Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

How is that huge? How on earth is that huge?
NOBODY cares about this stat. Even if you could wear it at level 1. WHO would do that?

First of all you have to find it. And then you level from 1 to 80 within almost 1 day. Afterwards I would again put on Enigma because your idea of Tyraels Might is just lame.

There must be a real incentive for wearing it. -100% requirements is NOT one of them.
Salvation aura might be nice, but again…Teleport is THE badass in D2. The must-have skill in late game.

So tell me what all these weird buffs to TM are for, if nobody will still use it in end game?

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assuming its oskill and not on equip, otherwise people will use enigma and throw tyraels onto merc as the new merc armor. now all summons in the game will be elementally immune

I can understand that people want to add teleport to TM, but we already have Enigma in the game and still think Salvation Aura is more thematic for angelic armor. In my opinion, fantasy and flavor of the item outweighs the need to +teleport.

In addition, we are adding +2 skills, bump up FRW, DtD, etc. to TM. We are also proposing a nerf to Enigma by slashing STR and MF bonus in side discussion REVAMP RUNEWORDS. We did add teleport charges to Wizardspike and bumped up teleport charges on Spellsteel.

On TM, we purposely made Level 1 Salvation Aura When Equipped to mitigate issue from all summons becoming elementally immune.

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That’s a problem I’ve been trying to work around in my mod, I plan on adding Salvation on equip to TM but I know it’d end up primarily merc armor and I don’t want that. I’ve asked Bonesy on any ideas but he said there’s not really any easy way to restrict a specific armor from mercs besides discouraging it with stuff like invisible states that reduce stats or something.

Could do it as an oskill like you suggest but I’d rather not, don’t want it increased by +skills and don’t want it to use up the right click slot.

The only “easy” method I’ve come up with is setting the level req to 99 but then basically nobody would use it. :laughing: Gonna have to figure something out.


I understand your concerns. And yes TM could end up on your merc (or even an iron golem :crazy_face:). But you could give your merc an enigma or CoH too. Rarely people do that. The Lvl 1 salvation ends up with an range of 10 yard to not make it too crazy. And in the end it is fu**** rare. So I really would love to give it a try. In your mod you could simply try that and if really to crazy change it later since your mod probably will have some Version till you’re satisfied? :+1:

We discussed TP on TM extensively and voted against it in combination of making TP available on some really good swap options. I’d rather nerf enigma even further (but that would be complex due to the fact that they won’t change existing items as seen on KB on the BK-sword….

I don’t really see this as a downside first. And second that’s why I volunteered the lower aura level. Salvation aura taking up a skill slot is the reason it’s not used outside of very early ladder resets. It would need to be on equip.

Enigma is very good and versatile. I agree even without the need for teleport. But tyraels needs its own identity otherwise we end up with “different variations of enigma” in end game and that’s the illusion of choice

Going from 232 str req to 0 is pretty significant. Paired with nerfs to spirit and changes to unique caster shields you could theoretically have casters not need to invest a single point in str or dex. Dumping the rest in vit. -100% requirements is not nothing on a 232 req strength armor.


nothing will compete with enigma though. if theres no other significant source of teleport in the current game’s meta design, enigma is the choice every time. i would prefer the illusion of choice over absolutely 0 choice.

throwing level 1 salv onto tyrael’s might does nothing for anyone. nobody needs res. every non-glassy build hits max res without trying to. why is this the go-to solution? its like trying to buff death by giving it a level 3 chain lightning on attack.

here’s the issue with tyrael’s might. there is not a single caster stat on it, and there is 1 semi useful melee stat on it. everything else is defense and utility. every build in the game hits max res without trying while running enigma, which gives no res. level 1 salv gives 60 all res. its a 90 res armor with nothing else useful on it. it’s a better smoke. enigma has better frw, better str, and lots of other useful stats. the damage given by tyarel’s might is negligible. the cbf is nice but the majority of builds will prefer enigma + raven to tyrael’s might with level 1 salv + any other ring.

huh? with level 8 druid summons and salv, the summons are elementally immune. shadow warrior/master can become elementally immune already without salv, but salv guarantees it. level 4 summon resist + salv grants elemental immunity. can you explain how this doesn’t make summons become elementally immune? even 1 point summons on endgame characters will gain elemental immunity with level 1 salv.

