Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Still doesn´t cut it for me. At lvl 30 you would try to make a Spirit + Rhyme or Ancient’s Pledge. The runes are easy to optain by then. The 4OS Sword would be the biggest issue an 2 or 3 OS shield can be shopped easily. If not, you go the fire tree and make a leaf. The Salamander is even available early (if found). So to make an incentive to play lightning earlier you need to fullfill some specific needs.

20% Increased Chance of Blocking
40% Faster Block Rate
+25 to All Resistances
Regenerate Mana 15%
Cannot Be Frozen
50% Extra Gold From Monsters
25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items

Ancient’s Pledge
+50% Enhanced Defense
Cold Resist +43%
Fire Resist +48%
Lightning Resist +48%
Poison Resist +48%
10% Damage Goes To Mana

+2 To All Skills
+25-35 % Faster Cast Rate
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage 3 Second Duration
+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+250 Defense Vs. Missile
+22 To Vitality
+89-112 To Mana
+3-8 Magic Absorb

Spirit makes you reach the 23 BP for light for sure. Maybe the 35 if your lucky without any other fcr gear. It provides not the same amount of life and mana but youre close to it. 55% FHR is very nice at mid-game.
The 50@ res is almost reached with both shields more or less (with AP youre close and got Damage to mana with Rhyme you have some blocking, GF and MF ans CBF!).

Only real advantage is the 40 FCR what ensures hitting the relevant BP in every tree.

So bottom line only use it for a few levels AND only if SSF and you could not manage to find a spirit base sword.

Since Thunder Storm is kind a weak and you will not spend more then one point into static field (so doesn´t help much either). +1 to lightning skills is not enough for the tradeoffs you will have. You´ll be probably better off with a shopped wand or staff as well.

So I come back to my initial proposal. Do you think thats to powerfull at level 28? TS is only a nice niche addition. The +1 all and +1 ligthning skills makes it only on par with spirit and only in the lightning tree… Since its 2H you swap blocking and other nice mods on a shield for a bit more mana, life, fcr and a few points into @res.

Edit: One comment on an already discussed item. Just found a Venom Grip and was checking what we agreed on. Looking on it now, I fear that the -15% Poison Resist is super OP. Far better then Trang-Ouls (except the FCR). 15% is like 3 facets and the +25% poison dmg von Trang-Ouls a far less powerfull.

Love the combination of affixes in total pretty much but would lower minus poison resist to -5 (like one Facet). How that holds up against TO has to be testet. But with the IAS instead of FCR and - res against +dmg, that would be a good, if not still better option for a poison char (Ama oder Sin). Helps with the poison sunder penaltiy as well (we might need to lower PR vom 30 to something in the 20s later…

And a new one :slight_smile:

Just found one an also not usable for the given lvl…
I like the Nova-Theme, but it is not enough in any way to be viable.

Baezil’s Vortex
Unique Knout One-Hand Damage: (33-39) To (91-105)
Required Level: 45
Required Strength 82
Required Dex 73
Durability: 30
Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
+160-200% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage To Undead
Adds 1-150 Lightning Dmg
20% Increased Attack Speed
5% Chance To Cast Level 8 Nova On Striking
Level 15 Nova 80 Charges
Lightning Resistance +25%
+100 To Mana

How about this one. Not crazy, but a Paladin oder Druid might use this one. IAs will be enough to hit the next BP and the very next ist a bit closer (with IAS on the gear). The increase of the Nova-Level will be from dmg 78-138 to 168-253. Switching added lightning dmg to higher magic dmg helps Emilio a little bit dealing with immunes.

Proposed Buffs:

  • Lower Lvl req. from 45 to 40
  • Change IAS from 20 to 40
  • Change +160-200% Enhanced Damage to 200-250%
  • Change 5% to cast Nova on striking from lvl 8 to lvl 15
  • Change lvl 15 Nova charges to lvl 30 (80 Charges is fine)
  • Chgange adds 1-150 Lightning Dmg to 200-500 magic dmg

Nothing special. Just to make people at least think about maybe using it for some lvls?

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See ya next season!

