Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Hola Gents,

regarding Swordguard. Could see Concentrate as an +2 O-Skill, but also like the original idea of +5 to Concentrate (Barb onl

Don´t see any other char reall using this. So would prefer to make it on barbs viable. Weapon block is currently designed to work only on dual claws. So new mechanic => kind a unlikely. Since I never play assasins, does weapon block couses any kind of delay after block? Love the idea to change +40% increase chance of blocking with your proposed increase ED!

Didn´t get every idea you made, but try to share some of my thoughts on your post :slight_smile: Anyhow, thanks for your contribution. We need to continue speaking about it!

Get you point, but would like to kindly disagree. Tyraels is super rare. You can´t shop it easily and thats way I think it should be really competitiv with the best RWs. I´m not playing HC yet, but hard to imagine why salvation on an armor super rare armor is a bigger problem then a phoenix shield? I really like the the current proposed version. If you would cancel salvation would you leave it with the rest or any complementary suggetions instead?

With you, a 3 OS AV would be super good and I a close competionen with a Jewerls *** of the whale. Could live with limiting it to 2 OS. Still nice and strong.

The high CB ist the sellingpoint for Leviathan imho. With “only” 20% is it still competetitive? Could see myself limiting it to 0.4% per level. The everay lvl 90 chars would end up with 36%?

With up to 2 skills and all absorb it would be a nice niche helmet. Rep life could be a problem on pvp maby?

See your point. Not sure if it will be used really much. Lvl 50 is however a really big number. How about reducing req. lvl from 80 to 72 instead? Will remain a pvm-shield anyhow.

Agree! Would support this! -30% req and decreptify on striking will get it used somehow. @CharlesJT?

True comment but I think this will be more of a complementing weapon. Your A5 merc will like that with the changes a little bit better. But wont be BIS (what is fine for me!). If I would change something else I would lover the req. a bit furter vom 85>80 to even 75?

Tru, but usable in that niche. Fine with me. It a very frequent find to make it really strong?

With Cyclone Armor and Cold Mastery I could be a very niche weapon. Not adding this and remove HFD to add 50 FCR would leave it irrelevant imho? I´d rather use a Wizard Spike or Spectral Shard instead (both easy to obtain and with nice mods like @res, mana etc.). So leas it kind a pointless?

True, still a frequent find and Redemption Aura is the point here? So I is either something in SSF or on swap for pvm? With IAS and DtoD buffed, that could be use at lvl 65 imho?

Irrelevant yes, but maybe interesting for some niche uses. Open Wounds, life after kill and a Blood Golem. Could see that for fun in some builds :slight_smile:

Even a the entry Required Level: 58? Wont be BIS ever, but I used i with my last trow barb playthrough and only missed a bit of additonal maging dmg to be usable. Will not be super strong, but we´re aming to make those uniques just a bit more competitiv to get them uses
at least somethings and not straight never?

Even with the -15% to enemy magic resist AND 30% IAS? Could be a niche use-case. If not buffing it further would be an easy option later.

New effektiv. Would love to see that, but doubt it. Otherwise even without solid option for some niches.

Puh…that needed to be testet. Might be far to strong for a quite frequent weapon?

It has already some uses and therefore is imho already viable. Proposed buffs only make it a tiny bit more usefull. Not going with you here. IAS and massiv static field would be super strong and too much imho.

Not BIS but with FRW and +5 Nado it would have some uses. LvL 50 is super strong and on Druids it would be broke.

New mechanic, why not just increase dura on some items instead? Easy to implement?

Not sure about that. I think melee needs more buff. But in combination with the proposed buffs in the OP that feature would need some extensive testing.

No sure yet. Have to sleep about that :slight_smile: Would need to check with some of the 3 OS Runewords, it there would be a drastic change and make them to early available…tricky.

With you. Leaf is super strong already for your early leveling. We should leave that as it is!

No opinion. Would love to ptr test both version. But rather get the specific changes we made…

With you. Would not remove the penalty completely. Would lower it. -3% and -6% sounds reasonable (especially with having deminishing returns).

Really? BotD will be still super nice :slight_smile: Would love to test this on some uniques before I can make up my final judgment.

True. But some might be fun. Would love dura, open wounds and FRW. But could easily live without the others…

Interesting but super tricky to balance or not? And to correct you. If socketed it would need to increase 2 new sockets, since one is ocupied alreay (to keep this visable)? Or does ist magicially disapear and add a socket like a cube recipe?

