Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

All good addition! Like it!

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Few more items for us to brainstorm and wanted to get your thoughts on below.

Looking at Snowclash, maybe this belt could be more versatile for other classes besides the Sorceress by adding +cold skills among other changes…

Battle Belt
Defense: 98-116
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 88
Durability: 18
+130-170% Enhanced Defense
5% To Cast Level 7-19 Blizzard When Struck
+15 Cold Absorb
15% To Maximum Cold Resist
Adds 13-21 Cold Damage (3 sec. Duration)
+2 To Chilling Armor (Sorceress Only)
+2 To Blizzard (Sorceress Only)
+3 To Glacial Spike (Sorceress Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1-2 To Cold Skills
    • Change +15 Cold Absorb to +20-30% Cold Resist
    • Remove +2 To Chilling Armor
    • Remove +2 To Blizzard
    • Remove +3 To Glacial Spike

I agree with Childe that Gloom Trap feels odd to add FCR to a belt with mana stolen per hit. This belt was designed for melee and we already have enough FCR belts with proposed changes. How about changes below…

Gloom’s Trap
Mesh Belt
Defense: 90-102
Required Level: 36
Required Strength: 58
Durability: 16
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
Regenerate Mana 15%
+15 To Vitality
-3 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +50-75 To Attack Rating
    • Add 15% Faster Hit Recovery
    • Remove Increase Maximum Mana 15%

I think Howltusk should have bonus to Warcries to keep with namesake and FCR to make it a fun find for singer barb…

Great Helm
Defense: 64
Required Level: 25
Required Strength: 63
Durability: 40
35% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
+80% Enhanced Defense
Magic Damage Reduced By 2
Attacker Takes Damage of 3
Hit Causes Monster To Flee +25%

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Warcries (Barbarian Only)
    • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate
    • Remove Knockback
    • Remove Hit Causes Monster To Flee +25%

The lack of enhanced damage on this offensive shield makes it rather lackluster…

Swordback Hold
Spiked Shield
Defense: 43-51
Required Level: 15
Required Strength: 30
Durability: 40
+30-60% Enhance Defense
+10 Defense
20% Increased Chance to Block
+50% Chance of Open Wounds
Attacker Takes Damage of 10

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +40-50% Enhanced Damage

Lastly, we have discussed a few class-specific uniques before (e.g. Alma Negra, Blood Raven’s Charge), so I wanted to discuss and get your guys thoughts on below changes.

First, it would be nice if Cerebus’ Bite possessed DS alongside w/ OW for more offensive options. Also, I think it would be fair for it to also roll a bonus to maul for bears…

Cerebus’ Bite
Blood Spirit
Defense: 335-350
Required Level: 63
Required Strength: 86
Durability: 20
+130-140% Enhanced Defense
60-120% Bonus to Attack Rating
7-10% Life Stolen Per Hit
+33% Chance of Open Wounds
+2-4 To Shape Shifting Skills (Druid Only)
+1-2 To Feral Rage (Druid Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1-2 To Maul (Druid Only)
    • Add +20% Chance of Deadly Strike

For Wolfhowl, the developers should allow players to be able to use warcries in werewolf form and also make the Dire Wolf an o-skill. One of the biggest problems with this item is that you can’t use any native barb skills while in werewolf form, which greatly limits its usefulness…

Fury Visor
Defense: 332-377
Required Level: 79
Required Strength: 129
Durability: 35
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+2-3 To Warcries (Barbarian Only)
+3-6 To Feral Rage
+3-6 To Lycanthropy
+3-6 To Werewolf
+8-15 To Strength
+8-15 To Dexterity
+8-15 To Vitality
Level 15 Summon Dire Wolf (18 Charges)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +15 To Summon Dire Wolf
    • Can Use Warcries in Werewolf Form
    • Remove Level 15 Summon Dire Wolf (18 Charges)

We aleady discussed Blood Raven’s Charge many times, I think we should take a look at Lycander’s Aim. I think this bow could use minus target defense and fits the namesake of “aiming”…

Lycander’s Aim
Ceremonial Bow
Two-Hand Damage: (72-82) to (152-173)
Required Level: 42
Required Strength]: 73
Required Dexterity: 110
Bow Class - Slow Attack Speed
+150-200% Enhanced Damage
Adds 25-50 Damage
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+2 To Amazon Skill Levels
5-8% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+20 To Energy
+20 To Dexterity
+20% Enhanced Defense
+2 To Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add -25% Target Defense

I was just watching todays Cooley video:

And he’s talking about the Widowmaker Chargedin.

