Characters disappeared

all 4 of my online characters have disappeared, they were there 30 minutes ago.
they were online characters, i didnt delete them or my offline characters
europe server


Same problem for me …

All my characters have disappeared on US server

Same - all online toons have disappeared.

All of my characters have disappeared. Logged in and out of bnet application multiple times.

Maybe they will launch the ladder now.

Same issue here on USA server

Literally same problem here in EU server, my character is gone

Having the same issue. US region.

Same for me US Server

Same for me Europe server

nach speichern und beenden und wieder Neu starten, erst schwarzer Bildschirm und dann alle Chars (7 stück) weg, EU-Server

Same for me on US server

My character gone too. EU server

2 of my online character are gone.
One was level 70-71 sorceress hell mode, i don’t have any offline characters.
Today i went to character creation screen, clicked on necromancer, then without typing his name, i have clicked to go back, exit game. After starting game again all of my online characters are removed, Could you please bring them back? (EU region).

i had created like 8 online characters online they all disapeared i want them back pls is there a fix or a cloud save for this in bnet?

Me too. US Server. My sorceress just disappeared. Given how many of us a reporting it, maybe it’s a server issue?! I hope they can bring all our characters back

Again … after the quick shut down yesterday thankfully my characters reappeared now again… sad … they disappeard after a random crash when trying to log in online bnet D2R no Characters shown idk what is it cus savegames on computer all there …

Same here… please do something to fix your servers…

Same just crashed, and now all chars are gone