Interesting,…but would love the devs to fix the uniques first and your runes are far to strong. Nae would break the game completly. Lots of teleport Shakos incoming :crazy_face:

Quick notes for you. What do you thing about that? :slight_smile:

  1. Swordguard
  2. Arkaines Valor
  3. Leviathan – whats you oppinion?
  4. Dragonscale
  5. Medusa Gaze
  6. Leaf – RW-Section
  7. movement penalty on med and heavy armors -3%/-6%
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in regard to Tyrael Might i suggested in another thread the following Auras: Prayer, Meditation and Sanctuary (1 of the 3 generated randomly)
Sorc would love Prayer
others casters would love Meditation
and melee would love Sanctuary to bypass physical immunes on undead as well as a little dps boost vs undea
all 3 being Holy type aura which fit Tyrael theme

as for the difference between salvation compare to redemption
salvation provide mass survivability…not only for self…but also for teamates…while Redemption require corpses and only apply to self and does’t increase your survivability as much


there are other sources of CB…guillaume…Gore…Steelrend…weapon…giving too much of it to leviathan would make uber accessible way too early…if that explain why i’am againts such a huge %


Rep life barely has any effect(i use to have a lld sorc(lvl 15) running 5 Flawless skulls +2 X P-Manald rings and that would not cut it for toe to toe standing)(+36 replenish)…a lld zeal pally would shred her if i stood still and they have like 1/10 the dmg of a high lvl…so basicly…replenish would have to be around +200 to be felt even slightly in pvp at high lvl

no Synergies = no worry
lets say hydra//fireball dmg at lvl 50 base is 500
500 X 300% fire mastery = 2000 Fire dmg(no Synergies)
500 X 120% X 300% = 4400 fire dmg(Hydra case)
500 X 560% X 300% = 13200(Fireball case)
…ok well after a bit of reflection…maybe tone it down to lvl 38 for Hydra on Dragonscale
for Hellslayer the dmg is massively less without synergy and iits on proc(so i think lvl 50 Fb + 50 Mastery for it is fine
ofc…this could be play test to ensure its not going too crazy


Azurewrath//Light Saber is of no concern, you hit lvl 90 b4 even find it so like…wtv if can be use at 58…probably make much nicer stuff b4 find 1 too for about same lvl range…while i can agree that it should not be too close to botd power its definetly lacking greatly in term of dmg…i think 700-750% ED should cut it for those 2(3/4 of botd dmg)

u can’t move while casting Artic Blast…so loosing half freeze isn’t much an issue…and there would be enigma at end game(which mean no more walking)…alternatively raven frost ring


Ghostflame: ya even with -15% magic that dont cut it

Horizon Tornado: its on proc…not a direct + skill…and that would depend if benefit synergy or not…if synergy dont work thats 540% dmg not there

lvl 50 tornado is 1073 - 1125 dmg…not exactly very high…but if Synergies work then its
6867 - 7200…in such case then yes that would be a problem
Stormlash: extra static lvl is just more range(beside its not 100% proc…and vs non-boss its not as relevant)…think of it as 20% to aoe crushing blow…Static and Crushing Blow work almost the same…and unlike CB it would be impossible to add additionnal % to it from other sources
extra durability = doesn’t fix the gold cost issue of melee weap and it would still break very fast if say 2X durability while each durability point cost the same
currently my melee char weap break every 3-4 baal runs(since i do a bit of farm b4 entering throne for waves)…while 4X would be just enough to not be super obnoxious…i’d like up to 10X reduced durability decrease speed
only good 3OS runewords right now are Plague, Fury and Chaos…and none of them cut end game for solid ED %
ya rly for Zod…insert Zod
Vex Hel El Eld…Zod(poof),…Zod ?(poof)…Zod &$& ???(poof)…ya can’t complete if rune vanish everytime its insert XD :S
if for say an item has 1 socket(if there already something in it the unique jewel can’t be use untill use the Hel+ scroll of tp cube recipe to remove whats in the socket)
so for say u got a rare armor with 1 socket…using the unique jewel will make it with 2 total socket(1 extra socket to fill)…similar to what his Zod suggestion does(unique jewel goes poof upon addin in a socket and add an additional socket to the item)