Widowmaker has +5 to Guidedarrow and adds more depth and variety to the game because of it (just like we speculated). So what was the big deal up above about adding +5 to O-skills?

Let’s revert any damage done by the misleading information.


Hi Boys,

continue the show :slight_smile:

So far we didn´t change Widowmaker and left it with 3-5 of guided arrow (o-skill). Think here its fine. But not in every situation o-skill increases build diversity (here it might does for a niche purpose in a niche gamemode :slight_smile: ).

So it´s a case by case evaluation, what I think we did so far? So let´s discusse for every item by case?

So I´ll continue with my complete review of normal armors (until my i-net died the day before - stopped with Rattlecage).

done for me!

Done! If “Add Pickup Radius Increased By 50%” will work, thats nice.

Done! Will not shine, but low :yellow_circle:. Will do if you find at lvl 28 (and you continue to look for somethin else and would never up it, what is fine).

I Like! Done!

Fine, but would increas MDR to a bit more? Habu 5-15? Otherwise with CBF thats a sound low level armor.

Done with +1 PSkills as o-skill at lvl 20.

Done! Maybe increas LD a bit? What would be appropriate for lvl 17 req.?

Discussed, solid now imho! :green_circle:

At lvl 15 +15max cold res could not be reached imho. I guess we should increase cold resist from +15% to (idk) 60-75%? Otherwise I´ll be a nonstarter… Or we remove it completely and ad something else. Whats suits the Hawk-theme? Add Dim Vision? Add massiv AR? Or just remove from OP as the strange non-performer (some have to be bad :slight_smile: ).

Help me (non-nativ) A blinking bat right? Not sure how fire fits here?
But with the proposed buffs that would be nice for lvl 12. Done for me!

Discussed extensively. Done and nice! :green_circle:

So next. Belts.


I keep one in the stash for my orb sorc, but can´t see a real purpose over Arachnid. I guess we have several problems here and I would like to see it viable at least in some situations.

Not sure which version we had before (which is Childes feedback based on), so fresh from the start.

We have a lvl 42 belt, which is foccused exclusively on sorcs right now. We want to break that up to serve other builds. Then we have an item with cold absorb. I personally would welcome that we have 2 items of different classes at the end to have absorb (2 fire, 2 cold, 2 light). If we remove it here I´d love to add it elsewhere.

So, the Blizz-Sorc is already strong (OP with sunder charms in the current state). So adding +2 cold skills means:

+2 to blizz
+2 to cold mastery (freeing up to skills points to put into the synergie becouse you typicially not maxing the mastery).

That´s massive and even more at lvl 42. I would think in the follow direction:

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • +2 To Chilling Armor (o-skill)
    • +2 To Blizzard (o-skill)
    • +3 To Glacial Spike (o-skill)
    • Change Adds 13-21 Cold Damage (3 sec. Duration) to 50-150
    • Change 5% lvl 7-15 Blizzard when struck to 10% lvl 15-20
    • add 15% FCR (How´s that for a druid? Zone wouldn´t use it right? Pali would be fine.)
    • and maybe 25% cold resist to support the +15% max cr
    • and if we´re goings strong +5% cold dmg

For a sorc this would add flat skills to those (but not running into the cap). We could discusse if glacial spike should be +5 or more (capped at +3 for the sorc)?

So, thats enough to discusse for now. I´ll prep my review of all belts, but keep that for tomorrow. Happy to talk about the obove :slight_smile:

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Thanks Nickie for sharing video. Currently, Widowmaker is not listed in OP as the current consensus is the item is in a good spot. The beauty of these discussions is we continually fine-tune our ideas. If you have any thoughts on a particular item, we can discuss.

Sure, we can increase MDR by a little bit.

Yeah, increasing LD slighly would work in this case, just need to be appropriate for lvl 17.

For Hawkmail, I think we could simply remove +15 max cold resist as we already added:

  • Add +5% To Cold Skill Damage
  • Change Cold Resist from +15% to +25%

Yeah, I kinda like our orginal direction of making these o-skills. I like buffing 13-21 cold damage, buffing Blizzard, and adding cold resist. I think adding FCR and +5% cold dmg may be too much.


Ok, only a few and no big discussions imho…

Elite Belts

Under review, see above.

Nice. Shall fcr roll? So fcr 12% is any good? You would need to search for the next one maybe, or it suits for the zon and asa mid bp :slight_smile: Thats fine! Done!