why is this a comparison? mercs can’t use teleport, dont need str, dont significantly benefit from all skills, and magic find is not a primary stat for mercs. people don’t give enigma to the merc because merc doesn’t benefit from enigma. it doesnt benefit from coh either… lol its fortitude because defense is actually a useful stat on mercs and it gives a huge damage bonus to mercs. your argument doesnt have any logical sense to it

if the armor has salv on it, it becomes a situational merc armor and nothing else. tyrael’s might needs to be buffed in other ways. granting teleport and rolling 2-3os is a great way to start. its then a configurable enigma.


So it’s important not to take this discussion out of context. I understand it’s almost 1100 posts long lol. But it’s not just 1100 posts debating Tyrael’s might buffs. It’s an ongoing discussion on what uniques as a whole need to be competitive. We can talk about nerfing the 5 RW (grief, enigma, spirit, forti, insight) elsewhere lest this become a 20,000 post topic that becomes unreadable.

I think the issue here is that yes just these buffs to Tyraels might and nothing else does nothing. Sure agreed. But this buff paired with all the other buffs discussed. And possible nerfs moves the powerscale slider back to its appropriate level.

I don’t want to distract but when I made changes to base weapon damage in SP, I then had to go back and look at ED. Anything above 300% became incredibly strong. But the point im getting at is that this topic is complex and assumes other changes to the game. It’ll need a near infinite adjustment as new things come to light or are changed. It’s a living organism you can’t modify one without the other. Not just you I think many many people on this forum need to take a step back and realize that

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theres no point in talking about the best way to balance an item if this, this, this, and this were to also be changed, though. there is only sense in talking about how to balance the game as it currently stands. anything else and its just fun theoretics.

i’m not going to read through nearly a year long post of tens, hundreds, or thousands of proposed changes to understand the context of that one specific change in a fantasy game that doesn’t exist

I still like idea of adding salvation on equip to TM, but if many people think it will not work and ultimately dead on arrival, I’m able to step back and suggest an alternative that may work better. We could add +teleport and simply double all resist as shown below?..

Tyrael’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: None
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+50-100% Damage To Demons
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+20-30 To Strength
All Resist +20-30
Cannot Be Frozen
Requirements -100%
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Teleport
    • Add +2 To All Skills
    • Add Poison Length Reduced By 75%
    • Change All Resist +20-30 to +40-60
    • Change FRW from 20% to 45%
    • Change Enhanced Defense from 120-150% to 150-200%
    • Change Damage To Demons from 50-100% to 100-150%

I mean fair I kinda come in and out of consciousness trying to read this behemoth. But that’s mostly because this forum isn’t user friendly. It has a pretty shell but it’s not even running on reddits abilities to pin.

This gets at an important thing then. What do you want from this game? I think the majority people want finding uniques to be something more than “oh that’s neat.” Adjusting everything to the powerscale of the 5 RW will make everything start dealing millions of damage. Not just tens of thousands. Now we gotta look at monster scaling. Buff that. Blizz devs don’t have a good track record for that. Make them too hard to kill now we adjust the scale. Up up up endlessly up. It’s exhausting and leads to D3 fatigue.

It’s a 20 year old game I’m not so naive to think even half these changes will make it into online now we have the debate on allowing private mod servers and on and on it goes.

Everything becoming enigma lite is not a fun or engaging discussion

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i mean all in all the item is better, but imo it mirrors enigma way too much. res instead of hyper str and damage to demons instead of mf. i mean the other things it gives makes it more interesting, but now i think its just a better enigma. ofc, its much rarer than enigma is (roughly 1:7k for jah per trav run, ber slightly more, 1:19k for tyrael’s might on 200 mf from max TZ andy, TZ andy isnt permanently available like trav is). all in all it makes it viable and i think the power it gives is roughly justified for its rarity. personally id say the res might be a tad overkill with the other stats it gives, as theres a lot of utility stats, but slain monsters is generally a negative (rip necros, redemption aura users, and that 1 barb that uses grim ward), so seems to be “ok”

i still like +1 teleport and 2-3os tho. maybe throwing on a +1 or +2 skills would be ok too.

sure, but its a realistic discussion. anything else is just a discussion with no incentive. even with all the suggested changes put into context, teleport charges are awful and nobody cares, enigma giving literally only +1 to teleport still would be bis armor 99% of the time, oskill teleport is op.