Nae rune teleport is actualy for weapons…not helm …so nah no tele shako :)…tele weap sure…if you want to put it in a bad dps weapons XD

all of these runes are meant to be around Jah//Zod drop rates

however Luz rune enabling passing trough walls…while its not gonna be teleport level it be pretty sick mobility

well all of new runes i suggested would have rly low drop rate to begin with…so its not like someone would find them early…especially Ezan which stats are over the top…still that be like 1 out of 5000 players that find 1 within first ladder week…and i think they would prefer save them for some new unique runewords over just blasting it in a random uniques :stuck_out_tongue: so not gonna be use right away

Luz is meant to be the bridge between Enigma///runewords that would use the Nae rune

…either way…there no way around players using jsp to just buy their way trough…either with current stuff or with new stuff :S…think of whale paying extyra $$$ just to get that extreme power early

i can just imagine a whale buying 3 Ezan to put into Black Hadest Armor :stuck_out_tongue: for lvl 15 Conviction and boosting their group skill by +3…and making a runeword that use Nae to teleport…chance to meet said whale in a game would be like 1% more or less

EDIT: Ezan real shine is if you would get a full group using triple Ezan in that unique armor(which honestly may never happen…let alone if you end up powering up ppl in junk gear//non-caster)…melees would net some ed but a very small amount out of it…although a Barb would love the +3 boost to his Battle order(+9% Life)…with 7 players using said armor then +63% extra life from BO)…the jewel dont give +skill to your own char…just allies(although i think i made it vague in regard to that info)

EDIT 2: forgot to account the 2 P-Manald when i talked about my lld sorc using replenish life…so thats actually 36 replenish

With previous discussions, here are the updates to the OP…

Reduced Salvation Aura from Level 1-3 to 1 (still a solid 60 Resist)…

Tyrael’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: None
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+50-100% Damage To Demons
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+20-30 To Strength
All Resistances +20-30
Cannot Be Frozen
Requirements -100%
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +2 To All Skills
    • Add Level 1 Salvation Aura When Equipped
    • Add Poison Length Reduced By 75%
    • Remove All Resistances +20-30
    • Remove Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
    • Change Faster Run/Walk from 20% to 45%
    • Change Enhanced Defense from 120-150% to 150-200%
    • Change Damage To Demons from 50-100% to 200-250%

Updated Swordguard with +40% increased chance of blocking with increased ED and keeping conc at +5…

Executioner Sword
One-Hand Damage: (64-67) To (108-112)
Two-Hand Damage: (126-131) To (216-224)
Required Level: 48
Required Strength: 85
Required Dexterity: 55
+170-180% Enhanced Damage
+5-495 Defense (Based On Character Level)
30% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
Requirements -50%
All Resistances +10-20
20% Faster Hit Recovery
20% Increased Chance Of Blocking
+100 Defense vs. Missile
+200 Defense vs. Melee

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +5 To Concentrate (Barbarian Only)
    • Change Increased Chance of Blocking from 20% to 40%
    • Change Enhanced Damage from 170-180% to +210-220%

As 3 sockets may be too much, changed OS from 2-3 to 2…

Arkaine’s Valor
Balrog Skin
Defense: 1295-1450
Required Level: 85
Required Strength: 165
+150-180% Enhanced Defense
+1-2 To All Skills
+0-49 To Vitality
30% Faster Hit Recovery
Damage Reduced By 10-15

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 2 Open Sockets
    • Add +3-297 To Life (+3.00 per Clvl)
    • Add +180-210% Enhanced Damage
    • Remove +0-49 To Vitality
    • Change All Skills from +1-2 to +2
    • Change Required Level from 85 to 80

Reduced CB from +0.5% to +0.3% Per Clvl…

Kraken Shell
Defense: 1514-1722
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 174
+170-200% Enhanced Defense
+100-150 Defense
+40-50 To Strength
Damage Reduced By 15-25%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Cold Resist +40-50%
    • Add +80-120% Enhanced Damage
    • Add +0-30% Crushing Blow (+0.3% Per Clvl)
    • Add 10% To Cast Level 15 Hurricane When Struck

Kept slows target at 20%. Also changed nova to when struck instead of when you die…

Medusa’s Gaze
Defense: 405-453
Required Level: 76
Required Strength: 219
+150-180% Enhanced Defense
5-9% Life Stolen Per Hit
Slows Target By 20%
Cold Resist +40-80%
10% To Cast Level 7 Lower Resist When Struck
100% To Cast Level 44 Nova When You Die

