[Classic] The Shared Stash

If you don’t play classic, why do you care? Go play expansion and be happy.

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Maybe they can take little steps and appease several crowds at once …

  1. Give classic the shared stash as well … gives classic crowd a lil love
  2. Make hostility mutual … gets rid of player harassment in HC & gives those that pretend pvp their desires
  3. Move cain back to his spot in Act 5 … for everyone
  4. Reseparate the realms … won’t stop bots, but will surely curtail asia’s bombardment of the realms as they are with bots/spambots … this will also make it harder on botters/RMT’rs to pawn off their ill gotten wares … revert back to: USWest, USEast, Europe, and the other one … asia … this will also help with in-game communication issues amongst players …
  5. Revert chat back to the way it was … allows for individual channels for clans/run meet-ups, class chat, etc … as well as helps alleviate having just one channel absolutely polluted with spam bots from Asia
  6. for the SP’s that wish to play with other real people but don’t trust online servers and botnet’s absolute intrusion into their personal PC’s … reinstate TCP/IP [just NOT open bnet] … maybe make it so you need one copy of game to run on botnet and another to run SP/TCP-IP? Just fishing here …

This will save server space, allow the players to have an unlimited blocklist [like we had for many years]. This is yet another way to fight spambots from the players end and require less company involvement and use of interns. This in itself will appease 90%+ of the players online. [bobby-boy & crew will HATE this, lmao!]

That’s 7 pretty easy fixes to appease a LOT of players. Most on which is simply reverting/undoing what was done by “those that were in charge”. These should be pretty easy from the company’s end.

… NOW. That’s a bit of luv for everyone, right? Buys them some time to decide what they intend to do with us, allows us some sprinkle of love and attention? Everyone would be happy for a lil bit, at least???

You know, undo every damned thing that bobby-boy & crew “messed” up!!!

And I still advocate for getting rid of those 2 arrogant, self-centered, “persons” with chips on their shoulders that totally dissed your entire paying constituency with their holier-then-thou, condescending public remarks! They are bad for business. [“You do have cell phones, don’t you?”] [“You don’t want that, trust me.”] [As if I need someone to tell me how to play my games or to dare think I might know what I want! And I actually bought & play the game. I doubt they do.]

What say you?


Begin onslaught of attacks and post flags by RMT’rs/botters/hackers/cheaters & bobby-boy fanbois! [which are mostly employees disguised as real players]

… in 3 … 2 … 1 … GO!


OK, OK, I feel ya and I get ya … sorry.

At least there are more Classic players than there are “pvp’ers”

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