20 chars

Agreed, and lowered to -5% To Enemy Poison Resist in OP…

Venom Grip
Demonhide Gloves
Defense: 97-118
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 20
+130-160% Enhanced Defense
+15-25 Defense
+5% Chance of Crushing Blow
+60 Poison Damage Over 4 Seconds
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
5% To Maximum Poison Resist
Poison Resist +30%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +10% Increased Attack Speed
    • Add -5% To Enemy Poison Resist
    • Change Poison Damage from +60 to +120
    • Change Poison Duration from 4 Seconds to 2 Seconds

Updated OP by strengthening the Nova-theme and lowering level req. of item…

Baezil’s Vortex
One-Hand Damage: (33-39) To (91-105)
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 82
Required Dexterity: 73
+160-200% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage to Undead
Adds 1-150 Lightning Damage
20% Increased Attack Speed
5% To Cast Level 8 Nova On Striking
Level 15 Nova (80 Charges)
Lightning Resist +25%
+100 To Mana

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Required Level from 45 to 40
    • Change Nova Level from 8 to 15
    • Change Nova Cast from 5% to 15%
    • Change Nova Charge Level from 15 to 30

Both fine for me! :slight_smile:

Any thoughts on my comments to the “Thunderstick”? Just found one again…

Have a nother one, since I´ve also found two today :crazy_face: Obviously my week of dual finds…

Unique Ogre Axe

Two-Hand Damage: (103-117) To (536-609)
Required Level: 64
Required Strength: 195
Required Dexterity: 75
Durability: 50
Base Weapon Speed: [0] +270-320% Enhanced Damage
Level 14 Corpse Explosion (30 charges)
Prevent Monster Heal
30% Increased Attack Speed
50% Chance To Cast Level 16 Bone Spear On Striking
Socketed (2)

Not really bad, but not good enough either imho. On traderie only the eth ones with 300%+ed a sell for low. Even the eth version is imho not good enough for a realtivly rare item. I would like to push it a tiny bit further to make it usefull.

In both cases, for you merc and yourself, you would most probably slam a Shael and a Amn into it to geht LL and IAS. If so you are still far from reapers (and it should not be on par with it, but maybe a bit closer). So I was thinking two ways. Either add one OS, so we´d probably see Shael + Amn + something like an Ohm, Mal, Um, Eth. Even with 3 X 15/40 (what nobody would do) that wouldn´t be crazy. Corpse exlosion charges a obviously nice but I would rather decrease the level and increase the charges? Was thinking about replacing bone spear with teeth for some aoe, but thats not needed really.

Proposed Buffs:

  • Change 2 OS to 3 OS
  • Add (-12% LifeLeech
  • Lower Corpse Explosion from lvl 14 to lvl 10 and
  • increase Charges from 30 to 80

Any thoughts on this? Or is it just fine and a random SSF item?

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To be honest, not really sure about the best path forward on buffing this item without completely transforming it into something else entirely.

For Bonehew, I think it could benefit from a modest buff such as increasing level of bone spear to strengthen the flavor while adding 1 additional socket is all it really needs…

Ogre Axe
Two-Hand Damage: (103-117) To (536-609)
Required Level: 64
Required Strength: 195
Required Dexterity: 75
+270-320% Enhanced Damage
Level 14 Corpse Explosion (30 charges)
Prevent Monster Heal
30% Increased Attack Speed
50% To Cast Level 16 Bone Spear On Striking
Socketed (2)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Open Sockets from 2 to 3
    • Change Bone Spear Level from 16 to 24

On a separate note, I think there should be another early-level boot that helps with running around. What do you think about adding slower stamina drain to Gorefoot…

Heavy Boots
Defense: 20-21
Required Level: 9
Required Strength: 18
+20-30% Enhanced Defense
20% Faster Run/Walk
2% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Attacker Takes Damage of 2
+12 Defense
+2 To Leap (Barbarian Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 20% Slow Stamina Drain
    • Add 10% Chance of Open Wounds
    • Remove (Barbarian Only) from Leap

How about adding stamina heal to Manald Heal along with lowering level requirement to add more value for very early leveling…

Manald Heal
Required Level: 15
4-7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Replenish Life +5-8
Regenerate Mana 20%
+20 To Life

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +20 Maximum Stamina
    • Add Heal Stamina Plus 15%
    • Change Required Level from 15 to 5

Then lets just lover lvl req. to 23-25?


Agreed! Good addition. Not crazy but usefull. Stamina is an issue early on. OW is nice. And leap also! Solid.

Good, but for lvl 5 that would super good. Habu lvl 10? But you probably wont find it that early anyway.

