Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Forget about that. I really really really think, that Leviathan need to have the “Wind-Theme”. I don´t mind having more than one item to support a build. Fissure is not fitting this item in my opionon at all.

Id rather leaf Leviathan as it was with lvl 15 Hurricane and accept that this could intefere with your own spelled Hurricans or the lvl 22 of your Windhammer (first situation is of course far more severe). Or increase the lvl from 15 to 22 to be on par with the WH. But no change otherwise please, I ask you kindly to revert OP to the previous version! :slight_smile:

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Necromant, you provided alot of good discussion around TM above, and looking forward to see what other people think. I’m also thinking “Slain Monster RIP” is thematic and should probably remain, even though suboptimal.

As for the rest, updated OP as follows:

Tiamat’s Rebuke
Dragon Shield
Defense: 163-204
Required Level: 38
Required Strength: 91
+140-200% Enhanced Defense
Adds 27-53 Cold Damage
Adds 35-95 Fire Damage
Adds 1-120 Lightning Damage
3% To Cast Level 6 Hydra When Struck
5% To Cast Level 7 Nova When Struck
5% To Cast Level 9 Frost Nova When Struck
All Resistances +25-35%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 1 Open Socket
    • Change Required Level from 38 to 33
    • Change Hydra Cast from 3% to 9%
    • Change Nova Cast from 5% to 15%
    • Change Frost Nova Cast from 5% to 15%

Coldsteel Eye
One-Hand Damage: (24-28) To (63-73)
Required Level: 31
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 52
20% Increased Attack Speed
+200-250% Enhanced Damage
6% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+50% Chance of Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
Slows Target By 30%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 30-50 Cold Damage
    • Add Freezes Target +1
    • Remove Slows Target By 30%

Bing Sz Wang
Dacian Falx
One-Hand Damage: (29-33) To (69-78)
Two-Hand Damage: (59-67) To (140-158)
Required Level: 43
Required Strength: 64
Required Dexterity: 14
+130-160% Enhanced Damage
Adds 50-140 Cold Damage
5% To Cast Level 3 Frozen Orb On Striking
Freezes Target +2
Requirements -30%
+20 To Strength

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +30% Increased Attack Speed
    • Change Required Level from 43 to 36
    • Change Frozen Orb Level from 3 to 6 and Cast from 5% to 15%

Skull Collector
Rune Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 24 to 58
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 25
+50% Damage To Undead
+20 To Mana After Each Kill
Increase Maximum Mana 20%
+1-99% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
+2 To All Skills

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +30% Faster Cast Rate
    • Remove +50% Damage To Undead
    • Change All Skills from +2 to +3

Kraken Shell
Defense: 1514-1722
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 174
+170-200% Enhanced Defense
+100-150 Defense
+40-50 To Strength
Damage Reduced By 15-25%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Cold Resist +30-50%
    • Add +80-120% Enhanced Damage
    • Add +0-30% Chance of Crushing Blow (+0.3% Per Clvl)
    • Add 10% To Cast Level 15 Hurricane When Struck

On the surface, I don’t see any problem with chance to proc hurricane on Leviathan and Windhammer as Leviathan is When Struck and Windhammer is On Striking. Heck, you could even make a fun build with both equipped.

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Its not a problem at al. But your Windhammer will proc a lvl 22 hurricane and when struck your Leviathan is procing a lvl 15 “only”. Not a problem, but since youre a melee build - most likely to be struck - it would weaken your lvl 22 what you expect from your WH. So maybe equal both (since it is not unlikely to be used by a fury druid) could not be worst idea? Your fury druid just wont go the hurrican itself skillwise… not a problem, just to make sure that everybody is having this in your mind.

Whats your optione on Chains of Honor?

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Another solution is we could have chance to proc Twister and Tornado on Windhammer and Hurricane on Leviathan. That way, it avoids any potential overlap and both changes are thematic.

I think the concept of Sacred Armor dropping and it having a chance of rolling blue with teleport is too good to pass up on. It brings MFing as an activity to its peak. MFing isn’t in a great spot right now, but little changes like this could make it addicting for a lot of people.

I understand wanting to go for a less simplistic approach, and I usually agree with that, but for this specific item, I would go with the potential of giving the player a better emotional experience over the more “logical” item design.

A casual player will see teleport vs more resistances, which one is more likely to get them excited?


