Charakters gone!

Logged in and all Charakters are gone.


Same here all online characters are gone…


I am also experiencing this issue, was okay just a couple hours ago… Logged in just now and all characters are gone.

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Me too…At first cannot connect to server then all online character are gone… Lol

Same here. That was not happening in the old version for 10 years of gaming but now. Congratulations.

was stucked at communicating with server for identifying with deckard cain… relog the game to find the all characters missing… thank you blizzard, i am done with u


@loke same here. Was at Cain

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Hi! i had 3 character in D2Resurrected…i had a disconecction from server…when i went back all of my Online characters just gone…there were a lvl 33 barbarian at nightmare, lvl 67 druid at hell. and a Sorcerrer lvl 50…what can i do to get them back?

Same problem happened to me

me too…same here, after a baal run the game broke and now all characters are gone

Same here @loke. Was just identifying with cain and then booted from the game. Log in to find everything gone.

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I just lost my characters too…

Same problem, got laggy, → cain chat → got logout → no characters

I was at Cain too, Its a sorcerer, dont speak with him anymore…

my character gone

  • When the character was lost, and/or when you last played it–12.10.2021 9.30am gmt+0
  • If you are referring to an Online or Offline character–ONLINE
  • If you have double checked the Online and Offline tab (the option is in the top right corner of the screen, above the character list)–YES
    The class of the character that you’ve los–Druid 82-83
  • The platform you were playing on (PC or console, and if so which one)–PC

and the cube doesn’t work

Same here, online characters are gone

havent speak to cain and used scrolls, same :slight_smile:

Same here for a few days now!!! What are we supposed to do?


i was thinking there is a server issue… which made us hang at cain with identifying stuffs…
and i noticed that now there’s a huge lag/response/communication time gap when trying to relog in again several times…seems more likely of char calling response timeout and show us empty char list instead of kicking us or tagging an explanation