Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Hi Jt, I would like to say my 2 cents here. I really dont believe a mosaic without 100% would ever be used, and the 100% version is too powerfull too.

The problem is the mechanic of charges itself, so I would argue that we should shoot for a complete revamp of the runeword, because we had a 50% during beta and was awful, 66% would not make it usable too.

That being said, we could start with something like It gives 100% (50+50) not consuming, but it caps your charges to something like 9 (maybe more or less). That would really help in diminishing its power, but making the full clunkiness of the MA assassin go away.

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I kinda like the changes, but i believe the Salvation aura is too powerfull to put on an item.

Why? coz you can make too easy to cap res using a merc, and we have to remember that minions would effectivilly become immortal because they can have more than 100% res, like a necro or druid with it.

Id say
Add +2 To All Skills
add 70-90 all res
Add Poison Length Reduced By 75%
Add Dragon Flight lvl 1 (a sudo flight power)
Change Faster Run/Walk from 20% to 45%
Change Damage To Demons from 50-100% to 150-200%
Make it ethereal ( cool flavour for an angel armor, and it also get near the same armor with the already proposed changes)
Take away level requirement


Id say add +1 all skills, to compete with HOTO

Give it 2 sockets, paladin shields without resist are already bad, at least dragonscale has an Oskill to try to be something, alma negra is basically a nono?


perhaps make magic damg a element or make pride concecration. help bone spear

p.s. d2 is a great way plus form to battle addiction. helps quite a bit

what about the cta bo , does that help the convection or any skills on the merc like other party members. some do favor solo magic finding

Would love to see improved itemization, some of the old stuff needs a goo ol buff.
But i would rather see them banning bots instantly, so that we finaly can play bot free… this season was so bad with bots that i ended up leaving at day 5 when HR’s cost around 350fg.

I still would like to see Shadowfang reworked into a TC87 melee item that has fast attack speed, a lot of life steal, but a lot of life drain since it’s supposed to be a demonic weapon that consumes its user.


Firstly, thanks to CharlesJT for your amazing efforts, and to the others contributing ideas. This is easily the best thread on the forums. :smiley:

In relation to Spirit:
I don’t think it needs a nerf in the endgame, but it’s overpowered at the start. People seem to mostly want it nerfed in the shield, so I have a different idea. How about we remove the ability for Spirit to be made in a shield, and then replace it with another runeword with similar stats, but higher requirements? Maybe we could call it Specter or Ghost. Would that work?

In relation to Grief:
I don’t think this needs a nerf at all. My position is that the problem with weapon diversity stems from low base weapon damage. Once we increase the base weapon damage, Grief will no longer be stronger than EBOTD, or Last Wish, or Death… Changing the base weapon damage will greatly improve diversity in endgame runewords - while also improving rares, sets, and uniques! It would be an enormous change for the better, and not require changing the individual runewords/sets/uniques themselves.

Buffing base weapon damage is one of the highest things on my wishlist. :smiley:

Thanks again to CharlesJT. I’d vote for you as community representative. Can we make that a thing?


Put it in a legend sword

Here are my proposed changes- to reflect sort of an opposite approach to azurewrath. I may have gone too conservative but with a base damage buff I realized anything over 350% ED becomes pretty nutty:

Legend Sword
Base weapon damage: 1H 90-110 2H 150-175
Speed: [-15]
Strength: 148
Dexterity: 80
+280-360% Enhanced Damage
15% chance to cast level 20 cloak of shadows when struck
Adds 250-500 cold damage over 6 seconds
40-50% deadly strike
Cold absorb +10-19
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)

As for spirit. Yeah it needs a nerf but it needs to be paired with buffs to other shields. +1 to all skills, cap fcr at 25%, and remove FHR completely. Then buff lidless wall, wall of the eyeless, and make hyperion blade shield able to roll 4 os.