Thats it :slight_smile: :+1:
If you use the WH (without the Levi) on a druid, you would max out Hurricane for the synergies and the high proc as well. Rest of the skill points goes into shape shifting I would assume. If you use both you maybe max cyclone armor and get constant hurricans procs. If you use both on other chars people will come up with a lot of crazy new builds. Nice :slight_smile:

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So youre basicly say “Yes, go for TP”! I like that. TP on TM was my first emotional wish to make it compete with enigma at least.

But what else?
How would you design it?
How strong should it be compare to others? Should it be economy disturbing strong or only on par?
Which builds would you go for (caste/melee/both)?
Or should it server several - more niche - cases?

So, make a call please :slight_smile:

lets keep the discussion rolling

i mean, yeah, thats right
but we dont really play a trading game but a game with trading
so imo market repercussions are not priority

not for me
nerf sorce’s teleport so every class would need/want enigma/TyM makes more sense

it problably would “destroy” everything else
but it is also 10x rarer than any other armor in the game
so it makes total sense it should be universally the best looting experience in the game

i mean, we could try some phys based aura like fanat instead of salvation/redemption

im a main necro…and between all necro builds fishy is the one i like more
if i want a source of RIP i have a ring for that

i dont see the appeal of salvation
redemption? yes
but besides casters equiped with a scharm, everybody walks around with resists caped

high life replenish reduces health potion effectiveness
i dont know if its due to a bug or just how formula works
you can test this by modding any item to give you a high amount of LR

we can use some simple rule here

TP is universally good
so lets dedicate one affix to melee
and another one to casters

the others should follow TP logic e be universally good


I could see adding 20% FRW to CoH, but not sure about buffing Replenish Life. I’ve always felt CoH occupies an awkward position stat-wise. I kinda have a crazy idea for this RW. As it has DtD & DtU and is defensive in nature w/ high resists, why not give it?..

Chains of Honor
* Add +1 To Holy Shield

Not sure if that would be too powerful, but it sure feels thematic and fitting for the name. Seems like it would be similar to the defense bonus from chilling armor on Fortitude.

Updated OP. I removed hurricane from WH and instead bumped up ED as follows…

Ogre Maul
Two-Hand Damage: (215-254) To (296-349)
Required Level: 68
Required Strength: 225
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
50% Chance of Crushing Blow
+60% Increased Attack Speed
33% To Cast Level 22 Twister On Striking
+50% Damage to Undead

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Requirements -20%
    • Add 11% To Cast Level 22 Tornado On Striking
    • Change Enhanced Damage from 180-230% to 230-280%
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I think it should be equivalent with Enigma (I want to say for all classes), but doesn’t have to be the same.

I see uniques and runewords like apples and oranges. They are two different ways to obtain items and one shouldn’t be obsolete when comparing them to each other.

When they first released, the general consensus would have been these are impossible to find. Maybe the recipes were meant to be unknown, and high runes much harder to find.

But now people can create a grief long before they will find a Grandfather sword (from what I’ve read).

If TM sells for 40 bers, that’s a good thing to me. That’s what makes for exciting online experiences and gives people motivation to continue to grind and save up.

If Tyrael’s is BIS and hard to obtain, is that really a bad thing in an online ARPG? I’m a casual myself, so I don’t know the answer to that. But there are other good items for players to obtain while they grind away for it.

Imagine how much hype there would be if in a new D2 season if Tyrael’s was BIS. All the JSP players would be grinding for that drop. Han’s comment about it being merely another merc armor put it in perspective that it could be a waste of a great opportunity.

Let’s continue the discussion.

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I guess the excitement is already super high today…remember LLama when he found finally his first one. But the disapointment is huge after a few moments, when you realize its just a trophy and that you would never really use it on any of your - even casual - chars.

In my very personal opinion if that would be only usable like a 90%ish end game armor, I´d be stoked. I mean I completed the game with several chars using only the calss specific elite set (Natalyas, Mavinas, Aldurs). But a gear-set with a current TM is not even good for that.

So my exicitement to find a “good and usable” super rare item would be super high. Imagine you´d find a D-Web with the lowest possible roll. Youd probaly start your first poison necro if you havent. Or a low 1 OS Crown of Ages. I would use that on at least one of my casual chars. A current TM with a lvl 84 req. you would not. Thats why I would not make it super OP. I would make it very very decent and absolutely end game viabel but without disrupting economy. So I would suggest, that we try to create an item what would fetch something like 10-20 Bers but not crazy more. Yiou still could deck out every other build in your wet dreams :slight_smile:

But hands down. What excatly would your TM look like?

