Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

This thread is a roundtable discussion to improve itemization and all community members are welcome to contribute ideas.

However, if your aim is to simply offer nonconstructive remarks that doesn’t provide any value nor serve to move the discussion forward in a positive way, then good day sir.

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i think a bit for nothing

1-without a new season longtime season 4 is done and 5 not coming
2- the dev never listen too feedback anyway

at least all you have to do is keep the same topic and delete the 5 and update the title with a 6 one day you will maybe have a season update keep hoping :pray:

idk me i will understand from deleting 1 to 5 is got no more hope anyway good luck :+1: :roll_eyes:

Idiots exist everywhere and one of the flaws of the internet and democracy is that they have space and a voice.

Charles your work is great, a lot of people recognize that and the existence of idiots can’t let that get to you. If it were in Brazil, they would be greeted with profanity.

It’s true that the devs might end up doing nothing about it, but the topic is moderated, I use edits to my posts that I didn’t make as proof, so something must be leaking from the moderators to the devs.

I don’t want to be, for example, making a flood of things that I consider important to me to be changed, but I don’t stop reading the topic, I just don’t have an opinion about everything.


Blizzard failed hard with Diablo 4, and the reason for that is because they ignored threads like this. I think they will be forced to pay attention to these threads for the sake of their future games.

This thread represents the heart of Diablo.

In Diablo 4 they came up with goofy names like Greaves Of The Empty Tomb. That person should be fired. That is not a Diablo player.


you know why the answer is simple , is because they are a big % of the population

is basic rule in human nature . the strong take advantage of the weak . that why he have so much poor these day is a bit like a pyramid

is a bit the same with the one that get emotionally involved they are weak mind , the one that understand faster take advantage of the slower one in sport and everything ect…

anyway keep waiting and hoping . some people just need more time to understand and come too the same conclusion nothing wrong there :+1:

i dont share your opinion because

1- i dont think they are force too do anything fact the community give so much feedback with 0 result
2- force or not this will change anything because they dont have the talent to do anything good for diablo 4 is the perfect prove also they can not find staff working on diablo 4 and is the main game this mean 0 hope for d2re is really not a priorité for activision that why you have no season for d2re d4 lack staff what you expect for d2re :roll_eyes:

here a little video of blizzard post for staff for diablo 4


What gives me hope is if you look at the recent D3 patch notes (2.7.6 PTR), the developers added many community-led changes, such as SSF mode, QoL, etc. after years of players requesting. They also made a general statement, “We always take the time to review the feedback we receive, evaluate it, and implement changes that align with our design principles for the game.”

We just need to stay the course and continue to communicate to the developers what changes the community would like to see implemented.


i understand you

is just d3 is not d2re is really not the same cup of tea

you have team for d3 and d4 not d2re i dont believe blizzard have the talent too work on d2re

i take patch 1.14 over the patch 2.6 overalll most change make d2 a worst game
fury druid are bad same with Whirlwind barbarian are also garbage same with faster hit recovery these clueless dev mess up with the 20 year old frame table :roll_eyes: and screw a lot of stuff

no it does not… mosaic is 1 gul and 1 mal. two of them equals 1 vex and 1 ist. call to arms is ohm and ist and mal. what are u smoking

And this thread is also your opinion, regardless if you add other opinions, you add and change them to your liking. Hence why it’s good you are not in charge of any changes.

While there might be some parts I agree with, there is a lot that I disagree and from the few posts above that you replied to it’s obvious that you won’t accept not changing somthing you want to change.

So, call me stupid, won’t change anything. I pointed out that cta shouldn’t be nerfed and it was ignored. It’s obvious that the contributions are only accepted if you agree with them.

Let’s hope there won’t be any changes because no matter what they do, there will be a crap storm coming in.

Sunder charms were a bad way to do something good.

That’s simply not true. I still think CTA needs to be nerfed in my opinion, but I did not add to the side discussion as other people voiced the opposite, including you. I listened to everyone else.

