Community Feedback for Improving Itemization


The Oculus
+3 To Sorceress Skill Levels
+5 To Mana After Each Kill
All Resistances +20
25% Chance To Cast Level 1 Teleport When Struck
+30% Faster Cast Rate
+20 To Vitality
+20 To Energy
+20% Enhanced Defense
50% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items

+2 To All Skills
+25-35% Faster Cast Rate (varies)
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
+250 Defense vs. Missiles
+22 To Vitality
+89-112 To Mana (varies)
+3-8 Magic Absorb (varies)
Poison Resist +35%
Cold Resist +35%
Lightning Resist +35%
Attacker Takes Damage of 14

Just curious, does Mang Songs look like a BIS option for casters compared to Occy + Spirit?


Really good points. I’ll update OP to have IAS roll between 30-40% and also improve number of open sockets as follows…

Rune Master
Ettin Axe
One-Hand Damage: (105-122) To (211-244)
Required Level: 72
Required Strength: 145
Required Dexterity: 45
+220-270% Enhanced Damage
+5% To Maximum Cold Resist
Cannot Be Frozen
Socketed (3-5)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Cold Resist +50%
    • Add +30-40% Increased Attack Speed
    • Change Open Sockets from 3-5 to 4-5

Looks like we may need to do a deep dive on Mang Songs again. :slight_smile: I was thinking how about adding small % CtC lower resist upon kill to complement bonuses to -enemy resists. Also, lets add 30% Increased Maximum Mana and have bonus to all resist roll +25-35 as shown below?..

Mang Song’s Lesson
Archon Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 83 to 99
Required Level: 82
Required Strength: 34
+5 To All Skills
30% Faster Cast Rate
-7-15% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
-7-15% To Enemy Cold Resistance
-7-15% To Enemy Fire Resistance
Regenerate Mana 10%
50% Damage To Undead

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 5% To Cast Level 12-15 Lower Resist When You Kill An Enemy
    • Add +100-125 To Mana
    • Add All Resistances +25-35
    • Add 30% Increased Maximum Mana
    • Change All Skills from +5 to +5-7
    • Change Faster Cast from 30% to 70%
    • Change Required Level from 82 to 77

We have proposed the following nerf to Grief in our runeword side discussion…

Eth Tir Lo Mal Ral
Swords, Axes
35% To Cast Level 15 Venom On Striking
+30-40% Increased Attack Speed
Damage +340-400
Ignore Target’s Defense
-25% Target Defense
+1-185% Damage To Demons
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
-20-25% To Enemy Poison Resist
+20% Deadly Strike
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+10-15 Life After Each Kill

  • Proposed Nerfs:
    • Change Damage from +340-400 to +280-340

I would like to understand the reason for the need to nerf grief. The need for a nerf for me is not her but the skill smith. This small nerf would not reduce the cost benefit of it.

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I suggest to buff Tyraels might:

  • 2 to all Skills
  • 1 to Teleport

This would be amazing and really fair considering it is the rarest item in the game.

Also, I would change Grief to have a ZOD since it is better than any weapon in the game and it costs almost nothing.


Nerfing doesn’t mean needs to be unplayable! I know thats what lazy devs like to do. But grief can still be a low budget option until better items come along. With grandfather buffs and things of this nature melee weapons will cost 1-2 ber each. So having grief cost Lo-Mal as a midway point for high end melee builds is great, but not being ubiquitous

Also seems we are on the same page then! Forgive me this post has gotten to the 1k mark so I tend to skim and ctrl + F :yum:

That would make melee characters unplayable honestly. Especially SSF. Also we need to get off the enigma train for a second and think outside the box. Level 91+ items can spawn teleport as an oskill on amulets, helms, body armor, and rings. Hunting for good rares with teleport would be high demand. I imagine 2/20/1 ammies would become unobtanium on ladder but worth the chase. All slots are pretty competitive as is so makes choice hard.

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Like the idea in general, but I think its not worth the effort and would personally stick to buff the item on its own :man_shrugging:

Maybe not really but if rolled with +7 skills and high minus enemy res it is certainly good and usable. You would especially need to decide if you want the trade off of more skills then more utility with the Occy-combo? And it has massiv style points. :crazy_face: It doesn not need to be BIS in my opinion. But it should be “good” and usable (at least ssf)? And I would say the proposed version is exactly this. If we make a super super rare item BIS that my end up in beeing BM in PvP? So I would leave it at proposed (but others might have a different opinion).

