Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

That is one avenue the developers can take. I think we’ve all done a relatively good job at revamping uniques. I think most people would be happy if they implemented a small fraction of the proposed changes. The game had more soul when uniques were king. :slight_smile:

Keeping the discussion going…

We missed a great sword in the list, namely The Patriarch. To fit the theme of a male head leading a tribe, I thought adding a bonus to warcries, buffing GF for the spoils of war, and adding IAS could be fun changes. What do you guys think?

The Patriarch
Great Sword
One-Hand Damage: (24-26) to (40-44)
Two-Hand Damage: (50-55) To (84-92)
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 100
Required Dexterity: 60
Durability: 50
Sword Class - Normal Attack Speed
+100-120% Enhanced Damage
Hit Blinds Target
+10 To Strength
100% Extra Gold From Monsters
Magic Damage Reduced By 3
Damage Reduced By 3

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Warcries (Barbarian Only)
    • Add 30% Increased Attack Speed
    • Change Gold Find from 100% to 150%
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I would assume, that legal constraint would play some kinde of an issue here :slight_smile:

Fine for me. The name implies more of an elite item, but buffs for lvl 29 seems fair to me.

But before we jump to swords, I´d like to trow in my final thoughts on Bows and Crossbows (elite to normal). Some work is needed to be done on some items to have more good end-game (partially mid-game) choices. But not sure if we should includes so many low-end itemns for an overhaul, since it will be a sh**load of work for the devs.

It has already 2 OS fixed, so I would increase that to 2-4. The changes made to immolation arrow are good imho. The elemental dmg is ok. But is ED and eAR enough? How about IAS? Not played Crossbows yet. But with WF, Faith and Ice I was never tempted to use one. Even a okayisch rolled and upped Buriza is not super sexy…and again Required Level: 76 should be more like 70.

Any comments? Right now still :red_circle:

We´d been discussing this one a bit. I think it´s now :yellow_circle: if rolled with +4 Skills for the Amazon. For other chars it might be still a swap at best. Is lvl 13 on Explosive Arrows enough? Is 163 req. strenght an issue here as well (I think not really)?

And pls change the Grafik in the inventory. It looks like it takes only 6 segments, but needs 8 :crazy_face:

Very fast, pierce, LL and open wounds with slows ist nice. I think with the higher ED and pierce and -10% physical resist it would be a low :yellow_circle: - but that would only count on SSF. Still not end game viable on bnet.
We dont have any changes in the base crossbows proposed (right?) that would need to be taken into account?

I think this is in a much better state now (with 2 OS and +2 Skills). Childe still see it in the :red_circle: area. Maybe some IAS could help further 10 or 20?
But I´d love to test this one on a bowazon with maximum valkyrie (synergie to penetrade). Hitting stuff should not be a problem anymore. With some decent runes or 15/40 (would nobody do, but let´s say 15/30). I wonder if that not turns out to be end game viable barely…

Windforce and Widowmaker stay the same. Fine for me!

Now exeptionals.

Still :red_circle:. Reanimate As: Demon Imp would be a new mechanic (so would think we wont see this one). Revive as an alternativ we have already on Blood Ravens. Quick solution could be to increase “+123% Enhanced Damage” to 180 and/or add 1-2 OS?

Last discussed proposed buffs didn´t make it into the OP. Limit Rolls a bit, to make it not insanely rare to get a decent usable one.

Proposed Buffs:

  • Change Damage To Demons/Undead from +100-200% to +150-200%

How about adding some mana after each kill? WF and Lycanders have leech, after kill would be a different twist? Or LL in additon to replenish life?

Looks good now (with -25% of target defense). I could see myself using it. To enhance the Lycander/angel theme a bit more, we could think about adding a strong lvl 20 Holybold on striking but with low proc% (maybe 5% or even 2% on striking)?

Add 15% lvl 10 blizz on striking is a nice addition. Still mediocre at best, but thats ok. Done!

Fine with me. Good bow for lvl 28 imho. Done!