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while i do think the effects of battle orders from cta have one of the hugest implications in game balance, i can’t deny outright removing the bo from cta (which is what i suggested somewhere) would really hurt hardcore with the current monster stats. CTA is one of those really involved changes that has huge impacts on gameplay, as for many builds, CTA is the only thing that enables them to efficiently teleport around. of course, one could just say “hc just has to play more safe”, and in a way i would agree, but i think the change is too dramatic into the nerf direction if no other changes were made. personally i dont think CTA is as unhealthy as some other things in the game tho, like spirit, as silly as its concept may be, so even if it was never changed, i wouldnt care too much


Thats quite the buffs now. These buffs are meaningful! Enigma would be better for Casters. I think thats how it should be. 250-300% demon dmg is quite huge bonus for melee coupled with 2-3 os means 80-120% more enhanced dmg and/or 45% ias.

Technical question about FoH: Does it interrupt attacks or not all?

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Hi everybody! Have been on holidays so only responded to some posts and now try to work up the past 50+ or so :slight_smile:

So we now have covered most of the sections :slight_smile:
But, if you have some spare time, I could put them in a seperate section “Katars” since the swords, daggers and axes are already a long list of items? And Bartucs belong into the NM section (those are not elite)!

I guess thats look good at first sight. But not sure how you would run that in late game (not an endgame item for sure, what is absolutely ok).
I´m guessing you would not run dual Shadow Killers. But if so you would end up with a lvl 10 Shadow Master (800 life and only 61 all res - does the res penalty for hell applies here? - not playing asa to much :slight_smile: ).

The IAS helps proc the frost nova and freezes target more often. The cold dmg leaves death sentry almost useless (so you would not use this on that build - what is good for more variations), but both skills are not strong enough for lvl 70+ imho?
So we might increas those two as well to make the stats relevant? How about Freezes Target (applies only 1/4 in hell) from 2 to 4-10 (it only applies to normal and minion monsters if I´m correct). But I´m not sure about the calculations of the actual value tbh.

I found the following formula on first try:

[CtF = (30 + ((BonusF * 4) + atLvl - dfLvl) * 5) %]

At lvl 70 (assuming monster also lvl 70) and with dual Shadow killers, that must translate into (at least, if not other gear adds up):

30 +(4*4) + 70-70 * 5 in % >>> 230% but only 1/4 in hell so 57,5% for normal monsters and minons. A lvl 80 monster lovers that to 45%. If increase to +4 each that would translate into 77,5% and 65%. If increased to 10 that would be 87,5% and 75% (maybe to much :slight_smile: ).

Pls correct me if I missed something here!

Lvl 8 frost nova applies only 23-28 of cold dmg and 15 seconds of cold. So basicially nothing for lvl 70 (the 33% proc are certainly good). Lvl 16 would provide 55-65 cold dmg and 23 seconds).

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change 33% To Cast Level 8 Frost Nova On Striking to Lvl 16
    • Change Freezes Target +2 to +4

What do you think about that?

A lot of rolls now, hard to find a decent one? But dual perfect ones would be usable! Maybe Wake of Fire as the weaker one fixed to +2?

Like that! A Kicksin could use that (budget option) with +4/8 to Dragon Talon (and covers most of your res needs). The Venom version could be viable as well. Lot of mana leech, res and block change. So at lvl 66 that could be nice with modest req on dex an strength.

Decent imho with OW. Would love to try that! But Bartucs are not an elite item. They belong within the exceptional uniques :slight_smile:

Thats interesting and I fully like that. PTR will tell if viable :slight_smile:

Good as mentioned already!

Good as well!

Agree, Windhammer is a mediocre iron golem at best right now. Your buffs would make it a second “Destruction” (screen gfx festival) but with a wind theme. While considering your proposal I instantly was checking the Leviathan armor, since we descussed Hurrican when STRUCK over here. And one not, you didn´t update the OP from our last version on Leviathan. Pls do so (see last version below).