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With previous discussions, here are the updates to the OP…

Jo Staff
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 28
+1 To All Skills
+30% Faster Cast Rate
+80 to Life
+175 to Mana
All Resistances +50
Magic Damage Reduced by 15
Attacker Takes Damage of 15
+50% Damage to Undead

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change All Skills from +1 to +1-2
    • Change Faster Cast from 30% to 40%
    • Change Required Level from 28 to 23

Ogre Axe
Two-Hand Damage: (103-117) To (536-609)
Required Level: 64
Required Strength: 195
Required Dexterity: 75
+270-320% Enhanced Damage
Level 14 Corpse Explosion (30 charges)
Prevent Monster Heal
30% Increased Attack Speed
50% To Cast Level 16 Bone Spear On Striking
Socketed (2)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Open Sockets from 2 to 3
    • Change Bone Spear Level from 16 to 24

Heavy Boots
Defense: 20-21
Required Level: 9
Required Strength: 18
+20-30% Enhanced Defense
20% Faster Run/Walk
2% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Attacker Takes Damage of 2
+12 Defense
+2 To Leap (Barbarian Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 20% Slow Stamina Drain
    • Add 10% Chance of Open Wounds
    • Remove (Barbarian Only) from Leap

Manald Heal
Required Level: 15
4-7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Replenish Life +5-8
Regenerate Mana 20%
+20 To Life

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +20 Maximum Stamina
    • Add Heal Stamina Plus 15%
    • Change Required Level from 15 to 10
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Was looking through my stash an came across a Gloom´s Trap. Still not sure If I would use it. We haven´t finished our discussion on this as far as I can see. We agreed not to put FRC on it and try to focus it to a melee focused belt. Adding AR helpes. But would not be enough for me to actually used it. Lvl req. is okay (most belt are in that range). We removed max. mana what would be around +/- 50 mana. 15% mana regen is not really much.

How about increasing Mana stolen per hit to 5-7 (as a counterpart to string of ears)? Leave +15% to max mana and increase AR to 50-100? That could make me use it on a Barb or Ama? I even could see myself to put +20% FWR on it (even it those not play the theme really)? Would you use it in the current proposal?

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Agreed on the bump in AR and increasing mana per hit. I think we should also add HFD on it as it fits theme (CBF might be too much). However, FHR should be reduced to 10%. In the end, these minor tweaks would add a solid option for a melee-focused belt.

Gloom’s Trap
Mesh Belt
Defense: 90-102
Required Level: 36
Required Strength: 58
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
Regenerate Mana 15%
+15 To Vitality
-3 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +50-100 To Attack Rating
    • Add +10% Faster Hit Recovery
    • Add Half Freeze Duration
    • Change Mana Stolen Per Hit from 5% to 5-7%
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That´ll work. Combined with another source of Half Freeze Duration (if they take the proposed multiplication of HFD to 1/4), that would be usable and could open up some niche mana-centric melee builds :slight_smile:

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Until I find the next unique to re-check what we´ve agreed on. Lets talk about elite sets :slight_smile:

Just found yesterday M’avina’s set (True Sight). And tested it a few Baal runs on my casual lvl 90 Bowazon to compare with my current G-Face, Forti, Windforce, String of Ears, Laying of Hands, Gores, Ravenfrost and a AR/LL/RES ring set-up.

My lady is equipped with mediocre res and max dmg, AR SCs but with 6 +100 and one +175 poison small charms. I maxed out multi shot, guided arrow and a decent valkyrie along with penetrate for AR.

The full set-is doing okay in WSK. But physical immunes (incl. stoneskin etc.) are a thing. Therefore I´ve skilled frost arrow to lvl 19 (inkl. all bonuses). So not to crazy.

Your proposed buffs would help it a lot. But since we have not buffs for base bows discussed. I´d like to talk about 3 poinst what could be changed or buffed.

  1. Partial Set bonuses: A problem across the board to prevent set-items to be usefull if not standalone viable (3p Tals ignored) is the lackluster partial set-bonuses. The two piece set bonus is +20 strength. If done with the diadem (+1 Skills) and the bow (adding low 114-377 magic dmg). This is hard to even consider. So I would love to shift +100 Attack Rating to the 2p set-bonus and the +100% MF to the 3p bonus (along with the 33% pierce).