Childe stated that buffs feels of theme. Idk personally. It has 4 rows, which is nice at level 29 among the normal belts. But still does not shine. If you have nothing better at a new ladder or first playthrough. Ok. But you would not keep it in your stash. So either thats the mid garbarge belt. Or we need to discusse a bit. I personally keep a much better rare with lvl 23 in my stash (with life, fhr, mf etc.)

ATD from 8 to 90 sounds solid. I would also change DR from 3 to (idk) 8-10?

But ok, thats a average low to mid-lvl belt. The other choises are better and thats ok.

At lvl 12 a 3-5% poison skill dmg is next to nothing and worse then +12 PD, right? So I would increase PD from 12 over 3 seconds to 50 over 3? Maybe add some life (20-35) and you could use that for Andi runs?

Still on my grail that lil minx…

Nice with +10% fcr. Like it! Done!

So, now im missing this one in the op where did it go? As Childe mentioned, +1 Enery shield without synergie is pointless. Would just change mana from 20 to 50 and it would be really nice for lvl 20 with @ Res, dmg to mana, DR and some defence!

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See your point, but if we will not add at least either FCR or + cold dmg. Will it be an alternative to Arachnid for a sorc?

You´ll lose the +1 for all skills , you will gain one more for chilling armor (and that saves you 3 points to get there, but on the other hand its not really used…frozen armor or shiver armor you would otherwise go for - so not really a big deal). You gain one in blizz and 2 (or 4) in glacial spike. But the fcr hurts a lot, the +5% to max mana ist a medium setback.

For a druid, a zon and a pali? Whats the effect over here? The druid would chose Arachnid alike the sorc. The frozen arrow zon would still go for razortail. And the Pali? Probably also Arachnid. I guess it would not create a viable Holy Freez paladin…

So, what could be done to not boost a Cold-Sorc further, but enables build variants for the other three chars? I really would welcome an alternative for Arachnid at least for some variants…

So I´ll call it a day! Have a good one :slight_smile:


With previous discussions, here are the updates to the OP…

Splint Mail
Defense: 163-172
Required Level: 22
Required Strength: 51
Durability: 30
+70-80% Enhanced Defense
Freezes Target
Cold Resist +30%
Magic Damage Reduced By 1
+4 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Cannot Be Frozen
    • Change Magic Damage Reduced from 1 to 5-10

Sparking Mail
Chain Mail
Defense: 133-140
Required Level: 17
Required Strength: 48
Durability: 45
+75-85% Enhanced Defense
Lightning Resist +30%
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 10-14
Adds 1-20 Lightning Damage

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Lightning Skills
    • Change Lightning Damage from 1-20 to 1-30

Scale Mail
Defense: 109-122
Required Level: 15
Required Strength: 44
Durability: 36
+80-100% Enhanced Defense
10% Faster Run/Walk
15% To Max Cold Resist
Cold Resist +15%
Cannot Be Frozen

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +5% To Cold Skill Damage
    • Remove 15% To Max Cold Resist
    • Change Cold Resist from +15% to +25%

Plated Belt
Defense: 51-54
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 60
Durability: 24
+80-100% Enhanced Defense
+30 Defense
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
+10 To Dexterity
+5 To Strength
Damage Reduced By 3
Attacker Takes Damage of 8

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Damage Reduced from 3 to 9
    • Change Attacker Takes Damage from 8 to 90

Light Belt
Defense: 14-15
Required Level: 12
Durability: 14
+20-30% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
Replenish Life +5
Poison Resist +25%
Poison Length Reduced By 50%
+12 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +15-25 To Life
    • Change Poison Damage from +12 to +50 Over 3 Seconds

Defense: 22-24
Durability: 16
Required Level: 20
Required Strength: 25
+30-50% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
+20 To Mana
All Resistances +10
Damage Reduced By 2
50% Damage Taken Goes to Mana

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Mana from +20 to +50

Battle Belt
Defense: 98-116
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 88
Durability: 18
+130-170% Enhanced Defense
5% To Cast Level 7-19 Blizzard When Struck
+15 Cold Absorb
15% To Maximum Cold Resist
Adds 13-21 Cold Damage (3 sec. Duration)
+2 To Chilling Armor (Sorceress Only)
+2 To Blizzard (Sorceress Only)
+3 To Glacial Spike (Sorceress Only)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 15% Faster Cast Rate
    • Add 25% Cold Resist
    • Change Blizzard Cast from 5% to 10%
    • Change Cold Damage from 13-21 to 39-63
    • Remove (Sorceress Only) from Chilling Armor, Blizzard, and Glacial Spike

Gloom’s Trap
Mesh Belt
Defense: 90-102
Required Level: 36
Required Strength: 58
Durability: 16
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
Regenerate Mana 15%
+15 To Vitality
-3 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +50-75 To Attack Rating
    • Add 15% Faster Hit Recovery
    • Remove Increase Maximum Mana 15%
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So, lets go on. My personal review of the boots (elite, except, normal). Bottom line, I think there is not much needed to change for most parts.

