Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

How can occy be ethereal, its a ring!

What do you think of below…

Throwing Knives / Throwing Axes

  • Can add 1 and only 1 socket to throwing knives and throwing axes (not javalins)
  • To improve the viability of throwing knives and throwing axes, the very limited range of 3/4 of the screen will be increased to be similar to javelin types (reaches out 1.5 screens away)

All approved! :slight_smile:

Like that!

But how do we get more attention to this thread to spread the word?

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That’s a good question, not sure.

This thread was created in Oct. of last year (over 10k views), and we’ve had many great discussions with members of the community. It’s encougaging that we can come together and brainstorm ideas to ultimately make the game better. I just hope the developers can take a look and consider some of the proposed changes to improve itemization, especially revamping uniques.

I would really love if some “new” people would start a review of a specific class of items, just to get some new ideas…

So people! Invest some 30 minutes please :slight_smile:

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It’d be great to hear from other people. Please share your top three unique items that you’d want to developers to overhaul?

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Just found one of these execptional staves again and was thinking what could make me want to use one of those in mid-game? For a fire sorc it can´t compete with Leaf. And a Spirit is the easy and obvious go to choice here with a Rhyme shield or something like that (a Lildless follows later).

The stats are all not too bad in general. The +50% D to Undead is obviously useless. But the rest is not to bad, but still not enough. Could you imagine a way to enhance it to be a competition to the “The Salamander” focusing on fire dmg (even if Leaf is allways better)? So cold and/or lightning tree? Have no ideas for a “razor-theme” tbh.

Unique Jo Staff

Two-Hand Damage: 6 To 21
Required Level: 28
Required Strength: 25
Durability: 20
Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
+50% Damage To Undead
+1 To All Skills
30% Faster Cast Rate
Magic Damage Reduced By 15
All Resistances +50
+175 To Mana
+80 To Life
Attacker Takes Damage Of 15

Proposed Buffs (cold variant):

  • Remove +50% Damage To Undead
  • Remove Attacker Takes Damage Of 15
  • Add: 3-5 Mana after each kill
  • Add: +1 Cold Skills (Sorc only)
  • Add: +2-4 Blizzard (Sorc only)
  • Add: +4 Shiver Armor (Sorc only)
  • Optional: Change 30% FCR to 40% (37% is a BP)


Proposed Buffs (lightning variant):

  • Remove +50% Damage To Undead
  • Remove Attacker Takes Damage Of 15
  • Add: 3-5 Mana after each kill
  • Add: +1 Lightning Skills (Sorc only)
  • Add: +3-6 Thunderstorm (Sorc only) - due to static field beeing the synergy nobody is using, I would go till +6?
  • Add: +1 Teleport (Sorc only)
  • Optional: Change 30% FCR to 35% (35% is a BP)

Not crazy since you can´t wear a shield. But both cases useable especially in SSF. I like the light variant more (since it is a bit more niche). What do you think?

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For Razorswitch, what about having it designed for physical fighters, just like Ribcracker? To keep with theme, it could have Blade Sentinel as an o-skill, throwing razor sharp blades that flies back and forth. Replace FCR with IAS and also give it some DS, ED, etc. Razorswitch doesn’t sound like a staff that would have elemental skills, but blade skills.

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So what would you suggest to make it viable at Lvl 28? Nevertheless I would like to see an elemental staff as an alternative to the salamander and leaf, so I’ll check the others to find something or we need two new ones :yum:

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After more thought, I was thinking the Razorswitch would fit the theme as a cold-variant staff (ice is razor sharp). Here’s what I’m thinking to make it more relevant for mid-game. Most importantly is reduce the level requirement before Spirit comes into play at level 25 and make it accessible for any class. Lastly, as we already proposed adding Shiver Armor to Ondal’s Wisdom, I was thinking we could add small amount of minus enemy cold resist (again thinking sharp ice)…

Jo Staff
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 28
+1 To All Skills
+30% Faster Cast Rate
+80 to Life
+175 to Mana
All Resistances +50
Magic Damage Reduced by 15
Attacker Takes Damage of 15
+50% Damage to Undead

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add -3-5% To Enemy Cold Resist
    • Change FCR from 30% to 40%
    • Change +1 To All Skills to +1-2 To Cold Skills
    • Change Required Level from 28 to 23
    • Remove Attacker Takes Damage of 15
    • Remove +50% Damage To Undead

Sounds okay. But I guess its only valid if SSF and then it would need to roll +2 cold skills at least to be viable (so I would fix that to +2, you wont keep a +1 version for other chars). You need to find it early and use it instantly. The thing is, you would only use it until a spirit sword. Then it lacks only due to the fact that it is a 2H option. You would instantly switch to a spirit sword with any random shield…

So my proposal would last far longer until you wish to replace it but at a higher level?

Anyhow, I really would love to see the light option for mid-game but none of the other exceptionals staffs seems to fit. Maybe the The Iron Jang B*ng could be a pimped to a decent degree.

What do you generally think about an option with the almost useless thunderstorm? Thats why I would go up to +6 and it need to support other lightning skills to be used.

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Imagine if D4 items look like this.

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I can’t remember the last time I actually posted on here, but as a lifelong Diablo fan and as someone who has played D2 regularly since its release, I absolutely love everything about this thread. I’ve spent several hours here now just reading all of the proposed changes and some of the suggestions put a huge smile on my face. There is so much tremendous work put into this and I really hope the devs are listening.


Love it :wink:

Share some of your thoughts. Any item you would change? What’s your top 10 wishlist?


I still think it’s a disgrace that such a beautiful and extremely rare item such as Mang Songs’ Lesson is completely outclassed by low tier items.

That’s not how a game is supposed to be designed. It only happened that way because the game was abandoned shortly after these items released and they never had a chance to do revisions and proper BALANCE.


Appreciate the feedback. This thread is really the compiled brainstorming of many people in the community and hope the developers could take some of the ideas presented here for a future patch. This would breathe new life into the item hunt.


I’ll have to give it some more thought. Before the release of D2R I was playing a bit of PD2, and some of the changes they made to items that I really enjoyed I can kind of see in here as well.

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So, back to topic CharlesJT :slight_smile:

Still think it doesn´t even come close to leaf (which is op imho for lvl 19) or even The Salamander (even with good Life, Mana an @res). And I most probably would not use it.

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10/10 great suggestions! I hope Blizzard is taking notes.


Agreed. I like the idea of +6 to TS and the lightning variant is more niche and none of the other exceptional staffs fills that role. In order to have +6 to TS, the required level would need to be 30. Also, with this change, maybe they could change name of Razorswitch to Thunderstick…

Jo Staff
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 28
+1 To All Skills
+30% Faster Cast Rate
+80 to Life
+175 to Mana
All Resistances +50
Magic Damage Reduced by 15
Attacker Takes Damage of 15
+50% Damage to Undead

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +6 To Thunder Storm (Sorceress Only)
    • Change +1 To All Skills to +1 To Lightning Skills
    • Change Razorswitch to Thunderstick
    • Change Required Level from 28 to 30
    • Change FCR from 30% to 40%
    • Remove Attacker Takes Damage of 15
    • Remove +50% Damage To Undead