From the exceptionals we leave the following untouched (whats fine with me, since I would only tweak some marginally):

Kuko Shakaku
Witchwild String
Pus Spitter
Langer Briser
Buriza-Do Kyanon

Now normal. I guess we only chang some affixes here, since it doesn´t matter to much. But maybe you could separate bows and crossbows in an separate group as well (increasing overview an make our discussions easier)?



Already ok. But good now.


Lvl 7 so fine anyways. Done!

Bows and Crossbows are a lot of items in the OP. I´m not sure I we already should include all in the OP or add an optional section. I´d rather have the devs really working on Eaglehorn, Lycanders and Goldstrike (an see that happen), then to scare them away with to many work on itmens with minor effects on the game :slight_smile:

Thats valid for all sections. Or at the end we make a list of our top 30 items they should put a focus on (to increase chances of that beeing happen)? Would start my review on something else I had some dinner :sunglasses:

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Agree more work needs to be done on bows and crossbows, especially crossbows. With that said, I’ll jump right in.

I like your change to 2-4 OS on Hellrack. I also like your idea of lowering the level req. I also think the ED could be buffed. How does it look now with proposed buffs below…

Colossus Crossbow
Two-Hand Damage: (89-105) To (254-300)
Required Level: 76
Required Strength: 163
Required Dexterity: 77
Crossbow Class - Slow Attack Speed
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
100-150% Bonus To Attack Rating
Adds 63-324 Fire Damage
Adds 63-324 Lightning Damage
Adds 63-324 Cold Damage
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Level 18 Immolation Arrow (150 charges)
Socketed (2)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Open Sockets from 1-2 to 2-4
    • Change Required Level from 76 to 71
    • Change Enhanced Damage from +180-230% to +230-280%
    • Change Immolation Arrow Level from 18 to 36
    • Change Immolation Arrow Charges from 150 to 666

What do you think about increasing the explosive arrows by 5 levels, to a level of 18?..

Blood Raven’s Charge
Matriarchal Bow
Two-Hand Damage: (56-66) to (131-155)
Required Level: 71
Required Strength: 87
Required Dexterity: 187
(Amazon Only)
Bow Class - Fast Attack Speed
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
200-300% Bonus To Attack Rating
Fires Explosive Arrows Or Bolts (Level 13)
Level 5 Revive (30 charges)
+2-4 To Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Summon Resist
    • Add 20% Increased Attack Speed
    • Add 20% Reanimate As: Hungry Dead
    • Change Explosive Arrow Level from 13 to 18
    • Change Revive Level from 5 to 4-8
    • Change Revive Charges from 30 to 75

We do, here is the current general change…

  • Crossbows
    • Decrease strength and dexterity requirements across the board

I think Eaglehorn could use atleast 10% IAS and wouldn’t want to suggest anymore without PTR testing…

Crusader Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 45 to (190-313)
Required Level: 69
Required Strength: 97
Required Dexterity: 122
Bow Class - Slow Attack Speed
+200% Enhanced Damage
+2-198% Enhanced Maximum Damage
+1 To Amazon Skill Levels
+6-594 To Attack Rating
+25 To Dexterity
Ignores Target’s Defense

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Penetrate
    • Add 1-2 Open Sockets
    • Add Piercing Attack 33%
    • Add +10% Increased Attack Speed
    • Change +1 To Amazon Skill Levels to +1-2 To All Skill Levels

I think adding 1-2 OS and buffing ED would do well for the Demon Machine…

Demon Machine
Two-Hand Damage: 31-137
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 80
Required Dexterity: 95
Crossbow Class – Very Fast Attack Speed
+123% Enhanced Damage
+66 To Maximum Damage
Fires Explosive Bolts (Level 6)
+632 To Attack Rating
Piercing Attack (66)
+321 Defense
+36 To Mana

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 1-2 Open Sockets
    • Add 15% Reanimate As: Demon Imp
    • Change Mana from +36 to +66
    • Change Attack Rating from +632 to +666
    • Change Enhanced Damage from 123% to 180%

That’s my fault, should have been in OP. Many changes to track :slight_smile: How about life per demon kill with buffing demon damage?..