Love it but would also increase the charges x2? Anyone an idea if the odd +17 dex has any backbround (otherwise would go to +20). I´ll ask myself if we could add somthing what is not benefiting eh Summon-Necro but other chars? So, for a melee 20 frw, regen mana and stamina and the attributes would be nice. But you would choose those because of the charges.

Little CB, chance to bleed, ED? Any ideas? But with proposed buffs, they are basicially ok. Done!

Maybe change “adds 12-33 Fire Damage” to bit higher (lvl 29). Maby 50% more to incease mid-level usefullness for non casters? Otherwise done!


Like it. Done!

Goblin Toe

Unique [Light Plated Boots]Defense: 33-34 (varies)(Base Defense: 9-11)
Required Level: 22
Required [Strength]: 50
Durability: 18
Assassin Kick Damage: 8-16
+50-60% Enhanced Defense (varies)
25% Chance of a [Crushing Blow]
-1 To Light Radius
Damage Reduced By 1
Reduced By 1
+15 Defense

Not on the OP, but maybe 15% frw could be handy? And -1 light radius darkens to -2?


Same with helmets. No big changes needed…

Nice, done!

Not sure if “can use WC in werewolf form” would be a big challange. Otherwise I like it!

Dont like the look on my bowazon. But done! :slight_smile:


Intersting! Like it. Done!

Already a good budget option, but would like the changes. Done!

Solid and now viable even end game! Like it! Done!

Solid changes, but still dont see any build using it. Habu adding 1-2 OS?

Like the addition, but would not add CBF. We added this a lot and at lvl 29 it would be very early on to many items making it almost needless to take a tradeoff to get it.

I see the point of those changes and how they fit the theme. But this makes it barb only and barbs have already lot of class specifics helms. So I would try to find another purpose? Same with the a druid wolve theme (many druid pelts already).

If we keep knockback and monsters to flee were talking bowazon. Dmg to mana would serve a pali nicely. We could increase MDR from 2 to 5 and ATD from 3 to 10 and add 1 OS. Or remove it from the OP and leave it shi||y :slight_smile:

Like Childe the change from strength to dex seems arbitrary and I can´t see a direction here. Hit monsters to flee would serve only a few builds. With strength it´s an enabler to wear heavy stuff early. Adding lvl 1 mind blast on strinking or when struck maybe (even thats a lvl 30 skill)? Enemies turning crazy when facing the horror? Or adding 1 OS and done?



Missing this one on the OP?

Veil of Steel
Unique Spired Helm

Defense: 396 (Base Defense: 114-159)
Required Level: 73
Required Strength: 192
Durability: 60 +60% Enhanced Defense
+140 To Defense
All Resistances +50
+15 To Strength
+15 To Vitality
-4 To Light Radius

Big res, some strength…but nothing else. Could we move that from :red_circle: to a low usable :yellow_circle: ? Needs to stay worse then Nightwing’s to keep the exitement high when finding a spired helm, but maybe remove it out of the charsi-range? Easy way would also be added 1-2 OS. But maybe we find something else? Habu adding 30% ias (more then on Andariels but no skills etc.? Or a merc helmet with high LL (12-15%)?


Must be looked into:
Elite Unique:
Berserker Axe:

This item isn’t in the list, but it’s TC87. Is it good enough?

Since it’s TC87, I think it could use 1 more “elite” attribute like 5-10% bonus to attack rating or something. And to really spice it up, I’d even consider doing 0-2 OS, what do you guys think?

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Never played a DC but istn´t that already BIS for some builds? At least a zoded eth one imho? Would have a low priority to adjust imho? With 2 OS that would be a beast! :slight_smile:
Scared to touch it.



Happy New Year! We have been busy brainstorming ideas for potential buffs to unique items as they are still completely outclassed by runewords and go mostly unused by players, which is a shame as they have some beautiful artwork. We have gathered and compiled ideas from many members of this community. We would be estatic if given the opportunity to test these ideas in the PTR for the betterment of D2R. Thanks for consideration!

