Blow (2 Items)
  • Add +30% To Cold Resistance (3 Items)
  • Add 150% Damage To Demons (3 Items)
  • Add 5% Chance To Cast Level 20 Armageddon On Striking (3 Items)
  • Add Level 15 Prayer Aura (Full Set)
  • Add +30% To Fire Resistance (Full Set)
  • Change All Skills from +2 to +4 (Full Set)
  • Change +100 To Mana on Taebaek’s Glory (shield) with -30% Requirements

For CoH, I like you adding FRW and buffing Replenish Life, but I also think the MF could be doubled as well?..

Chains of Honor
Dol Um Ber Ist
+2 To All Skills
+200% Damage To Demons
+100% Damage To Undead
8% Life Stolen Per Hit
+70% Enhanced Defense
+20 To Strength
Replenish Life +7
All Resistances +65
Damage Reduced By 8%
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +25% Faster Run/Walk
    • Change Magic Find from 25% to 50%
    • Change Replenish Life from +7 to +50

+15% FRW not 15-20% FCR :slight_smile: If you really want to put FCR here, it would make it only 10% to have a clear distinction to the Vipers, Que-Hegans and Co.? Enlightenment needs the little FCR, but this druid armor not imho (for the price).

Hm, don´t have a real opinion on this. But we have already a high MF end game armor with Enigma. With our proposed nerf they would have both around 45% MF in end game. I guess I would not need MF at all. CoH is for the skills and the high res. So I would not make it more of the “same same”?
After thinking about rep. life again I would also only increase to still viable 35% (hopefully not making it a real issue for pvp but still good enough)?

Not really top prio, but lvl 3 poison creeper is not a problem I guess. But the staff looks pretty good for lvl 4 imho. It solves a lot of your mana issues with 100% ML. But why not. Either way you´ll use that for an hour at best.

All thematic. I´m not with your with what lvl you usually reach Andi (for me that is usually around lvl 17-18 in a “normal” playthrough), but typiciall not at that low level (I´m not speeding here). It would be really strong for a lvl 10 item with +1 poison skills. How about lvl 15? I´d rather put 1 OS on it instead of the poison skill (your would not really work on Andi with poison right)?

I agree with you that at lvl 61, thats ot really a good choice in the proposed change. Lvl 56 suits it better I guess. But life tap and LL? I´d rather increase not add min dmg. I would add flat dmg to it or max dmg as well?

I like that! The previous version would not be good enough at lvl 69 I guess.

Still thinks that Grief might be still too much better then the rest, but whatever. That would be a minor issue. For Malice, can´t tell. Never used it so far. So both fine for me for now and until I could ptr test the other buffs enough :slight_smile:

Yes it does and allways has so. But I is so bad for a high req set, that drastic buffs are needed. As stated months ago my focus would be the two piece set of helm and armor. Just for the massive style point you would receive. The shield is still awkard at best (even with the -30% strength reg). The mace is by any means weak as well.

LL is needed in my opinion to add something usfull and maybe use it for some lvl 40+/- budget merc options as well. For your own char as well. CB is the unique feature of the 2p set and probably makes it budget viable with style points. So I´d rather change something on the 3p or 4p set if your really want to. But honestly we spend really much time with intense discussions to end up with this version. And every weaker direction makes the set or partial set unusable bottom line :man_shrugging:


This is a great change. Even if it’s bordering BIS, that’s not even a big deal because it’s a two handed staff. They should be OP weapons compared to orbs which can use shields.