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add -30% Requirements
    • Add 10% To Cast Level 7 Decrepify On Striking
    • Change 100% To Cast Level 44 Nova When You Die to 20% To Cast Level 20 Nova When Struck

Lowered level requirement again to 75 and boosted magic damage…

Phase Blade
One-Hand Damage: (102-114) To (115-129)
Required Level: 85
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 136
+230-270% Enhanced Damage
+30% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 250-500 Magic Damage
Adds 250-500 Cold Damage, 10 sec. Duration
+1 To All Skills
+5-10 To All Attributes
Level 10-13 Sanctuary Aura When Equipped
+3 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Requirements -100%
    • Add +250-300% Damage To Demons
    • Change All Skills from +1 to +2
    • Change Required Level from 85 to 75
    • Change Magic Damage from 250-500 to 500-750

Further buffed -magic resist and magic damage and added significant IAS…

Legend Spike
One-Hand Damage: (133-156) to (203-238)
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 55
Required Dexterity: 57
+190-240% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target’s Defense
+108 Magic Damage
10-15% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+2 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add -33% To Enemy Magic Resist
    • Add +50% Increased Attack Speed
    • Change Magic Damage from 108 to 500

Kept kb, and added FRW and chance to pierce…

Giant Skull
Bone Visage
Defense: 350-477
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 106
+250-320 Defense
+10% Chance Of Crushing Blow
+25-35 To Strength
Socketed (1-2)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 20% To Cast Level 20 Grim Ward When You Kill An Enemy
    • Add +25% Faster Run/Walk
    • Add +25% Chance To Pierce
    • Change Crushing Blow from 10% to 20%

Removed slows target. Also added -physical resist and removed weaken…

Soul Drainer
Defense: 129-149
Required Level: 74
Required Strength: 106
+90-120% Enhanced Defense
4-7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
4-7% Life Stolen Per Hit
-50 To Monster Defense Per Hit
8% To Cast Level 3 Weaken On Striking

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add -5-10% to Enemy Physical Resist
    • Remove 8% To Cast Level 3 Weaken On Striking

Changed HFD to CBF…

Cryptic Sword
One-Hand Damage: (14-16) To (215-254)
Required Level: 70
Required Strength: 99
Required Dexterity: 109
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
Adds 237-486 Cold Damage, 6 sec. Duration
+7-14 To Arctic Blast
Freezes Target +4
Cold Absorb 7-15%
Half Freeze Duration
+25% Increased Attack Speed

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +6-12 To Cyclone Armor
    • Add +1 To Cold Mastery
    • Change Half Freeze Duration to Cannot Be Frozen

Removed +vengeance…

Baranar’s Star
Devil Star
One-Hand Damage: 129 To 159
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 153
Required Dexterity: 44
+200% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage to Undead
Adds 1-200 Fire Damage
Adds 1-200 Lightning Damage
Adds 1-200 Cold Damage, Duration 0-7 sec.
50% Increased Attack Speed
200% Bonus To Attack Rating
+15 To Dexterity
+15 To Strength

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Fire/Lightning/Cold Damage from 1-200 to 1-333

Removed -30% req…

Ogre Gauntlets
Defense: 232-281
Required Level: 70
Required Strength: 185
+170-210 Defense
+30-60% Enhanced Damage
+10% Chance of Crushing Blow
+15-20 To Strength

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Melee Attacks Deal Splash Damage
    • Change Strength from +15-20 to +30
    • Change Crushing Blow from 10% to 15%
    • Change Enhanced Damage from 30-60% to 70-100%

What about putting Prayer Aura on this instead of Sanctuary Aura as it seems fitting…

Heavenly Garb
Light Plate
Defense: 216
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 41
+100% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana 25%
All Resistances +10
+15 To Energy
+50% Damage To Undead
+100 To Attack Rating Against Undead

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Level 1-3 Sanctuary Aura When Equipped
    • Add 1-2 Open Sockets
    • Add 10% Faster Cast Rate

If there ever were an item with prayer on it, it would be better as oskill than when equipped so it doesn’t drain your mana

Anyone with an item that has cleansing when equipped or meditation when equipped will get the synergy bonus of the prayer oskill

If you want to, you can have

  • 3-5 to prayer
  • Level 10 meditation aura while equipped
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personalt i think is time to move on with season3 hope is dead

diablo2 is not diablo 2 anymore . better playing anew arpg

Hi Charles,

I like it! Good tuning imho.