With previous discussions, here are the updates to the OP…

Boneweave Boots
Defense: 164-204
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 118
Durability: 16
+170-200% Enhanced Defense
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+1-2 To Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)
+10-20 To Strength
+17 To Dexterity
Regenerate Mana 10%
Heal Stamina Plus 10%
Half Freeze Duration
Level 33 Bone Prison (13 Charges)
Level 12 Life Tap (10 Charges)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1-2 To Raise Skeletal Mage (Necromancer Only)
    • Change Dexterity from +17 to +20
    • Change Life Tap Charges from 10 to 30
    • Change Bone Prison Charges from 13 to 36
    • Change Half Freeze Duration to Cannot Be Frozen

Demonhide Boots
Defense: 94-105
Durability: 12
Required Strength: 20
Required Level: 29
5% To Cast Level 8 Blaze When Struck
+20% Faster Run/Walk
Adds 12-33 Fire Damage
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
+10% to Maximum Fire Resist
Fire Resist +30%
40-70% Extra Gold from Monsters
+2 to Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Blaze Level from 8 to 16
    • Change Blaze Cast from 5% to 15%
    • Change Fire Damage from 12-33 to 33-66

Goblin Toe
Light Plated Boots
Defense: 33-34
Required Level: 22
Required Strength: 50
Durability: 18
+50-60% Enhanced Defense
+25% Chance of a Crushing Blow
-1 To Light Radius
Damage Reduced By 1
Magic Damage Reduced By 1
+15 Defense

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +10-15% Faster Run/Walk
    • Change Light Radius from -1 to -2

The Face of Horror
Defense: 34-52
Required Level: 20
Required Strength: 23
Durability: 20
+25 Defense
+50% Damage To Undead
Hit Causes Monsters to Flee +50%
All Resistances +10
+20 To Strength

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 1 Open Socket
    • Change All Resistances from +10 to +15
    • Change Damage To Undead from +50% to +100%

Darksight Helm
Defense: (77-282)
Required Level: 38
Required Strength: 82
Durability: 30
+2-198 Defense
6% To Cast Level 3 Dim Vision When Struck
Level 5 Cloak of Shadows (30 Charges)
Cannot Be Frozen
Fire Resist +20-40%
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
-4 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Cloak of Shadows
    • Add 1-2 Open Sockets
    • Remove Cloak of Shadows Charges
    • Change Dim Vision Cast from 6% to 15% and from When Struck to On Striking

Veil of Steel
Spired Helm
Defense: 396
Required Level: 73
Required Strength: 192
Durability: 60
+60% Enhanced Defense
+140 To Defense
All Resistances +50
+15 To Strength
+15 To Vitality
-4 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +30% Increased Attack Speed
    • Remove -4 To Light Radius

Death Cleaver
Berserker Axe
One-Hand Damage: (79-91) To (234-269)
Required Level: 70
Required Strength: 138
Required Dexterity: 59
Durability: 26
Axe Class – Fast Attack Speed
+230-280% Enhanced Damage
+40% Increased Attack Speed
-33% Target Defense
+66% Deadly Strike
+6-9 Life After Each Kill

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 15 To Minimum Damage
    • Change Enhanced Damage from +230-280% to +250-300%

Continue with rings and amulets.

That´s to much for me on a ring. I would not make it an soj or bk rival. If we want to add that to an ring, wisp seems pretty random (it a specialist).

  • I´d rather buff all charges with 5-10 lvl higher
  • and lightning on striking from lvl 16 changed to chain lightning lvl 25 or even higher.
  • req. lvl from 76 > 65-70
  • add maybe +50 mana
  • removing MF optional (of theme imho)

Would also increase lvl 5 oak sage tol lvl 20 and lower req. level to 65. Would be a viable end game ring then (and not only for Nihlathak)!




And increase lvl of pnova from 10 to 25 (lvl 10 without synergies is next to nothing right?).
Same with Twister. Lvel 13 >20-25

Then good imho.

Per kill is triggered with trasp as well right? Then I´m in. Is it still enough and viable? Never used it. Would need +1 All Skills imho to favoured in that slot?


The strenght is nice. But chance to blocking is a bit of theme and not enough I would say? Add 25 MF for finding fortunes in moria?

How about:

  • add 5% max fire res
  • and/or add +40 fire res

Then it would be nice for all fires, sunder chars.

+10 ISA ist nice and good. Done!


Is the cold duration visable? Otherwise done!