  2. Some life added, since the lady is kind a fragile. Maybe +100 life? That could be added to the 4p set-bonus

  3. The base dmg of the bow: My WF set-up produces a 1000-5800 dmg guided arrow. Full M´avinas results in my case with 1300-3100 dmg. So I´d love to change the +188ED on the bow to something like +250%. And boost the magic dmg from 114-377 to something like 300-600? Results in higher min. dmg and some elemental dmg than WF but lower max. dmg. WF will be still BIS along with Faith, Ice, Mist.

The full set would be a great budget option if you can manage to find also the rare parts (true sight is not dropping often). But my biggest hopes to add to a greater build diversity would the changes in the partial set bonuses.

So that would look like the following then:

Proposed Buffs:

  • Add +33% Piercing Attack (3 Items)
  • Add +20% Fire Damage (Full Set)
  • Add +100 life (4 Items)
  • Change +100 AR from 5 to 2p set-bonus
  • Change +100 MF from 5 to 3p set-bonus
  • Change +188% ED to +250% (Bow)
  • Change +114-377 magic damage to 300-600 magic damage (Bow)

What do you think about that?

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Here is my take and agree the bow needs to be buffed. I’m not sure about changing the set bonuses. Maybe we should go back and revisit the sets as we haven’t discussed in a while. I’ll take a look at Bul-Kathos’ Children next. :grinning:

M’avina’s Battle Hymn

  • Add +33% Piercing Attack (3 Items)
  • Add +20% Fire Damage (Full Set)
  • Change Enhanced Damage from +188% to +250% (M’avina’s Caster)
  • Change Magic Damage from +114-377 to +250-500 (M’avina’s Caster)
    • M’avina’s is a budget set for a Frost Maiden, but is painfully slow. Adding ability to pierce would help out. Also, adding fire damage bonus would add flexibility to enhance other skills. Lastly, enhanced damage and magic damage is buffed on the Grand Matron Bow

Definitely helps this set.

Sets have the problem, that on a single playthrough it is almost impossible to collect a full set. Some parts are a frequent find (I´ve found probably 20 Tals Masks in D2R so far). Some a super rare; M’avina’s set True Sight is a first timer for me.
So in order to improve the use of existing items this could be three ways to go.

A) Making the full set strong enough to be end game viable (since you need to either trade or collect all items over severeal month). That means they need to come close to the usage of a full Tals (I ran this one on my highest sorc still). Not BIS but very good. Here you can focus on improving full set bonuses to make the set viable.

That might work for the elite sets, but not for the lower set.

B) Improve single items be usable in some builds (even if only niches). So you go the way for G-Face, Aldurs boots, Laying of Hands, Trang-Ouls gloves, Naj’s Puzzler etc. That would be a lot of individual changes and hard to balance. Still rarely works for lower sets.

C) Change partial set-bonuses to make combinations of items usable. Works for normal, exeception and elite items. 3p Tals is a solid option, Hsarus Boots and Belt are awesome for lvl 3 on the other hand - I keep a pair those in my stash for every new char I´ll beginn with.

I guess option C would have a huge impact on build diversity.

One example:

The Disciple Set: Laying of Hands is BIS for several builds. But nobody would use the belt if you have been playing at least for some weeks. The Full set has little to offer as well.

+50 Defense
All Resistances +15
+10 To Dexterity
+10 To Strength

Besides the insane lvl req. of 65 and hight strength requirements of 106 (but Laying of Hands too) this belt has nothing special to offer. The two set-bonus ist only +150 def. So no incentive here is well. The amu “Telling of Beads” is only a plan c as well.

Partial Set Bonus
+150 Defense (2 Items)
+22 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds (3 Items)
+10 To Strength (4 Items)

Complete Set Bonus
+150 Defense
+22 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
+10 To Strength
+2 To All Skills
All Resistances +50
+100 Mana

But if we change the +50 @res from a 5p bonus to a 2p bonus (or even only half - +25% @res). The amu or the belt now will be useful for a lot of chars. For the 3p bonus there should be something added to the set since it left little for the 4p and 5p bonus and is overall not good in the current state as a full set. But shifting maybe the +100 Mana will do?