Will that be the new FOH-BIS then or no worries? How does this interact with the magic sunder charm?

Giant Skull is already used and not really bad. Adding 25% FRW and 25% Pierce is a lot with an 2 OS helmet. I love both an that helmet, but would maybe go down to 15% each?

When removing Vengance I´d even put a bit more on F/L/C-dmg. How about 1-400 or 450? It´s a level 65 item? Otherwise still mäh…

Both solid options. I guess we have more Salvation items then ones with Prayer. So you have my blessing :slight_smile:

…I really would love to get a dedicated review from a dedicated pvp player over our list. But overall. Would make so many items more interesting. Just played for an hour found 4 uniqes. Not a singel one even condidering for a simple playthrough…

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Good suggestions above, below are the updates to the OP…

Changed to have prayer as an o-skill…

Heavenly Garb
Light Plate
Defense: 216
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 41
+100% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana 25%
All Resistances +10
+15 To Energy
+50% Damage To Undead
+100 To Attack Rating Against Undead

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Prayer
    • Add 1-2 Open Sockets
    • Add 10% Faster Cast Rate

Lowered -enemy magic resist…

Legend Spike
One-Hand Damage: (133-156) to (203-238)
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 55
Required Dexterity: 57
+190-240% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target’s Defense
+108 Magic Damage
10-15% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+2 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add -15% To Enemy Magic Resist
    • Add +50% Increased Attack Speed
    • Change Magic Damage from 108 to 500

Toned down FRW and Pierce…

Giant Skull
Bone Visage
Defense: 350-477
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 106
+250-320 Defense
+10% Chance Of Crushing Blow
+25-35 To Strength
Socketed (1-2)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 20% To Cast Level 20 Grim Ward When You Kill An Enemy
    • Add +15% Faster Run/Walk
    • Add +15% Chance To Pierce
    • Change Crushing Blow from 10% to 20%

Buffed F/L/C-dmg as shown below…

Baranar’s Star
Devil Star
One-Hand Damage: 129 To 159
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 153
Required Dexterity: 44
+200% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage to Undead
Adds 1-200 Fire Damage
Adds 1-200 Lightning Damage
Adds 1-200 Cold Damage, Duration 0-7 sec.
50% Increased Attack Speed
200% Bonus To Attack Rating
+15 To Dexterity
+15 To Strength

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Fire/Lightning/Cold Damage from 1-200 to 1-400

On another note, I know the elite belts are solid, but what about this one change…

Nosferatu’s Coil
Vampirefang Belt
Defense: 56-63
Required Level: 51
Required Strength: 50
Slows Target By 10%
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
5-7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+15 To Strength
10% Increased Attack Speed
-3 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Increased Attack Speed from 10% to 20%

What build would you likt to boost with this? As you mentioned, the elite belts have already it´s use. And instead of increase the number of desired changes we should focus on items which really need some love in order to increase the chance seeing this happening :slight_smile:

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Blizzard just keeps crapping out more and more overpowered runewords - this makes sets, uniques, rares etc completely pointless.


Wanted to get more discussion and feedback on the general changes below and if you think we need to add something or make any changes to improving itemization, please share your thoughts…


Two-Handed Weapons
To improve the viability of two-handed weapons, will now receive +2% enhanced damage per point of Strength as follows:

Weapons Strength Bonus
1H-weapons +1% ED / point
2H-weapons +2% ED / point

Medium / Heavy Armor
Currently, Medium and Heavy Armor provide a detrimental effect of reduced movement speed and have high strength requirements. To make them more competitive vs. Light Armor, damage reduction will be added as follows:

Armor Speed Penalty Damage Reduction
Light 0% 0%
Medium -5% 5%
Heavy -10% 10%

To improve the viability of crossbows, will now receive innate ability to roll w/ -5% Target Defense for Normal Crossbows, -10% for Exceptional, and -25% for Elite. Historically, the major benefit of Crossbows over Bows was its penetration power through armor

Crossbows Minus Target Defense
Normal -5%
Exceptional -10%
Elite -25%
  • Polearms

    • To improve the viability of polearms, will now receive innate ability to roll w/ -50 Monster Defense Per Hit for Normal Polearms, -100 for Exceptional, and -250 for Elite. Historically, polearms were used to deal with heavily armored opponents
  • Throwing Knives / Throwing Axes