Lidless wall
Defense: 271 To 347
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 58
Chance to Block: Pal: 50%, Ama/Asn/Bar: 45%, Dru/Nec/Sor: 40%
Durability: 70
Paladin Smite Damage: 42 To 53
+80-130% Enhanced Defense
+1-2 to All Skills
+20-30% Faster Cast Rate
Increase Maximum Mana 10-15%
+5-7 to Mana after each Kill
+50-75 to Mana

Wall of the eyeless
Defense: 50 To 53
Required Level: 20
Required Strength: 25
Durability: 40
Chance to Block: Pal: 50%, Ama/Asn/Bar: 45%, Dru/Nec/Sor: 40%
Paladin Smite Damage: 15 To 35
+40-60% Enhanced Defense
+30 Defense
+35% Faster Cast Rate
+5 to Mana after each Kill
8% Mana stolen per hit
+35-50 to Mana

Why these changes? Force those who need fcr breakpoints to sacrifice, all skills, important for all casters and mana. This also forces necro to use voodoo heads as they are strictly better. Also make it so apprentice and magus mod can roll in shields.


Good feedback from all you folks! I updated OP based on previous suggestions:

Tyrael’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: None
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+50-100% Damage To Demons
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+20-30 To Strength
All Resist +20-30
Cannot Be Frozen
Requirements -100%
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Ethereal
    • Add +2 To All Skills
    • Add Poison Length Reduced By 75%
    • Change All Resist from +20-30 to +75
    • Change FRW from 20% to 45%
    • Change Enhanced Defense from 120-150% to 200-250%
    • Change Damage To Demons from 50-100% to 150-200%

Bone Knife
One-Hand Damage: 23 to 49
Required Level: 61
Required Strength: 38
Required Dexterity: 75
+2-198 To Mana
50% Faster Cast Rate
Regenerate Mana 15%
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
All Resistances +75

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To All Skills
    • Add Level 3 Teleport (40 charges)

Alma Negra
Sacred Rondache
Defense: 461-511
Required Level: 77
Required Strength: 109
+180-210% Enhanced Defense
+1-2 To Paladin Skill Levels
20% Increased Chance of Block
30% Faster Block Rate
+40-75% Enhanced Damage
40-75% Bonus to Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced By 5-9

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 2 Open Sockets
    • Change Paladin Skills from +1-2 to +2
    • Change Enhanced Damage from 40-75% to 100-150%
    • Change Bonus to Attack Rating from 40-75% to 100-150%

Lidless Wall
Grim Shield
Defense: 271-347
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 58
+80-130% Enhanced Defense
+1 To All Skills
Increase Maximum Mana 10%
20% Faster Cast Rate
+3-5 To Mana After Each Kill
+10 To Energy
+1 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change All Skills from +1 to +1-2
    • Change Energy from +10 to +30-50
    • Change Mana Per Kill from +3-5 to +5
    • Change Faster Cast Rate from 20% to 20-30%
    • Chamge Increase Maximum Mana from 10% to 10-15%

Wall of the Eyeless
Bone Shield
Defense: 50-53
Required Level: 20
Required Strength: 25
+30-40% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
+5 to Mana after Each Kill
20% Faster Cast Rate
3% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Poison Resist +20%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +25 To Mana
    • Add +10% To Max Poison Resist
    • Change Poison Resist from +20% to +50%
    • Change Faster Cast Rate from 20% to 35%

Updated runeword side discussion as shown below. We need more discussion around Spirit and Mosaic before we make any changes. Thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile:

  • Grief nerf has been removed

Would make Tyraels usable at lvl 1. That directly makes every single unique irrelevant and is more OP then Enigma even.
Would need lvl 75 req a t least imho.
Eth is cool, but would need selfrepair (indistructable doesn´t work since eth can not spawan then right) if not beeing only usable for your merc. And not sure if that hits the affix max then? But I would be lvl 1 salvation an option? 60% res and 10.6 yards range? Like the idea somehow better :man_shrugging:

Hm, would not say that Alma Negra with +2 Skills and the EDamg, high Def and AR as well as FBR and chance to block is a complete nono. Not super OP-powerfull, but usable for sure in the proposed state. If you need the FRC you go spirit (with all res base). It ´s better then a spirit with an ED base for sure.

True, so the question is if the increase base dmg. If not, I would nerf Grief. If they change it we would need a long ptr test phase (we would need that either way, but here especially).

The idea was the tradeoff of one FRC BP to lower strenght req and alot of mana centered goodies (lowering the need of an Insight drasticially).

Like that too. But we exstensivly discussed if the item itself is good enough and votet against TP as o-skill. But honestly like the idea of +1 skills an TP charges! So would support that!