Necromant, I agree with pretty much everything. For Serpent Lord, I kept level same and added poison creeper o-skill. For Venom Ward, I added 1 OS and changed to lvl 15. For Bloodmoon, I changed min damage to max damage. Updated OP…

Serpent Lord
Long Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 2 to (10-11)
Required Level: 9
+30-40% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage To Undead
+12 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
100% Mana Stolen Per Hit
-50% Target Defense
+10 to Mana
Poison Resist +50%
-1 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Poison Creeper

Venom Ward
Breast Plate
Defense: 110-138
Required Level: 20
Required Strength: 30
+60-100% Enhanced Defense
+2 To Light Radius
15% To Max Poison Resist
Poison Resist +90%
Poison Length Reduced By 50%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 1 Open Socket
    • Change Required Level from 20 to 15
    • Change Poison Length Reduced from 50% to 75%

Elegant Blade
One-Hand Damage: (102-118) To (139-162)
Required Level: 61
Required Strength: 109
Required Dexterity: 122
+210-260% Enhanced Damage
10-15% Life Stolen Per Hit
+50% Chance of Open Wounds
+7-13 Life After Each Kill
Level 15 Blood Golem (9 charges)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +33 Max Damage
    • Change Required Level from 61 to 56
    • Change Open Wounds from 50% to 75%

Champion Sword
One-Hand Damage: (97-114) To (251-289)
Two-Hand Damage: (228-278) To (332-390)
Required Level: 69
Required Strength: 163
Required Dexterity: 103
+180-250% Enhanced Damage
Adds 30-100 Damage
8% Chance To Cast Level 3 Weaken On Striking
40% Bonus To Attack Rating
Increase Maximum Life 20%
5-7% Life Stolen Per Hit

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Berserk (Barbarian Only)
    • Add 30% Increased Attack Speed
    • Add 10% Reanimate As: Doom Knight
    • Change Indestructible to Repair 1 Durability in 10 Seconds

I added Grief back for proposed nerf. I updated Rain to FRW as that was my mistake (lack of sleep). For CoH, I took your suggestion and removed MF buff and lowered replenish life. For Heaven’s Brethren, I removed Prayer Aura (full set) as that might cause some issues and reduced Holy Shield to +6 (2 items). Updated side discussion…

Eth Tir Lo Mal Ral
Swords, Axes
35% To Cast Level 15 Venom On Striking
+30-40% Increased Attack Speed
Damage +340-400
Ignore Target’s Defense
-25% Target Defense
+1-185% Damage To Demons
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
-20-25% To Enemy Poison Resist
+20% Deadly Strike
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+10-15 Life After Each Kill

  • Proposed Nerfs:
    • Change Damage from +340-400 to +280-340

Ort Mal Ith
5% To Cast Level 15 Cyclone Armor When Struck
5% To Cast Level 15 Twister On Striking
+2 To Druid Skills
+100-150 To Mana
Lightning Resist +30%
Magic Damage Reduced By 7
15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Hurricane (Druid Only)
    • Add +15% Faster Run/Walk
    • Add Cold Resist +30%
    • Change Cyclone Armor Cast from 5% to 15%
    • Change Level 15 Twister On Striking to Level 15 Thunderstorm When Struck

Chains of Honor
Dol Um Ber Ist
+2 To All Skills
+200% Damage To Demons
+100% Damage To Undead
8% Life Stolen Per Hit
+70% Enhanced Defense
+20 To Strength
Replenish Life +7
All Resistances +65
Damage Reduced By 8%
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +25% Faster Run/Walk
    • Change Replenish Life from +7 to +35

Heaven’s Brethren

  • Add +6 To Holy Shield (2 Items)
  • Add +10% Life Stolen Per Hit (2 Items)
  • Add 20% Crushing Blow (2 Items)
  • Add +30% To Cold Resistance (3 Items)
  • Add 150% Damage To Demons (3 Items)
  • Add 5% Chance To Cast Level 20 Armageddon On Striking (3 Items)
  • Add +30% To Fire Resistance (Full Set)
  • Change All Skills from +2 to +4 (Full Set)
  • Change +100 To Mana on Taebaek’s Glory (shield) with -30% Requirements

No buff or nerf needed.

I think it’s good in a runeword, even better these damage increase buffs appear on armor of all types, magic, rare, craft and why not unique

Same level req of Lore, I have no ideas but it would have to be completely reworked, because this small buff won’t make anyone change the lore for it.

Another runeword that I don’t see the point of changing. I don’t think it needs a nerf or a buff.