Lower resist AND the natural minus resist? And then probably a facet? Not sure if thats a wise twist? And 30% to max mana makes frostburns kind of obsolete again? As said, I´m not convinced we need to go any further then already? If so I would take the roll of all res from 25-35 and thats it? But then we have a lot of rolls. Then lets go to 35 directly?

I would leave the 3-5 OS as right now. Part of the hunt imho :slight_smile: And RM ist not super super rare (Diablo has a 1:580 Dropchange with only 100 MF, 430 with 300 MF, Traderie says its frequent find even with 5 OS).

The reasoning was, that otherwise we need to buff the shi* out so many uniqes to an extreme. And along with all the changes propose around melee (base dmg of weapons, AR increase etc.). The little nerf to grief would bring so many other options a lot closer and make them viable. Now there are not even close due to beeing Grief so OP for the relativly low cost and availability? Do you agree to this?

We discussed putting TP on it months ago and ended up with the desire to give it a different twist with salvation rather then try to copy enigma somehow.
Changing the receipts of existing RW would end up in a lot of difficulties (although I´m completely with you, that Grief is far to cheap for an OP RW). Since they tend not to change existing items (as shown with the removal of KB on Bul-Kathos Sword) that would create for more other problems imho? Agree?

This!!! :slight_smile:


I updated OP based on previous discussion:

Rune Master
Ettin Axe
One-Hand Damage: (105-122) To (211-244)
Required Level: 72
Required Strength: 145
Required Dexterity: 45
+220-270% Enhanced Damage
+5% To Maximum Cold Resist
Cannot Be Frozen
Socketed (3-5)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Cold Resist +50%
    • Add +30-40% Increased Attack Speed

Mang Song’s Lesson
Archon Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 83 to 99
Required Level: 82
Required Strength: 34
+5 To All Skills
30% Faster Cast Rate
-7-15% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
-7-15% To Enemy Cold Resistance
-7-15% To Enemy Fire Resistance
Regenerate Mana 10%
50% Damage To Undead

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +100-125 To Mana
    • Add All Resistances +35
    • Change All Skills from +5 to +5-7
    • Change Faster Cast from 30% to 70%
    • Change Required Level from 82 to 77

I also went back and reverted change from +3 to Warcries to +3 to Combat Masteries as it is more fitting and thematic for a gladiator…

The Gladiator’s Bane
Wire Fleece
Defense: 1255-1496
Required Level: 85
Required Strength: 111
+150-200% Enhanced Defense
+50 Defense
Cannot Be Frozen
30% Faster Hit Recovery
Poison Length Reduced By 50%
Attacker Takes Damage Of 20
Damage Reduced By 15-20
Magic Damage Reduced By 15-20

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Combat Masteries (Barbarian Only)
    • Add Repairs 1 Durability in 20 Seconds
    • Change Required Level from 85 to 75
    • Change Defense from +50 to +200
    • Change Attacker Takes Damage Of 20 to Attacker Takes Poison Damage of 3-297 (+3.0 per Clvl)
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I´ll sopport all three changes :slight_smile:
An eth Gladiators would be fun I guess!

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For Mang Songs what if you did Drain Life -50 but added +20 to Energy Shield or something.

Then kept the powerful stats so it’s a true glass canon mage weapon. Sounds kind of crazy, but if it was balanced it would be pretty cool :relieved:

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Unfortunately polishing an absurd amount of uniques will have to be done for the game to remain attractive and evolve. This will have to be done with or without grief nerf and strictly speaking it is one of the purposes of this topic and therefore we are here to help do that.

One of the proposals, including one made by Cramus and put in this topic for me, is to release obedience for all types of weapons, being a viable transition option at the cost of Fal and Ko.

The dual idea is to have a viable 5-socket bow and function as a transition for people to go after Grief or another stronger bow with aura.

I don’t have an idea on how the devs are going to handle melee viability, but the point is beyond a lot of unique items, a lot of runewords need to be polished by this logic in relation to cost versus the power of grief. Because the game’s melee is below cast I don’t see any melee nerf in the game with good eyes, except for the mosaic that is totally out of control.