Not on the OP:

Manald Heal
LVL 15

4-7% Mana Stolen Per Hit (varies)
Replenish Life +5-8 (varies)
Regenerate Mana 20%
+20 To Life

  • add + 10-20 Stammina
  • add + 10-20 Mana
  • change +20 life to 10-20 life

When you find one every 5 minutes, it should be at least usefull early. And may roll, that you would not charsi every manald and keep at least a “good” rolled one.


Magic Damage Reduced By 3
+50-75 To Attack Rating (varies)
Attacker Takes Damage of 3*
15-30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (varies)

  • change +50-75 AR to +50-100

Nagel is used somethimes but could boost (underperforming) melee a bit without changing any meta?

Bul-Kathos’ Wedding Band
LVL 58

+1 To All Skills

  • (0.5 Per Character Level) 0-49 To Life (Based On Character Level)
    3-5% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
    +50 Maximum Stamina

BK already super good. But would like to bring it a little bit close to an soj.

What do you think on changing life per lvl from 0,5 to 0,75 and add +100 AR? Or does it go crazy with battle orders then?

So…enough for today. What are you opinions on those?

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There is actually no interaction with Battle Orders. Battle Orders calculates before Life per Level.

I have not fully caught up on all the adjustments but will probably take another look through this weekend.


Hey, would be awesome! :fire: :fire: :fire:

May I ask you to go through items class by class. Maybe it´s only a problem for me, but was hard to keep an overview when jumping through the different itmen groups. When I went through, I spent ages to collect all the open discussions within the last posts of everybody (took ages ) :roll_eyes:

But I guess we made great progress all together! Thx gents!

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Thats great to hear! We can always use another pair of eyes to provide valuable feedback. :slight_smile:

With previous discussions, here are the updates to the OP…

Required Level: 81
+400-450 To Attack Rating
Level 22 Iron Golem (11 Charges)
Level 12 Iron Maiden (20 Charges)
All Resistances +25-35
+300-350 Defense

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Golem Mastery
    • Change Iron Golem Level from 22 to 40

Wisp Projector
Required Level: 76
10% To Cast Level 16 Lightning On Striking
Lightning Absorb 10-20%
10-20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level 7 Spirit of Barbs (11 charges)
Level 5 Heart of Wolverine (13 charges)
Level 2 Oak Sage (15 charges)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Required Level from 76 to 71
    • Change Oak Sage Level from 2 to 7
    • Change Spirit of Barbs Level from 7 to 12
    • Change Heart of Wolverine Level from 5 to 10

Nature’s Peace
Required Level: 69
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
Prevent Monster Heal
Poison Resist +20-30%
Damage Reduced by 7-11
Level 5 Oak Sage (27 charges)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +3-5% To Max Poison Resist
    • Add +3-5% To Max Fire Resist
    • Add +3-5% To Max Cold Resist
    • Add +3-5% To Max Lightning Resist
    • Remove Poison Resist +20-30%
    • Change Required Level from 69 to 64
    • Change Oak Sage Level from 5 to 15

The Rising Sun
Required Level: 65
+2 To Fire Skills
2% To Cast Level 13-19 Meteor When Struck
0-74 Fire Absorb (Based On Character Level)
Adds 24-48 Fire Damage
Replenish Life +10
+4 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add -5-10% To Enemy Fire Resist
    • Change Meteor Cast from 2% to 8%
    • Change Fire Damage from 24-48 to 72-144

Seraph’s Hymn
Required Level: 65
+2 To All Skills
+1-2 To Defensive Auras (Paladin Only)
+20-50% Damage To Demons
+150-250 To Attack Rating Against Demons
+20-50% Damage To Undead
+150-250 To Attack Rating Against Undead
+2 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change from +1-2 Defensive Auras to +1-2 Offensive Auras (Paladin Only)

Atma’s Scarab
Required Level: 60
5% To Cast Level 2 Amplify Damage On Striking
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
+40 Poison Damage Over 4 seconds
Poison Resist +75%
+3 To Light Radius
Attacker Takes Damage of 5

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Poison Damage from +40 to +400 Over 4 Seconds

Carrion Wind
Required Level: 60
10% To Cast Level 10 Poison Nova When Struck
8% To Cast Level 13 Twister On Striking
6-9% Life Stolen Per Hit
+100-160 Defense vs. Missiles
Poison Resist +55%
10% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
Level 21 Poison Creeper (15 Charges)

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Twister Level from 13 to 25
    • Change Poison Nova Level from 10 to 20
    • Change Poison Nova Cast from When Struck to On Striking