For WH we have to options regarding the high strength req. Either make it worth the investment or lower the req. Since a Ogre Maul should be a high strength weapon I tend to go for the first option somehow? Secondly what build are you aiming for? I would think a Fury druid (so synergies apply to the procs to a certain degree). The +3 cap for druids wont apply here right? So 22% chance to proc lvl 22 Tornado would be decent.

The hurricane tho would interfere with the Leviations lvl 15 when struck? So we might limit it in the first place for WH at lvl 15 as well and maybe add Freezes Target +5 as well (as discussed above with Shadow killer)? If we remain the high strength req. we could add +10% Deadly strike maybe?

As said, please update the OP with the above for Leviathan.

I like that. Hope that wont be a problem for pvp but guess not. We could either reduce req. lvl from 43 to 33 or change +1 To Amazon Skill Levels to +1 all skills? For both variants you have my blessing :slight_smile:

Tiamat is not a dragon per se. She is a Mesopotamian primordial goddess of the sea at first. But the original doesn´t reflect that too much as well and honestly can not with the available skills of the game. So I could see changing the lvls of the skill. But the real problem for a mid game (lvl > 38) shield are the low proc rates to be honest. You would need to render yourself to constant hits to make use of it. I´d rather increase the proc changes then the lvl of the casts. Not sure if it would be viable if it only procs every 10-20th hit to proc something. I´d rather go spirit or every available shield instead. It´s clearly a melee shield so maybe it could use Res or even more DR if you need to get hit constantly?
But this thing will have a hard stand even in early mid-game tbh :slight_smile:

Could not finde the 5 heads story at first search, but we have a general decision to be made. You suggested a new mechanic for the game (what I personally highly like). But we discussed that before various times. Charles suggested an increased gold pick up radious for Goldskin and a higher rune effectivesness for Runesmaster long ago. In the end we came to the conclusion, that we wont see new mechanics and went the route of using only existing mechanics. I would stick to that.

But for Tiamats some effects on striking would certainly help and removing there for the elemental dmg could be a nice way in contrats to the need of beeing a complete masochistic gameplay melee char :slight_smile:

I can not agree with you here. The thread is among the most viewed in the forum and the feedback is predominantly agreeing. I´m sure you can understand that not every singel suggestion could be adopted to the OP since the might be in contrast with other opionons. Thats why we have a detailed conversation to every suggestion.

I am highly encourage you to give feedback to every single item and explain why and how you would change the current worked out proposal. Consindering how that might affect builds, chars, skills and the other proposals. And then we are all happy to discuss that together. At the end we need proposals most people would support (we can not make everybody happy, but maybe most of us)!

So done for today. Allways a massiv time invest to elaborate everything in detail :slight_smile:


the current TyM suggestion isnt good enough imo

taking the rarest item in the game and making it nothing but a merc armor is a complete waste
remove RIP so barbs and necros can use it and give it:
-tele oskill, 2-4 os;
-tele oskill, lvl1 redemption


I don’t see a big deal with giving it teleport either. I think Blizzard North would have eventually did it. It should feel like the ultimate reward when you see it drop. If a unique item was ever deserving of +teleport it’s Tyrael’s.


Tiamat is a legendary D&D queen/goddess dragon. She is chromatic so she possesses all 5 heads of dragon kind. Red, green, black, blue, and white.

The design philosophy of a ton of this game came directly from 5th edition. I believe that originally they may have thought adding 5 on struck effects might be too cumbersome and random for many players to equip, but many uniques design was pulled straight from D&D so I think it wise to reference it whenever possible

And because it’s rebuke I think it’s best to keep on struck effects rather than on strike. Having a smorgasbord of crap fly off your shield feels fun, even if it’s not incredibly powerful.