Goldstrike Arch
Gothic Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 30 to (150-175)
Required Level: 46
Required Strength: 95
Required Dexterity: 118
Bow Class - Slow Attack Speed
+200-250% Enhanced Damage
+100-200% Damage To Demons
+100-200% Damage To Undead
50% Increased Attack Speed
5% To Cast Level 7 Fist of the Heavens On Striking
Replenish Life +12
+100-150% Bonus To Attack Rating

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 5-10% Life Stolen Per Demon Kill
    • Change Damage To Demons from +100-200% to +150-250%
    • Change Fist of the Heavens Cast from 5% to 15% and Level from 7 to 12

Lastly, if you want to add one more bow/xbow to the list, let me know.

More discussion to follow…




Ok, that doesn affect dmg then directly. And we don´t have to take this into account to much.

Nice, done!

That should do. At least for SSF. Done!

Per kill and % stolen could work? At least new mechanic. I doubt, that we would see such a thing.

I would be happy if we only see either one of the existing procs?

  • 5% LL
  • or 5-8 life after each kill
  • replen from 12 > XX

How much would that be with 3 replen? 3 life every second? So I´ll opt for far more like 100 replen then. Thats 10 every second. Thats not only homeopathic and I guess we don´t have any item with really high replen right? That would be a new twist but using existing mechanics :grin:

I guess not. Happy to see the above buffed a bit :crazy_face: If you really want to see a viable crossbow, then we might have to look at the buriza ab bit again?

What do you think about that? Strong proc, but low frequenzy. Just for the theme?


There are no problems. It’s their game to begin with, they can take whatever mod or overhaul they want and implement it without giving credit.

You´re right. But I see the shi*storm rolling, when blizz would just take that. The normally involves hiring the people somehow, ot get the “rights right”…

Havent played myself, heard only good things about it. Is es pretty different from “our” approach here?

Would you update OP with this as well? Got lost :slight_smile:

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Ok, not to much time today. So only a small segment with Staves % Wands.

We talked about this iconic legend a lot. I think it is decent now. Still need to find one for my grail :slight_smile:
Would lower Required Level: 82 to 75-78. Rest ist very solid imho.


Like the idea. But required Level: 79 > 72 and +6 to p&b skills is a lot. Makes it +11 teeth and +9 bone spear. Even you need a really good one with the many roles. That might be better somthing like 4-5 + p&b? Or we should remove FCR? With the current proposal it would be very high :green_circle:

Ok, not great but there might be a niche case. Done!

Ok, would remain a very niche budget itemn. Fine for me!

Maybe we separate the normal list a bit more. All weapons are a bit to much to keep an overview…
I like Ume´s. Would now be used as a swap. Still not really good for a mid-lvl necro? How about increasing “+2 To Necromancer Skill Levels” to 2-3 necro skills? To make it a bit more competitive to a spirit? Or we add +3 teeth, bone spear or -spirit? I guess it would need at least something more. Kept one, but used a spirit allways…


NEW Items to the OP:

Carin Shard
Unique Petrified Wand

One-Hand Damage: 8 To 24
Required Level: 35
Required Strength: 25
Durability: 15
Base Weapon Speed: [10] +50% Damage To Undead

  • (1.25 Per Character Level) 1-123 To Mana (Based On Character Level)
  • (1.25 Per Character Level) 1-123 To Life (Based On Character Level)
    +1 To Necromancer Skill Levels
    +2 To Summoning Spells (Necromancer Only)
    10% Faster Cast Rate
    30% Faster Hit Recovery
    Replenish Life +5

Proposed Buffs:

  • Lower required level from 35 to 23.
  • Add +20 Mana

Blackhand Key
Unique Grave Wand

One-Hand Damage: 13 To 29 (21 Avg)
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 25
Durability: 15
Base Weapon Speed: [0] +50% Damage To Undead
+2 To Necromancer Skill Levels
+1 To Curses (Necromancer Only)
20% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
30% Faster Cast Rate
Fire Resistance +37%
+50 To Life
Level 13 Grim Ward (30 Charges)
-2 To Light Radius

Proposed Buffs:

  • Lower required level from 41 to 30.
  • Add +4 to Dim Vision (Necromancer Only)
  • Add +1 mana after each kill

Something like that? Spirits makes most of the low level wands obsolete unfortunately.

