Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

So I finished my review of bows and crossbows (imho some work to do), but will hold that back until we discussed amulets, rings and shield first to have a more final view on those items before we jump to the next section.


Did all the players who said “NO CHANGES” leave the game?

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Not sure, so I´ll suppose you´re on of them? Can you explain that a bit in more detail? Since reworking uniques seems to be in discussion a lot in social media, forums etc.? And obviously some dudes a in big favour of that in this thread :slight_smile:

I really would like the devs, if they want to go this way, that they´ll have a vote for each change (linke, neutral, dislike/not touching) on their website and only introduce one item group at a time with long ptr testing to see what we missed here and if this results in some cranked build, nobody wants :upside_down_face:

At the end this is all only theorycrafting by a bunch of people to provides some ideas and make it the devs easier to adopt, if they want to…


No. I always wanted changes.

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Great! :slight_smile: So any particular thoughts of any of the current propoasal in the OP?

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I overestimated my time to go back through the item updates. Instead, tackling some of the comparatively shorter other sections.

I don’t think it’s off-base to request this for the two other gem types, but I don’t think this is a key priority. Even buffing the existing underused crafting recipes feels like a lower priority than a lot of the other changes they could make (from bug fixes to other itemization).

As for the specific suggestions, magic find / gold find seems fine, not likely to really disrupt much, and good to provide players some starter items to farm with if they really can’t find anything else. The IAS/etc. category is hard to judge because I’m not clear on what exactly “etc.” entails. This also feels like it hinges significantly on what the percentages are and in which slots.

These seem reasonable to replace or expand upon the existing recipes. The current 3 Perfect Skulls + SoJ + Rare Item = Rare with 1 Socket has always seemed ludicrously overpriced.

I’m indifferent on this. I can see that many mods offer something like this, and it could be a useful QOL if you just need a lower grade gem or two. But this feels like it would eliminate the one reason to still picked up chipped gems (a few specific cube recipes that use them). A single flawless gem would turn into 3.375 chipped gems on average (assuming even chance between 1 or 2 gems each time), and flawless gems drop frequently in a variety of places, so it would just be more effective to turn those into chipped gems than to ever search for chipped gems.

Honestly, I feel like Blizzard should just replace Arrows/Bolts with Quivers,* have Quivers drop of various item qualities (normal, magic, rare), and eliminate the ammo requirement entirely. *The point in replacing is to avoid the mental disconnect of finite/infinite ammo. By simply eliminating the ammo itself as an item the flavor can become that the quiver imbues any ammo drawn from it with various enhancements, and it can just be handwaved/assumed that the player always has ammo on them. Gating it all behind Zod seems like an awkward half-measure.

Seems reasonable.

This seems very reasonable as long as there is never a recipe to reroll crafted items (without finding a new base and just crafting a new item).

This seems reasonable. Requiring the specific type of gem is already fairly restrictive. The current requirement for 6 is steep, plus as you note doesn’t work with 4x2s.


I think weapons definitely warrant a pass, but most of the issue is with 2-handed weapons.

I have no real opinion on this. Weapons breaking doesn’t come up super often in my experience.

I don’t think the enhanced damage should be touched. 35% extra isn’t massive, but it’s not insignificant. The Attack Rating definitely warrants a change. However, the floor should not be 100 for the sake of low levels. The other thing I would note is for the sake of perfectionists, a range of 100-300 (as an example) is pretty cruel, honestly. If Blizzard does implement a change, it would be much more humane to do something like expand the 6 superior weapon affixes (Damage, Durability, AR; Damage and AR, Damage and Durability; and Durability and AR) to a new equally-weighted set that replaces AR 1-3 with something like AR 10, AR 25, AR 50, AR 100, AR 200.
Damage [5-15%] and AR 10
Damage [5-15%] and AR 25
But done so that the odds of each of the 6 broader category pairings are still 1 in 6. This would still make perfect AR rarer than current (5 AR values instead of 3), but would be far less absurd for perfectionists than 1 in 201.