Bul-Kathos’ Wedding Band
Required Level: 58
+1 To All Skills
0-49 To Life (Based On Character Level)
3-5% Life Stolen Per Hit
+50 Maximum Stamina

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +150 To Attack Rating
    • Change Life from 0-49 to 0-74 (0.75 Per Clvl)

Crescent Moon
Required Level: 50
10% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+45 To Mana
3-6% Life Stolen Per Hit
11-15% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Magic Damage Reduced By 10
-2 To Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +1 To All Skills
    • Add +10% Faster Cast Rate
    • Change 3-6% Life Stolen to Per Kill
    • Change 11-15% Mana Stolen to Per Kill

Saracen’s Chance
Required Level: 47
10% To Cast Level 2 Iron Maiden When Struck
All Resistances +15-25
+12 To All Attributes

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add 10% Increased Chance of Blocking
    • Change 10% To Cast Level 2 Iron Maiden When Struck to 10% To Cast Level 2 Life Tap On Striking

Dwarf Star
Required Level: 45
+40 to Life
+40 Maximum Stamina
Heal Stamina Plus 15%
Fire Absorb 15%
Magic Damage Reduced By 12-15
100% Extra Gold From Monsters

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +5-10 To Strength
    • Add Fire Resist +25%
    • Add +15-20% To Magic Find
    • Remove +40 Maximum Stamina
    • Remove Heal Stamina Plus 15%

The Mahim-Oak Curio
Required Level: 25
+10 Defense
+10% Enhanced Defense
+10% Bonus To Attack Rating
+10 to All Resistances
+10 To All Attributes

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +10% Increased Attack Speed

The Eye of Etlich
Required Level: 15
+1-5 To Light Radius
+1 To All Skills
3-7% Life Stolen Per Hit
Adds (1-2) to (3-5) Cold Damage
Cold Duration: 2-10 Seconds
+10-40 Defense vs. Missiles

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add Half Freeze Duration
    • Change Cold Damage from (1-2)-(3-5) to (3-5)-(10-15)

Manald Heal
Required Level: 15
4-7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Replenish Life +5-8
Regenerate Mana 20%
+20 To Life

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Add +10-20 To Mana
    • Add +10-20 To Stamina
    • Change Life from +20 to +10-20

Nokozan Relic
Required Level: 10
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
Adds 3-6 Fire Damage
+10% to Maximum Fire Resist
Fire Resist +50%
+3 to Light Radius

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Fire Damage from 3-6 to 6-12

Required Level: 7
Magic Damage Reduced By 3
+50-75 To Attack Rating
Attacker Takes Damage of 3
15-30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items

  • Proposed Buffs:
    • Change Attack Rating from +50-75 to +50-100
1 Like

Very good! Like it!

You would leave lightning instead of chain lightning? Even when left at the same level? Level 16 L deals 1-207 dmg. That´s nothing on a lvl 76 iten imho. Lvl 16 chain lightning will hit 8 targets with 1-238 dmg (all on a non-sorc). Lvl 25 would be 10 targets with roughly 1-400 dmg. Lvl 16 lightning could be lvl 1 as well. Would´t make a difference then it would be only a gfx effect :slight_smile:

Still would like to discusse my propossed changes (or do I get something wrong, since we have been discussiong mighty +1 to all skills and the given rarety of wisp).

  • I´d rather buff all charges with 5-10 lvl higher
  • and lightning on striking from lvl 16 changed to chain lightning lvl 25 or even higher.
  • req. lvl from 76 > 65-70
  • add maybe +50 mana
  • removing MF optional (of theme imho)

Any thoughts to discusse?

Solid, done!

Did we change something over the last posts. This is just a confirmation of the last version in the OP right? Childe questions if -% to enemy res would be a “sundered charm inspiration” but, there was no really new suggestion right?

Same with both. No new proposal right?

Solid now. Done!

More then I ask for. :slight_smile: Super solid and really on par with soj imho. I just checkd rarety. SoJ has a higher drop chance (Andi Nm), but in hell both are same same. So that should be fine imho.

Thats now a real choice. Not OP, but viable and usable in far more builds. Great!

No change right? Done!

Solid! Done for me. Habu the other gents? Do you agree? Would love to here youre thoughts on this one!

No change. Done!

Like it now. What do you think (CharelesJT agrees I suppose :slight_smile: )? Whats about the others?

Not changing it to much. But offers now a solid alternativ for a longer use then a couple lvl or you are otherwise decked out already.