Looks like the majority has spoken for adding +teleport to TM. As this thread should reflect overwhelming consensus, I have updated OP as shown below:

Tyrael’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: None
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+50-100% Damage To Demons
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+20-30 To Strength
All Resist +20-30
Cannot Be Frozen
Requirements -100%
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 15% Chance To Cast Level 20 Fist of the Heavens On Striking
    • Add +1 To Teleport
    • Add 3 Open Sockets
    • Remove Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
    • Change FRW from 20% to 50%
    • Change Damage To Demons from 50-100% to 250-300%


Agreed. Updated OP as follows:

Shadow Killer
Battle Cestus
Damage: (145-172) To (170-201)
Required Level: 78
Required Strength: 100
Required Dexterity: 100
+170-220% Enhanced Damage
-25% Target Defense
Freezes Target +2
+10-15 To Mana After Each Kill
33% To Cast Level 8 Frost Nova On Striking

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +2 To Shadow Disciplines (Assassin Only)
    • Add +20% Increased Attack Speed
    • Change Freezes Target from +2 to +4
    • Change Frost Nova Level from 8 to 16

Agreed, updated as follows:

Firelizard’s Talons
Feral Claws
Damage: (66-81) To (159-196)
Required Level: 67
Required Strength: 113
Required Dexterity: 113
+200-270% Enhanced Damage
Adds 236-480 Fire Damage
+15% Increased Attack Speed
+1-3 To Martial Arts (Assassin Only)
+1-2 To Wake of Inferno (Assassin Only)
+1-2 To Wake of Fire (Assassin Only)
Fire Resist +40-70%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Wake of Fire from +1-2 to +2
    • Change Wake of Inferno from +1-2 to +2
    • Change +1-3 To Martial Arts to +3 To Fire Skills

Thanks for keeping me honest. Fixed.

Added to OP:

Ogre Maul
Two-Hand Damage: (215-254) To (296-349)
Required Level: 68
Required Strength: 225
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
50% Chance of Crushing Blow
+60% Increased Attack Speed
33% To Cast Level 22 Twister On Striking
+50% Damage to Undead

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Requirements -20%
    • Add 22% To Cast Level 22 Tornado On Striking
    • Add 11% To Cast Level 22 Hurricane On Striking

Added to OP, and changed to all skills as suggested:

Rune Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 55 to (127-137)
Required Level: 43
Required Strength: 73
Required Dexterity: 103
+120-150% Enhanced Damage
Adds 25-50 Damage
+200-250 To Attack Rating
+1 To Amazon Skills
Hit Blinds Target
15% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Magic Damage Reduced By 9-13
+10 To Dexterity
+3 Guided Arrow (Amazon Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Magic Arrow
    • Remove (Amazon Only) from Guided Arrow
    • Change +1 To Amazon Skills to +1 To All Skills

Agreed, increased proc chance and also lowered required level. Updated OP.

Tiamat’s Rebuke
Dragon Shield
Defense: 163-204
Required Level: 38
Required Strength: 91
+140-200% Enhanced Defense
Adds 27-53 Cold Damage
Adds 35-95 Fire Damage
Adds 1-120 Lightning Damage
3% To Cast Level 6 Hydra When Struck
5% To Cast Level 7 Nova When Struck
5% To Cast Level 9 Frost Nova When Struck
All Resistances +25-35%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Hydra Cast from 3% to 9%
    • Change Nova Cast from 5% to 15%
    • Change Frost Nova Cast from 5% to 15%
    • Change Required Level from 38 to 33

As we now added hurricane to Windhammer, what if we added Fissure on striking to Leviathan? Also, as Steel Carapace has cold resist, we could then add fire resist to Leviathan in addition to the crushing blow we proposed. I think hurricane proc is more thematic on the Windhammer. Thoughts?


Agreed. Would like to respond to WH, Levi and TM later in-depth. Afterwork drinks first :wink:

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In addition to increasing proc chance and lowering req. level for Tiamat’s Rebuke, I would also like to propose we add 1 OS. This would save a Larzak quest and allow a player to insert a pdiamond to further boost resistances…

Tiamat’s Rebuke
Dragon Shield
Defense: 163-204
Required Level: 38
Required Strength: 91
+140-200% Enhanced Defense
Adds 27-53 Cold Damage
Adds 35-95 Fire Damage
Adds 1-120 Lightning Damage
3% To Cast Level 6 Hydra When Struck
5% To Cast Level 7 Nova When Struck
5% To Cast Level 9 Frost Nova When Struck
All Resistances +25-35%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 1 Open Socket
    • Change Required Level from 38 to 33
    • Change Hydra Cast from 3% to 9%
    • Change Nova Cast from 5% to 15%
    • Change Frost Nova Cast from 5% to 15%