After thinking about it more, I think we could nerf Grief where the top damage roll is unchanged and the bottom damage roll is lower. This makes finding a perfect Grief harder, but still attainable. This normalizes the power to cost ratio of this runeword…

Eth Tir Lo Mal Ral
Swords, Axes
35% To Cast Level 15 Venom On Striking
+30-40% Increased Attack Speed
Damage +340-400
Ignore Target’s Defense
-25% Target Defense
+1-185% Damage To Demons
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
-20-25% To Enemy Poison Resist
+20% Deadly Strike
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+10-15 Life After Each Kill

  • Proposed Nerfs:
    • Change Damage from +340-400 to +200-400

I really like Cramus’ proposal and glad we added it to our runeword side discussion…


  • Can now be made in All Weapons

Speaking of this, open some of the 3 socket RW to all weapon types? Crescent moon in a jared’s stone? Or a claw? Drop a rune off voice of reason and add it to the list. I feel claws get shafted in RW department and if they nerf Mosaic- really just take chance charge no consume off and put it in a skill or on a charm, and open more options people might pursue other MA or trap claws. Like pure Claws of Thunder MA sin with dual crescent moon constantly proccing static field. Or pure blades of ice voice of reason claws spamming those chaos orbs. Seems fun and different.

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You had already summarized this proposal in the initial topic back there. The topic is so long that you didn’t pay attention to it.

I moved all the runeword discussion from the OP to a side discussion as I ran out of space. That is a true statement as my main focus and priority is proposing improvements to uniques. Please see REVAMP RUNEWORDS.

We did just that in our runeword side discussion. Here are a few examples…


  • Can now be made in All Melee Weapons

Crescent Moon

  • Can now be made in Claws & Daggers

OP, you should go code for Blizzard for a week and you will fix all their games. :joy:

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I think it’s valid for other runewords to be applied to other item types. My fear is that runewords will become the shortcut as they became after the implementation of sunders charms, even because there are gaps for some classes and builds.

Please don’t elevate my capabilities, I don’t know anything about D4 for example, but I’m absolutely sure that if I had a computer capable of running the game I would have already put most of the changes in the table to test the proposed changes in topic. :joy:

Going back to Gladiator’s Bane, I think we should instead add +3 To Critical Strike as an o-skill, could be used by any character, works with any weapon, and grants 32% chance to crit. It also feels very thematic for a gladiator. I also think the +50 Defense is worthless and should be changed to +50 Life as follows…

The Gladiator’s Bane
Wire Fleece
Defense: 1255-1496
Required Level: 85
Required Strength: 111
+150-200% Enhanced Defense
+50 Defense
Cannot Be Frozen
30% Faster Hit Recovery
Poison Length Reduced By 50%
Attacker Takes Damage Of 20
Damage Reduced By 15-20
Magic Damage Reduced By 15-20

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Critical Strike
    • Add Repairs 1 Durability in 20 Seconds
    • Change +50 Defense to +50 Life
    • Change Required Level from 85 to 75
    • Change Attacker Takes Damage Of 20 to Attacker Takes Poison Damage of 3-297 (+3.0 per Clvl)

That’s an interesting proposal. I’m not sure about Drain Life, but Energy Shield as an o-skill could be something that could enrich the flavor of Mang Song’s Lesson.

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Yeah I think we should experiment with Energy Shield. It would be cool to see other classes use it. I might make one with Drain Life just to see what it looks like for fun. The tiki skull design could indicate that its an ancient cursed weapon or something.

Would you suggest to start out with 20 to Energy Shield?

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What do you think of below as a starting point? Would be cool if we could test out change and showcase in a video. The change needs to feel right to enrich the flavor.

Mang Song’s Lesson

  • Add +8-12 To Energy Shield
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Another flavour, but I was fine with the previous version as well. We have some class specifics armors like Templars and Guardian Angel. So a Barb focused (Myth is not really an alternative) was not bad at all. Life instead of def is also fine, but we already have several armours with life. Tbh I guess I liked the previous version a little bit more :man_shrugging:

Is Energy Shield without telekinesis a thing? Would weaken the use of MSL for sorcs for sure (unusable tbh).
Here as well, I like the version with +5-7 all Skills more. That makes I usable for other chars like druids as well. Maybe we find something else to experiment with energy shield? But without Telekinesis…