The Salamander
Unique Battle Staff

Two-Hand Damage: 6 To 13
Required Level: 21
Durability: 40
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+50% Damage To Undead
Adds 15-32 Fire Damage
Fire Resistance +30%
+2 To Fire Skills
+3 To Warmth (Sorceress Only)
+2 To Fire Ball (Sorceress Only)
+1 To Fire Wall (Sorceress Only)

In competiton with cheap lvl 19 leaf RW. I would change “+2 To Fire Skills” to " +2 To Sorceress Skills". And add 50 mana. That could make it a bit more viable till you get a spirit.

Thats it!


One quick note. It looks like we hit the 10,000 character limit in the thread. In order to add a new item, we will have to remove one first. :stuck_out_tongue:

With previous discussions, here are the updates to the OP…

Colossus Crossbow
Two-Hand Damage: (89-105) To (254-300)
Required Level: 76
Required Strength: 163
Required Dexterity: 77
Crossbow Class - Slow Attack Speed
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
100-150% Bonus To Attack Rating
Adds 63-324 Fire Damage
Adds 63-324 Lightning Damage
Adds 63-324 Cold Damage
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Level 18 Immolation Arrow (150 charges)
Socketed (2)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Open Sockets from 1-2 to 2-4
    • Change Required Level from 76 to 71
    • Change Enhanced Damage from +180-230% to +230-280%
    • Change Immolation Arrow Level from 18 to 36
    • Change Immolation Arrow Charges from 150 to 666

Blood Raven’s Charge
Matriarchal Bow
Two-Hand Damage: (56-66) to (131-155)
Required Level: 71
Required Strength: 87
Required Dexterity: 187
(Amazon Only)
Bow Class - Fast Attack Speed
+180-230% Enhanced Damage
200-300% Bonus To Attack Rating
Fires Explosive Arrows Or Bolts (Level 13)
Level 5 Revive (30 charges)
+2-4 To Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Summon Resist
    • Add 20% Increased Attack Speed
    • Add 20% Reanimate As: Hungry Dead
    • Change Explosive Arrow Level from 13 to 18
    • Change Revive Level from 5 to 4-8
    • Change Revive Charges from 30 to 75

Crusader Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 45 to (190-313)
Required Level: 69
Required Strength: 97
Required Dexterity: 122
Bow Class - Slow Attack Speed
+200% Enhanced Damage
+2-198% Enhanced Maximum Damage
+1 To Amazon Skill Levels
+6-594 To Attack Rating
+25 To Dexterity
Ignores Target’s Defense

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Penetrate
    • Add 1-2 Open Sockets
    • Add Piercing Attack 33%
    • Add +10% Increased Attack Speed
    • Change +1 To Amazon Skill Levels to +1-2 To All Skill Levels

Demon Machine
Two-Hand Damage: 31-137
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 80
Required Dexterity: 95
Crossbow Class – Very Fast Attack Speed
+123% Enhanced Damage
+66 To Maximum Damage
Fires Explosive Bolts (Level 6)
+632 To Attack Rating
Piercing Attack (66)
+321 Defense
+36 To Mana

  • Proposed Buffs:
  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 1-2 Open Sockets
    • Add 15% Reanimate As: Demon Imp
    • Change Mana from +36 to +66
    • Change Attack Rating from +632 to +666
    • Change Enhanced Damage from 123% to 180%

