shouldnt blizz have a HA server setup given the amount of cash they reap in?
Can you fix this like now i dont get long to play…
All my characters just disappeared
Same for me. The game just crashed and when i reconnect, all of my characters disappeared…
Is this being worked on or what Blizz? Its Sunday and we’re ready to freakin play…
yea it litterly happened to everyone the servers are down so there def working on it
All mine are gone again.
servers are down so u never connected so u dont see ur chars
Bet we’ll have some nasty rollbacks… just had the base for my merc’s insight before the crash. I’m gonna lose it…
when servers are up we will all have are stuff
All my characters are gone. I also can’t log into the server.
3rd time within 48 hours what is it weekend rushhour servers limited?? how u supose to to do long runs with all that rollback in your neck rly annoying!
Pray they come back… Some do… Some don’t… I won’t play a game where I can lose my time so easily… I already did once… Here is what they told me about missing chars/items.