I recently found Coldsteel Eye, and noticed we haven’t talked about it. For a blade that has cold in the name, you would think it should do cold damage. In addition, freezes target is more thematic than slows target…

Coldsteel Eye
One-Hand Damage: (24-28) To (63-73)
Required Level: 31
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 52
20% Increased Attack Speed
+200-250% Enhanced Damage
6% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+50% Chance of Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
Slows Target By 30%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 30-50 Cold Damage
    • Add Freezes Target
    • Remove Slows Target By 30%

Lastly, another exceptional 2H sword centered around the cold theme, Bing Sz Wang, falls short. First, the weapon to too slow to depend on FO proc, so it needs some form of IAS. Next, I would like to see a modest buff to FO (both in proc chance and level). Furthermore, as this item has same level req. as Voice of Reason (which is better), needs to be lowered to have more longevity in nightmare…

Bing Sz Wang
Dacian Falx
One-Hand Damage: (29-33) To (69-78)
Two-Hand Damage: (59-67) To (140-158)
Required Level: 43
Required Strength: 64
Required Dexterity: 14
+130-160% Enhanced Damage
Adds 50-140 Cold Damage
5% To Cast Level 3 Frozen Orb On Striking
Freezes Target +2
Requirements -30%
+20 To Strength

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +30% Increased Attack Speed
    • Change Required Level from 43 to 36
    • Change Frozen Orb Level from 3 to 6 and Cast from 5% to 15%

So, couldn´t make it yesterday, so now.

Since several members are unhappy with TM, lets start with this one. But we really need to elaborate this item in detail and pay attention to several side effect! So I urge everbody to at least search the topic for the older discussion poins which lead to the last version.

I personally really like the current last proposal with salvation and would be fine with that but I´m open for well balanced changes. Just to compare easily for everybody and since Charles update the OP already the last version again:

TM is super rare and iconic so it should be good! <<< True!
But as well it is super (!) rare. On Traderie there are currently only 5 armors for PC NL on sale (only 3 for Ladder). Five! Not fifty, not a hundred!
So if it will be new BIS it will create a massiv market distortion. Prices may go up in the 100+ Jah region (or even worst). Make it not even closely available for everybody interested. That might end up in beeing BM in pvp (I would assume, since I´m not playing).

So for me, that would translate into making it good, but not as good as easiely available other S-Tier armors (botting makes Bers almost easy to abtain and an Enigma or CoH therwith easy to aquire).

Considering we would like to nerf Nigma, maybe CoH needs a bit of buffing as well and other options like Akains, Templars, G-Bane much stronger it should be in a spot slightly worse than those (because it´s that rare and almost impossible to obtain).

The current version would achive that. But with +2skills, +1 TP as O-skill, massive buffs to all the stats, salvation and crazy 4 OS that would destroy everything.

Can everybody agree so far???

Second question. At which builds we are aiming at? Caster? Melee? Both?

I would not try to make it an clear focussed caster choice (maybe focussed to some niche applications for increased build diversity), since we have good alternatives already available. I would try to make it a melee centered piece and try to keep an own twist to its theme. This also influences the question of “Slain Monster Rest in Peace” should stay.

Do you agree or disagree with me (lets discusse this first)?

So in my humble opinion I come to the conclusion that +2 skills, TP, Salvation and 4 OS are a strict no no for me…

Charles suggested an interesting variation. Feels a little bit random to me, but we´re still discussing (and probably will be for some time further :slight_smile: ).

I allways thought that “Slain Monster Rest in Peace” are fully thematic and unique. And you should simply have to accept this tradeoff. Even CE necros, horkers and DS-sin can´t use it then (but several builds would not make use of specific armors, whats totally fine with me > simply increases gear variety).