So could look like this:

Partial Set Bonus
(2 Items)
+150 Defense
and [NEW] All Resistances +25

(3 Items)
+22 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds > changed to +222 Poison Damage over 3 seconds
and [NEW] +100 Mana

(4 Items)
+10 To Strength
and [NEW]+1 To All Skills

Complete Set Bonus
+150 Defense
+22 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds >>> 222 PD over 2 Seconds
+20 To Strength >>> (10+10)
+3 To All Skills >>> (1+2)
All Resistances +50 >>> (25+25)
+100 Mana

So the full set wont be crazy strong, but almost usable. The 2p, 3p and 4p sets would be absolutely to be considered.

If you go option B) and try to improve the single items to make those viable and hope the set will be at the end good enough would mean something like changing the amor and the boots extensively. And we have already several good boots so hard to

Amor: Dark Adherent
Defense: 666-882 (varies) (Base Defense: 361-467)
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 77
Durability: 20

+305-415 Defense (varies)
Fire Resistance +24%
25% Chance To Cast Level 3 Nova When Struck
Adds 24-34 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds

This would need to change nova to level 20+, increase poison dmg masively and is still ist not by a margin a decent armor.

Same with the boots.

Boots: Rite of Passage
Set Demonhide Boots
Defense: 53-60 (varies)(Base Defense: 28-35)
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 20
Durability: 12
Assassin Kick Damage: 26-46 +25 Defense

30% Faster Run Walk
+15-25 Maximum Stamina (varies)
Half Freeze Duration

Lvl 29? So what would you need to put on here to make it work? Basicially everything new…

So thats why I would work on partial set-bonuses. The whole set is benefiting as well, but also 2-3 pieces would be seen more frequently in builds.

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I like this approach, but when I looked at the patch notes again for 2.4, the developers decided to either add or buff full/partial set bonuses. They did not modify individual set items nor change partial set bonuses. With that said, I think we should follow suit with their approach for set improvements.

Revisiting M’avina’s Battle Hymn, here are the proposed balance changes…

M’avina’s Battle Hymn

  • Add +2-198 To Magic Damage (+2 Per Character Level) (2 Items)
  • Add +33% Piercing Attack (3 Items)
  • Add +100 To Life (4 Items)
  • Add +20% Fire Damage (Full Set)
    • M’avina’s is a budget set for a Frost Maiden, but is painfully slow. Adding additional magic damage, ability to pierce and extra life would help this set out. Lastly, adding fire damage bonus would add flexibility to enhance other skills.

Here is another lackluster set that needs significant improvement…

Berserker’s Arsenal

  • Add +20% Faster Run/Walk (2 Items)
  • Add +20% Deadly Strike (Full Set)
  • Change +3-297 Defense to +3-297 Life (+3.00 Per Character Level) (2 Items)
  • Change 5-9 Poison Damage to 1-148 Magic Damage (+1.50 Per Character Level) (Full Set)
    • Berserker’s is mediocre compared to other class-themed sets. Set could benefit from FRW, DS, change defense to life and poison damage to magic damage to be consistent with Berserk, and relevent at later levels

Also, drastic improvement needed…

Isenhart’s Armory

  • Add +1 To All Skills (Full Set)
  • Add 25% Chance To Cast Level 5 Holy Bolt On Striking (Full Set)
  • Change All Resistances +10 to All Resistances +1-74% (+0.75% Per Character Level) (Full Set)
    • Isenhart’s Armory lack of plus skills means this set isn’t effective for long. With full set equipped, Lightbrand has chance to cast holy bolts. Lastly, buff all resist of full set bonus to be relevent at later levels.

And for Aldur’s…

Aldur’s Watchtower

  • Add +15% Faster Cast Rate (2 Items)
  • Add +15% Faster Cast Rate (3 Items)
  • Add +100% Magic Find (Full Set)
    • Aldur’s could benefit from FCR as partial set bonuses to enhance set piece combos for various builds. Lastly, adding a new full set bonus to MF would give characters more options to MF. This complements the partial set bonus of 50% MF.
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That’s absolutely true! But that also means that we would not need to spend any thoughts on the not elite sets. Nobody will find a normal or exceptional set while in the requirements range nor will someone keep it for „your next playthrough“.

I kept a Sigons for my first Barb-Char (and it is a S-Tier for early on). But the others? Vidals, Arctic, Isenhards? You would never mind keeping that over some rare finds you might keep. I keep a rare low lvl life/FHR/Gold Belt and two 2OS Armor and Helms I would use 99,9998% of the time over any given early set if partial bonuses stay as bad as they are.