As for the repair costs, I have no strong opinions on that. Gold is fairly easy to come by in my experience, even for expensive repairs.

I think keeping the distinction of block chance vs. no block chance is more interesting, but agree that 2-handed weapon damage needs to be examined. Whether that’s through the strength ratio or the base damage range, I don’t have a particular preference.

Not super clear to me why they should have the -% Target Defense. I think the requirements would also need to be looked at on a case-by-case basis accounting for their damage, weapon speed, etc.

I think adding a small amount of resistance as an automod could be OK, but I do wonder if that (1) ends up too similar to the Paladin shield automods, and (2) makes Leaf as an early starter runeword a bit too good.

For the magic/rare affix, I think 30% for rare and 30% and 40% for magic is probably fine on staves (not orbs, for anyone else reading for whom it might be unclear).

I’ll formulate my thoughts on the Runeword Bases and Set Bonuses another time.

While conceptually this makes sense, I think someone else noted accurately that this just becomes a direct buff for anyone who is primarily teleporting around anyway (i.e. most people in the endgame).

This feels like it would mainly make finding bases for certain runewords that contain Zod easier and make Zod function like a super-Ohm in some scenarios. Obviously Zod is much rarer than Ohm, but I’m not a big fan of it having such a similar-but-much-stronger effect as another existing rune. There might also be balance issues with items (notably bows/crossbows) that normally cannot be ethereal. Zod definitely needs love, but I’m not sure this is the best way to do it.

As a general note, ranges of 1-5% or 1-10% for some of these seem odd, since either they’re useless or very impactful, with little middle ground. It would probably be better to tighten the ranges. Consider as an example the existing Rainbow Facets, which use 3-5% rather than 1-5%.

There might be some weird PVP impacts of the block % affixes.

FCR probably doesn’t need more options than it already has for most classes, and similarly this would probably have PVP impacts.

FRW is probably fine. Certainly could have some impact on PVP, but less likely to be dangerous than the others.

Open Wounds is probably fine up to 15%, since it’s inherently limited in what it can do (i.e. refreshes rather than stacks, etc.).

Chance to cast depends significantly on which skills and skill levels. The biggest abuses would be from a class getting to proc a skill more often than they would typically cast it, while still benefiting from full synergy points.

+1 to Random Class Skill feels like it would belong on a Unique jewel, if it belongs in D2 at all. That’s a significant damage boost for many skills, since damage scaling for many skills accelerates after level 20. These would very likely displace Rainbow Facets for some endgame builds.

Something like this is very reasonable and would alleviate at least a small amount of the pain of the very best rare affix & staffmod combinations reaching up into the literal octillions. I’d even be okay with it not quite being 100% guaranteed but at least significantly weighted rather than the current flat distribution.

Would definitely require some changes to the drop code (not just table edits) but very reasonable.

I think if this is just referring to the magic item affixes (and not charges on unique items), this is reasonable for most of the skills. The two that might get a bit dicey are Exploding Arrow, where the concern would just be too many charges and too high of skill level making this affix obsolete the Fires Explosive Arrows/Bolts ability on various uniques for the enchant bow sorceress; and Multiple Shot, where letting an enchant sorceress fire 24 arrows might become problematic for Amazons getting very jealous.

If this gets into uniques, with higher skill levels and increased charges, the ones I would watch out for becoming too strong are:

  • Oak Sage (Heart of the Oak, Wisp Projector, Nature’s Peace)
  • Heart of the Wolverine (Passion, Oath, Wisp Projector)
  • Cyclone Armor (Infinity on Amazon)
  • Slow Missiles (Sanctuary) - possible PVP implications
  • Immolation Arrow (Hellrack)

Very reasonable.

Seems fine, sure.

Addressed above re: Zod.

If they can make it not appear out-of-place, sure.



Sure, reasonable.