The 3 OS are too powerfull imho. If casters would use that, this would be stuffed with 5/5 facets. If melee you would buy some crazy jewels (3 x +8 strength, dex, res, fhr etc etc). Everybody would swap a jewelers of the whale for that I pressumes (not sure it that should be a goal).

Would also have displacement effects on some itmens. Griswolds heart, gone (even with our solid buffes of the set). Why use bramble, if you could put 3*5/5 poison facets over here (new P-Necro mandatory item)?

Lvl 20 FoH is thematic, good but not OP. So good for me. FRW is very solid and DtD is good as discussed month ago already.

So I would like to make another proposel. Would like to keep at least +1 Skills (but +2 is too much with the rest of the massive goodies). And would keep lvl 1 Salvation on equip (because that provides a really nice new twist to the game imho). But then no OS and Res. I would also bump up ED.

To remain balanced that could look like this:

Proposed Buffs:

  • Add +1 To All Skill Levels
  • Add +1 To Teleport
  • Add 15% Chance To Cast Level 20 Fist of the Heavens On Striking
  • Add Level 1 Salvation Aura When Equipped
  • Remove All Resist +20-30
  • But remain Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
  • Change FRW from 20% to 50%
  • Change +120-150% Enhanced Defense to +150%-200% (>1500-1800 def, alternativly EHT would be even cooler, but then 120-150 should stay the same)
  • Change Damage To Demons from 50-100% to 150-200%
  • Change Required Level: 84 to 75

Variation A: Add 2 OS but then remove +20-30 Strength (but that might be to good again)
Variaton B: Add Poison Length Reduced By 75% (or 50%) but again no Strength
Variaton C: No Salvation and remove Slain Monsters Rest in Peace

Do we hit the affix limit with this?


In conjunction I would like to make slight suggetions to CoH. Since it is not used that widely for an endgame RW armor.

Chains of Honor
Req level: 63

+2 To All Skills
+200% Damage To Demons
+100% Damage To Undead
8% Life Stolen Per Hit
+70% Enhanced Defense
+20 To Strength
Replenish Life +7
All Resistances +65
Damage Reduced By 8%
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Proposed Buffs:

  • Add 20% FRW
  • Change Replenish Life +7 to +50

Rep life formular is that.
(25 * N) / 256 = Life Gained Per Second

+7 = 0.7 life per second
+50 = 4,9 life per second

Or is this breaking pvp? So maybe only +35 (3.4 life per second). But you would need to sacrifice TP on Enigma for that.

Now the rest



I like that as said. But you would prefere the -20% req over keeping the high strength but add something like +10% DS? Would keep the high strength for that big beasty hammer. You could slap a Hel if you dont wont to go all the way up? Or does it make this Maul then not usable again if +232 strength remains?

Forget to Edit. So see post below :slight_smile:


Not sure if that is now really usable, but obviously a big improvement to :yellow_circle: The 1 OS might make a difference for SSF at least!

Nice little change and thematic. But Freezes needs a modifier. Would suggest +1 what would result in a very high 85% change to freeze an same lvl monster in NM. So that could be actually good for a few lvls.

One of those items, which has been probably really not bad in the 1.09 patch version, but falls back now hefty. Biggest problem ist the lvl req. imho. Would tend to say, that it would be good if you found it around lvl 30. But with a TC of 42 this would be somewhre in A1 NM. But like your proposals. :+1:

So, now after two hours of evaluating :rofl: , have one myself. Just found a Skull Collector. Which looks sick and has massive style points. We proposed to add 30% FCR.
The mana and mf goodies are actually not bad. But at lvl 41 only the modest FCR might not be enough? I would suggest, that we increase the +2 skills to +3 skills end remove +50% DtU (silly anyway).

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +30% Faster Cast Rate
    • Change +2 To All Skills to +3 To All Skills
    • Remove +50% Damage To Undead

So I´m happy to here the thoughts of everybody on TM and the others. Pls bee so kind to provide reasoning for any suggestions to prepare a ground to discusse further!

Have a good day to everybody!