So we should focus only on the elites and maybe Hsarus with the shield beeing mediocre besides the belt and the boots are super good. And it’s only a 3p set and not 4-5p.

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I think we can take a look at all lackluster sets, just need the proposed buffs consistent with what the developers did in Patch 2.4.

So, I´d like to see for Hsarus a two set-bonus of +15 max stamina. The belt with only two rows is not really appealing but adding a second additional row would require to change the item itself. I like it as a 2 set-combo and you lack stamina early on. That would be an incentive to use both till level 15 or even higher.

Death’s Disguise Set. The sword is only lvl 6 but has soo high strength and dex requirements, that you can barely equip it befor level 12-15. So I would add a two piece set bonus of +10 each to strength and dex.
And add a flat dmg to the full set, since the sword is bad anyway. Lets say +10-20 (need your help over here :slight_smile: what would be appropriate?).

Sigons ist just fine as it is. The rest of the normal set are in any case redundant. So not wasting any ressources here.

Orphan’s Call: The whole set is mediocre. But G-Face, Magnus Skin Gloves and the Belt are not super bad, but not enough to run the full set with a good armor for late game. Would suggest to add as a two piece bonus +15% light res (the individual items add to cold and fire). As a 3p bonus +15% FRW and for the full set +1 to all skills (to make the set usable)? So I could see this set beeing used on a physical dmg chars together with budget armaor like a treachery, peace or new hustle (of course several unique options would help here out). Overall the set would not be OP imho.

Sazabis is a great budget Act 5 Frenzy combo but the sword has so low dmg (besides beeing a not too frequent find), thats sets you back. Primarily to suits this merc purpose, I would add a flat dmg of 100 to the full set. If we push it even further, maybe some IAS (10% or maybe 16%, BP are at 6/16/30 with this sword)?

Cow Kings: The Boots are not to frequent, but the helm and armor are. The amor has a low defense for a mid 20th set. The helm is double the defense. So I would add a 2p set bonus auf +150 Defense and 7% LL beeing a melee focused set.

Sanders: Boots and Gloves are a frequent find and completely okay on its own. The helm and the wand are garbage and I cant think of a way to make the full set viable. But for a two piece bonus for the gloves and boots what do you think of +15 FCR (beeing with a wand a caster set)?

Heaven’s Brethren: Arguably the most absurd set. The shield with a lvl 81 req needs 185 strength to equip. So per se, this needs to be an absolute end game set at that level. But I can´t see what group of chars it is really aiming at. I would assume its not melee. So for caster (heavens fit the theme more or less).
To equip the shield it needs to have as a 2 or 3 set bonus strengh in some form (+25 maybe, the helm grants another +10 so you still need 150 from all other sources!).
For the full set I would recommand a bonus on FRC of hefty +70. So with rings, belt and ami you could get in a best case scenario 70+10+10+20+20= 130 FCR. So Sorcs, Necros and Druids can reach the third or second highest BPs. CBF doesn´t cut it. I guess it would need not only +2 to all skills, more 3 or even 4 to be even considered on a caster.

Thats it for now. Happy to discuss :slight_smile:

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How about adding chance to reanimate to keep with theme along with adding maximum damage that scales with character level…

Death’s Disguise

  • Add 10% Reanimate As: Returned (Full Set)
  • Add +0-49 To Maximum Damage (+0.50 Per Character Level) (Full Set)

I’ll take a look at the other sets you mentioned.

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Well not bad, but still doesn´t make you use it at level 6. And in higher level the belt badly lacks of additional rows…so poor QoL. Not sure if I would use it :man_shrugging:

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To continue the discussion, how about this…

Tancred’s Battlegear

  • Add Physical Damage Reduced By 5% (3 Items)
  • Add +250 To Attack Rating (4 Items)
  • Add 15% Chance To Cast Level 10 Charged Bolt On Striking (Full Set)
    • Tancred’s Battlegear is lackluster for melee and could use PDR, AR, and chance to cast charged bolt to strengthen theme of lightning damage

How about this…

Hsarus’ Defense

  • Add +15 Maximum Stamina (2 Items)
  • Add +15% Faster Hit Recovery (Full Set)
    • Hsarus’ Defense is lackluster for melee and could use max stamina and FHR to help with early leveling
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