Thats good then. Is there anything you could put into this what would make it to strong with 2 OS? Can´t think of anything bad. 2 x Um is not a problem. Cham and Ber would be interesting, but not a problem as well (same with two Shaels I guess). Facets are no problems either. Maybe some crazy rare jewels (the 15/40 are bugged in a shield for now). So good, I like it! Decent Spirit contender. Maybe we lower level req. from 77 to 70-72 as well?


Salvation aura will not change anything. Anyone would like teleport on Enigma.

Tyrael’s Might would be both Ethereal and Indestructible, which is fitting for angelic armor. With all the proposed buffs, we would be at 12 properties, which is affix limit max.

That might be, but then I would be at least a realistic alternative and you could use Wizzy on swap at least… It´s not the goal to create new OPs items, We just want to make most of then usable and nearly on par with the OP RW.

I added this just later. But does eth spawn on indistructable? I guess we would need to change Indestructable with self-repair?

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Tyrael’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: None
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+50-100% Damage To Demons
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+20-30 To Strength
All Resist +20-30
Cannot Be Frozen
Requirements -100%
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • add +1 To All Skills
    • add +1 to Teleport
    • replace All Resist with +4-7 to Salvation/Fana/Conv aura (varies)
    • add 3 sox

Bone Knife
One-Hand Damage: 23 to 49
Required Level: 61
Required Strength: 38
Required Dexterity: 75
+2-198 To Mana
50% Faster Cast Rate
Regenerate Mana 15%
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
All Resistances +75

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • add +1-2 To All Skills
    • add Level 7 Teleport (90 charges)


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It can only if Tyrael’s Might is premade that way, just like Ethereal Edge. I agree with you, making it Level 1 Salvation Aura would be more thematic and should resolve any potential concerns.

I’m not sure I agree with turning Tyrael’s Might into another Enigma with +teleport. Salvation Aura would be much more fitting. Keep the ideas coming though!

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Hm…that would create two new champions :slight_smile:
Would like to test both, but not having in the game. Wizzy with +2 Skills, 50FCR, 75 all res AND TP charges? New BIS for half the builds.
Tyraels with Skills, TP, Salvation AND 3 OS (bye bye Jewelers armor of the whale).

Thank you for your contribution, but that might be far far to much in my humble opinion!


Without Teleport it would be still another merc armor, also drop rate for TM is terriBAD so even large buffs dont change anything.

Varies would be definitely more interesting, one aura for merc, one for melee and one for casters.

For end game Hoto would be still little better and charges never beat +Tele, especially if they add more items with +Tele.

Enigma say HI

Welcome many new jewer variants in Tyrael :slight_smile:

Agree with lvl 1 salvation, reverted change in OP and think this final form is most fitting…

Tyrael’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: None
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+50-100% Damage To Demons
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+20-30 To Strength
All Resist +20-30
Cannot Be Frozen
Requirements -100%
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Ethereal
    • Add +2 To All Skills
    • Add Poison Length Reduced By 75%
    • Change FRW from 20% to 45%
    • Change Enhanced Defense from 120-150% to 200-250%
    • Change Damage To Demons from 50-100% to 150-200%
    • Change All Resist +20-30 to Level 1 Salvation Aura When Equipped

We are trying the limit the number of auras we introduce on uniques. For example, we proposed Fanaticism Aura on Crainte Vomir and Redemption Aura on Djinn Slayer…

Crainte Vomir
One-Hand Damage: (20-24) To (67-78)
Two-Hand Damage: (46-54) To (104-120)
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 73
Required Dexterity: 61
+160-200% Enhanced Damage
50% Increased Attack Speed
Slows Target By 35%
-70 To Monster Defense Per Hit
20% Faster Run/Walk
Damage Reduced By 10%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Level 3 Fanaticism Aura When Equipped
    • Change Faster Run/Walk from 20% to 35%

Djinn Slayer
One-Hand Damage: (75-88) To (133-156)
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 138
Required Dexterity: 95
+190-240% Enhanced Damage
+100-150% Damage To Demons
Adds 250-500 Fire Damage
3-6% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+3-7 Lightning Absorb
+200-300 To Attack Rating Against Demons
Socketed (1-2)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Level 6-9 Redemption Aura When Equipped
    • Add 250-500 Magic Damage
    • Change Damage To Demons from 100-150% to 200-300%
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