    • To improve the viability of throwing knives and throwing axes, the very limited range of 3/4 of the screen will be increased to be similar to javelin types (reaches out 1.5 screens away)
  • Staves

    • To improve the viability of two-handed staves, will now receive innate ability to roll w/ +X% FHR and +X All Resist. Furthermore, for bolstering Magical and Rare Staves, add two new suffixes: “Wizard” (30% FCR) and “Archwizard” (50% FCR). Current suffixes available are Apprentice (10% FCR) and Magus (20% FCR)
  • Runes

    • Zod rune now grants any item it is inserted into the ethereal flag along with indestructible
  • Jewels

    • Consider new jewel affixes, such as:
    • Physical Damage Reduced By 3-5%
    • Increased Chance Of Blocking 3-5%
    • Increased Block Rate 1-10%
    • Faster Run/Walk 1-10%
    • Repairs 1 Durability Every 33 Seconds
  • Rare Items

    • Rare items should get a minimum of 4 affixes at iLvl 45+, 5 at 65+ and 6 at 85+. Basically, iLvl 85+ rares would roll guaranteed 6 affixes. This applies to non-jewel items (e.g. rare jewels would still have a max of 4 affixes)
  • Magic Items

    • Magic items that spawn with the Mechanic’s, Artisan’s, and Jeweler’s Prefix shall always spawn with a Suffix. A magic item with only this prefix is essentially a white you can’t use for runewords
  • Charged Items

    • Decrease cost of recharging items
    • Increase charged skill levels for improved viability
  • Half Freeze Duration

    • Now stacks multiplicatively. For example, 2 pieces gives you 1/4 duration, 3 pieces gives you 1/8 duration, and so on. Of course, CBF is still the ultimate goal
  • Throwing Potions

    • Damage scales with Character Level
  • Replenish arrows/bolts with Repair

  • Add item quality indicator for Normal, Exceptional, Elite

  • Add option to show iLvl on items and enabled via a toggle in Options Menu

  • Add Refresh Button to Vendor Screen to search available wares (e.g. Gambling). This will prevent running in and out of town and checking shop for a particular item. This feature will be unavailable for public games


Agree to all. As said before. Would like to discuss those points a bit further:

Would lower it FRW-penaltiy to -3% on medium armor and -6% on heavy armorst sounds reasonable (especially with having deminishing returns).

Not sure if I like that completely. The hunt is, what is all about :slight_smile:
With boosted base dmg on weapons they might become relevant again (outside pvp). Rings and amulets already are ok.

And increase amount of charges across the board?

But would like to have a cool down. Can´t imagine what bots will do with this?

But in general. Those changes would be nice in general.


Hire CharlesJT to your team Blizzard! As external advisor or anything that influences the patches coming our way! Just DO IT!

90% of players will be more satisfied with his changes than what we are getting now.


The odds for several desirable rare items are still plenty steep even with a change like that. There are some rare items with odds currently in the nonillions with staffmods, and others with odds in the octillions without staffmods.

Personally, I’m definitely amenable to it not being a strict minimum and just being a much better probability, but some kind of improvement over a flat distribution would be nice.

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I was thinking the 5% Damage Reduction for Medium Armor and 10% for Heavy Armor would give these armors an upside to the high STR req. and FRW penalty.

I tend to agree with Childe, but what if we go ahead and exclude rings and amulets as they are ok as you mentioned?

Yes, we could do a slight tweak to the equation below for determining the maximum number of charges…

Charges = B + (B*S) / 8

B = The Base number of charges on the item
S = The Skill Level of the Charged Spell


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Sounds good!

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Another thing I wanted to discuss is the range/duration of thrown axes and knives to be equal to that of javelins and arrows. Throwing weapons should be able to reach all areas of the screen. Is there anything else that needs to be improved to throwing weapons?

Since these things can’t be socketed into broken OP runewords, they really need to improve the stats that can spawn on rares for them to be usable, but instead blizzard take the lazy way out and pumps out nothing but broken runewords causing rares to die off

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Love that…base dmg of throw knives needs to be buffed, that is adressed already.

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What are your thoughts about allowing to add 1 socket to unique/rare throwing weapons and 1-2 sockets to magic/superior throwing weapons? It’d be nice to customize.

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Javalins too? Titans and T-Stroke would not need to get sockets. For Knives and Axes I would like that. Are the some crazy magic throwing knifes around which would be broken with 2 OS?

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