Agreed about changing lightning to chain lightning as shown below…

Wisp Projector
Required Level: 76
10% To Cast Level 16 Lightning On Striking
Lightning Absorb 10-20%
10-20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level 7 Spirit of Barbs (11 charges)
Level 5 Heart of Wolverine (13 charges)
Level 2 Oak Sage (15 charges)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Remove 10-20% To Magic Find
    • Change Oak Sage Level from 2 to 7
    • Change Spirit of Barbs Level from 7 to 12
    • Change Heart of Wolverine Level from 5 to 10
    • Change Level 16 Lightning to Level 16 Chain Lightning On Striking

I really like Manald Heal is much more useful for the early game…

Manald Heal
Required Level: 15
4-7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Replenish Life +5-8
Regenerate Mana 20%
+20 To Life

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +10-20 To Mana
    • Add +10-20 To Stamina
    • Change Life from +20 to +10-20

I agree that Dragonscale needed a little more to become a solid shield. After reading your suggestions, I added fire resist, increased max fire resist, and lowered the level req…

Zakarum Shield
Defense: 523-582
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 142
Durability: 65
(Paladin Only)
+170-200% Enhanced Defense
Adds 211-371 Fire Damage
+15% To Fire Skill Damage
+10 To Hydra
+5% To Maximum Fire Resist
+15-25 To Strength
Fire Absorb 10-20%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Fire Resist +50%
    • Change Hydra from +10 to +30
    • Change Required Level from 80 to 75
    • Change Max Fire Resist from 5% to 10%
    • Change Fire Skill Damage from 15% to 15-20%

For Alma Negra, we buffed DS from 15% to 20%, lowered the level req and buffed ED to make it more viable for melee combat…

Alma Negra
Sacred Rondache
Defense: 461-511
Required Level: 77
Required Strength: 109
Chance To Block: 78%
Smite Damage: 35 To 58
Durability: 68
(Paladin Only)
+180-210% Enhanced Defense
+1-2 To Paladin Skill Levels
20% Increased Chance of Block
30% Faster Block Rate
+40-75% Enhanced Damage
40-75% Bonus to Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced By 5-9

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +20% Chance of Deadly Strike
    • Change Required Level from 77 to 72
    • Change Enhanced Damage from 40-75% to 75-100%

Agreed, and increased Lower Resist Level from 7 to 15 on Medusa’s Gaze. I think the shield is pretty solid now.

For Head Hunter’s Glory, we lowered the level req. and increased the LL. With the GF and AR, this shield should be a solid option.

Head Hunter’s Glory
Troll Nest
Defense: 478-593
Required Level: 75
Required Strength: 106
Durability: 74
+320-420 Defense
+300-350 Defense vs. Missile
Fire Resist +20-30%
Poison Resist +30-40%
+5-7 Life After Each Kill
Socketed (1-3)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 150-250% To Gold Find
    • Add +100-150 To Attack Rating
    • Change Required Level from 75 to 70
    • Change Life Per Kill from +5-7 to +10-15

For Spike Thorn, we lowered the level req as shown below. Instead of adding +1 to skills, how about add 50-65 damage (similar to Grief)?

Spike Thorn
Blade Barrier
Defense: 410
Required Level: 70
Required Strength: 118
Durability: 333
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
Damage Reduced By 15-20%
Attacker Takes Damage of 1-136
Socketed (1)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Open Sockets from 1 to 2
    • Change Required Level from 70 to 65
    • Change Attacker Takes Damage from 1-136 to 10-990 (10 per Clvl)

We significantly lowered the level req. for Spirit Ward…

Spirit Ward
Defense: 393-478
Required Level: 68
Required Strength: 185
130-180% Enhanced Defense
+25% Faster Block Rate
20-30% Increased Chance to Block
All Resistances +30-40
+6-11 Cold Absorb
5% To Cast Level 8 Fade When Struck

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +2 To Magic Skills
    • Add 25-35% Faster Cast Rate
    • Add Magic Resist +15-20%
    • Remove +6-11 Cold Absorb
    • Remove 5% To Cast Level 8 Fade When Struck
    • Change Required Level from 68 to 58

