Charakters gone!

Same here, I clicked on “identification” for my items and got a DC while Cain tried to look @ my crappy yellow axt. → Couldnt move for 2 min → main menu char gone.

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same here, after try to identify item with Cain my char online is gone!

Same here. identifying wiht deckard and get a Messege : “Confirming Transaction pls wait.” and then the Game crashes and all Onlinechars are gone. Not one, but all

now there is a normal response on logging in… but when i click the ‘online’ tag, it shows… logging to battlenet and failed connection…

The same problem here. I lost all my chars.

  • When the character was lost? 12.10.2021 / 3pm (CET+1)
  • When you last played it? 11.10.2021 / 11pm (CET+1)
  • If you are referring to an Online or Offline character? Online
  • If you have double checked the Online and Offline tab (the option is in the top right corner of the screen, above the character list)? Yes
  • The class of the character that you’ve lost? Barb (75) / Sorc (1) / Pala (1)
  • The platform you were playing on (PC or console, and if so which one)? PC

In case you haven’t realized it, this has been occuring every day around the same time for the past 4 days. When your characters are gone, you can’t even create a new character to get online to play (BNET down for D2R). Your characters are not gone, once BNET is restored (probably 5-8hrs from now ._.) your characters will all be there.

No need to worry, worst case scenario if you were playing when it went down then your character may be rolled back slightly.

  • When the character was lost? 12.10.2021 / 3pm (CET+1)
  • When you last played it? 12.10.2021 / 3pm (CET+1)
  • If you are referring to an Online or Offline character? Online
  • If you have double checked the Online and Offline tab (the option is in the top right corner of the screen, above the character list)? Yes
  • The class of the character that you’ve lost? Barb (67) / Necro (74)
  • The platform you were playing on (PC or console, and if so which one)? PC

BNET for D2R is down, you aren’t missing anything.

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Sorry for your losses… And with any luck you’ll get your character back… However many do not… Many just lose them and blizz won’t restore them. Here is what blizz says about restoring characters… even if they are the ones that deleted them…