Goldstrike Arch
Gothic Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 30 to (150-175)
Required Level: 46
Required Strength: 95
Required Dexterity: 118
Bow Class - Slow Attack Speed
+200-250% Enhanced Damage
+100-200% Damage To Demons
+100-200% Damage To Undead
50% Increased Attack Speed
5% To Cast Level 7 Fist of the Heavens On Striking
Replenish Life +12
+100-150% Bonus To Attack Rating

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +15 Life After Each Demon Kill
    • Change Damage To Demons from +100-200% to +150-250%
    • Change Fist of the Heavens Cast from 5% to 15% and Level from 7 to 12

Mang Song’s Lesson
Archon Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 83 to 99
Required Level: 82
Required Strength: 34
Staff Class - Slow Attack Speed
+5 To All Skills
30% Faster Cast Rate
-7-15% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
-7-15% To Enemy Cold Resistance
-7-15% To Enemy Fire Resistance
Regenerate Mana 10%
50% Damage To Undead

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Increase Max Mana 20%
    • Add -15% To Enemy Physical Resist
    • Add Level 7 Lower Resist (75 charges)
    • Remove 50% Damage To Undead
    • Change All Skills from +5 to +5-7
    • Change Faster Cast from 30% to 50%
    • Change Required Level from 82 to 77
    • Change Enemy Lightning/Fire Resist from -7-15% to -15%
    • Change -7-15% To Enemy Cold Resist to +15% To Cold Skill Damage

Lich Wand
One-Hand Damage: 10 To 31
Required Level: 79
Required Strength: 25
Durability: 17
Staff Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
+50% Damage to Undead
+2 To Necromancer Skill Levels
+1-2 To Bone Spirit (Necromancer Only)
+2-3 To Bone Spear (Necromancer Only)
+2-3 To Bone Wall (Necromancer Only)
+4-5 To Bone Armor (Necromancer Only)
+4-5 To Teeth (Necromancer Only)
+25% Faster Cast Rate

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +6 Life After Each Kill
    • Add +6 Mana After Each Kill
    • Remove +50% Damage To Undead
    • Change Required Level from 79 to 74
    • Change +2 To Necromancer Skills to +3-5 to Bone and Poison Skills (Necromancer Only)

Carin Shard
Petrified Wand
One-Hand Damage: 8 To 24
Required Level: 35
Required Strength: 25
Durability: 15
Staff Class - Normal Attack Speed
+50% Damage to Undead
+1-123 To Mana
+1-123 To Life
+1 To Necromancer Skill Levels
+2 To Summoning Skills (Necromancer Only)
10% Faster Cast Rate
30% Faster Hit Recovery
Replenish Life +5

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +20 To Mana
    • Change Required Level from 35 to 25

Ume’s Lament
Grim Wand
One-Hand Damage: 5 To 11
Required Level: 28
Durability: 15
Staff Class - Fast Attack Speed
+50% Damage to Undead
+2 To Necromancer Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
+40 To Mana
Hit Causes Monster To Flee +50%
+2 To Decrepify (Necromancer Only)
+3 To Terror (Necromancer Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Necromancer Skill Levels from +2 to +2-3
    • Remove (Necromancer Only) from Decrepify
    • Remove (Necromancer Only) from Terror

The Salamander
Battle Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 6 to 13
Required Level: 21
Durability: 40
Staff class - Normal Attack Speed
+50% Damage To Undead
Adds 15-32 Fire Damage
Fire Resist +30%
+2 To Fire Skills
+3 To Warmth (Sorceress Only)
+2 To Fire Ball (Sorceress Only)
+1 To Fire Wall (Sorceress Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +50 To Mana
    • Change +2 To Fire Skills to +2 To Sorceress Skills

Heaven’s Light
Mighty Scepter
One-Hand Damage: (140-160) To (182-208)
Required Level: 61
Required Strength: 125
Required Dexterity: 65
Durability: 50
Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed
+250-300% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage to Undead
-33% Target Defense
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+33% Chance of Crushing Blow
+15-20 Life After Each Demon Kill
+2-3 To Paladin Skill Levels
+3 To Light Radius
Socketed (1-2)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Level 5 Sanctuary Aura When Equipped
    • Shrine Duration Increased By 100%
    • Change Open Sockets from 1-2 to 1-3
    • Change Required Level from 61 to 56
    • Change Damage to Undead from +50% to +100%
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Please start a second Thread (Part 2: Discussion) and link it here (last post, hope that works at least for links here in the forum) and in the op. Deleting stuff doesn’t help since we’re not done yet :crazy_face:

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Before I create a second thread, I’m going to remove durability and weapon class “Sword Class - Normal Attack Speed” from every entry. This will make the OP more clean and concise while giving us enough space to continue our discussion as we have over 100 items.

Removed durability and weapon class from the OP. Also, reorganized all normal unique weapons similar to exceptional and elite.

What are your guys’ top 5 favourite Elite Uniques that should have been given the spotlight?

Here’s mine:

    1. Mang Songs’ Lesson - Extremely rare, sick game art, and the “maul” of stalves)
    1. Tyrael’s Might - Rarest item in the game, named after Tyrael)
    1. The Grandfather - Legendary godly sword that has lore tied to The Doombringer, also heavily nostalgic from the early 00 Barbarian players.
    1. The Cranium Basher - Godly maul of Thor, within the top 10 of rarest drops, current version is a disgrace.
    1. Arkaine’s Valor - Legendary Warrior that single handedly turned the tide of the Sin War. Diablo 1 quest.

My list is exactly the same! :grinning:

Hopefully, the developers will consider a few tweaks to uniques such as above for next Season. I don’t think it should take much development time to tweak 5 or so uniques, and would revitialize the item hunt.


Hold on, hold one :wink: Very important move, but can we please pleass finish our review first?

Then we should choose

  • most important item class (top 5)
  • most important single items (top 10)
  • ad “the story” of these items (overall top 20 or so)
  • think about conversion rules (how they convert existing items)?

I´ll go on later with my personal review of the rest of the weapons :slight_smile:


Haha good idea :ok_hand:, I’m looking forward to to it. Those are all important aspects worth looking into.

I think the story of Shadowfang and Azurewrath are worth looking into again in the future.

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I think next on the list for review is SWORDS, DAGGERS & AXES of elite, exceptional, and normal variants. :slight_smile:

After that, MACES, HAMMERS & SCEPTERS, and then finally, POLEARMS & SPEARS.

So, for me I´ll need to get through Sword, Daggers, Axes, Maces, Hammers, Scepters, Polearms and Spears.

In order of appearance :slight_smile:

I think that super decent. -100% req, lvl 80 and increased skills, that will find various use. More then now. Done for me!

We had intense discussions resulting in a major buff. Iconic weapon it will be! Done

I´ll like it. Fire niche weapon. Strength req will leave it niche, but not every weapon can be super good. Solid :yellow_circle: for late game for fire chars. If they change inferno a bit later, this will be interesting.

Combined with a good shield, that will be decent :yellow_circle:

  • Add 33% Reanimate As: Doom Knight

Is again a new mechanic. But with the max. life it could have it´s niche uses :yellow_circle:

Again niche fire weapon. Done! :yellow_circle:

Solid fot the golem. But is it stay if you only use it as a swap?

Discussed. OK for lvl 58! :yellow_circle: Still think we should also increase magic dmg from 60-120 to 100-300? And, as said, maybe -5% Enemy Light resist (-10% might be too much).

If those work out, then decent! :yellow_circle:

Childe states “feels like there was an attempt to shoehorn Teleport into several items”. I agree and I stricly support it. Would even increase charges to 100 (and don´t make it too expensive). My goal is build diversity. Wiz could lead people not striving for enigma. :green_circle:

Not an expert on melee. But this one feels with 100% DS, 25% CB, - target defense and high IAS very solid?

Both new mechanics. If introduced super nice concept. Solid :yellow_circle: But I doubt it. If we offer an alternative I would add +50 flat dmg and 30% IAS. Low :yellow_circle: then.