Reading all the second time I would be super happy to see these changes. Would be in my priority list directly after the elite armors! Thanks gents!


So go on with shield…but not that motivated here to contribute with the same passion :crazy_face:
Anyway I see a lot of work to be done here to compete with the RWs. Right now most are Charsi-Food:

Childe rated it :yellow_circle:. Im not so optimistic. First of all. I´ll hate req. level that are higher then what you have when typicially finish the game. Enhanced FD is good (roll 15-20% as well). Hydra on lvl 30 is a nice additon. Not sure if the max. fire res would help a lot and only if you´re not wearing a guardian angel already. Resist fire aura only ads if you have it active right? So not pointless :slight_smile:
The lack of any other resist (um will ad 22) does hurt imho. So either put somethin like 30@res or make it roll 1-2 os?

Proposed changes:

  • Required Level: 80 > 70
  • Change Fire Skill Damage from 15% to 15-20%
  • 1-2 OS or 25-35@res

Still a very niche item imho (could not find a single serious build for that now and it will compete with a phoenix in a +45@res paly shield and to some extend to exile and even a spirit). So we might need +palli skills and other mods. But better then now ofc.

Is +15 DS enough to create new opportunities here? Lacking res and skills? No competitions to a HoZ. So we might need boost ED or add CB? Required Level: 77 should be more like 70?

Im with Childe that I don´t see a viable build using it. Would boost 10% lvl 15 nova when struck to a higher level. Lvl 15 without any synergies doenst work for any char not beeing a sorc (dmg 96-145 at lvl 15). So might be worth thinking about -15% light res on enemies and put nova on lvl 30? The LL is not supporting sorcs. But other chars can only benefit a bit. Maybe we need to ad thunder storm when striking as well (maybe 5% and lvl 20 would be only 208-315 but for 600 seconds). Lower resist should be more like lvl 15 (52 seconds and -60%).

Required Level: 75 again should be 70 or less. 3 OS opens up some niche cases. The life after each kill with 5-7 is nice, but should be higher to make it end-game viable (maybe 10-15). Then it could be :yellow_circle:

Childe sets a point how multi-aura itmens should be evaluated. So we changed it to a higher ATD (right?). Or did I miss something? Given a roll with 2 OS some niche builds would have to be found. Gerke’s might be still the better option (but thats only for a mana shied sorc relevant right now). How about to add +1 All skills as well?

Can´t see an application here like Childe. + magic skills and magic absorb doesn´t exist right now (right). So new mechanic, what makes it a lot of work for the devs an the quality assurance team. But might be a pvp thing to be evalutated. I might just lower req a lot and then it might get a midgame application (Required Level: 68 > 55-60).

Better but not decent. Maybe we need to increase cast weaken to (8-10% and lvl 15 ; lvl 5 lasts 24 seconds and -37% dmg, lvl 15 would put that to 48 seconds and -47% and should cast enought to stay on 75% of the enemies active)?


Like it for an necro. But not sure if it still can compete with the necro shields. Trangs needs to have 3 pieces, so no competition here really. But it would not work for a poison ama. How about adding +20 FRW to help the amazon using it?

This one I like and could see some use besides a mana shield sorc. But the one OS is just convenience not bringing it to lazurk. How about 2 OS (not 1-2 since it has already a lot of rolls on it). So you cover a lot of res an the shield alone, what would opens up more options on the rest of the gear if you smash 2x Um in it? Could see that on a paly. But we should evaluate if thats will be a problem to pvp now?

Already discussed in detail. Like it now. Maybe we have here too many rolls. Finding a good one would be a mission. So maybe we change skills from 1-2 to 2 or at least energy?

Good! Could see that beeing used mid-game! Done! Solid mid-level :yellow_circle:

Solid mid-game. No choise later, but thats totally fine. Dropchange in NM is okay.

Solid till you get a Lidless! :green_circle: imho in low to mid-levels.

Good for early and Andi-Runs in Normal. Done and :yellow_circle:

Done! :yellow_circle:

Solid melee shield for lvl 15. Done :green_circle:

We need to talk especiall on those ones imho.

  • Dragonscale
  • Alma Negra
  • Medusa’s Gaze
  • Head Hunter’s Glory
  • Spike Thorn
  • Spirit Ward
  • Blackoak Shield

What are you thoughts?

Anyhow, that would be a massiv improvement as well and creates real competionen with the spirit, splendor, rhyme and ancient’s pledge . Within my top 4-8 of needed updates.