Agreed, and buffed Weaken as shown below…

Blackoak Shield
Defense: 322-372
Required Level: 61
Required Strength: 100
Durability: 129
+160-200% Enhanced Defense
+0-61 Absorb Cold Damage
+1-123 To Life
+0-49 To Dexterity
+50% Faster Block Rate
+4% To Cast Level 5 Weaken When Struck
Half Freeze Duration

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 2 Open Sockets
    • Add Cold Resist +20-30%
    • Change Weaken Level from 5 to 15
    • Change Weaken Cast from 4% to 8%
    • Change Half Freeze Duration to Cannot Be Frozen
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Haha…jupp. A lot of time if you do it right :slight_smile: Havent really respond to this part of the op. But would agree with all of your statments. Where not, I´ll comment below.

May I suggest that you go trough the uniques by segment, starting with the ones we had already in discussion over the past few days. If we´re on par we could focus on single segments (e.g staffs and wand) and “finalize” those befor we move on to the next?

Might save us all time by not needing to go through OP and various post of the last days (took me roughly an hour for every segment but especially to look through all of this thread…).

Good idea, but needs time to be cautiously implemented an QAed. Guess I would not put any priority on this.

Im with Childe. Removes the need to collect lower qualities. Spare the work… (but thx for suggesting this one, shout out to CharllesJT!).

Agree. But would add swords as well.

I´m with you. Like that proposal! But also I think repair costs should be lowered. The difference should be significant but not rediculous.

I´m with Childe. Could be problematic…

True…but everybody is teleporting around late game. With this change SSF would be benefiting and those armors get more use. Or they just lower the frw-penalties and increase stammina consumption further?

Those I like. Also having it 3-5 instead of 1-5.

The following I think will be problematic as well and should be left out.

I would fear we see high inflation on Jewels. I would welcome the new affixes, but I´m skeptical in this one tbh.


still there hurting your self guy with hope :roll_eyes: . see you season 3 too say , i told you :thinking:

Still not convinced why I should put that over a phoenix. But would be happy to test it with the current proposal :slight_smile:

As mentioned changing lower resist is pretty sure not enough to be relevant for any build. But also happy to ptr-test this one :+1:

Both fine with me. But without either one spike thorn would stay charsi food.

Any thought on those?


…we need to try at least. I´m not seeing this for season 3 but if there is only a tiny chance to see parts of it in s4, s5 and s6. That keeps me put some time in here :slight_smile:


[quote=“Necromant-2961, post:429, topic:145426”]

Yeah, to clarify in my original comment, I’m assuming the suggestion from CharlesJT only applies to non-jewel items (i.e. rare jewels would still have a maximum of 4 affixes).

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Would also exclude a lot of affixes whose max. levels are below eg. 45 (max ED on armors for example is in the best segment, at ilvl25; life ist at level 30). So it could be impossible to even find the really nice ones! So good idea, but maybe even a set-back!?

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Not sure what you mean–e.g. the Godly affix (+101-200% Defense) you mention has a minimum ilvl of 45, but it doesn’t have a maximum, so anything between 45-99 can roll it.

True…did look up the wrong entry. Habu poisen resist? 21-30% should be ilvl18. But thats only true for some affixes I guess. Retract my objection :slight_smile:

For Dragonscale, how about adding +3 To Fire Mastery in addition to having +30 To Hydra as shown below?..

Zakarum Shield
Defense: 523-582
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 142
Durability: 65
(Paladin Only)
+170-200% Enhanced Defense
Adds 211-371 Fire Damage
+15% To Fire Skill Damage
+10 To Hydra
+5% To Maximum Fire Resist
+15-25 To Strength
Fire Absorb 10-20%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Fire Mastery
    • Add Fire Resist +50%
    • Change Hydra from +10 to +30
    • Change Required Level from 80 to 75
    • Change Max Fire Resist from 5% to 10%
    • Change Fire Skill Damage from 15% to 15-20%

With the significant cold resist on Medusa’s Gaze, what if we added +2 to cold skills, FCR, and chance to cast frost nova when struck?..