To help differentiate from Enigma w/ +teleport, adding +2-3 OS instead of +2 skills is a good start, along with a significant boost to damage to demons, and add CtC FotH on striking to add some flavor as follows…

Tyrael’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: None
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+50-100% Damage To Demons
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+20-30 To Strength
All Resist +20-30
Cannot Be Frozen
Requirements -100%
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 10% Chance To Cast Level 20 Fist of the Heavens On Striking
    • Add +1 To Teleport
    • Add 2-3 Open Sockets
    • Change FRW from 20% to 50%
    • Change Damage To Demons from 50-100% to 250-300%

u could also play with the idea of removing slain monsters and adding redemption. mercs wont benefit much, synergy with self wielded phoenix, and has the same effect but doesnt cancel out redemption aura entirely and still leaves some corpses for necro

I’m confused. Making everything enigma lite is not op then? But allowing high item level rares and magics to spawn teleport as an oskill is? That makes no sense.

So now we add +1 teleport to all body armors otherwise they are in turn useless? Or are we back to advocating that just because something is rare, means it has to be game endingly strong. Lets give it a new aura then? An aura that is sanctuary but for all minion types. And as soon as you enter a game it auto kills everything with a pulse. I don’t understand why all discussion on this forum have to devolve to these things?

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We already proposed redemption aura on Djinn Slayer, and think CtC FotH on TM should be enough with other buffs mentioned.

Djinn Slayer
One-Hand Damage: (75-88) To (133-156)
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 138
Required Dexterity: 95
+190-240% Enhanced Damage
+100-150% Damage To Demons
Adds 250-500 Fire Damage
3-6% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+3-7 Lightning Absorb
+200-300 To Attack Rating Against Demons
Socketed (1-2)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Level 6-9 Redemption Aura When Equipped
    • Add 250-500 Magic Damage
    • Change Damage To Demons from 100-150% to 200-300%
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did i once say anything about high level rares and magics spawning teleport on oskill? i even agreed with you on discord about that sentiment. im against putting it on jewelry, but putting teleport on body armors sounds fine. you just need to fix the affix pool for body armors too, as they dont spawn meaningful stats anymore.

yes? fortitude and chains of honor are both great armors. but fortitude has 90% of its usage on mercs. most melee builds would rather teleport than gain more damage. there is nothing you can put on a body armor that will make it compete with enigma other than teleport, aside from super power crept things like level 100 holy shock lol

im quite confident that tesladin is still a more popular build despite dragondin doing far more damage. this is because dragon consumes the body armor slot, so it can’t teleport.

there is always an argument to make something useful, but when we consider whats bis, enigma will take the cake 95% of the time, even if it was bare bones, because teleport is just that good. the only way you achieve having new bis armors without adding tp is somehow rendering teleport less effective/available.

For our side discussion REVAMP RUNEWORDS, I would like to propose a nerf to CTA for always rolling 1/1/1 to Battle Command, Battle Orders, and Battle Cry. CTA is generally used for all builds and is a bad design. Barb should only have access to high level BO…

Call To Arms
Amn Ral Mal Ist Ohm
All Weapons
+1 To All Skills
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+250-290% Enhanced Damage
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+2-6 To Battle Command
+1-6 To Battle Orders
+1-4 To Battle Cry
Prevent Monster Heal
Replenish Life +12
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

  • Proposed Nerfs:
    • Change Battle Command from +2-6 to +1
    • Change Battle Orders from +1-6 to +1
    • Change Battle Cry from +1-4 to +1
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People are already playing with 2 instances of d2r opened in hardcore for the barb bo, i’d rather have a runeword that discourages that rather than encourages it.

I agree, but think outright removing BO from CTA might be too much of a nerf. I think a more balanced approach is to drop bonuses to +1. This helps make barb great for party play and prevents RW from being ubiquitous.