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What wourd your proposal look like! Give it a shot!

Interesting. New twist! Kind a like that. What do the others say. Or do you think CoH is abolutely in the right spot and nothing to change here?

Greate! Done for me!

Let me take another look at TM. As to not violate the 12 attribute limit, I have 3 additions and 3 changes for this angelic armor and designed for melee.

First additions. I think TM should be Ethereal as well as Indestructible (like Ethereal Edge) to show it is crafted from other-worldly material. It should have +teleport to be alternative to Enigma. Last addition should be CtC FoH as this is dripping with flavor and gives melee another source of AoE (CtC FoH is similar to CtC Poison Nova on BotD).

Next changes. The FRW is increased to match Enigma at 45%. Second, DtD is increased to the range of Laying of Hands. Lastly, level req. is dropped by 5. Note that "Slain Monster RIP” is thematic for this unique and should remain, even though potentially suboptimal.

Tyrael’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: None
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+50-100% Damage To Demons
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+20-30 To Strength
All Resist +20-30
Cannot Be Frozen
Requirements -100%
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 50% Chance To Cast Level 20 Fist of the Heavens When You Kill An Enemy
    • Add +1 To Teleport
    • Add Ethereal
    • Change FRW from 20% to 45%
    • Change Required Level from 84 to 79
    • Change Damage To Demons from 50-100% to 300-350%

the first update i proposed was
add lvl 1 tele oskill
add 2-4 os or lvl 1 redemption
remove RIP

but tbh, adding tele for me is the only one that is basically “non-negotiable”
RIP is also a big no for me

anything else is really up to the community

folowing this…

something like:

+1 tele(universal)
+lvl 10 might aura(melee)
+25% fcr(caster)


I won’t pretend to be a D2 itemization god. I haven’t spent enough time with the items to make my own. But it’s something I might do in the future since I have an idea for something that should be in an ARPG.

I like Charles’ most updated TM up above. I really like the first of the heavens on kill. It’s a great idea. This is the most “perfect” version of TM to me.


We did add might aura to the another TM… :crazy_face:

Templar’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1622-1923
Required Level: 74
Required Strength: 232
+170-220% Enhanced Defense
+250-300 Defense vs. Missiles
+10-15 To Strength
+10-15 To Vitality
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+40-50 Maximum Stamina
+1-2 To Offensive Auras (Paladin Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Requirements -20%
    • Add Level 4-8 Might Aura When Equipped
    • Change Offensive Auras (Paladin Only) from +1-2 to +2-4

which is great, it just show how late i am for this discussion

my only problem with that, without tele, it would be nothing but a merc’s armor

maybe its better to make templar’s might a merc armor and leave TyM to be THE ARMOR


Templars might won´t hardly be a merc armor due to its high strenght req. And we decided to focus some items to specific chars (G-Bane is good for barbs, Templars is like Guardian Angel best suited for a pally). With the several buffs to a lot of the elite amors, we will see a lot new merc builds imho. So I would like to not alter Templars again.

I like your approach! But I´m not sure if this cuts it for the most players? The call was to make it really really good. Would you decide to choose this version over an Enigma? I would like to further reduce lvl req. Enigma is lvl 63. So I really would like to see TM at lvl 75 at least (would even support 70). Just finished a game with my first poison necro yesterday at lvl 78 :man_shrugging:

FoH is good but at the end only a nice cosmetics. Same with Eth, what would use up one of the 12 affixes. Both I really like but only partially improves the power lvl. DtD is a real buff here. I would opt to not go the Eth-way and increase the ED so have one more affix to boost the power lvl?

I would also leave CNBF on it. We could remove it since Raven exists. But if it’s on TM that „forces“ you to elaborate something new thus higher diversity. Monster Rest in Peace ist thematic and for some builds useful for some very common ones not (what is fine with me - not sure if we need to buff CR-necros even further).

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3 or 4 OS are way to mich to a stand-alone useful armor in my humble opinion. I could go with 2. TM is that expensive later that you could slam some 15/40 in it. Or two Facets or two max dex/strength/fhr/re jewels in it. That might be bad for pvp. But two might be ok and still very good (like a 2OS CoA is super nice already and nobody would call for it to make it 3 os).
Redemption is useful to every char. And would surely be welcomed by everybody. But you already have the option to go to a phoenix shield. This is expensive and has drawback compared to other options. So if we implement something like that we should also ask ourself if we should put a counterweight somewhere?