Medusa’s Gaze
Defense: 405-453
Required Level: 76
Required Strength: 219
Durability: 92
+150-180% Enhanced Defense
5-9% Life Stolen Per Hit
Slows Target By 20%
Cold Resist +40-80%
10% To Cast Level 7 Lower Resist When Struck
100% To Cast Level 44 Nova When You Die

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +2 To Cold Skills
    • Add +25-35% Faster Cast Rate
    • Add -30% Requirements
    • Remove Slows Target By 20%
    • Remove 5-9% Life Stolen Per Hit
    • Change 100% To Cast Level 44 Nova When You Die to 5% To Cast Level 28 Frost Nova When Struck

How about below?..

Spike Thorn
Blade Barrier
Defense: 410
Required Level: 70
Required Strength: 118
Durability: 333
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
Damage Reduced By 15-20%
Attacker Takes Damage of 1-136
Socketed (1)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 50-75 Damage
    • Change Open Sockets from 1 to 2
    • Change Required Level from 70 to 65
    • Change Attacker Takes Damage from 1-136 to 10-990 (10 per Clvl)

Agreed and OP updated with below…

Gerke’s Sanctuary
Defense: 221-268
Required Level: 44
Required Strength: 133
Durability: 172
+180-240% Enhanced Defense
+30% Increased Chance to Block
All Resistances +20-30
Replenish Life +15
Damage Reduced By 11-16
Magic Damage Reduced By 14-18

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To All Skills
    • Add 2 Open Sockets
    • Add 50% To Cast Level 20 Psychic Hammer When Struck
    • Remove Replenish Life +15

Agreed, and updated OP with below changes…

Lidless Wall
Grim Shield
Defense: 271-347
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 58
Durability: 70
+80-130% Enhanced Defense
+1 To All Skills
Increase Maximum Mana 10%
20% Faster Cast Rate
+3-5 To Mana After Each Kill
+10 To Energy
+1 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change All Skills from +1 to +2
    • Change Energy from +10 to +15
    • Change Mana After Each Kill from +3-5 to +5-7
    • Change Faster Cast Rate from 20% to 20-30%

Yep. Updated OP to clarify this applies to non-jewel items only (e.g. rare jewels would still have a max of 4 affixes).

Agreed, and I’ll remove to avoid any problems. Updated list in the OP…

  • Jewels
    • Consider new jewel affixes, such as:
    • Physical Damage Reduced By 3-5%
    • Increased Chance Of Blocking 3-5%
    • Increased Block Rate 1-10%
    • Faster Run/Walk 1-10%
    • Chance Of Open Wounds 1-15%
    • Repairs 1 Durability Every 33 Seconds
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Anyone who spells to as too is not really gonna get too much respect here.

Can anyone confirm the maximum number of affixes that a unique item may have? Typically, when we add a proposed buff to a unique, we should also make every effort to remove an affix that is underwhelming and/or doesn’t fit with the theme of the item. I wanted to quickly go through the list to ensure we didn’t break an item with too many affixes that violates a rule in the code.

Thanks for the feedback and removed buffing enhanced damage on superior weapons. Kept the AR buff in the OP.

Agreed. Updated OP by removing innate ability to roll w/ Chance of Blocking for 2H-weapons. I kept the STR bonus damage.

Thanks. I removed increasing the number of charges on charged items. I kept decreasing the cost of recharging items and increased charged skill levels for improved viability.

In the current build of the game, it looks like the max is 12 in uniqueitems.txt. In theory they could expand it, but for the sake of any suggestions I would not assume they will do that. (Besides, more properties means longer text boxes, which could start to look unwieldy.)

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They should just copy paste Project D2, tbh. Saves them a lot of time and resources.

It’s not perfect but it’s 10 times better than this narrow meta that plays out the same every single season.