Last one is new and unlikely. But if introduced this will be :green_circle: If not. It should “offer” IAS?

Proposed buff are good. Would lover req. to lvl 65 though.

Already good. With this clear :green_circle:

Have an eth one in my stash (could be the next golem :slight_smile: ). Still very slow. The proposed buffs a decent. But maybe we need to increase life from 25 > 50 and roll IAS from 20-30%? Non eth will be :yellow_circle:

We won´t see +3 on ravens. But even without ok!

Level 87? Please cut it to 77. With increased min. dmg to 200 it could be usefull. But man 253 stength (but hey 278 strength later)? Even with a Hell in it. :yellow_circle:



…on striking or on casting? Otherwise solid!

Didn´t made it th op. We already disccused

Nord’s Tenderizer

  • Add 20% To Cast Level 16 Blizzard On Striking
  • Add 20% To Cast Level 16 Blizzard When Struck

I proposed increase cold damage from 205-455 to 305-685 (1.5X) instead of 20% to cast blizz when struck.



Like it now!

Already got it´s uses. Done.

As discussed. Done!


Would like to try that one out. Bad today, this one seems usable. Done!

Love the additons but we need to buff those as well imho:

2% To Cast Level 20 Charged Bolt When Struck
5% To Cast Level 5 Chain Lightning When Struck

Would align both to 5% and increas CL from lvl 5 to lvl 15.

Sounds good enough to give it a try!


Sounds good!

Increasing auras from 2 to 3 is good. But might not be good enough for a 2H. Lets pump that to 4 each?

Solid with 2 Skills and 3 OS and the ED. There will be a build using this. Even upped imho. Very solid :yellow_circle:

Would give that a try. Fana is not to much with lvl 3 and vigor is nice. Will have its uses!

Interesting. Would try that as well!

If eth is added it could be upped to a PB. Can it? With the autorepair on it? But you wouldn´t anyways. Is this a low level budget hammerdin weapon?

Good one!

Better but not good enough imho. Adds 1-120 Lightning Damage could be more like 1-200?

I guess we´d been moving to this already?

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 35-55% To Magic Find
    • Add +2 To Warcries (Barbarian Only)
    • Change Deadly Strike from 35% to 45%

Could see MF even a bit higher.

No comments. Done!



Not good, but ok. Would increase teleportcharges a bit further 60>90





For lvl 45 only 6 charges seems not much. 20? Rest fine!

If feasible. Done!



Good. Maybe req. lvl from 34 to 28?

Discussed and done!























Puh…two more hours to my bill :slight_smile: Damn, thats a lot of items (probably 400 :slight_smile: ). I kind a feel removing the normals all at once from our list. Little chance to see improvements (but all suggestions a valid for the given levels).

So. I´m done with my review. Would invite you to comment. Then we should take our top picks, add a story and then think about how to promote those :slight_smile: …but thats for tomorrow.


:rofl: Certainly can’t fault y’all owning up to it.

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Tyrael’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: None
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+50-100% Damage To Demons
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+20-30 To Strength
All Resistances +20-30
Cannot Be Frozen
Requirements -100%
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace

Proposed Buffs:
    Add +2 To All Skills
    Add Level 1-3 Salvation Aura When Equipped
    Change Faster Run/Walk from 20% to 45%
    Change All Resistances +20-30 to Poison Length Reduced By 75%
    Change Enhanced Defense from 120-150% to 150-200%
    Change Damage To Demons from 50-100% to 200-250%

What are your guys’ thoughts on giving Tyrael’s a little nod with +3 to all skills, just to make a tempting offer to those that would consider using it over Enigma? It no longer has teleport, which was a good decision, so I think +3 is justified for the holy grail of all items.

I think +2 All Skills, Salvation Aura (60-75 Fire/Cold/Lightning resistance), CBF, 45 FRW, and for physical % to Demons already makes it a fairly solid armor choice. If you make it +3, it almost completely outclasses Chains of Honor instead of being an interesting choice between the two.


Great call :clap: :clap: :clap:

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