Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

barb is already great in a party, hence why people prefer to buy a second cd key and run the game twice just to have barb in the party instead of CTA with 6 bo. You want to make it to 1, which will instantly make CTA one of the runewords nobody uses.

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I respectfully disagree. I think CTA breaks balance between classes more than Enigma with teleport and needs the nerf bat.

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You can disagree all you want, if cta offers only lvl1 bo, unless you get it for free, nobody is gonna use it. I’d rather have +3ES staff offhand than CTA if it has only 1 to bo.
Also, you keep ignoring the fact that currently most people in hardcore don’t even use cta, they just have a second game opened to bo themselves. In softcore none of this matters anyway

For CTA, would you support nerfing Battle Orders from +1-6 to +1-2 or +1-3?

From my experience using CTA, anything under 4 feels way too short (considering you already have + skills from your gear) 3 is usable but not at all if you have no +all to gear.

Here we go, we met in the middle. I think this would be a good compromise for nerf…

Call To Arms
Amn Ral Mal Ist Ohm
All Weapons
+1 To All Skills
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+250-290% Enhanced Damage
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+2-6 To Battle Command
+1-6 To Battle Orders
+1-4 To Battle Cry
Prevent Monster Heal
Replenish Life +12
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

  • Proposed Nerfs:
    • Change Battle Orders from +1-6 to +1-3

i’d be fine with that if they made “prebuffing” not a thing.
If you cast bo with sticks on the barb and you swap gear, the buff drops to current skill level
Must be fixed on all chars for all skills.
Prebuffing of any kind with swapping gear should not be allowed.

You won’t lose the buff if you gain the skill from the item, you only lose the extra skill points from swapping gear.

My point bringing this up was just again that we have to take the whole dataset into account.

Yes rares and magics also need some buffs. Really just adjusting the numbers. I don’t think we need new affixes/suffixes.

Mobility is an issue but sticking teleport on everything is boring. I think we seem to be mostly in agreement on these points.

I too don’t like the discussion of teleport as a skill. Putting charges on it makes it tedium. I compared all the changes proposed to LoL and how they needed to balance kassadin. They nerfed his damage to the ground and he was still broken in top tier gameplay because of his sheer mobility.

And we cant discuss current meta on body armor because enigma is exactly that, the meta. We need to find a new meta where enigma isnt BiS for all builds always. In that meta will people self wield auras? And if people self wield is salvation strong enough to self wield. Chasing enigma seems pointless to me. And any changes chasing enigma lead to metamorphosis, hustle, and mosaic. Altering game mechanics to make new metas. It’s lazy design and further degrades the integrity of the game.

Nerf enigma, give rare armors better stats, give crafted armors better stats. Problem solved
Remove the str from enigma and reduce the mf bonus, that should be enough to start with and see where it goes
Add + skills, +cast rate, +all res etc to crafted armors


or just remove those skills entirely. buff cta in other ways. battle orders on equip anyone? give it some more damage or sustain stats too? make it an actual melee weapon and not a mindless prebuff stick


Does CTA need a nerf? No, it costs less than 2 mosaic, for a bonus buff, remembering that this change would affect Hardcore…

No need nerf.

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In my opinion, to move in the right direction at improving itemization, we need to take a hard look at nerfing overpowered and/or ubiquitous RW’s (e.g. Enigma, Spirit, CTA, etc.).

For CTA, it uses your offhand, so it doesn’t compete with any other gear slot. so you lose nothing by wearing it, and it gives your character tremendous survivability in exchange for runes.

It’s a no brainer to use on all your characters, which is bad design. It offers too much for little investment and makes the game easier.

That’s a good thing. If you want great survivability, play Barbarian. CTA promotes playing with less skill and skill matters more with limited life. At the very least, they need to nerf CTA BO from +1-6 to +1-3.

I don’t want to throw baby out with the bath water and completely redesign runeword. Instead, a targeted nerf to CTA BO is all that is needed and much more likely to occur…

Call To Arms
Amn Ral Mal Ist Ohm
All Weapons
+1 To All Skills
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+250-290% Enhanced Damage
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+2-6 To Battle Command
+1-6 To Battle Orders
+1-4 To Battle Cry
Prevent Monster Heal
Replenish Life +12
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

  • Proposed Nerfs:
    • Change Battle Orders from +1-6 to +1-3

Hi everybody!

I really don’t see many people think it won’t work here?
We had an intense discussion months ago and all arguments are still legit! TM doesn’t need to be the new meta BIS armor for every char (it’s too rare for that). But it should be usable if you are not aiming for the last 0.001%.

So again, I’m with KidSquidley here. Proposed changes provided an interesting flavour….even if not the no 1 choice for casters (here are plenty solid options available).

Please keep this version and let’s say it is final now.

Thank you for bringing everybody back on the path :wink:

I’m absolutely with you! We need new flavours not only copies please.

I don’t think cta is op as well. The duration is not super great, the cost is relatively high and has a lot of rolles. It blocks your swap (so no Wizzy or other TP-charges items). I think it is a good RW (S-tier) but not too good (op).

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Agreed. I wasn’t planning on updating OP, just having discussion on TM alternatives, but still think salvation aura is more thematic for angelic armor instead of turning into another Enigma with +teleport.

I’m not sure I agree, but seems like people don’t like talking about proposed nerfs. In my opinion, to improve itemization there is both nerfing and buffing, both of which are equally important and are essential elements to establish equilibrium within the game.

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True true, but nerfing cta doesn’t help other items that much right? It’s a swap and on swap you will allways use utility weapons (at least for me). So what would benefit from nerfing cta? I can only see the few items with TP on it. :man_shrugging:
It barely influence your primary weapon of choice?
Cta is in my opinion an interesting choice providing a unique twist and well balanced. Given cost and benefits are in balance. The effect is powerful but has a low duration making it not crazy OP. The required runes are fare more appropriate then something like spirit (it is not bad if people like to use a good item).

Let’s rather explore what you think would make a nerf room for and elaborate on this further? Any items in your mind?

A good weekend to everybody!

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To be honest, I want to get back to buffing lackluster uniques as that is our main focus.

For example, I recently found a Windhammer and noticed we haven’t talked about this item. First, I think it needs -req. as the required STR is insane. I also thought this maul would be really fun to have CtC Tornado and Hurricane on striking. What do you think?..

Ogre Maul
Two-Hand Damage: (215-254) To (296-349)
Required Level: 68
Required Strength: 225
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
50% Chance of Crushing Blow
+60% Increased Attack Speed
33% To Cast Level 22 Twister On Striking
+50% Damage to Undead

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Requirements -20%
    • Add 22% To Cast Level 22 Tornado On Striking
    • Add 11% To Cast Level 22 Hurricane On Striking

In addition, looking at another exceptional bow, I think Magewrath could be improved by changing guided arrow to o-skill. Also, to fit namesake, I would like to suggest adding magic arrow as an o-skill. Lastly, we could drop level req. by 10 as this is a fairly lackluster bow?..

Rune Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 55 to (127-137)
Required Level: 43
Required Strength: 73
Required Dexterity: 103
+120-150% Enhanced Damage
Adds 25-50 Damage
+200-250 To Attack Rating
+1 To Amazon Skill Levels
Hit Blinds Target
15% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Magic Damage Reduced By 9-13
+10 To Dexterity
+3 Guided Arrow (Amazon Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Magic Arrow
    • Remove (Amazon Only) from Guided Arrow
    • Change Required Level from 43 to 33

The last item I wanted to discuss is Tiamat’s Rebuke. As this shield is named after the mythological dragon, I think all CtC’s could be improved along with the elemental damage?..

Tiamat’s Rebuke
Dragon Shield
Defense: 163-204
Required Level: 38
Required Strength: 91
+140-200% Enhanced Defense
Adds 27-53 Cold Damage
Adds 35-95 Fire Damage
Adds 1-120 Lightning Damage
3% To Cast Level 6 Hydra When Struck
5% To Cast Level 7 Nova When Struck
5% To Cast Level 9 Frost Nova When Struck
All Resistances +25-35%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Hydra Level from 6 to 8
    • Change Nova Level from 7 to 12
    • Change Frost Nova Level from 9 to 16
    • Change Cold Damage from 27-53 to 25-75
    • Change Fire Damage from 35-95 to 50-150
    • Change Lightning Damage from 1-120 to 1-180

I was thinking for tiamat’s rebuke why not remove the elemental damage and have 1 skill proc per head of tiamat which is 5. Kinda create a crazy ‘rift-lite’ shield that procs all sorts of wild things. And have it be on strike instead of being struck? Then some MF or GF since it’s queen of dragons. Although on being struck makes more sense for the name since it’s “rebuke,”

Proposed changes:
10% chance to cast level 8 hydra on strike (red)
10% chance to cast level 16 frost nova on strike (white)
10% chance to cast level 12 nova on strike (blue)
10% chance to cast level 4 poison nova on strike (black)
10% chance to cast level ? I have no idea for green head
+30-50% better chance at getting magic items

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good that you are not in charge of changing the balance of the game

If you aren’t gonna be productive or say anything meaningful don’t engage with the topic.


Would you be so kind to share some of your wisdom? Whats your prob with the OP in your opinion? But please with some depth and reasoning…